True bonding and love among individuals, families, communities, tribes, and all ethnicities under the sacred Tree of Life, One Circle and Colors of Mankind. 547 South 7th . Lila Was'te, Mitakuye Oyasin. The group was threatened by an angry local owner of a construction company called Four Square Concrete, who flew into a rage at having his drive home impeded by water protectors. Sage speaks to youth focusing on four fundamental principles: traditionalism, spirituality, contemporary issues and education. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like God, Some indigenous traditions believe in how many gods?, Often the ancestors are considered what? Posted by Navajo Times | Jan 24, 2022 | Guest Essay |. But its their job, because they have a family to support. Frank Waln talks Native history, new Single and Seventh Generation prophecy Vocalo Radio Vocalo 91.1 FM - Chicago share Frank Waln is a Lakota activist and Hip Hop artist from the Sicangu. . YouTube Many people say we are now in the seventh generation today. During law school, she participated in several Native American pageants as a way to earn scholarships for college, but also to represent herself and other young women from her tribe. Good to see advances on the rez. In the picture above, he is seen cutting firewood to take to Standing Rock. In late January of 2013, exactly 150 years after the signing of that first treaty, Spotted Eagle and other activists convened tribal representatives from across the continent on the Ihanktonwan reservation. (function() {var s=document.createElement("script"); s.async=true; Development and implementation of Indigenous-designed community-based trauma informed schools, communities, urban Native American programs, tribes and coalitions that combine applicable proven science, tribal culture, the Warrior Spirit and Indigenous wisdom in all institutions to heal the people. I understand that we cant take away the injustice, but Im aware that if we face the injustices that occurred to our Native brothers and sisters, we can begin the healing process.. That story is one of a singular voice made up of many peoples voices, united for an ideal that Native voices have been singing for millennia. Alayna and Tonia Jo: These two Lakota women introduce themselves as sisters, even though there is no blood relation. Having Jim attend and do a Q&A was an additional treat! Final: Okeechobee 8, Dwyer 5 in 9 innings. Rushmore - Crazy Horse - The future for the 7th Generation, WINNER!!! This seventh generation will take back what little culture and rights remain and amplify positive change for future generations that dont yet exist. I envision the Great Warrior and Chief Crazy Horse meditating, praying, using song, ceremony, eagle feathers, sacred pipe, cedar, water, fire and language to connect with and respect Creator as he opens his heart and mind to receive the prophecy. In the northeast, the Sisseton Wahpeton College campus features the architecture of a drum and dancers. Black Elk said it would take seven generations to heal the broken circle of life caused by constant Indian oppression that reached a devastating climax with the massacre. White Clay, Nebraska sells about 4.5 million cans of beer a year. These corporate terrorists need to get the point that people are changing, and we arent going to be their sheep for much longer.. While attempting to disarm the Sioux, a shot was fired and a scuffle ensued. #OurChildrenAreSacred #NoDAPL Take action to defend Lakota sovereignty now at . Throwing of the ball no longer practiced. He is looking forward to creating more great documentaries and films that speak to the heart and shed light on the truth. A thirty-six year window of time formed its epicentre. "AWARD OF EXCELLENCE" - IndieFest Film Awards, LaJolla, CA May 25, 2016, TESTIMONIALS: Growing up on the reservation, he was exposed to a different point of view in terms of what it meant to be gay. He sang my gr fathers death song! We must let them know why and how they should move us to the future, said NLC executive director Georgette Palmer Smith, of the Kiowa Tribe in Oklahoma. Nobody ever doubted the wisdom of Black Elk. My father is buried there. Veterans arent the only uniformed servicemen and women whove joined the resistance at Standing Rock. John-L Voth is a very passionate filmmaker and storyteller who studied film at the Art Institute of Fort Lauderdale. My late spouse who I lost to suicide spoke about this so much to me many years ago. He also has a deep interest in visual effects and has taught and continues to teach himself computer animation, compositing, and 3-D modeling software. After the Wounded Knee Massacre a Lakota medicine man named Black Elk had a prophecy. I needed to witness firsthand what was happening there, and wanted to offer solidarity to those fighting for the right of tribes to exercise agency over their own futures. They were cut short not far from the border by a surprise flank attack in which much of the tribe was killed. And I saw that the sacred hoop of my people was one of many hoops that made one circle, wide as daylight and as starlight, and in the center grew one mighty flowering tree to shelter all the children of one mother and one father. But I fully believe all of this now, and she also almost uncannily predicted so very much of what has happened since her death so bang on, she saw much of what was to come decades ago. Some did make it to Canada, including Josephs young daughter, whom he never saw again. Spirit Daily Blog. Now, well-educated young Indians have a venue for service and leadership. 2. With Jim Warne. The fact that the Seventh Generation prophecy has already come true, All 7 council fires came together, as well as 100s of enemy tribes forgiving and uniting leads me to believe that we have an interesting future ahead of us. A world longing for light again. According to the prophecy, after seven generations of living in close contact with the Europeans, the Onkwehonwe would see the day when the elm trees would die. This prophecy came from Creator to Crazy Horse and will in fact come true. Twitter. He translated it from the words of a grandmother who was present when the words were spoken. Jim Warne and his colleagues present the issues and the illustrations of Native American life in past decades and present a view of a positive future through the youth, the 7th Generation As noted by Mr. Warne, I hope there will be a Native American President in our future. Not seeing our posts on FB? Today, many elders and Native leaders see a clear rise of the 7th generation in their people today. In the neighborhood tribal schools, they learn to become nurses, teachers, entrepreneurs and administrators and once they graduate they fill job needs in the local schools and health care facilities. Despite the best efforts on our public and private universities, Lakota and Dakota students struggled to graduate in Vermillion and Brookings and Spearfish and the other campuses. This problem results in many deaths each year due to car accidents. Gab It was their ancestors who defeated Gen Custer at the famous battle of the Little Bighorn. Her upbringing has given her a strong desire to help preserve her community and the land in self-sustaining ways. Black Elks first wife, Katie, was a convert, and their three children were baptized Catholic despite Black Elks upbringing in pagan religiosity and his own standing as a heyoka who had experienced visions of mythical creatures known in various tribes as thunderbirds.. South Dakota Magazine, Yankton, SD. The sounds of Native American drum groups and songs echoed through the crisp air. Sage stands at the base of the Grand Canyon in waters that are sacred to her people. She is also the editor for the Lakota Country Times. My blood is the same that flows in the veins of the white men. His task is to take care of the elderly, the defenseless, those who cannot provide for themselves, and above all, the children the future of humanity.. We were especially delighted that filmmaker Jim Warne was able to attend our festival and the film screening. After seven generations of darkness had passed, there would be a reuniting of not only the Lakota but all peoples, he prophesied, creating a "Sacred Hoop" the world over. From April 29 to May 1 in Hollywood, Big Cypress and Brighton, Warne exposed forgotten, misrepresented or hidden truths to help ignite Native American progress throughout Indian Country. But as they proved their worth and thanks, obviously, to federal dollars the schools have constructed innovative and inspiring buildings that would be the envy of any college president. Sage in the Colorado River: Sage, of Hualapai descent, earned the title of 1st attendant in the 2012 Miss Native American USA pageant. Hollywood International Moving Pictures Film Festival 2017, WINNER!!! Some of his other interests include playing music, song writing, exercising, and painting. She has been working on passing a land and wildlife preservation bill on the Reservation to further her efforts in bringing self-sustainability to her community. Our next issue of, But perhaps the best gauge for Black Elk's prediction of hope for the seventh generation lies in. Native children ripped from families were forced into boarding schools and told to forget who they were. Additionally, KILI Radio has committed to broadcasting them. Were the only people with the legal right to health care but what we get is health care that ensures the highest diabetes rates and the lowest life expectancy, Warne said. Only one problem remained: I had to find a way to go. The film is to help the public understand the hardships felt by Indian Country since those times, what really happened in the boarding school era, the historical trauma that tribal members still deal with today, what Mt. The Real Legacy of Crazy Horse The Oglala Sioux leader prophesied an economic, spiritual, and social renaissance among Native American youth. Physical Pains & Their Metaphysical Meanings. Great article thank you for writing something positive about the Rez! Envision the Tree of Life and One Circle to include: 1. The grandchildren (of Seminole Tribe founders) perked up when they heard about our genocide. She was a badass warrior. He died in 1950 in South Dakota. If you really believe in the traditional ways, and if you do open your ears and listen to whats going on around you theyre trying to tell you stories, says Standing Rock rider Sunny Iron Cloud. Jack Walker, a tree care specialist from Oregon, cuts firewood to be donated to the water protectors. My own daughter, Mia, a 4.0-grade average student at Stanford University with a full-ride doctorate scholarship to any university in the world, was fired at with rubber bullets while kneeling on the ground praying. American Indian art, emphasizing its intersection with broader artistic and cultural themes. Juanita: Juanita had a long list of accomplishments and was the ideal role model to her community. In that day there will be those among the Lakota who will carry knowledge and understanding of unity among all living things, and the young white ones will come to those of my people and ask for this wisdom. This sum is more than the dead bodies of all the Indians east of the Red River are worth., It is shocking to some people. (LogOut/ The story of Chief Joseph, in particular, is yet another tale of a protector willing to sacrifice everything in the face of insurmountable odds. Smith said she hopes Warnes presentation will inspire adults and youths to heed the seven generations philosophy. Prophecy of the Crazy Horse Crazy Horse lived in a Lakota camp in present-day Wyoming with his younger half-brother, Little Hawk, son of Iron Between Horns and Waglula. The resolve he saw to protect a sacred space was transformative. The elders tell of a time in history during a great famine that a beautiful women dressed in white appeared to the Lakota. History, it seemed, was repeating itself, only in a more modern form. The Indian foresaw war, famine, and sickness for the Lakota and that the "sacred hoop" of their nation would be broken. Finally, according to this prophecy, after seven generations of living in close contact with the Europeans, the Onkwehonwe would rise up and demand that their rights and stewardship over the Earth be respected and restored. 15. Historians disagree about how many Natives lived in North America before Christopher Columbus arrived, but estimates from 1.5 million to 112 million average about 37 million. The film treats a very sad and sometimes forgotten piece of history with compassion and respect. On 7 November, Jamie Stone, Cody Nowland and I began the two-day trip to the Standing Rock Sioux reservation. A mere two weeks later, on December 29, 1890, the US 7th Cavalry Regiment surrounded an encampment of Sioux Indians near Wounded Knee Creek on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in South Dakota. They have provided security for people in the camp and repeatedly protected elders during confrontations. "BEST INDIGENOUS FILM" & "BEST OF FLIC" - Flathead Lake International Cinemafest, Polson, MT January 27, 2018 & Encore Screening February 1, 2018 Ed, that's a good point. Smith said Voth started the dialog while filming Warnes message at NLCs summer conference last year. So the first thing I did was start reaching out to people for firewood donations. She quickly fell into depression, anxiety and succumbed to drugs and alcohol. The majority of casinos (in Indian Country) are so tiny that when you know what Tribes are doing well, you know the answer is hardly any. In the late 1800s, Oglala Lakota holy man Heka Spa (Black Elk) had a vision at the age of 9 when he became ill and had a near-death experience. This seventh generation will take back what little culture and rights remain and amplify positive change for future generations that don't yet exist. We need history written by our people, and we, all elders in training, have to teach it. Frank Waln, Lakota Hip Hop Artist, on History, Stereotypes & Indigenous Peoples' Day Video Interview: Frank Waln Talks Native History, New Single and Seventh Generation Prophecy. There is a prophecy among Native tribes called the seventh generation, which speaks of a time thought to be seven generations after first contact with Europeans, when indigenous youth and allies from all races come together to enact a new age of healing and rebirth for Native people and Turtle Island. As she left she promised to return. It is designed for healing and helping to see the way. In early November, I was contacted by my good friend Jamie Stone, who said he wanted to go and offered his truck and trailer to haul supplies. 13. John looks forward to telling more stories through film. Jeff Ginter, a former Department of Justice investigations officer and Homeland Security air marshall, was at Standing Rock during my time there. Where I live, in the wooded mountains of north-east Oregon, firewood is abundant. On Veterans Day, over 100 veterans gathered in formation and marched to the roadblock. He continued to work with WSD Productions to complete "7th Generation". The sacred fire crackling and popping, the sweet smell of cedar in the air. The Making of Relatives this is a bonding ritual. In 2007 at a prom banquet in PineRidge, Robert Ten Fingers reminds the young people of the Black Elk prophecy concerning the 7th generation of Lakota. We have something to say, and, respectfully, humanity has something to learn from our Native ancestors, elders, and people. Amidst the #NoDAPL protests on the Standing Rock Sioux Reservation, Alayna, a Lakota Language specialist, started the Mn Wihni Nakii Owyawa (Defenders of the Water School) as a way of the children at the camp to continue their education. Founder, Webmaster, & Editor, The most frequent lesson he doles out is Indian 101 often unexpectedly. Young native people, especially young Mohawk people, should pay attention to and consider. A lot of people are here for the future generations, says Standing Rock tribal member Sunny Iron Cloud. Chief Joseph was a leader in the Nez Perce war of 1877, in which his tribe and others opposed the US army. In 1994 a white buffalo calf was born in Wisconsin; in 1996 another was born in South Dakota. A genuine compassionate and caring society among all ethnicities based on love and respect He saw a star rising from the east that would bring wisdom. Sitting reverently on Mother Earth in a teepee. Phoenix, AZ 85004. the time has come, thank you god, hallelujah!!! I have friendly feelings for all. When we finally arrived, it was dark and cold, and we were met by a security team. A 24-year-old Lakota and Latino from Denver, Lopez grew up the child of AIM and Chicano activists, and as the adopted grandson of the powerful medicine man . Wounded Knee - Black Elk - Indian Policies - Boarding Schools - Mt. He felt the star symbolized a great prophet who would come to help with formation of the nations. If its not being taught in school or at home, it needs to be taught here. They are the ones who get forgotten about in these movements, their importance needs to be emphasized. On Veterans Day, more than 100 veterans gathered in formation. The massacre at Wounded Knee. IT IS STARTING SOON. The prophecy said that animals would be born strange and deformed, their limbs twisted out of shape. Just like the prophecy, dont ignore it, accept it. Tears of joy running down Grandpas face as he realizes the beautiful timeless message and prophecy Creator lovingly shared with him in the Lakota language, to then share with the people. I see a time of seven generations when all the colors of mankind will gather under the sacred tree of life and the whole earth will become one circle again. When he awoke and shared his vision, he felt the dream was a prophecy of a great suffering that would be set upon Native people and it wouldnt be until seven generations later that a sacred duty would be laid upon the people to take a stand for their relatives and the earth again. The final version of the film project was completed in April 2017. In his vision, he saw a great tree that symbolized all life on earth. Mother Earth being truly protected from climate change universally by all colors of mankind. Karin, you might enjoy our contributing online columnist, Vi Waln. A once proud people have degenerated into a negative demographic. 3. Severt Young Bear Sr., Calvin Jumping Bull, Nellie Two Bulls, and others at International Brotherhood Days talked often about the importance of how education, understanding, respect, would lead to healing. It was needed, says Phillip. jQuery(document).ready(function() { Rushmore looks like through a Lakota lens and the history behind Paha Sapa, the Black Hills. As an Indigenous American, Joe Whittle never questioned his need to travel to Standing Rock. "BEST DOCUMENTARY FEATURE" - Los Angeles Film & Script Festival, Hollywood, CA November 4, 2017 For the native peoples these births have been a sign to mend the hoop of the nations, to establish brotherhood within the family of man, and return to a spiritual way of life..