This review period will be used to determine the number of days for all time limits within this Code. Odorous Matter. Conversion or expansion of a residential structure to a nonresidential use must apply for and receive a site development permit prior to commencement of construction. Class 2: Offices (3 stories or less), churches, schools, public facilities including playgrounds, ball fields, community swimming pools, and similar facilities, day care facilities. Typical uses include federal, state, county, and city offices. A. Zoning Verification Letter. EngineerING Design Standards Engineering Design Standards. Estoppels. Floodway Fringe. 3. That granting the administrative exception serves an obvious and necessary purpose. Fuel Service Station. Wildlife Corridor. The City Administrator may request additional relevant material prior to issuing the acknowledgement. A. Also means, potable or nonpotable water from dripping or leaking pipes, valves, plumbing or fixtures, or seep water, rain water or stormwater entering in sewer lateral lines on private property through cracks, pipe joints, openings or other defects in the lateral line[.]. Notice of the decision by the City Council shall be sent by certified mail, return receipt requested to the permit holder of the variance or the special use permit. Code of Ordinances (see below for uncodified ordinances related to development), Resolution 2023-R-003 Public Improvement District Policies, City of Round Rock Design and Construction Standards, Liberty Hill Comprehensive Plan Update 2040. Lowest Floor. Landscape. CONSUMER CONVENIENCE SERVICES. Commercial use types include the sale, rental, service, and distribution of goods, and the provision of services other than those classified as Industrial or Civic Uses. The use of a site for two or more townhouse dwelling units, constructed with common or abutting walls each located on a separate ground parcel within the total development site, together with common area serving all dwelling units. This district is intended for facilities providing governmental, religious, educational, healthcare or social services, and public infrastructure facilities such as water plants, pump stations, wastewater treatment plants, lift stations and other such utility facilities. EATING ESTABLISHMENTS. 3. Features which that [sic] have been determined to be of critical importance to the protection of one or more environmental resources. Courtyards may exist between buildings, and buildings may open up to the courtyard; however, the front facade of the building must face the street as described above. The following are exempt from the provisions of this Code: A. Any system, whether publicly or privately owned, serving multiple lots, dwelling units, businesses, commercial or industrial establishments for the collection, transportation and disposal of sewage or industrial wastes of liquid nature, including various devices for the treatment of such sewage and industrial wastes. F. The City Engineer is responsible for final action. A single tract of land located within a block under contiguous ownership that meets the lot requirements for a permitted use as set forth in Chapter 4 and 5 of this Code. These signs may not be posted earlier than three weeks before and must be removed within one day after the event; 10. A side yard on the street side of a corner lot. Drainage system including drainage easements, culverts, channels, storm sewer lines and inlets, basins, control structures, and landscaping. A historic district includes all property within its boundaries, and may overlay any zoning district. A building in which one or more specializing physicians and/or dentists have their offices. All improvements reflected on approved site plans must be constructed at the time of development. Light trespass reduces everyones privacy, degrades the enjoyment of the night sky, and higher energy use results in increased costs for everyone. The channel of a river of or [sic] other watercourse and adjacent land areas that must be reserved in order to discharge the base flood without cumulatively increasing the water surface elevation more than a designated height. No yard for one lot shall be considered a yard for another lot as well, except in planned developments. The prevention of soil movement by any of various vegetative and/or structural means of soil movement. C. Construction or expansion of a building other than a single-family or duplex residential building, with a floor area expansion of more than one thousand (1,000) square feet or more requires a site development permit. Alley. Based on the design engineer s certification of compliance with all applicable City, State and Federal regulations, the wastewater portion of the plans and specifications contained herein have been reviewed and are found to be in compliance with the requirements of the City of Liberty Hill Perry C. Steger, P.E. F. Navigation lights (aircraft warning beacons on water towers and wireless transmission facilities), notwithstanding the terms as may be set forth in licensing agreements with the owners/operators of such lights. 5. To erect, construct, reconstruct, alter, repair, convert, maintain, or use any building, structure, property, or to use any land in violation or contravention of these regulations or any other regulation established under any other applicable legal authority. This Section describes the applicability and specific approval criteria for all Administrative Procedures necessary under this Code and applicable to the following: A. The GIS interface for the City is ArcView (an ESRI Product). This district is appropriate in areas where the Comprehensive Plan reflects the specific uses proposed in the PUD or mixed use as a land category. Lot Area. Any use of property existing at the time of the passage of this section of the Code that does not conform with the regulations prescribed in the preceding sections of this Code shall be deemed a nonconforming use, except that any single-family, duplex, or apartment use existing at the time of passage of this Code shall be thereafter deemed a conforming use. D. The right to maintain the nonconforming use shall be subject to such regulations as to maintenance of the premises and conditions of operation as may, in the judgment of the City Council, be reasonably required for the protection of adjacent property. Traffic Circulation. A statement that the City Attorney and City Council or its designee shall review progress pursuant to the consent agreement at least once every twelve (12) months to determine if there has been demonstrated good faith compliance with the terms of the consent agreement. For ex., a 15-foot setback could be adjusted by +/- 1.5 feet. C. Approval Criteria (PUD). An integrated grouping of commercial activity, primarily of a retail and personal service nature, in a building complex having the individual establishments joined by a common covered pedestrian mall or walkway. No such use shall commence without prior approval of a Conditional Use permit. These procedures are used to establish what is commonly referred to as a legal lot on which development may occur. C. The BOA shall have the authority to authorize an adjustment of up to ten (10) percent of any numerical standard. The Comprehensive Plan of The City of Liberty Hill, as approved by the City Council, including any amendments. A narrow roadway for access to an area of commercial, multifamily or industrial structures. This district is appropriate in areas where the Comprehensive Plan reflects the specific uses proposed in the PUD or mixed use as a land category. A. All future or ongoing development approvals or permits, including any plat-related approval, shall comply with the PUD general development plan in addition to the Citys Comprehensive Plan. Height. The landowner or developer shall ensure that all of the facilities constructed in accordance with the requirements of this Code will perform and remain in good working order and in accordance with the design performance criteria of each such facility, for one (1) year commencing on the date of approval of final completion by the City Administrator or his designee. VETERINARY SERVICES. E. The Commission has given due consideration to all technical information supplied by the applicant. Landscaping Plan. Each application for a sign permit or for approval of a Master or Common Signage Plan shall be accompanied by the applicable fees, which shall be established by the City Council from time to time by resolution. Joint Use Facilities. A. 1. In the event the City Council fails to make a ruling on the variance within sixty (60) days from the date the application for variance is filed, the application for variance shall be deemed denied. PUDs are appropriate in areas where the Comprehensive Plan reflects the specific uses proposed in the PUD or where the Comprehensive Plan reflects mixed use as a land use category. A supermajority requirement may be either simple or absolute[.]. The City Engineers signature on the construction documents provides the requisite authority for the subdivider to proceed with the construction of streets and utilities. Dwelling units share a common outside access. Special conditions may apply in some cases. However, the minimum setbacks shall remain for at least one side of the lot. The City Administrator must make any submission requirements and applicable fee requirements available to the applicant as a part of the Administrative Procedures Manual. Land used for the burial of the dead, and dedicated for cemetery purposes, including columbaria, crematories, mausoleums, and mortuaries, when operated in conjunction with and within the boundary of such cemetery. A bar preventing one from making an allegation or a denial that contradicts what one has previously stated as the truth. Adequate on-site solid waste containers may also be required. G. Park (PARK). The City will inspect the construction work as it progresses and will make the final inspection to assure compliance with City requirements; and upon completion of construction, the subdivider shall deliver to the City a one (1) year guarantee of workmanship and materials. A development project that includes two or more types of uses. Approval of Street and Drainage Plans, 3. In the case of the granting of an administrative exception, an allowance for adjustment of a numerical standard by the City Administrator or Board of Adjustment may be made, up to 10% from the minimum or maximum numerical standard. The requirement for assessment of and improvements to the transportation network applies to existing and future transportation networks associated with land development activities, within the City limits and within the Citys extraterritorial jurisdiction. The City assumes no project design or engineering responsibility. A historic resource comprised of 2 or more properties which that [sic] are significant as a cohesive unit and contribute to historical, architectural, archeological, or cultural values, which has been identified by the Historic Preservation Commission and duly classified pursuant to the procedures of the Texas Historical Commission. RELIGIOUS ASSEMBLY. Average Grade. Where the projected runoff would exceed capacity based on the standards specified in this Code, the City may require the phasing of development, the use of control methods such as retention or detention, and/or the construction of off-site drainage improvements as means of mitigation. E. The Parks and Recreation Board serves as an Advisory group to the Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council. The permit will not be approved unless the lot has direct access to an improved public street, private street, or an approved public way, and connected by improved public street to an improved public thoroughfare. Historic Area Work Permit. These design criteria and technical specifications are the latest version as adopted by the City Engineer. A facility where sand and gravel is are [sic] washed during processing. A drainage structure placed beneath an embankment typically with a span of less than twenty (20) feet.