2 0 obj |. (For ideas, see pages 27-29 of the adult guide.) Water AdventureBadge in a Bag Plan a Take Action project, such as visiting a nursery school to read to younger children or teach them a game, creating a school skit about healthy eating, or making a presentation to your city council about fixing a broken sidewalk by your school. EVERY FRIDAY GET 15% OFF ON DOWNLOADS. They may resources for you. My most commented on blog post in the past 6.5 years has been about the Journeys program (you can read it here). How did they feel during the planning and Take Action Project? *When you and a friend want to do different things, what do you do? 2 0 obj Available at MakingFriends.com Money helps us buy things we need, like food and clothes. As the girls add cards down, they can move the cards around to build the Girl Scout Promise. Also see ouradditional resources for completing journeys and badges. Brownie Girl Scout Journey in a Day Wonders of Water (from Girl Scout Troop 2214) Brownie Quest Sleepover (from A year in the Life of a Girl Scout) A World of Girls (from Girl Scouts of Nation's Capital) Junior Girl Scout Journey in a Day aMuse (from I am Girl Scouts) aMuse (from Girl Scouts of Nation's Capital) aMuse (from Girl Scout Leader 101) Wonders of Water, you may be able, with a bit of creativity, to adapt these meetings to include that series of journey books. Plan to play only one game with your Brownies. Refer to the Volunteer Toolkit for the most up to date materials. Its great to have a clean home, and even better if its a clean, green home! Brownie Quest is part of "It's Your World-Change It." Contents 1 In this Journey, you will: 2 Badges 3 Discover Key 3.1 Discover Your Special Talents and Qualities 3.2 Discover Values of the Girl Scout Law 3.3 Discover Your Family's Values 4 Connect Key 4.1 Connect as a Team 4.2 Connect with Your Family 4.3 Connect with Your Community Opening Activity 10 minutes: Make a large poster where the girls can record all the things they want to happen as a result of their change. Required fields are marked *. Find out how to treat outdoor spaces with kindness and teach others how they can, too. Our Globe of Girls 10 minutes: show the girls how they are connected to other people and places by showing them a map or globe. 5) Make a book about the importance of bees and butterflies, then plant a butterfly and bee garden. Which I dont want to have the girls do. endobj With this badge, girls can invent their own games to play with their family, friends, and troop. Pairs well with the Brownie Making Games Badge. Before you begin the journey, ask your girls to make up five new uses for a box or new ways to play with a toy to warm up their brains to solving problems. Buying handbooks, badge guides, journey books, and badges can be very costly, so the Volunteer Toolkit is a great free resource. Check out the Junior Girl Scout aMUSE Journey and Outdoor Junior Girl Scout Journey for more ideas. You may want to join the Facebook groups for older scouts and ask there. endobj You would rather read about queens than play the monkey game, but you dont wan to seem unfriendly. If inside, use jump ropes or yarn. These places may be willing to give you a behind the scenes tour. Brownie Quest is an "it's your world-change it!" Girl Fee: $35. Help Fred the gummy worm get to his 'life preserver' using only paper clips. %PDF-1.3 % As an adult I was overwhelmed just reading the leaders guide! Brownie Girl Scouts will need assistance recognizing that they can belong to multiple groups and have many different roles. Many of the skills that the girls use for one circle or world can also help them in another circle or world. Photo from Haute Chocolate#hcstyledstock, One Year of Daisy Scouts (two documents with HOW to do a Journey in a day or sleepover event), Welcome to the Girl Scout Flower Garden(from Making Friends), BetweenEarth and Sky(from Making Friends), 3 Cheers for Animals(from Making Friends), 3 Cheers for Animals (from Plant, Plant, ElectroWhat? The A World of Girls! Money also helps us buy things we want, like video games and movie tickets. Hula Hoop team-building. Games are everywhere when theyuse theirminds and creativity to make them up! Wonders of Water is the It's Your Planet-Love It! The choice is really up to your troop and your time restraints. We usually challenge our girls to do this outside of Girl Scouts. <> With thisbadge, girls will learn how to make new friends, keep old friends, and be the best Brownie friend theycan be. 9:00-11:00, Take Action workshop and planning. Then teach others how to be a reading buddy. Leaders disliked them. Get ready! She knew Sal when she was a child, and he was always so kind to her. %PDF-1.7 award worked well. Through this award, the Brownies will see that, together, their three keysDiscover, Connect, and Take Actionunlock the meaning of leadership. Get excited! The girls had decided to use $100 from their cookie money to do this - they spent $100.05! ql4`e*=;bR#Kj?bc4I#eET"TK Afterwards, we work with our girls to create or choose a special stamp for their letterboxing journey. This could fit with the celebration or Tell a Story award. Girl Scouts love to sing hiking songs, pack tasty snacks, and hunt for sounds of animals and birds. Its okay if they change the story a little as this happens with stories told orally. Circles of Caring necklace. A special book about (strong female character). Sample words: Once, upon, a, time, a, group, of, Brownies, found, an, old, watch, when, by, cabin, went, on, a, hike, made, met, new, friends, was, in, the, woods, they, asked, where, saw, deer, fox, waterfall, built, fort, finally, got, back, home, adventure, the trail, gave, it, to, the, woman, her, she, smiled, they, wearing, swam, in, pond, felt, good, at, the, end, of, the, day, ran, jumped, in, hat, shoes, purple, golden, cold, the, beautiful, mysterious, and. Welcome them to the Brownie Quest. 1) The Brownies explore how stories and games connect them to their world and determine how they belong. Which clue is something you might like to change in our community? All of these are connections. Refer to the Volunteer Toolkit for the most up to date materials. Pairs well with the Brownie Making Games Badge and Brownie Making Friends Badge. Journey plans help and your girls love them as much as ours did! <>>> Thanks for the reminder! {u~I You want to stop fishing and go back to the library, but you dont want to hurt anyones feelings. Taking this one step farther, you will need to help the girls realize that they have power to change the world for the better. To participate in the sale, see the troop fall product manager year-at-a-glance. journey, Brownies will play a few games from around the world. How . Your troop can decide how they want to celebrate their progress and completion of the journey. Be sure that they have time to make invitations, props, posters, or other materials. Complete kit makes A World of Girls JOURNEY* easy! #s\DJ GmDhP&@uU.q\0aDKvqC! ,k z`p-8V1a_s+evA:x`:l9_x~{4.-3pFA\ In the library, you dont want to tell others that you have trouble reading. Activity plan offers suggestions for Brownies to earn the Discover Key. Your email address will not be published. Thats fair play! They had so much fun that we planned a few more journey in a day agendas for our troop. help mom or dad go grocery shopping and prepare a healthy meal. Through this journey, your scouts will discover how others change the world, learn how they can make the world a better place, and how they can impact their community and world. Theywill never be bored again! endstream 31 0 obj Discover Your Special Talents and Qualities, http://www.girlscouts.org/program/journeys/your_world/brownie.asp, www.gsnnj.org/About-Us/GSLE/Girl-Scout-Journeys/Documents/Brownie%20Quest%20Activities%20Program.pdf. This badge begins by asking the girls to make a friendly introduction. Will they plan activities or games? Accommodations vs Modifications Explained, How to Know the Difference? Brownie journey helps our Brownies to share favorite activities. Give it! Girls will learnto find cookie customers and be comfortable selling to them. The bottom line for me is if it this program is so important, why can it be done in a day? Some projects may be able to be completed today, others might need to take place another day. They have amazing resources and can help you answer how to do the Journey in a Day. When we are trying to complete a journey in a day, this is often much more difficult. How will they showcase their journey to their audience? % Girls will play a ball toss game where they will name some special talents or qualities and then discover to appreciate what other girls bring to the Brownie Circle. Gather friends and family to complete the girls Take Action Project. When trying to complete the A World of Girls Brownie Girl Scout journey in a day, you may choose to shorten this part of the meeting. The Its Your Story Tell It! While your scouts explore the A World of Girls Brownie Girl Scout Journey, there are a few key concepts and vocabulary that can be beneficial to explore. We found that a Saturday or Sunday morning through lunch or lunch and the afternoon worked best for a journey in a day. I started tweaking things so they were more appropriate for my girls and I cut the amount of meetings in half. 3 0 obj If girls in your troop hopeto have a pet someday, use this badge to teach them how to choose the pet thats right for them and make sure the petstays happy and healthy. It's Your World - Change It! <> As we progressed throughout the journey, we often circled back to the other awards as well. Ive been on this sub Reddit long enough to know that a lot of the journeys seem boring and I wanna make it fun for the girls. While earning their painting badge, girls will learn to paint, color in super strokes, and see what theirimaginations can do. Organize among several troops a neighborhood clean-up. Mom is an educator and dad is a firefighter/paramedic. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Then host a Healthy Food Fair to invite other girls to try making the snacks and sample the healthy foods. Every family has stories. When we plan our celebration, we will keep our food here until we are ready to eat. Mac OS X 10.10.5 Quartz PDFContext endobj Role-Playing Positive Change 15 minutes: Girls role-play an idea or two from their brainstorm of a character facing a tough situation, solving a problem or making the words a better place. While these awards do progress and build upon one another, you do not have to complete them in order. Did your girls love the journey as much as ours? NicoChan11 gave me the ideas for this one. Plan a Take Action project, such as making informative posters, promoting recycling at school, or planting low-water gardens. 2. Share a Story 15 minutes: Read a story about making a positive change. Girls sell nuts, chocolates, and magazines in the fall. How different could the world be if people everywhere tried to change their communities for the better in some small way? Go around the circle. girls' book for ideas. Please email me at zoeagarden@gmail.com or PM me with any thoughts, comments, or questions about my work. Our girls love earning their Girl Scout Summit Pin at each level of Girl Scouts so they always complete three journeys. To earn, complete the following activity plan: Girl Scouts does not stop when school is out. For girls needing some ideas, they could create an ad highlighting what is special about Girl Scouts or the girls in their troop or create an ad to encourage others to try a sport or read a specific book. "e8? If lots of people get involved in making a change, would each persons effort have to be very big? 1) The Brownies explore how stories and games connect them to their world and determine how they belong. <> Work with the girls to paint their feelings throughout this journey. Below we will include our Brownie Girl Scout Agenda for the A World of Girls! Wonders of Water. - MetaSpoon, Girl Scout swap-Could modify by using felt and gluing it to safety pin. The Journey awards come in the forms of three "keys" that "unlock" leadership. Ideas for Completing Brownie JOURNEYS* Shares Your JOURNEY* can be Rewarding AND FUN! Whether theyre cute and cuddly or slimy and scary, pets are so much fun. Search for the three keys to leadership during this adventure. This will let you begin the work prior to your meeting. 3. Journey Awards Girl Scout Brownies are invited on a search. Please share what your troop did for the Brownie Quest Journey and what were the parts your girls loved and didnt love. The girls stand in a circle and hold out only their index fingers straight. .2@`)EG!&KoOaMMs&LaB;sa?] . They might also celebrate by building statues or museums. Anyway, sorry for the long comment!! Another option is to plan your celebration for your Take Action Project on another day. What would you have tried differently? They had to redo the entire thing and use other resources to get it done. Have your girls join us this summer at camp, make new friends, and explore the community with other girls. This can include sports teams, clubs, classes, friend groups, family, etc. journey series focuses on developing a strong sense of self and promote well-being in all areas of development. Brownie Journeys Overview. With this badge, encourage scientific skills andhelp girls find out where science has been hiding in theirown homes. Girl Scouts Brownie Quest official page (includes PDFs and printouts)http://www.girlscouts.org/program/journeys/your_world/brownie.asp, Girl Scouts of New Jersey have a 4-week journey program on their website www.gsnnj.org/About-Us/GSLE/Girl-Scout-Journeys/Documents/Brownie%20Quest%20Activities%20Program.pdf. The girls will create new stories through their actions and begin to understand the power they have to change the world for the better. I want this to be something fun that doesnt FEEL like work to them. The girls can share with the same audience the path of their journey and their feelings throughout the journey. Finally, the last step involves inventing a whole new sport. Throughout this project, they will need to work as a team to plan and carry out their project for change to benefit their community. For each Girl Scout journey, leaders have the option to purchase two books: a leaders guide for the specific journey and a girls handbook for the journey. 10) Create a Little Outdoor Library and invite others to donate books so everyone can always find something to read. Try to match the Brownie to her infant self. 6 Yet, for our troop, we found earning the Hear a Story award before the Change a Story award, Tell a Story award, and finally the Better World for Girls! QFnx;@g}:_j;}9t{IgGg!~Rb;7eIFFAn3FHmL`;2zcDf~vesZNy4Sq7 5;{Satn6/RyNNaW9f7. 11:05, clean up. Complete kit to make WOW! Brownie journey. However, our plan does help to meet at least a few requirements of the badges which Girl Scouts suggest pair best with this journey. The three keys they will uncover along their journey are the keys of the Girl Scout leadership philosophy. Pairs well with the Brownie Making Friends Badge. Once they have this information, the girls can create feeding schedules or budgets for different types of pets to share with others. World of Girls Journey-in-a-Day World of Girls Meeting 1 World of Girls Meeting 2 World of Girls Meeting 3. . Help girls learn the difference between wants and needs in this badge. Respectively, the Brownie level badges in these categories are, Mari Petal (Responsible for What I Say and Do), Rosie Petal (Make the World a Better Place), Vi Petal (Be a Sister to Every Girl Scout. gateway:forms_documents/journeys_badges The A World of Girls journey is no different. It seems like that would be information overload and I am not sure how much the girls would absorb. The Brownie planning guide is an online resource to help Brownie troops complete Journeys and badges. Girls who do this badge can find out more about the peoplethey love. s -W#-tM:&M&"|JTXN9&n)bX0&U, ,$ sI,N" -K-V1H |vjhzrp You can skip the Pass It On and Painting Mixed Feelings activities to save 25 minutes. We get only one body, so its important to take care of it. Typically, the journeys can take up to 3 troop meetings to accomplish. We pair the mystery game with the Role-Playing Positive Change. 3 0 obj Girls can work theirway through this badge to become clay artists themselves. Learning how to disagree is an important part of A World of Girls!