I haven't traveled anywhere Zika impacted. I was measuring on time despite having a smaller baby from ultrasounds however yesterday I had a non stress test and was measuring 6 weeks behind. I am due in about 3 weeks. When the doctor came in I didn't ask about it and he didn't mention it. So the Maternity21 and extra growth scans was all we opted to do. What a shitty response to your question by OB. No? Just FYI I think you might have posted in the wrong group! So I just had a scan this morn and I'm 28+3 and baby's head is measuring 30 weeks. Theyre generally pretty off x, Meet other parents of March 2022 babies and share the joys and challenges as your children grow. Calculate the fetal measurements here. Anyhow, Did they do two measurements and take the average or was it just one? I was told my first bub was head: 2 weeks ahead, body: on time and his legs: 2 weeks behind. I went it for my first ultrasound at 8 weeks 1 day (Im positive of my dates). Not at all!! You all have made me feel better. Just got a bit of a shock when I saw the 1% percentile for that measurement but her size overall is 33%. During non-stress tests with my first I was constantly told how big he was but it was on his head! Its something we laughed about in the end - the Paed visited us in hospital and made a point to reassure us babe was normal - theres a spectrum for a reason and someone had to be on the bigger end. However, this news shouldn't cause you to worry. Your earlier scans are more indicative of actual size than now. From head to toe? My dr said not to worry but they are sending me to a perinatologist (high risk on) for a more detailed / more accurate sonogram. We respect everyones right to express their thoughts and opinions as long as they remain respectful of other community members, and meet What to Expects Terms of Use. I've had two ultrasounds at theperinatologist's and he said the head is growing along the curve, it's just small because he's breech. She caught right up to the 50th percentile. This happens to me too 2 weeks ago: was bang on 6 weeks went for my scan, gestational sac, yolk sac seen. Lol I hope the leg length is wrong. But I notice in my paperwork that her little head circumference is measuring at 32 weeks 4 days, so a week and one day behind, which seems very small. Ultrasound is becomes more and more innaccurate the later you are in pregnancy. Mumsnet carries some affiliate marketing links, so if you buy something through our posts, we may get a small share of the sale (more details here). I had a son who's head was measuring about a week ahead. . Alternating head position: Back sleep is still the safest way for your baby to sleep. I had an early scan at 8+2 weeks they said I was measuring 5-6 wks too early to detect a heartbeat, I started to miscarry the next day. Having an early ultrasound Expecting parents-to be will find it a great idea to have an early ultrasound of their baby, measuring 10 days in . No one seems concerned about it. But the first measurements she got of his leg was for just 37 weeks and change. Even with accurate measurements, the correlation. I was 34 1 during scan. Post author: Post published: June 1, 2022 Post category: grafana iframe home assistant Post comments: abkrzungen gehaltsabrechnung ffentlicher dienst jee leg abkrzungen gehaltsabrechnung ffentlicher dienst jee leg Meet other parents of February 2022 babies and share the joys and challenges as your children grow. I'm 31 weeks and she's weighing at 3.4. they just said it shoul;d be ok and if its not its too late. A percentile of 50% represents the average or mean head circumference. Lol. 20062023 BabyCenter, LLC, a Ziff Davis company. I was so upset because I thought I was having an alien baby his head was right on time and his body was also measuring fine, his legs were the longest measurement. They're going to recheck again in another two weeks and also done torch screening. I suppose there must be a little more to it than mine. lol Have any of your babies head's measured that far ahead? 1997-2023 BabyCenter, LLC, a Ziff Davis company. Two weeks isn't that far behind to be concerned of microcephaly- at this point they would tell you if they were concerned about it. Also what does bpd actually mean is that the babies full length? 2 MONTHS would one big head baby :). In a nutshell. The measurements in the ultrasound did turn out wrong. However I fell in the shower a few days after and during a check up at the hospital showed the huge bruise left on my thigh to the doctor, she wasnt very pleased and booked me in for induction at 39 weeks. We laughed and I assume it's something we will keep an eye on. Hi just read this thread and would like some info to help me pls,basically at my 20 week scan (I was 22 weeks) everything was perfect apart from the cerebellum was measuring up smaller then expected (18.2 when was 22 weeks) so got referred 3 days later who confirmed was small but measured 19.3 then got referred to kings at had another scan dr sign offer d termination saying he couldn't find . Hope it goes well for you. I had an ultrasound today and baby's body is measuring 5 days ahead and baby's head is measuring 2 weeks ahead. If they're talking 5 days to 2 weeks, I'd call that within normal limits. Your post will be hidden and deleted by moderators. The earliest my doc can see me is Tuesday so Ill just tough it out til then. Was then referred to a specialist hospital who have discharged me. Was it 1% like the measurement they estimated. We did the genetic counseling early on in pregnancy, is there additional testing you were offered? yes her head is right down! Today I had an ultrasound with a high-risk specialist and she confirmed the head measurments are still 3 weeks behind. Anyone ever have a little one who's head is measuring 2 weeks ahead.what does it or could it mean? That's what is weird to me! Please whitelist our site to get all the best deals and offers from our partners. We respect everyones right to express their thoughts and opinions as long as they remain respectful of other community members, and meet What to Expects Terms of Use. For mild forms of positional plagiocephaly, you can encourage a normal head shape by: 1. Does bpd mean head to toe length do u know? My dr isnt the least bit concerned. Thank you for your reply! Lol. Doctor repeatedly said not to worry and didnt recommend any further tests or anything so I am trying not to freak out about it. I know my ovulation date and should have been 8 weeks 0 days. It's hard when you've had losses and you feel like you can't just trust your body to do pregnancy right. Im in the same boat here! My SIL had small abdomen with her baby 7 mos ago, and they induced her at 37w so I am just prepared incase that is the case. Pre-determined and LZR biparietal head size. I had a growth scan last week at 34w and my baby is 22%, which is odd since I'm 5'8", her head was 35w (lol not surprised since my hubby has a massive noggen lol) but her little abdomen is only 5%, 32w so I am being monitored now. Did you or DH visit any country with the virus? I'm not overly worried just yet, the scan machines only need to be slightly out and it can change the measurements. Try not to read too much into it ;) my little guy is now 7. For measuring 2 weeks behind? Group Leaders arent expected to spend any additional time in the community, and are not held to a set schedule. are son measured 2 weeks ahead all aroundbut we knew when we got pregthey kept wanting to change my due datewhich could have been a problem if they were wanting to inducebut we are just big peoplemy hubby is 6'4" and im 5'8" so our son is off the charts !) Try not to worry. This educational content is not medical or diagnostic advice. Baby boy has moved up the 42nd percentile, averaging 5.7 pounds. I had a scan on Tuesday, bang on 34weeks.head measured 36+3!! Shes 12 lbs now! About a month ago I had an additional ultrasound at 28 weeks just to make sure the baby had all 5 fingers since at the anatomy scan at 20 weeks it was hard to get the pictures because of it's position. Some babys just have bigger heads not everything grows at the same rate x, She never said his hesd was ahead but at my 32 week scan she said it w, Same her head has been bigger throughout but not usually 2 weeks ahead. But her. On Monday I had an ultrasound and the tech told me baby was nearly two weeks behind. At 36 weeks my ultrasound showed baby was measuring 34+5. Im just curious whatever ended up happening with your measurements and after birth? Meet other parents of April 2019 babies and share the joys and challenges as your children grow. Same as drinkyourmilk, I measured behind at first scan (measuring 5+4 at what should have been 6+3) and he had caught up by the next one (actually measuring two days ahead at 10+3). Note that once you confirm, this action cannot be undone. During pregnancy, there are 2 NHS scans that (generally) everyone will have: the 10 to 12-week dating scan and the 20-week abnormality scan. Just a big head. He was head down, weighing 4 lbs 3 oz, and everything looked perfect. All rights reserved. A value below 50 percent means a child's head circumference is less than the average. She was born weighting 6lbs 14 ozs so she was just a peanut. I was so worried. Thank you. This was new. We strive to provide you with a high quality community experience. She also measured overall behind on other parts, but her head was the smallest. We strive to provide you with a high quality community experience. Must run in the family. The doc mentioned the baby was a little small but nothing to worry about, just to make sure Im eating every 2.5 hours so my blood sugar isnt dropping too low. Group Leaders communicate with staff moderators and escalate potential violations for review, but they dont moderate discussions. [emoji22] This happened 4 wks ago now. All of my kids have bigger heads but I don't remember any of them measuring ahead like that on their head size. I was worried he would have a huge head and with a little body. Try to take measurements with a grain of salt. But this late in the game it doesn't mean much as long as fluid levels and placenta function are good. Use of this site is subject to our terms of use and privacy policy. Measuring no more than a day or 2 ahead by head and a day or two behind per leg measurement. I have weekly fluid and NST and have another growth scan at 36w. Use of this site is subject to our terms of use and privacy policy. At 36 weeks my ultrasound showed baby was measuring 34+5. I snuck a peak at the other measurements on my doctors pad of paper today and it seemed around 50th percentile for everything (on the U/S screen all limbs, abdomen, etc was lining up right at 32w3d or greater). They are going to check the head circumference again to rule out microcephaly. I just hope a big head isnt a bad thing for her and I am a tad nervous for my vagina but if shes okay idc! Baby's head is appropriately sized for 40 weeks 5 days, (i.e. I was so upset because I thought I was having an alien baby his head was right on time and his body was also measuring fine, his legs were the longest measurement. S. Today I went back to check growth and baby girl is growing and her head is still one week behind. It seemed really large to me anyway, compared with my other children. Keep your head up mama if there was something concerning Im sure they would tell you !! We figured, we would love the baby either way so there was no point in risking an amnio. Hi, at my 20 weeks scan I was told the baby was measuring small. It's showing as less than 1% percentile. even the doctor said so at his last appointment. so they said they'd recheck her growth at my next appointment in two weeks. My babys head has been measuring behind since around 20 weeks. This educational content is not medical or diagnostic advice. Ive had four scans and did NIPT screening so Im fairly sure anything major would have been picked up by now. I had the exact same thing happen at 36 weeks - they did a scan to measure and his head measured in the less than 1%. Is my baby going to have an enormous head?! Nobody ever worried, and he was born with a very large head, which he grew into. I was measuring 2 weeks over for a bit. Was your baby delivered early or on the expected due date? I would love to hear from someone who had a similar experience and everything was okay. My dr is always very on top of everything so if she felt there was an issue or even the possibility of an issue I trust she would be sending me for extra scans. My baby also did get big growth spurt around 35-36 weeks. I went to a high risk doctor today to talk . The HC measurement is in the 8th percentile but the BPD is less than 1 percentile. Had thesame with my 1st daughter and hers was down to placenta insufficiency so we had to go for doppler scans every other day to keep a close eye on things and make catch a reversal im flow if ir happened. I was a nervous wreck during that time but her head ended up being back on track at the next scan. But it grew on target. She could have just done some major growing or the measurements were off. If your doctors are not worried, the baby is probably fine. No heartbeat on the ultrasound at 6 weeks, Could the doctor be wrong. was the rest of ur child measuring smaller as well? Also going through this just now. Newest measurements at 26 weeks and 6 days are as follows: Head circumference: 259.94 mm (27 weeks 3 days) Abdominal circumference: 234.45 mm (27 weeks 4 days) Femur length: 45.08 mm (24 weeks 6 days) So the HC and AC measure a little ahead but the femur length is now way behind. The doctor said my baby's brain is functioning Normal but the head is very small, so they've suspected microcephaly. Hopefully it doesn't mean anything bad. Did they say why baby is measuring behind? Bump! But this late in the game it doesn't mean much as long as fluid levels and placenta function are good. I have a wee babe measuring in the 6th percentile. Hello, just looking for some reassurance, just had a growth scan at 34 weeks and 5 days. The doctors kept saying my boy was weighing 2 weeks over and that he would be a big baby, predicting at least 8 lbs. X, My last pregnancy I had regular growth scans as they thought she was on the smaller side. It was 1 week of at our anatomy scan but everything else seems fine. In my first pregnancy, my sons head measured greater than 40 or 42 weeks at 37 weeks. What?! While you and husband are both barely above the average heights, baby might be shorter than you based on other family members/genetics or may catch up later. I saw 27w5d and was concerned because I'm only 25w0d. I declined, but apparently they can detect a smaller head at that gestation? consultant says it could be fine or it could indicate an underlying problem but we've no way of knowing. I was asked to go om bedrest so my body can be relaxed enough to do what its meant to do. This is the diameter between the two sides of the head and is measured after 13 weeks. Hi! I am ready for whatever is the safest and healthiest thing to do. It increases from about 2.4 cm at 13 weeks to about 9.5 cm at term. I guess if I dont have to push out a big head thats good. The doctor told me usually there the head circumference and the width would both be significantly off. It could be because the day you were measured, there wasn't enough amniotic fluid around your baby which made your bump looked smaller. keep in mind 2 weeks difference is very normal:). I wonder how our vaginas will recuperate lol, Yup buba was measuring 36 weeks for everything at the 36+2 scan other than his head was 38+4 I dread pushing that out. It doesn't necessarily mean that you'll give birth to a really big baby, or that there's anything wrong with their health. IUGR may often be a result of a small parent, but the . One tech finally explained to me that the baby's head is more long than wide so it throws the measurements off. He was born weighing 5lb 1oz. TIA! A few weeks ago I posted a discussion about having marginal cord insertion. How did everything turn out? Usually my kids heads have measured bigger than the abdomen (IUGR) but not the case this time. Or just the head? Yep my daughter measured 2 weeks behind my whole pregnancy and this baby I think from what I understood is also measuring 2 weeks behind. Well seem bigger. I had an ultrasound at 38 weeks my last pregnancy. We have had all the optional blood work for chromosome issues, the nt scan etc and all looked fine. Hi, I had this with my 3rd. But he looks handsome and normal to me at 8! He just didn't have huge noggin. The baby's head and abdomen measured slightly ahead for gestational age (this has been consistent over the whole pregnancy in about 6 or 7 ultrasounds). WTF. We did the genetic counseling early on in pr. Breech babies can have a smaller BPD, as the head isnt being shaped by the pelvis. yes agree - I actually wish they didnt give me all the paperwork with the measurements because I feel like I have too much info which Im not qualified to draw conclusions from! Completely healthy and well, so I think I just carry smaller babies and if this time round they say induction needed for this reason, I don't think I'd go for it. Note that once you confirm, this action cannot be undone. They were way off and I wish I didn't let it upset me. has anyone else had this? 2 weeks off seems a long ways off if she's so confident it was a good picture.