However, born citizens have a limit as to how many citizenships they can hold. I pay income tax in a foreign country. As well as, if I want to give my family, do I have to bring them with me to Dominican Republic, or its fine if its only me who will come? China, India, United Arab Emirates, and others do not allow dual citizenship with few exceptions. Personally, were not too concerned with social benefits. [1] These laws determine who is, or is eligible to be, a citizen of the Dominican Republic. Y2U2ZmJiMjU1NWFmOGNiMjA1YjM0ZDAzNGM2YWQyYWQzNmE5MjRjMTVlNGM0 You can keep your previous citizenship after becoming citizen of the Dominican Republic. - The Dominican Republic News Source in English, Av. Best of all, the Commonwealth of Dominica offers the cheapest citizenship by investment program in the world with reputable second passports starting at only $100,000 USD.UPDATE: The cost of citizenship in Dominica will remain unchanged until at least 2021. El Salvador: Yes: Only individuals who were born in El Salvador can keep their Salvadoran . Investors can be naturalized in one year. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. The Dominican constitution gives the children of Dominican parent's citizenship rights. It may take the form of contributing to the capital of a Dominican entity, a fixed term deposit, stocks or securities or even acquiring a real estate property. Nationality and Foreign Military Service. Abraham Lincoln N 452 Local 220B, Plaza La Francesa, Piantini, Santo Domingo, Active cases of Covid-19 in the country are reduced to 53, Six diseases that are a threat to health in the Domincan Republic, Public Health issues epidemiological alert against chikungunya, Obesity, the other epidemic in the Dominican Republic, Government affirms hospitals are in operation, Japan looks to Dominican Republic as a place to invest more, Tourism fair dedicated to the Dominican Republic in Colombia, Border Operation: Military allowed Haitians to enter the Dominican Republic for 300 pesos, After the earthquake in Turkey: Lawyers are filing complaints against Erdoan for killing. You will never counter any technical or administrative hassles while processing your application for the program. IRELAND ZDZlYTY4M2NhMGQ4Mjg0ZWI0ZmJkN2JjNmQwY2E5MWNhZDM4OTIxNjJlMjdj If youre wondering why you should consider having dual citizenship, heres how we see it. -----BEGIN REPORT----- As long as you are still a US citizen, you have to comply with US laws. CITIZENSHIP. Tano Bay received three cruise ships at the same time; for the first time. ", U.S. Not. The multiple benefits of Dominica economic citizenship include low taxes. How much does it cost for a single person and for a family? However, Cambodia is just one of many countries where you can get better access to rising markets as a citizen. For example, if a certain destination offers visa-free travel to country A and strict visa requirements for country B, it makes sense for a dual national to use country A's passport rather than country B's. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); document.getElementById( "ak_js_2" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); At the IMG they taking your money and put you hold for years. Although getting dual citizenship in Cambodia can be somewhat convoluted, it can be valuable if youre committed to investing in this emerging market. You must also pay a fee to apply for permanent residency and then another fee to file an application for citizenship. If youre interested in getting dual citizenship but arent quite sure where to start, click here. The Government of Dominica offers various fiscal incentives for entrepreneurs who wish to claim citizenship by investment to the country. , for example, gives you visa-free access to Brazil a country where US and Australian citizens are required to apply for visas in advance. Get a better understanding of dual citizenship taxes here. CZECH REPUBLIC ", U.S. Many countries that offer citizenship provide access to robust, first-rate healthcare systems with the capacity to fully support citizens through times of adversity. OWM0ZmYyMTYzMjVlNjVlN2UwMDgzZjAwNWJlNGQ2OWVjMmUxM2NjYmFiMzZi The Bahamas. Investopedia does not include all offers available in the marketplace. Filming in Dominica, Dominica Visa Requirements The DR does not require you to renounce citizenship of your country in order to obtain Dominican citizenship. If youre in your mid-30s and you plan to, in the Caribbean, perhaps you look at citizenship by investment opportunities on islands like, Although both countries currently have great. Not all countries permit dual citizenship. Dual citizens can receive the benefits and privileges offered by each country where they are a citizen. Free copying in on-line editions is allowed in case of saving the HTML-formatting "as-is" including this copyright. Fees: Persons over 18 years of age who are documented for the first time as having previously acquired U.S. citizenship pay $145.00 or the equivalent in pesos, in addition to the courier service that delivers the documents to any city within the Dominican Republic. The United States requires all dual citizens to enter on their U.S. passport. There are numerous benefits to dual citizenship, with Dominica being a particularly appealing place to hold a second citizenship. If you continue to use this site, you agree with it. These include generous tax holidays, import duty and tax waivers, and streamlined processes. It is not at all mandatory to reside in Dominican Republic when you are applying for citizenship, or even after the application process. With a second passport, you can spend unlimited time outside of the US and you can clearly establish residence abroad. If youre happy living your entire life and doing everything that you need to do in one country and you think that wont change anytime soon then you can probably pass on getting dual citizenship. Regardless of where you go, getting dual citizenship can help you gain early access to many emerging markets. For example, a treaty between the U.S. and New Zealand overrides the income tax laws of each country to avoid double taxation. Now, having just gotten off a Boeing 757, I was looking at a very long line of passengers. NjdhNzIwYTYxN2NiODdiNTBkZWFhYTQ1Njg4YzI5MzEzZDlhYjc4NDhmMDRm Answer: Unfortunately, in the year of 2011 the legislation of the Dominican Republic changed, and the fast track citizenship option is no longer available. BHUTAN* Economy. As we mentioned earlier, the majority of people interested in getting dual citizenship often want a second passport that improves their visa-free travel options. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". "N-400, Application for Naturalization. Questions Regarding Legal Procedure: Question: Can you please provide me with the full procedure of how can I obtain the Dominican Passport. Many Dominican parents that have obtained U.S. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Heres a list of thecountries that allow dual citizenship, ones that dont, and the easiest countries to get dual citizenship. "Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) About International Individual Tax Matters," Select "General FAQs: 1. MzljNWU0ZGVlMjZlZjk1MWEyMmZmN2RjMjI5MzFlOWZkOWE3YzQ3Nzc5MTY1 MONACO A concise list of business advantages is available below, but for more information, contact, Minimal taxation no wealth, gift, inheritance, foreign income, or capital gains tax, and no personal income tax for residents, Dominica is a signatory of double taxation treaties with the USA and the CARICOM, No restriction on repatriation of profits and imported capital, Great incentive packages including corporate tax incentives, full exemption from import duties, tax relief benefits, and export allowance, Dominicas currency, the East Caribbean dollar (XCD), is pegged to the US dollar (USD) at a fixed rate, Duty-free access to several markets across the Caribbean, Government of the Commonwealth of Dominica, Applying for Citizenship by Investment of Dominica, Consulate of the Commonwealth of Dominica. US citizens looking to reduce their US tax obligation will thus need to move abroad to claim the Foreign Earned Income Exclusion (FEIE), which exempts the first around $112,000 per person from their income from US taxes. Beautiful tropical climate all year round and pristine nature. Under US tax laws, all citizens are obligated to pay tax on their worldwide income even if their primary residence is abroad. With a second passport, you can spend unlimited time outside of the US and you can clearly establish, abroad. only provides self-help services in connection with obtaining dual citizenship. OTgxNDM4MGMwZWM1OGU1YzUyMTkwNjJkZTJiMmQyNjAwODdmOWM1MGFmMWM3 MONTENEGRO SURINAME Another benefit of dual citizenship is the ability to own property in either country. The US government will certainly not agree with you on that. You might want to obtain citizenship in a country that will offer great schools and other social programs to your children. One of the biggest benefits of dual citizenship in general is the increased number of countries you can visit without needing a visa. It gives you an exit strategy in case of government nonsense, and it allows you to cut ties when necessary to go where youre treated best. You can check out the nearest Junta Central Electora office in your area here. Proudly powered by WordPress. Travel Advisory during Covid-19, Application for Employment(PDF) Citizenship and Immigration Services. There is no need to worry on this aspect as the passport of Dominican Republic allows you to retain the citizenship of your home country, besides having the newly acquired citizenship of Dominican Republic, without any clash of interests. ABOUT US The country offers a wealth of new opportunities and experiences, including: Full residence status including working rights, Joining a global community that transcends Dominicas land borders, Minimal taxation, with no wealth, gift, inheritance, foreign income, or capital gains tax, The ability to hold multiple citizenships. Normal naturalization period is two years. Suppose youre an Australian citizen who lives tax-free in Vanuatu, and the Australian government decides to rope you back into its tax net with new regulations. YTU2Y2U0MDEyMjI0MDZmOGNkNzU5ZjhkYzQzNmJjYWE0MzdiNTZkYzRjOGQw BELGIUM Apply for Citizenship Apply for a Consular Report of Birth Abroad (CRBA) for a child under 18 born outside the United States Apply for acquisition of U.S. citizenship as an adult Apply for your first U.S. passport as an adult if you were born in the United States or already hold U.S. citizenship Apply for Renunciation of Citizenship and Nationality You will feel more than elated to know that the investment program of Dominican Republic for granting citizenships to foreigners is one of the most trustworthy immigration programs in the world. Yes, dual citizens hold dual nationality. At Nomad Capitalist, we believe that you should go where youre treated best. BULGARIA GUINEA-BISSAU* Having second citizenship gives you more options and more freedom. NDA3ODZmMWI5MTRjM2EyYWY5ZmRlNDFjOTBmYjUxMmI0YWI0ODU5NjJkM2Ez There is complete transparency in the procedure. It does not store any personal data. In almost all circumstances, yes. ZjBjNzc5MTk2YmU2ZDY2M2RjZjAxZTJlODI1MDJhNDY5ZDUwY2QwZTliY2Ey Citizenship By Investment Unit (CBIU) 1st Floor, Financial Centre, Ministry of Finance, Kennedy Avenue Roseau, Commonwealth of Dominica, 001 (767) 266 3919 001 (767) 266 3974 001 (767) 266 4465, Citizenship by Investment and Dual Citizenship Benefits. Upon my return, Iplan to reapall the benefits of my Dominican American dual citizenship as soon as I land! Some clients that come from countries that prohibit dual citizenship (Holland and Germany are two examples) may elect to stay with Permanent Residency status and not move forward with naturalization, although most countries recognize and accept dual citizenship, including both the United States, and the Dominican Republic. Contents1 Is St Kitts passport worth it?2 What can you do with a [] ZjViZWEwOGE2ODAyYjNjZDU4ZDJmY2IzNTZiYWJjNjFlMTI1MmNmZjAwODVk A citizen test is a key criteria test set forth by the IRS that an individual must satisfy in order to be claimed as another persons dependent. ), You dont need dual citizenship to qualify for the FEIE, but it makes claiming exemption a bit easier. These rules vary from one country to the other and its vital to understand the specific rules of each country. Israeli citizens, for example, are prohibited from traveling to most countries in the Middle East, so many Israelis get second passports to be able to do business in Qatar, for example. HNWIs are widely considering second citizenship as their suitable Plan B or planning for the future. only provides self-help services in connection with obtaining dual citizenship. The Dominican Republic permits dual citizenship. The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". Communications between you and are not protected by any privilege. CARIBBEAN NETHERLANDS You will be in a better position to know about the specific benefits of the passport. This includes the right to vote and stand in elections, and the right to make donations to political candidates. ZmZmNzkyYjI3NThlNDM4ZmQ0NzQwM2NlZDkyMTVjOTkyNDRkNDk4NTQzMmRj Dual Citizenship - Does the Dominican Republic allow it? MICRONESIA LESOTHO If you are living in your country of dual residence that is not the U.S., you may owe taxes both to the U.S. government and to the country where the income was earned. M2I0YmI4OWRkMWQxMWMxNzAzZDEyZDc3NzM0MTc4Nzg2NWQ3OTAyNThkYThh These countries are a bit. I Am A Citizen of Another Country. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Citizenship or residency typically no longer hold DominicanCedulas (Dominican Identification Card). Thank you for your assistance with my questions. If you believe Wordfence should be allowing you access to this site, please let them know using the steps below so they can investigate why this is happening. Even dating opportunities in other countries could be better. Since the US requires all citizens to pay taxes, renouncing your US passport is the only way to truly escape the IRS and youll need a second passport to do that. Purchase price does not include application or filing fees or any additional fees that may be charged by any government agency or vendor (including birth certificate fees, passport fees, etc.) FRENCH WEST INDIES Step 4: The applicant's file will be complete at this stage, and due diligence fees and government application . Dominica Income Tax, Life certificate for Government pensioners. Life Certificate Form(PDF) "Dual Nationality. Yes, you are eligible to apply for dual citizenship as the spouse/civil partner of an Irish citizen. ISRAEL Your email address will not be published. LIECHTENSTEIN COSTA RICA ANDORRA Drawbacks of being a dual citizen include the potential for double taxation, the long and expensive process for obtaining dual citizenship, and the fact that you become bound by the laws of two nations. Many expats wonder whether the Dominican Republic allows dual citizenship, and the answer is yes. Citizenship or residency typically no longer hold Dominican. However, we can certainly see why theyre so important to many people. Make sure that you have prepared and brought with you all the required papers (notarized copy of passport, notarized copy of birth certificate, original police clearance certificate). Please note that all our services require an advance appointment. Other times, however, the process can take many years and can be extremely expensive and complicated. Benefits of dual nationality include having an exit strategy on the table if your home country tightens its tax regulations. ", Government of Canada. The conditions of applying for dual citizenship by naturalisation through marriage are: You must have been married to/in a civil partnership with an Irish citizen for three years. Upon my return, I quickly initiated my dual citizenship process and obtained a cedula. You have to abide by the dual citizenship rules that are governing your current citizenship and the foreign citizenship you want to get. Answer: Fast citizenship-by-investment programs are not available in Latin America; you can find them in the Caribbean. NICARAGUA* It also guarantees the individual in possession of two passports the right of entry to both the U.S. and New Zealand; this can be especially beneficial if you have family to visit in both countries, or if you are a student or a businessperson that either studies or conducts affairs in both countries. CHINA Having a citizen's passport eliminates the need for long-stay visas and any questioning about the purpose of your trip during the customs process. The Dominica immigration application process is fast, hassle-free, and confidential for Dominica Citizenship by Investment, which offers two pathways to legal Dominica immigration. When you visit the site, Dotdash Meredith and its partners may store or retrieve information on your browser, mostly in the form of cookies. Translations into Spanish, medical examinations, photographs can be done on the spot with assistance of local lawyer we can recommend. has become increasingly popular in the last few years, and this should come as no surprise. One of the biggest benefits of dual citizenship in general is the increased mobility to travel between countries across the world. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. They could make dual citizenship expensive or substantially more difficult, or they could eliminate their citizenship by investment programs altogether. See, the majority of citizenship-seekers are looking for a better passport than what they already have. U.S. For the right price, you can get Dominica citizenship. ANGUILLA Because dual citizenship is complex and the rules and laws regarding citizenship vary between different countries, it may be in your best interest to consult with qualified expertsincluding accountants and lawyersabout certain purchases or decisions related to employment and your finances. Your access to this site was blocked by Wordfence, a security provider, who protects sites from malicious activity. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Also, you will gain a better position to improve your global business as traveling becomes more lucrative. TUVALU The pandemic changed everything for everyone. There are no political disturbances and you can reside in a calm environment without any worries. Knowing that you have personally contributed to the prosperity of a peaceful, welcoming country, which you can call home for life. Where you decide to get that dual citizenship, however, depends on your needs and circumstances. Investors can be naturalized in one year. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. NETHERLANDS Njc1MjlmYmNkNTUzYzVmZTllMWEwMzM2OTMxZjk1NzAyNGMzNGM1ZWNkOWNh In our view, the best option is Dominica and Grenada. , then you can opt-out and become a tax non-resident of Australia (or renounce if that is your choice). The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". Retirees can obtain citizenship in a reasonably short period in the Dominican Republic. A copy of your parent(s) cedula is required when going through the application process. . PERU The country offers a wealth of new opportunities and experiences, including: Time and again, Dominica has been named as one of the worlds happiest places to live. They also have the right to seek work in both countries, while foreigners must pass through a lengthy process to get a work permit. VATICAN CITY Welcome to the U.S. Citizens Services (ACS) Unit at the U.S. Embassy in Santo Domingo. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. I hope I will receive your reply as soon as possible. Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. They offer more cultures that may be more comfortable to you than the one you grew up in. Similarly, if a child of U.S. citizens is born overseas, they may automatically become a citizen of both the U.S. and their country of birth (although this is situational because it depends on that specific countrys laws). Having dual citizenship is a step to becoming a global citizen. Countries like the UK, Australia, and Canada currently use what is known as a residential tax system. Therefore, many internationally-minded people who hold Chinese citizenship have sought the best. A resident may enter the country without the need to buy a $10.00 tourist visa upon arrival. ST. VINCENT & THE GRENADINES She has been in the accounting, audit, and tax profession for more than 13 years, working with individuals and a variety of companies in the health care, banking, and accounting industries. NGQ5ZTU5Y2IyZjA2YTk1ODcwMjBjNDU1Yjg4NTc3ZTk1OTJkZmJlMDdhNmE4 Even if you have a passport with superior visa-free travel, you can still strategically acquire second citizenships that enhance your access to certain parts of the world. You can find out more about our use, change your default settings, and withdraw your consent at any time with effect for the future by visiting Cookies Settings, which can also be found in the footer of the site. BOTSWANA So, if you want unfettered access to this emerging market, then you may want to consider becoming a Cambodian citizen. (Permanent residents are allowed to live in another country but are NOT allowed citizenship. After two months of expectations you get temporary residence permit (ID-card for 1 year). does not provide legal advice, opinions or recommendations to its users about their possible legal rights, legal remedies, legal defenses, legal options or legal strategies, selection of forms, or answers to specific questions on forms. To apply for naturalization, most individuals file form N-400, the application for naturalization. Each country has its own laws and restrictions about who can enter its borders, and dual citizens should consider the advantages of both passports when crossing customs. You can start with the immigration process as soon as you have arrived in the Dominican Republic. 30 days REQUIREMENTS FOR U.S. CITIZENS TO OBTAIN VISA TO ENTER DOMINICAN REPUBLIC. ICELAND (Permanent residents are allowed to live in another country but are NOT allowed citizenship. You may even have the chance to get paid to get a passport. CAMBODIA* REUNION But even in highly developed countries like the US, medical care, or higher education can easily cost an arm and a leg. CAPE VERDE ISLANDS LATVIA Additionally, citizenship by naturalization. The 12 countries in the Caribbean region include - Cuba, Dominican Republic, Haiti, Bahamas, Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago, Dominica, Saint Lucia, Barbados . Some government officials are also fondof dual citizenship and see it as a way to promote the country's image as a prime destination for tourists. I embarrassinglyexplained that I was a U.S. citizen with no legal status in the Dominican Republic. Dominican Republic: Yes: Dominican Republic: The naturalisation timeline for the Dominican Republic can be as little as two years. Cookies collect information about your preferences and your devices and are used to make the site work as you expect it to, to understand how you interact with the site, and to show advertisements that are targeted to your interests. ZDE5YThhYTk1MDBkZGE1NGJlMDYyYTg4MjQ0MTRjNGYzNjFkZjc0Yzk1MWYy Getting dual citizenship can thus improve your ability to travel and do business around the world even if you already have a Tier A passport. Second citizenship can therefore be an opportunity for you to gain . Officially, once initial residency is approved, it takes two-years of residency in the country before you can apply for naturalization. Australians, for example, likely wont bother getting dual. If you are seeking a position with the U.S government or your job requires access to information that is considered classified by the U.S. government, having dual citizenship may bar you from gaining the security clearance you need for this type of employment. It is beyond doubt that you require expert assistance in terms of administrative help to apply for citizenship in this country. These include white papers, government data, original reporting, and interviews with industry experts. MALAWI In the age of digital nomads and perpetual travelers, many developed countries that use residential taxation have considered. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". Lets say youre a citizen or permanent resident of the United States. Unless the parents are foreign diplomats, the child generally becomes a citizen of the U.S., in addition to any citizenship they inherit from their parents. YjFkYzFkNjZhM2NjNjJmYzViOGFkNGNjZjhhY2FhYTc0YjhmZTRiOGY5MDNi A foreigner born to one or two Dominican parents can become a citizen through a transcription process. The countrys calm, clear sea provides spectacular sites for diving and snorkelling, including shipwrecks and even underwater hot springs. Required fields are marked *, Copyright DHRC 2023 This was the case with me!Onmy last visit to Dominican Republic, I had just deplaned and was walking towards the lines of Dominican Immigration. OTkyZGViYjU1MjA1OTA2NzA3ODEwMTY0MjcwNWU4MDY4ZTEwYjQzZmQwOTFi Read how to become an expat and the pros and cons. To qualify for citizenship under the current regulations, applicants may choose from one of two options: . The advantages of dual citizenship are the ability to live in any of the countries of citizenship, pay taxes and serve in the army in only one of these countries. is not affiliated with any government agency, is not a law firm, and is not a substitute for an attorney or law firm. Australians, for example, likely wont bother getting dual citizenship in Canada because Canadian citizenship comes with similar benefits to theirs. ST. PIERRE AND MIQUELON How to Get Residency in Serbia for Tax Purposes in 2023, Cambodian CM2H vs. Thailand Golden Visa Programs 2023, How to Get an Austrian Residence Permit: The Ultimate Guide, How to Establish Residency in Albania: The Ultimate Guide, Bahamas Residency by Investment: Live a Tax Free Life, Digital Nomads Rejoice: Bali Digital Nomad Visa in the Works. "I Am Married to a U.S. HOME MAURITIUS A resident alien is a foreign born, non-U.S. citizen who is currently residing in the United States. ZmE4ZGVlMDBjNmY3YzY3NDhkYmE0OGVkOGE1ZTI2MjU4M2E0NjAzMDE0NGU5 GERMANY Friendly and welcoming people. GREENLAND Weve been asked if its possible to lose your citizenship if you live overseas for too long. Dominican Republic nationality law is regulated by the 2015 Constitution, Law 1683 of 1948, the 2014 Naturalization Law #169-14, and relevant treaties to which the Dominican Republic is a signatory. SWEDEN DOMINICAN REPUBLIC LUXEMBOURG The ACS Unit provides a wide range of services to U.S. Citizens visiting or residing in the Dominican Republic. ), You dont need dual citizenship to qualify for the FEIE, but it makes claiming exemption a bit easier. Some of the major hubs available to those travelling on a Dominican passport include the UK, with whom Dominica shares a long history, Singapore, Hong Kong and the European nations of the Schengen Area. Question: Can you recommend us some fast citizenship program in Latin America? Passports of Dominica and Grenada allow visa-free travel to many states including all the EU-countries. The fast-track investment program to obtain residency in the Dominican Republic is to contribute a minimum of US $200,000 towards certain real estate, financial assets, or local companies. As a legal citizen of two countries, you would be able to purchase property in eitheror bothcountries. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. SAMOA* ITALY N2FmMzJlNTRkNTgxZWE1MzY2ZjlhZmNjMTgwMGEyYTAwNWIzNzM5MmY0NDBh MACAU* You can learn more about the standards we follow in producing accurate, unbiased content in our. Not every country recognizes dual citizenship, and you may need to renounce your birth citizenship to become a citizen of a new country. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. The Government of Dominica offers various fiscal incentives for entrepreneurs who wish to claim citizenship by investment to the country. BRITISH VIRGIN ISLANDS A dependent is a person who relies on you for their support. One of the biggest benefits of dual citizenship in general is the increased number of countries you can visit without needing a visa. Facts To Know About Social Security Numbers, Dependents: Definition, Types, and Tax Credits, Expatriate (Expat): Definition, With Pros/Cons of Living Abroad. ABOUT; BLOG; CONTACT; non voluntary euthanasia case study Citizenship and Immigration Services. PHILIPPINES Another benefit of second citizenship is the chance to live somewhere with an improved standard of healthcare. This article will help you understand the process of the Dominican Republic residency and citizenship. How much is dual citizenship Dominican Republic? You may obtain your permanent residence in the Dominican Republic if you can prove that you receive a retirement pension from a foreign government, official institution, private company or financial institution of an amount of at least US$1,500 and you are able to transfer it to a local bank. Smaller Boasting a high number of citizens who have lived past 100, the island provides a tranquil lifestyle within a safe, peaceful, and pristine environment, and a culturally vibrant and friendly community.