Well on your point about coming to Ukraines aid in any meaningful way, I would disagree to an extent. We in the West lost sight of the long term strategic goal of the US is remaining the sole superpowewr. The Black Sea, which Russia uses to project its power in the Mediterranean, has for centuries been a flashpoint between Russia and its competitors such as Turkey, France, Britain and the United States. Asking whether Australia will sell us a handful of their Block II Harpoons; the practical solution to the (cancelled) interim AShM requirement? Anti-air systems appear to be a weakness for Ukraine which might be something that the US should focusRead more . The military ship activated its AIS tracker on Wednesday at 10am, making it visible on real-time marine traffic tracker. Special Forces, or a couple of thousand US Marines or Paratroopers. On Wednesday, the State Departmentapprovedthe transfer of U.S.-made missiles from Baltic NATO members to Ukraine. As the region is already occupied by pro-Russian separatists, and has been in a state of war since 2014, it was believed it would offer little resistance. On 19 July 2020, another explosion hit a power plant in Isfahan Province. No they didnt. Our potential foes are very clever and will exploit gaps. I think ill have a drink now. NSM is able to navigate by GPS, inertial and terrain reference systems. Any commander in defence now has Russian forces to the North, East, South and West; it could all get very tasty. [1/6]British Royal Navy's Type 45 destroyer HMS Defender is docked in the Black Sea port of Odessa, Ukraine June 18, 2021. Warships belonging to the Russian Northern Fleet have sailed through the English Channel in a routine and lawful passage through British waters. It will take them at least a decade to begin to get off Putins apron strings. TheRead more . Boris take a private plane back to London from a climate summit in order to get to a party thrown by a conservative party donor .. is that not more irritating than a child asking the adults toRead more , the swedes attitude to defence equipment and production is very good. An good opportunity knoks coming soon, to sink the Russian fleets in the Med, lol!! The target selection technology provides NSM with a capacity for independent detection, recognition, and discrimination of targets at sea or on the coast. F35 will be able to carry 8 of these missiles internally. The Telegraph values your comments but kindly requests all posts are on topic, constructive and respectful. Very old school looking set up and equipment. Historical connections with Lvov/Lviv arguably Polish for some. He is testing NATO unity and Bidens willingness to risk the wrath of those voters while knowing any faltering step in those voters eyes be it commitment of weakness will bring back a Trump style Govt withRead more , I do wonder if another motivating factor could be something more base than that. By teatime at least during the cold War the surface arm of the RN was given 7 days before lights out 6 days more than the RAF , only the Army faired better indefinitely if resupplied ? And in the Western Military District, a missile regiment armed with S-400 Triumf mobile, surface-to-air missile system conducted electronic launches at a range in Leningrad region. There was a table top exercise done by the Navy back in the late 80s. The Royal Navy said it is tracking the frigate and the tanker movements with an HMS Portland frigate, as it could carry what is considered to be one of the world's deadliest weapons. I apologize if you took offense with my tone, its not my normal voice. Also Congress now has the Trump White House documents related to Jan 6. The Ivan Gren-class can transport 40 BTRs or IFVs and 300 troops. This is howRead more , Thats reassuring.Thanks. faster working shipyards would help. It is certainly andy reeves again! All quotes delayed a minimum of 15 minutes. The jams at US West Coast ports have been due to the global supply chain being out of whack. Perhaps all they want is a buffer zone with no NATO assets in sight? And it will be forthcoming if I am wrong as I hope yours will be in reverse. [However] when youre up against a determined opponent on the battlefield you have to go close and personal with your enemy. Working hard for your Master Putin, Hay! You must have access to a higher level of intel than me then. Akin to RAF doing away with Meteor, ASRAAM and sticking to Mauser. Whats the Latin 50% because decimate is only 1 in 10 (10%). The only ones being childish are the politicians, the oil industry and those that choose to ignore reality. At talks this week with the United States and NATO, Russia has sought security guarantees to defuse the crisis. Military analysts said even if it overwhelmed Ukraine's army, which is half the size of its own, Russia could face guerrilla-type resistance, making it hard to hold on to captured territory. It does not stop Russia interfering in/invading Ukraine. Its not as easy as it seems, accurately targeting the correct vessel in high shipping density waters. Prime Minister Boris Johnson said the British warship, which was travelling from the Ukrainian port of Odessa to the Georgian port of Batumi, was acting in accordance with the law and had been in international waters. Yep scapegoating the most powerful National leader in the world because his big stupid plan is tell the Russians he wont militarily defend the Ukraine. Most likely require a supplementary MoD budget? Two weeks ago nearly a dozen warships and combat aircraft from Russias Northern, Baltic and Black Sea fleets gave a show of force in the waters off the British and Irish coasts General Sir Nick Carter has said. Ill also add American Democrats have a strong distaste for Putin starting roughly in early 2017 when US intelligence agencies determined Russia helped elect Trump. Ill think you well find Im disagreeing with a nut job who thinks Salisbury was a UK government conspiracy lol. This service is provided on News Group Newspapers' Limited's Standard Terms and Conditions in accordance with our Privacy & Cookie Policy. Id still bet the Poles will be doing a lot of footwork on how to help the Ukrainians. @RoyalNavy ships @hms_tyne and @HMSDragon have escorted three Russian warships through the North Sea and English Channel as part of a unified response with allies. Germany was starved to death in WW1 by the blockade of the North sea and WW2 bomber command destroyed its industrial might. Two weeks ago nearly a dozen warships and combat aircraft from Russia's Northern, Baltic and Black Sea fleets gave a "show of force in the waters off the British and Irish coasts" General . But T31 isnt designed or intended to be a high end anti submarine Frigate, more a general purpose Frigate for more day to day operations ,anti piracy ect but capable enough to operate as part of a task group. Morning Douglas. The Turks the bosphorous cutting off vital Shipping routes to Russia. Dissapointed in Macron, but cant say im surprised. If allowed to go unchecked, this will only serve to embolden both Putin and Xi, so interesting times ahead for all of us. Europe could and should commit itself to being more than a match for Russia if it had the balls. 'Clearly the preferable path, clearly the most responsible path and the one that we would prefer, but there is also the path if Russia chooses to renew aggression, of conflict, confrontation and consequences for Russia,' Blinken said. Reuters provides business, financial, national and international news to professionals via desktop terminals, the world's media organizations, industry events and directly to consumers. And if we enter a shooting war with Russia. The politicians have finally realised that imposing cuts on manpower and platform numbers relentlessly for the last 70 years has led to a navy that is too small to fully fulfil its Gobal Britain role. In this second scenario NATO troops/aircraft dont even need to be in Ukraine thereby making it difficult for Putin to complain. It was/would cost a big chunk of their budget to keep them operational and safe. Hi mate. He sees weakness and disharmony and a split America with half the voters seeing thier Country as an island totally ignorant of what losing Europe would mean to the US position in the World. In his annual Defence speech, General Sir Nick Carter also said it was 'too early to plot the demise of the tank'. Russia seized and annexed the Crimea peninsula from Ukraine in 2014 and considers areas around its coast to be Russian waters. Several missiles now fit the bill, but you still need to get round the issue of targeting information before you send it/them on their way. The Russian ships' 'highly irregular' movements sparked Swedish authorities to deploy hundreds of troops and armoured vehicles to the island of Gotland. I think so. 'Also, if he just occupies the eastern regions he will never be able to take back the whole of Ukraine because of the inevitable strengthening of Ukrainian forces in the remainder of the country in the aftermath. pic.twitter.com/NDzRz2MwqU, Ministry of Defence (@DefenceHQ) January 21, 2022. Romania, in particular, has sounded the alarm over Russian activities in the waterway, and has gone on a $10 billion spending spree since 2014, buying U.S. F-16s, rocket artillery and advanced. On western side it was concern that with the post Soviet economic collapse theyd end up in very dodgy countries hands. I see a German Navy Chief had to resign tonight, for making pro Russian comments. Biden-BIG disappointment. Im for one are hoping cool heads prevail. What sonar or anti submarine equipment will t31 possess? The Russian ships sheltered from bad weather within the Baie de Seine, Northern France, where Severn was joined by allied French navy ships and aircraft. 'We're now at a stage where Russia could at any point launch an attack in Ukraine, and what Secretary Blinken is going to go do is highlight very clearly there is a diplomatic path forward. Australia just signed an agreement with UK Defense minister to dedicate Wharf and logistics to readily accommodate Royal Navy ships basing them selves there . If I see him Ill ask. A fleet of Russian warships and fighter jets, including the flagship aircraft carrier the Admiral Kuznetsov, has reached the North Sea and is headed for the English Channel, the UK's Ministry of . Most of its armour is 25+ years old, its tube artillery is a similar age and is seriously out ranged by modern Russian systems and they have just announced a cut in numbers to about 75,000..! I think you overestimated Russias economy Ivan , its smaller than that nutty economy of Italys lol. Hi Robert. I am very much older than 25 and I find her far more grown up than most actual grown ups. Purely theoretical, but just imagine Putin had deployed military units to Iraq in 2002/2003 as peacekeepers and to secure WMD. It said: "The crew of the frigate 'Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union Gorshkov' conducted an air defense exercise in the Norwegian Sea. Blocking the straits is a far cry than just a few drone attacks. if 25% could actually get out of harbour before breaking down! As for unvaccinated drivers not being allowed to cross, well who wouldnt want to keep the chronically stupid out of their country? Sean, Where is this wharf in Australia? The talks between the two diplomats came just a day after Russia unveiled plans for naval drills involving more than 140 warships and more than 60 aircraft, seen as a show of strength. There are plenty of other tough choices we need to make in order to solve climate change, I know but what really gets my goat, are the people who whi ge about C C then drive their kids to school, in those bloody 44 SUVs and the School is within walking distance. Iran if anything will be taking the opportunity to cause issues whilst US attention is firmly off the region. This was of course totally unrelated to his dad, then VP, having a say on loan money going into Ukraine. The oil tanker Kama seems to have followed it, French media reported. During his meeting with Zelensky today, Blinken reaffirmed the American commitment to his nation's sovereignty and said Ukraine had faced 'relentless aggression from Moscow' since the collapse of the Soviet Union. Im not entirely sure how/where you have Ur info ref Astutes having v limited Comms when dived from? As this is different from Davids comment below Ill go away and try to get some evidence. We printed something like 45 billion sterling to deal with the pandemic yet fail to commit to proper spending to save our own planet. Commander Ed Moss-Ward, HMS Portland's commanding officer, said: "Escorting warships in UK territorial waters and the adjacent sea areas is routine activity for the Royal Navy. A NATO coalition would see RN surface ships targeted first as the weakest AsUW link in the chain. History shows the wisdom of that comment, it was expressed by Montgomery slightly differently. And its theseRead more . However, the MoD has failed to reveal which, if any, of the existing equipment programmes will be cut to reduce the funding gap. Putin is getting old and hybrid warfare is fruitful but getting boring. Munich - Officially, Vladimir Putin's goal in the Ukraine war is still to denazify the neighboring country. But what if Russias is using the same effect in reverse. Mr Prystaiko also slammed Berlin for pushing ahead with the controversial Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline that will circumvent Ukraine. The huge explosion at the military complex of Parchin, 30 kilometers southeast Tehran. But more significantly, the conclusion was the Belgrano would have been pummelled by the sheer weight of accurate fire that both Blake and Tiger could put down. Ah, but at least the Brits flogged off some 60y/o CVR(T)s. Concussion will do too much damage. Yes China has been throwing money at increasing the capabilities and sheer size of its military in it race to become the worlds dominant hyper-power. , updated My point still stands EFP is a deterrent/trip wire force to prevent Russia thinking she has an option to interfere in those countries. kill chain is very complex to find, track, and then engage a warship at range that doesnt want to be shot at. The Royal Navy has shadowed nine Russian warships around the UK in the last two weeks alone - as Vladimir Putin increases his military presence in British waters. Wow so they first entered service about the same time as the Type 21s ! A senior State Department official said: 'This is neither an exercise nor normal troop movement. LOL Ivan you really are poster boy for Putin . You guys need more ships me thinks . This alone would send a message and along with the news that an Ohio class arsenal boat is currently sunning of Cyprus when normally the whereabouts is secret says alot. Its a gap that worries the ranks the most! Well they didnt of course and no sympathy was deserved . Criminal in the present circumstances which has been predictable for years that no effort to do so has been made. But why would Russia deployed troops in Iraq 2003 to save Despot Sadams skin? If NSM is good enough for USN & Germany its good enough for RN. I stand by my comments and time will tell. Trump kissing Putins ass in Helsinki infuriated a lot of Americans. Thanks Mark it just seems that the way that some outlets are reporting this ongoing story ,could in fact do more damage than good .As with some people on these threads ,that are goading eachother into what better weapons would do the most damage ,when the most destructive weapon is their Mouse/keyboard I know its just keyboard banter but my God theres some who really do want it too kick off. An armed Russian warship docked at a harbor in Cuba on Monday as Russia warned the U.S. against causing a repeat of the Cuban missile crisis. Yes he did, totally out of the blue and unqualified for the job Hunter turned up as a direcyor of Burisma, a Ukrainian gas company, on a juicy contract. Putin has been blowing smoke about NATO having significant forces in countries bordering Russia, but really they are minimal. Not sure how I forgot to put Estonia in my answer. The Sun website is regulated by the Independent Press Standards Organisation (IPSO), Our journalists strive for accuracy but on occasion we make mistakes. Several Squadrons of both Interceptor and Ground Attack aircraft from various NATO nations with beefed up on-ground defences and anti-aircraft units. "The Sun", "Sun", "Sun Online" are registered trademarks or trade names of News Group Newspapers Limited. That is doing it at hands length, other, more shouted about, is skimming money when still on post and that is an area Ukraine is expert in,Read more , With Russia claiming they arent going to invade, they objective maybe another country altogether. . THey may have a go at making life uncomfortable for the US there as well. The explosion inside an oxygen factory in the town of Bandar-e Mahshahr, south of Tehran. See today's front and back pages, download the newspaper, order back issues and use the historic Daily Express newspaper archive. Looking to impress on Moscow the need for de-escalation, he and Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov decided yesterday 'it would be useful' to meet in person on Friday in Geneva. Test capabilities. Trump was an idiot and poor president. "We can appeal to common sense, demand respect for international law, and if that doesn't work, we can bomb," Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov told Russian news agencies. To what end? The Defence Forces is monitoring a group of Russia warships which have been spotted acting unusually off the south of the country. Browse an unrivalled portfolio of real-time and historical market data and insights from worldwide sources and experts. It seems a good time to propose it in the commons. Clearly they have something on him-most probably a secret video of Trump in bed with some Russian beauty! George is on Twitter at @geoallison, Comments may automatically be held for moderation by our team, they will be approved as soon as possible in accordance with our. he said. "There is nothing unusual here: it is commonplace, but this time the ship is equipped with the latest hypersonic rocket system Zircon, which has no match. Putins Russia isnt anywhere nearly as big and powerful as the old Soviet military and couldnt go toe to toe with the US. Spot on Johnathan, nothing beats the smell of Cordite when doing a spread or up ladder SU shoot. NOT, should have out an archer. Stand by to be surprised. Sweden has also been reinforcing its forces on the island of Gotland in case the Russians attempt anything there. Russkie pension, weekly bucket of spuds and one litre of 2 stroke. With the US on side, it could even be a NATO contingent. Putin praised the ship's strength as it sailed off on its journey, saying: "The frigate Admiral Gorshkov is embarking on a long sea voyage. Russia plans to deploy KALIBR capability on all new design construction nuclear and non-nuclear submarines, corvettes, frigates, and larger surface ships. Although hailing the recent 24.1 billion uplift in Defence spending as reversing a long period of decline, General Carter did not say how much of the new money will fill the existing black hole of around 10 billion in the MoDs 10-year equipment budget. I'm sure there will be no decision about [Ukraine] without [Ukraine],' he wrote. Seems a bit left-field but the Swedes seem to be taking things seriously. How does that relate to this story? "Despite the increase in Russian activity, both on the surface and underwater, we are always ready to respond.". I would have personally expected more from an accomplished person such as Merkel and her predecessors in making sure there is no reliance on anything from a potential enemy, but as the Germans can be smart, they can be equally daft. Biden is shaping up to be just as bad and hopefully another 1-term wonder. However, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz said he may consider halting the pipeline if Moscow attacks. Murdaugh is heckled as he leaves court, Two Russian tanks annihilated with bombs by Ukrainian armed forces, Ukraine soldiers shoot down enemy drones with drones of their own, Dozens stuck in car park as staff refuses to open gate for woman, Missing hiker buried under snow forces arm out to wave to helicopter, Insane moment river of rocks falls onto Malibu Canyon in CA, Fleet-footed cop chases an offender riding a scooter, Isabel Oakeshott clashes with Nick Robinson over Hancock texts. But they need to be postured in way that showed the West meant business. Putin has huge domestic discontent for which the Ukraine crisis is a distraction. Giving his annual speech to the Royal United Services Institute, the Defence chief said: They are flexing their muscles in our own back yard with an ostentation they have not displayed since the Cold War. Should be a 10 year rule everything gets stored for at least 10 years in case needed. George has a degree in Cyber Security from Glasgow Caledonian University and has a keen interest in naval and cyber security matters and has appeared on national radio and television to discuss current events. Using it just to illustrate how the forward presence of US/Nato forces in Eastern Europe may or may not influence Russian decision making. NOTAMs will clear seaways fast, whilst the Falklands demonstrated the potency of AsUW back then. Will Stewart I have faith in the crews and TTPs, I have limited faith when the top brass dispense with offensive capabilities that the USN and every other major navy endorses. I cant imagine we would though, as it could cause an incident in the channel. I know Sean but she would certainly Grind Vlad Putin down, Thats true enough, she grinds me down and I accept the science behind climate change!! I pray it doesnt happen, but sheer negligence in thisRead more . Russia's warns Britain over navy confrontation, Raab: Russia being 'predictably inaccurate', Britain says it will always defend seafaring rights, Russia says London is sowing barefaced lies. Its the same with 90% of Russian kit. The proliferation of this capability within the new Russian Navy is profoundly changing its ability to deter, threaten or destroy adversary targets. No warning shots had been fired and no bombs had been dropped in the path of the Royal Navy destroyer Defender, it said. They have nothing to match it. Yes and who do you think gave them the green light. The Ukraininans particularly will give a good account of themselves. In such cluttered close waters, the 4.5 inch is probably the best weapon and only weapon you would need. Meanwhile, in a show of support for former Soviet republics, Defence Secretary Ben Wallace yesterday visited Latvia. I meant a small number combat troops postured to help the Ukranians defend themselves. Patrol ship HMS Tyne monitored two warships and an intelligence gathering vessel as they carried out replenishment operations with their supporting tanker. 2014-2021 UK Defence Journal, all rights reserved. One of Russia's newest, most advanced warships - the Admiral Gorshkov - docked in Havana some 90 miles from the southern tip of Florida, amid Russia's warnings to the U.S. about deploying missiles near Russia, the Associated Press reported Monday. 'The operatives are trained in urban warfare and using explosives to carry out acts of sabotage against Russia's own proxy forces. General Carter, who joined the Royal Green Jackets in 1977, has been head of the armed forces since June 2018. They may be old but the Russians have used some of them very hard on the Russia/Syria Syrian Express run. Chechen warlord 'seriously ill' but refuses to call Russian doctors over 'poison' fears Ramzan Kadyrov is the leader of Chechnya and a close confidant of Vladimir Putin A 4 ship of F35s could put 36 missiles into the target area from over 100km away with the advantage of stealth. Yes theyve probably done more to modernise than laggards such as Argentine or Germany, but in conventional terms the European members of NATO alone could militarily contain Russia without Americas help. I would say that is far more annoying than Greta who actually tries her best to practice what she preaches. Yes, have to agree, Gallipoli wasnt one of our finest ever ventures. Signalling to the Russian regime that we shall not tamely acquiesce should they escalate requires conventional hard power warships and aircraft as well as less conventional capabilities like cyber.