Easy. What do you think is the best Bible translation? QUIZ: What Kind of Ministry Is Right for You? Best Dog Breed for Me and My Family? But language changes over time and translations need to be kept up to date. Not ironic at all to me because in reality we share similarities with the poetry. This graphic shows you the difference between Word for Word and Thought for Thought translations. While considered one of the most accurate Bible translations that comes at the sacrifice of readability and comprehension. It stays close to the original sentence. But how this is done varies from one transition to another. Two, what to look for in choosing a new bible. Alright now that we know where some of the most popular translations fall on the spectrum let me give you an example. Perhaps, you are considering reading aloud to yourself or your family. Effective and Creative . Describe what you are lugging around right now. Thus when you read the MSG you will see drastically different words and phrases. One Wycliffe translator working with indigenous Eskimos in the Arctic described Christ as The keeper of the huskies. Theyd never seen a lamb. Here, you'll find Biblical brain teasers. Answer these five simple questions and we will tell you exactly which Bible translation is right for you. I'll be sure to sprinkle some struzzi on it. Bible quizzes are a fun way to learn God's Word! Send Feedback about GoToQuiz, report a bug or error, make a suggestion! Maybe you are a beginner and you are new to the Bible. Oh, and the most important tip: Pray. Pray about it spend some time asking God to lead you to the best translation for you. Simple and easy to understand. Even if you're not that religious, or an expert on all things holy, you know The Bible has some real, shall we say, characters in it. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. They can provide helpful insights into scripture but should be read alongside an actual translation and not in place of it. This chart will help you see what each translation is best suited for. The Message is not a Bible translation. 2. Do you believe that most television evangelists are A. Sincere preachers who are saving souls. I led Israelites out of Egypt and went up Mount Sinai alone. Pastor. Bible Couples Quiz Romance, betrayal and true Providential lovesee if you can crack the riddle and guess which Bible couple is which. Take this quiz, "Which religion is right for me? " They should always be read alongside a more literal translation to help us navigate what the Bible actually says. Husband. Not telling you that you should practice this religion or any other one, but if you'd like to look into to it, this will be a good place to start. Not sure which college is right for you? Who am I? Bible Quiz Questions & Answers 4+ Questions are divided into 5 categories: (1) Easy, (2) People & Places, (3) How Many, (4) Old Testament and (5) New Testament. Questions and Answers 1. What is your favorite translation? You must signup or login to view or post comments on this article. Determine which one you are. Countries of the World. 6. . This is important. DISCLOSURE: This post may contain affliliate links, meaning I get a small commission if you decide to make a purchase through my links. This is a great option for someone that wants the Bible in a readable format, but still maintaining the integrity of the authors original meaning. Let's go! The Ultimate Bible Quiz. This Catholic Bible contains the extra seven books of the Catholic canon (The Apocrypha). So all in all, the Bible contains a lot of history, stories, parables, sermons and many other parts of God's word given to man over the centuries. He wrote in Greek. The Bible is a complex book. Learn how your comment data is processed. Todays English Version (TEV) Bible is almost a paraphrase. Many of these versions of the Bible contain ideas that are not found in the original texts. There are easy, hard and norml. Many of the phrases and words are no longer in use today, thus making it very hard for most to understand. ", "The rich and poor meet together: the Lord is the maker of them all.". For example, the word fast in English has several different meanings: In Greek, the word 'luo' can mean liberate or destroy. Both are correct. printable Bible Quiz questions and answers. It was written by many authors over thousands of years in several different ancient languages. A parallel Bible is typically four different translations, correlated by page. The rat ate the cheese, does not have the same meaning as, The cheese ate the rat., The English word order in Galatians 2:20 is, I am crucified with Christ and it is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me., On the other hand, the Greek text of Galatians 2:20 is written like this: Christ I have been crucified with, I live yet, no longer I, lives but Christ in me.. The KJV is filled with archaic terms that can confuse modern readers. Christian riddles 1. You can take the quiz by clicking here. (Roger: This is my favorite paraphrase.). We hope our Bible Quiz page will help deepen your spirituality and Bible knowledge. Interlinear Greek New Testament: this translation has the English text next to the Greek text. It is especially helpful for those who know a little Greek. But be warned: The Babylon Bee is satirical site meant to provide laughs, not necessarily hard truth. It was made from the pithy stem of a water plant grown in both Byblos (near modern-day Lebanon) and Egypt. If you were a character in the Bible, what type would you be? We at The Spruce are every dog's biggest fans, and it's just as important to us to help pups find their fur-ever homes. New online Bible quizzes are being added periodically so be sure to return often. Thank God for everything you've done for me, Love the Lord your God with all your, mind , and soul in Yeshuas in amen. Which comes closest to your beliefs about Jesus? Each free online quiz is also printable. This can be very useful when used with a more literal translation to help you see Scripture in a different light. Complete the sentence: To trust is ________. Your first task is to learn about religions, not to pick one for yourself right off the bat. Or which is the easiest Bible version to understand. Not all those words appear in the Bible, but I think you get the point. TheCourage is a digital destination meant to inspire, give hope, and call people to something better, especially in the areas of faith, family, and culture. So, lets consider Bible translations on a spectrum. I grab snacks from the 7-Eleven before Sunday brunch. I do in fact love all those things, but I love them all very differently. Baptism should be practiced, but it's not important for salvation, since original sin is just symbolic. Andrew,. Now, your best bet for picking a translation would be to go as far as you can towards the word-for-word end (left side) you can while still being readable. 1 Choose one: Animated Adventurous Adaptable Analytical 2 Choose one: Persuasive Playful Peaceful Persistent 3 Choose one: Sociable Self-reflective Strong-willed Self-sacrificing 4 Choose one: Cheerful Controlled Competitive Considerate 5 Choose one: Detailed Daring Delightful Diplomatic 6 Choose one: Cheerful Cultured Confident Consistent 7 Well, it depends. Which Bible translation is right for you? I came back down with 10 commandments written on two tablets of stone. It is the best translation if you are looking at doing an inductive study on a passage or prefer to read as close to the original language as possible. Watch and learn about the nativity of Jesus Christ. Leyland Ryken writes that this Bible "quickly became the household Bible of English-speaking Protestants, and it was the Bible used by Shakespeare and carried to America on the Mayflower." 7 It would undergo no less than 140 editions over the next 100 years until "dethroned" by the King James Bible translation. Name your favorite place to visit after church. Got Guts? Literal Translation - New American Standard Bible (NASB) The NASB is arguably the best literal translation you can use. Also, it is important to remember what you want the bible for in the first place. The Kingston Bible is a large three-volume graphic novel Bible which sticks closely to the original text. Church Planter. J. Living Bible (LB) attempts to say as exactly as possible what the writers of the Scriptures meant and to say it simply. This is great for those who want to begin doing inductive Bible study. The Bible is full of characters with personality traits that we can all identify with. Hair styles are more of a cultural issue than a biblical one. The Taliban will ban music in Afghanistan and require women to travel with a male chaperone, despite claims the group will be more liberal than the brutal regime of 20 years ago. B. Si. Read through the set of statements in each category and choose the one (s) that best describe you. Yet they can be helpful for studying the formal features of the text. This personality quiz is for Bible fans who know the words of the divine book but are not so sure if they are patterning their lives in the ways the holy people of old had envisioned things. Both have their strengths and weaknesses. 4. ESV (English Standard Version) Origin: The ESV translation was first published in 2001, derived from the 1971 Revised Standard Version, taking out archaic and obsolete words. It can be a challenge to find words in English that closely match the same Greek or Hebrew words. These are all things to consider when looking for a Bible. So, instead of translating word by word like a more formal translation. 10 Reasons God Might Not Be Blessing Your Life, Inspiring Mother Breaks Down after Earning Golden Buzzer with Celine Dion Hit, 7 Things that Will Keep Me from Coming Back to Your Church, 6 Truths about Jesus Coming into the World, 9 Christians You Don't Want to Sit Beside on Sunday Morning, 10 Things You Should Know about the Intermediate State of Death, 'You Raise Me Up' Duet Earns A Standing Ovation From The Judges. Take this fun quiz to see which Bible study would fit best with your current phase of life and interests! The best Bible translation is the one you actually read. Another great option is to create your own quiz for Bible study or for Sunday school - one warning however, it is recommended that you create a quiz at least one week before you need it (there is a quiz approval process). The Holy Bible includes: Works Offline: Reach the spiritual objective by reading all the Books, chapters and verses from Malayalam Holy Bible Pro App on your device. STEM Entrance Exam Quiz: Can you pass this Stem Exam? The test of a true Bible student is not how much we learnbut how much we live. I'm gonna make them an offer they can't refuse. - find a place to study that best fits your memorization style - be accountable to someone, ideally the same parent or coach, each day. Still, with questions like these, its a lot of fun: So give it a try and see what you think. While those who grew up with the KJV might enjoy that, for most of us it just adds to the confusion of what the Bible is trying to say. I am overwhelmed! . In other words, What do you want?. Uno, due, tre, quattro, cinque, sei, sette, ottoOtto! Volunteer abroad this year on a short term global missions trip . i got christianity and im a christian, I got Bahai'i but I'm Jewish soooooo. Lets start by looking at what exactly is a translation of the Bible. I was existing before. All rights reserved. There are so many great options out there it comes down to which one you prefer. So, which is the best bible for you? This includes your face shape, the clothes you wear, and how much time you can afford on styling your hair in the morning. So, seek advice, consider it, but make your own choice. Study Bibles: for helpful commentaries at the bottom of the page. Take The Quiz And Find Out! Now that you are beginning to have an idea about what you want a Bible for, its time to consider what to look for in a new Bible. Study? Share the Gospel Learn to develop your skills, desire and ability to join others on their spiritual journeys and take them closer to Jesus. The NIV is one of the most popular translations theres a good chance the church you go to uses the NIV on Sundays. Find truth and meaning B. On which Bible is the King James version mostly based? "Are ye not much better than they?". Buy it here: New Living Translation Bible. He was then burned at the stake as a heretic. Most translations are accurate and faithful so dont worry about choosing one God-approved. So sit back and see how much you know! We have the best Bible Quiz game on Youtube! If you're looking for the right questions for the best trivia quiz that you're trying to build, there are things to consider. How Strong Is Your Relationship With God? So many different Bibles are available today. Take The Quiz And Find Out. 210. r/Christianity. Jeffery Curtis Poor | April 13, 2022January 20, 2022 | How To Read The Bible (hermeneutics). On the surface that might seem simple. In addition to being an author and sought-after conference speaker, Roger has mentored or taught thousands of pastors, missionaries, and Christian leaders worldwide. https://www.GreatSportsmanship.org Contact me for a chat re marketing webinars, SOSTAC or the Great Sportsmanship Programme. I have a personal relationship with Jesus. July 15, 2019 Want to dive deeper into God's Word but don't know where to start? But lets find out. The CSB is an other good option in this category. ID the Bible figure with whom you identify the most. Greek writers used word order to emphasize that which is most important. Have fun! Required fields are marked *. Well, it still depends. Bible trivia daily is a free educational bible game that offers you more than 50,000 fun bible trivia questions. it said i should be muslim but innjewish, It said exactly what my religion is. 2. The MSG is a great option to read WITH another translation. These categories arent either-or, most translations will fall on a spectrum from word for word to thought for thought. For example, Jesus, the Savior, the Redeemer, the hypostatic union of flesh and spirit has no dwelling, no refuge, no home, no place of safety to recline his cranium, to rest his muscles, to relax and refresh his body after ministry (.