In contrast, DBP significantly increased. Three measurements were made in each of the main positions: sitting (with the arm supported on the table at the right atrial level); supine (arm supported by a pillow at the heart level); and Fowler's (bed back at 45°, and the arm resting on the bed supported by a heart-level pillow). We performed a cross-sectional study to compare BP values obtained in supine, sitting, and Fowler's positions in essential hypertensive subjects. No differences in BP were observed according to heart rate. The nine BP measurements were made in different order and in different positions. 2. The last results of the study that may have clinical relevance are the highest rates of large differences that were always observed at the first measurement, in the comparisons by position, and between the first and third measurements, in the comparisons by order. Our nervous system is not as sharp as it once was. 26.Webster J, Newnham D, Petrie JC, Lovell HG. 22.Vittinghoff E, Glidden DV, Shiboski SC, McCulloch CE. Use of this web site constitutes acceptance of the LIVESTRONG.COM The influence of supine rest on the blood pressure response to standing and 70" head-up tilt was studied in detail for the first 30 s after the change of posture. Participants and study design. Orthostatic hypotension — also called postural hypotension — is a form of low blood pressure that happens when you stand up from sitting or lying down. To investigate the degree of random variation in BP, the same approach was used to compute the percentage of subjects with large differences in BP according to the order of the measurement within each position. When individual rather than mean variations are considered, the influence of body position on SBP was clinically important in 15–30% of the subjects, who showed a difference in SBP ≥10mmHg from one position to another (while large differences in DBP were less frequently observed). "And it's one that acts quite quickly — in seconds or less." and "But it could also simply be a sign of age," he says. He has previously written for Reuters Health, Vanity Fair, and Gannett News, and is a graduate of McGill University in Montreal, Canada. , Moreover, although it may be expected given that these variables do not change across measurements, the results of the multivariate analysis did not change when also BMI, age, gender, use of diuretics, and β-blockers were included in the model. Despite the degree of BP variation is small on average, a relevant proportion of subjects showed large differences in BP from one position to another, suggesting that more emphasis should be posed on body position by clinicians and guidelines. To avoid potential bias related to the order of the measurement, the sequence of the triplets was chosen at random and different for each patient. Specific tables were created containing a computer generated random sequence of each position, and a different random table was used for each patient. The authors declared no conflict of interest. Notable differences have been observed between sitting and supine blood pressures, 1 and human bodies spend one-third of the time in the supine position. Effect of Age on the Hemodynamic Response to Posture in Nonelderly Hypertensive Patients, Effect of Back Support and Stethoscope Head on Seated Blood Pressure Determinations, Self-Reported Sitting Time Is Associated With Higher Pressure From Wave Reflections Independent of Physical Activity Levels in Healthy Young Adults. The instrument was clinically validated by the British Hypertension Society.19,20 For 12h before the measurements, patients were required not to smoke, to play sports, to eat chocolate or to drink beverages containing caffeine or other psychoactive substances (i.e., alcohol or Taurine). Mediterranean-DASH intervention for neurodegenerative delay (MIND) study: Rationale, design and baseline characteristics of a randomized control trial of the MIND diet on cognitive decline. Thus, a more precise quantification of the differences in BP according to the body position, especially for those subjects in active hypertensive treatment, may be of extreme interest to support operators in their interpretation of BP measurement results. In patients with chronotropic incompetence, heart rate may not increase upon standing, and they may experience orthostatic hypotension (OH). Only 4.8% of the subjects showed a difference larger than 9mmHg between mean Fowler's and sitting DBP, whereas a large difference between mean supine and sitting SBP was observed in 30.0% of the participants. Accordingly, it may be indicated to measure the BP in the same position throughout the overall duration of the therapy. Measuring lying and standing blood pressure (BP) is an important clinical observation in older hospital inpatients. In addition, they said diastolic blood pressure is 1-5 mmHg higher when measured supine vs seated 8. Though the process almost always unfolds seamlessly and in the blink of an eye, that's not always the case. Alan Mozes is an NYC-based medical reporter and photographer. The material appearing on LIVESTRONG.COM is for educational use only. Terms of Use Data analysis. Orthostatic hypotension can make you feel dizzy or lightheaded, and maybe even faint.Orthostatic hypotension may be mild and last for less than a few minutes. 23.Carel RS, Silverberg DS, Shoenfeld Y, Eldar M, Snir C, Mor G. 24.Eser I, Khorshid L, Günes UY, Demir Y. We also fit two random-effect regression models, with smaller standard errors but no appreciable differences in coefficients and P values, and conservatively opted to show generalized estimating equations results only. Copyright Policy "And that calls for a mechanism that can instantaneously constrict the veins and divert the blood to where we want it to go," Dr. Osborne says. How to measure lying and standing blood pressure and why it is important for our patients. "If it's very severe or a repeating issue, there may be something going on that needs to be checked out," Dr. Osborne says. Blood pressure lying down (supine position) vs. standing. Privacy Policy Fowler's position may represent a valid alternative to sitting and supine positions for BP measurement in clinical practice. Diastolic pressure is the force of the blood against the artery walls when your heart is not contracting (at rest /between beats). Clinical practice and related research often use sitting blood pressure to diagnose hypertension, whereas less attention has … At multivariate analysis, mean SBP significantly decreased if measured in Fowler's and sitting positions, as compared to supine. With that in mind, any time a value is recorded, body position should also be recorded. Finally, after one minute the blood pressure was again taken in this last position with supine position with crossed legs. As shown in Table 1, the absolute differences across positions were relatively small, the largest being the difference in DBP between supine and sitting positions (−2.8 ± 6.4mmHg). Between July and November 2010, all subjects admitted to our clinic were asked to participate. Two generalized estimating equations models were used to evaluate potential predictors of SBP and DBP adjusting for heart rate and measurement order. By contrast, DBP increased of 1.8 and 2.9mmHg, respectively (both P < 0.001). How To Take Orthostatic Blood Pressure Measurements 1. The picture is further complicated by the frequent use in routine clinical practice of positions that are intermediate between supine and sitting, such as Fowler's position, in which the patients rest in their bed in a partial sitting position.1073.11,12 Fowler's position is commonly used to facilitate breathing and eventually reduce abdominal pain in immobilized subjects and/or patients with respiratory diseases or after surgery, but it may also be used in other patients just to relax abdominal muscles.11,13,–15. Effects of body position on blood pressure Blood pressure is commonly measured in the seated or supine position; however, the two positions give different measurement values. However, even a mean difference of a few millimeters of mmHg may have relevant implications,10 because those individuals with larger differences in BP as measured in supine or sitting position may be at risk of substantial changes in their therapeutic history according to the position of the measurement.4 As an example, an individual's BP may have been measured in sitting position before therapy and in supine position thereafter, and the effect of the therapy might therefore be overestimated (or vice versa), leading to therapeutic strategies that might be inaccurate or even incorrect. The potential clinical implications of the above findings deserve some further consideration. To reduce measurement biases, BP was assessed using an automatic oscillometric device (Omron M6 Comfort HEM-7221-E; Omron M2 Basic, Lacchiarella, Italy) with an appropriate standard bladder arm circumference related, as indicated by the instruction manual. Still, if you start to experience these symptoms with increasing frequency, it could be a sign of a number of serious underlying conditions, the Mayo Clinic warns, which may include heart and endocrine problems or nervous system disorders such as Parkinson's disease. The mean DBPs showed an opposite trend: it was highest in sitting position (83.0 ± 9.6mmHg); intermediate in Fowler's (81.9 ± 9.4mmHg), and lowest in supine (80.1 ± 9.1mmHg). Potential interaction and higher power terms were evaluated for all covariates, and multicollinearity was explored in all models using Spearman's ρ: no collinearity was observed between BMI and arm circumference, therefore, both variables were kept into the final models. It has been shown to decrease spasticity in children with cerebral palsy.4 It also lessens spasticity in individuals wit… National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, Seventh report of the Joint National Committee on Prevention, Detection, Evaluation, and Treatment of High Blood Pressure, Guidelines for management of hypertension: report of the third working party of the British Hypertension Society, Recommendations for blood pressure measurement in humans and experimental animals: part 1: blood pressure measurement in humans: a statement for professionals from the Subcommittee of Professional and Public Education of the American Heart Association Council on High Blood Pressure Research, The measurement of blood pressure: sitting or supine, once or twice, Does it matter whether blood pressure measurements are taken with subjects sitting or supine, Office blood pressures in supine, sitting, and standing positions: correlation with ambulatory blood pressures, Effect of Fowler's body position on blood pressure measurement, Influence of body and arm position on blood pressure readings: an overview, Prognostic value of different indices of blood pressure variability in hypertensive patients, Effects of body position on resting lung volume in overweight and mildly to moderately obese subjects, Both body and arm position significantly influence blood pressure measurement, What is the accuracy of clinic blood pressure measurement, European Society of Hypertension -ESH- Working Group on Blood Pressure Monitoring, European Society of Hypertension recommendations for conventional, ambulatory and home blood pressure measurement, Validation of four automatic devices for self-measurement of blood pressure according to the International Protocol of the European Society of Hypertension, Validation of the Omron M7 (HEM-780-E) oscillometric blood pressure monitoring device according to the British Hypertension Society protocol, Multilevel and longitudinal modelling using Stata, Changes in blood pressure in the lying and sitting positions in normotensive, borderline and hypertensive subjects, The effect of different body positions on blood pressure, Epidemiological perspective of body position and arm level in blood pressure measurement, Influence of arm position on measurement of blood pressure, Influence of the arm position on intra-arterial blood pressure measurement, Factors associated with day-by-day variability of self-measured blood pressure at home: the Ohasama study, Blood volume distribution during head-up tilt induced central hypovolaemia in man, Effects of supine blood pressure on interpretation of standing up test in 500 patients with diabetes mellitus, Influence of different supine body positions on blood pressure: consequences for night blood pressure/dipper-status. 2.Chobanian AV, Bakris GL, Black HR, Cushman WC, Green LA, Izzo JLJr, Jones DW, Materson BJ, Oparil S, Wright JTJr, Roccella EJ. "When we get up out of a chair or bed, our body has to immediately work against gravity to make sure that the blood that would otherwise pool in the legs gets back up to the heart and head.". Finally, BP random variability was found to be large regardless of body position, reinforcing the need for operators to closely follow current guidelines that recommend at least two recordings at each BP measurement. OH increases the risk of … Normal blood pressure is usually considered 120/80 mm Hg or less. Without blood pressure, our body would not receive the oxygen and nutrients it needs to … In addition to BP, the following variables were measured by the nurse: height (bare foot) and weight (underwear), heart rate (which is automatically measured by the oscillometric device during each BP measurement), and arm circumference (naked arm). Leaf Group Ltd. Predictors of hypertension detection in English general practices: a cross sectional study. 5.Jamieson MJ, Webster J, Philips S, Jeffers TA, Scott AK, Robb OJ, Lovell HG, Petrie JC. Upon standing, a complex mechanism of responses by the autonomic nervous system, works to ensure that adequate blood volume continues to circulate the human body, preventing almost a liter of blood from pooling in the extremities and abdomen. However, although the mean difference in SBP from supine to sitting position (3.1 ± 8.5mmHg) was higher in obese subjects, such difference remained significant in nonobese subjects (1.7 ± 9.2mmHg), the rates of subjects with large variations were similar in nonobese individuals (data not shown), and obesity was not associated with BP in multivariate analyses. The mean supine, sitting, and standing blood pressures were 146 ± 15 91 ± 7, 144 ± 15 96 ± 8, and 149 ± 17 103 ± 7 mm Hg, respectively. Then, mean/median differences have been computed for each of the six comparisons: mean supine vs. mean Fowler's; mean supine vs. mean sitting; Fowler's vs. sitting (for both SBP and DBP). Despite BP significantly decreased with increasing the order of the measurement at multivariate analysis, the direction of the large differences was not univocal: for both DBP and SBP from 30 to 50% of the subjects showed a large increase in BP passing from the first to the second or third (or from the second to the third) measurement in all positions. Copyright © 2021 American Journal of Hypertension, Ltd. d'Annunzio” of Chieti. Measured in supine, Fowler's, and sitting position, mean SBPs were 139.3 ± 14.0; 138.1 ± 13.8; 137.2 ± 13.7mmHg, respectively, and mean DBPs 80.1 ± 9.1; 81.9 ± 9.4; 83.0 ± 9.6mmHg, respectively. Table 3 also shows the proportions of subjects with large differences in BP according to the order of the measurement. The average SBPs were 139.3 ± 14.0; 138.1 ± 13.8, and 137.2 ± 13.7mmHg in supine, Fowler's, and sitting position, respectively. Following 20 min of supine rest, the active transition to standing was accompanied by an immediate increase in systolic pressure of 29f6 mmHg (mean * SEM). Results of the four generalized estimating equations models predicting systolic (SBP) and diastolic (DBP) blood pressure (patient's id as the cluster). In the new blood pressure guidelines, they stated systolic blood pressure has been reported to be 3-10 mmHg higher in the supine (lying) than the seated position. 6.Netea RT, Smits P, Lenders JW, Thien T. 9.Netea RT, Lenders JW, Smits P, Thien T. 10.Pierdomenico SD, Di Nicola M, Esposito AL, Di Mascio R, Ballone E, Lapenna D, Cuccurullo F. 13.Benedik PS, Baun MM, Keus L, Jimenez C, Morice R, Bidani A, Meininger JC. ", Read more: The Ultimate Guide to Healthy Blood Pressure — and Why It Matters. In conclusion, this study confirms and expands existing research suggesting that BP significantly varies according to body position, and that BP values as measured in Fowler's position are intermediate between those recorded in sitting and supine positions. Systolic pressure is the pressure of the blood in your arteries when your heart is contracting. . During supine rest, heart rate and blood pressure are lower as the body is in a relaxed state. The main aim of the study was to detect a clinically relevant variation in SBP and DBP measurements in three different positions. Absent that sort of sudden sharp course correction, he notes, you're liable to simply collapse. Discussion of positional changes in blood pressure using a diagram from the HeartPhys iPad app (now on the App Store at ) Supine and sitting systolic blood pressures were not different, but they were different from standing blood pressure (P < 0 In fact, everyone will likely experience this kind of dizziness, at least to a mild degree, as they age, which is why we always tell our more mature patients to be careful not to get up out of a chair or bed too quickly. We arbitrarily assumed 4mmHg as the minimum BP mean difference being clinically relevant, and computed two sample sizes separately for SBP and DBP using the following assumptions: α = 0.05; β = 0.20; difference between Fowler's BP and other positions BP = 4mmHg; s.d. Administration of Midodrine hydrochloride results in a rise in standing, sitting, and supine systolic and diastolic blood pressure in patients with orthostatic hypotension of various etiologies. Measuring blood pressure while standing is not advisable, as the correct blood pressure is only recorded when a patient is in a supine position. Nine measurements were taken: three measurements, in random order, in supine, Fowler's, and sitting position. d'Annunzio” of Chieti, Clinical Research Center, Ce.S.I., University “G. American Journal of Hypertension advance online publication 16 June 2011; doi:10.1038/ajh.2011.106. BP random variability was found to be large regardless of body position, reinforcing the need for operators to closely follow current guidelines that recommend ≥2 recordings at each measurement. used as a substitute for professional medical advice, The results of multivariate analyses have been detailed in Table 2. Search for other works by this author on: Department of Internal Medicine, Aging and Nephrological Diseases, University of Bologna, Section of Epidemiology and Public Health, University “G. It is not treated with medicines generally until after it gets to 140/90 mm Hg or more. Between two consecutive measurements, the patient was asked to relax for 5 minutes. This is because a drop in BP on standing, known as orthostatic hypotension (OH) is common in older people and in acute illness and, therefore, in hospital patients. Copyright © Orthostatic hypotension (OH) is defined as a drop in systolic BP of ⩾20 mmHg or a drop in diastolic BP of ⩾10 mmHg within 3 min of orthostatic stress.1 If this reduction in BP is sufficient to overcome cerebral autoregulation, then cerebral hypoperfusion will occur resulting in symptoms of orthostatic intolerance, such as dizziness, light headedness and syncope.2 Likewise, there is growing evidence that OH may contribute to vascular dementia,3 increase the risk of stroke,4 coronary artery disease5 and contribute t… Statistical significance was defined as a two-sided P value <0.05 for all analyses, which were performed using STATA 10.1 (Stata, College Station, TX). Department of Medicine and Science of Aging, University “G. blood pressure supine vs sitting A 27-year-old male asked: tilt test showed blood pressure 120/60 supine, standing 90/60 for a few seconds then 120/80 orthostatic hypotension or normal as corrected? Such a fall in BP with standing is called postural hypotension (low blood pressure), which, when significant, can cause weakness, lightheadedness, and even fainting. However, there are no recognized cutoffs in BP differences that may discriminate clinical relevancy. It keeps you, and everything around you, from simply floating off into space. The diastolic blood pressure is near about 55mm/Hg lower, when blood pressure is measure at the time of lying as comparable to sitting. Although it is true that a relatively large variability has been observed across all measurements, taking the mean value between two measurements reduces the possibility of a large measurement error or a large random variation. The Mayo Clinic notes that, in such cases, the cause — for instance, you're dehydrated, have low blood sugar or are rising after a prolonged time spent in bed — is usually nothing to be concerned about. Upon standing from a supine position, the normal response is an increase in heart rate to maintain blood pressure (BP). However, the study has some limitations that must be considered: first, it is monocentric, the sample is relatively small, and the amount of “large variation in BP” has been arbitrarily set at 10mmHg, but results may vary if other thresholds are considered. d'Annunzio” Foundation, World Health Organization. On the other side, our findings strongly support current recommendations which suggest that at least two measurements of BP (within a few minutes) always be taken, as the proportion of subjects showing a large (≥10mmHg) BP difference between one and another measurement in the same body position was as large as 30–32% for SBP and 15–20% for DBP. Deletion of bone marrow myeloperoxidase attenuates chronic kidney disease accelerated atherosclerosis. Hypertension affects hundreds of millions of subjects worldwide and currently represents a major public health issue in the agenda of all developed countries.1,2 Both for the identification and clinical management of hypertensive subjects, the measurement of blood pressure (BP) is a crucial practice. However, all the differences were statistically significant at either univariate or multivariate analysis, with the exception of the difference in SBP between Fowler's and sitting positions (Table 1). Finally, the number of subjects with at least one “random” large BP difference in each position was summed to obtain the proportion of subjects with at least one large difference in BP in at least one position. Giancarlo Cicolini, Carmine Pizzi, Elisabetta Palma, Marco Bucci, Francesco Schioppa, Andrea Mezzetti, Lamberto Manzoli, Differences in Blood Pressure by Body Position (Supine, Fowler's, and Sitting) in Hypertensive Subjects, American Journal of Hypertension, Volume 24, Issue 10, October 2011, Pages 1073–1079, As observed in a study published in May 2014 in Circulation Research, the ANS plays a central role in regulating key body functions, including blood pressure and heart function, both while your body is at rest and when it needs to respond to outside stimulation. These findings suggest a lower BP variability at the second and third measurements, and seem to support JNC guidelines recommending only the second and third of three readings be considered.28, Finally, this study was not designed to elucidate the physiological mechanisms underlying the observed variation in BP according to body position. The variability of mean BP by position was evaluated in six comparisons: supine vs. Fowler's; supine vs. sitting; Fowler's vs. sitting (for both SBP and DBP). A large difference was arbitrarily defined as a difference of >10mmHg between the mean BP measured in one position vs. another: as an example, in the comparison between the mean supine SBP and mean Fowler's SBP, a subject showed a large difference if his/her mean supine SBP value was 140mmHg and his/her mean Fowler's SBP value was <131mmHg or >149mmHg. 14.Keir DL, Wise BA, Krebs C, Kelley-Arney C. 16.Netea RT, Lenders JW, Smits P, Thien T. 17.Sala C, Santin E, Rescaldani M, Cuspidi C, Magrini F. 19.Belghazi J, El Feghali R, Moussalem T, Rejdych M, Asmar R. 20.Coleman A, Steel S, Freeman P, de Greeff A, Shennan A. Global Strategy on Diet, Physical Activity and Health, Joint National Committee on Prevention, Detection, Evaluation, and Treatment of High Blood Pressure. The drop in blood pressure may be sudden (vasovagal orthostatic hypotension), within 3 minutes (classic orthostatic hypotension) or gradual (delayed orthostatic hypotension). of SBP = 15mmHg and s.d. 32.van der Steen MS, Pleijers AM, Lenders JW, Thien T. Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford. We evaluated a new orthostatic response … An even higher prevalence of large differences was observed according to the measurement order within the same positions, with no univocal direction (random variation). Current guidelines suggests that BP can be measured indifferently in supine or sitting position,3,4 although it has been repeatedly documented that diastolic (DBP)5,–7 and, less convincingly, systolic (SBP)8 BP can be higher if measured in sitting position.4,9 Given that the differences between supine and sitting BP have been found to be relatively small,4,9 health professionals commonly do not consider or underestimate the effect of position when interpreting the results of BP measurements. advertisements are served by third party advertising companies. In addition to the mean/median differences in BP, we explored the variability across positions in terms of the percentage of subjects with large variations (≤ or ≥10mmHg) for each of the six comparisons (Table 3). This is of particular relevance because BP differences may impact much more on hypertensive than normotensive subjects, as the clinical management of hypertension is largely based upon BP measurements. First, the mean supine, Fowler's, and sitting SBP and DBP have been computed for each patient. Heart rate (bpm) Standing Sitting Supine Males 79±5 71±5 60±4* Females 91±6** 72±4# 58±3| Effects of body position and arm on blood pressure 3 Table 1. This stretch can help to maintain and improve lower extremity range of motion. Importantly, besides those cases in which the use of Fowler's position to measure BP is forced by their clinical state (i.e., after thoracic surgery), Fowler's position might represent a valid alternative to supine or sitting positions also for other groups of patients, because its BP values were always intermediate between supine and sitting BP, and because the proportions of subjects showing a large BP variability between Fowler's and another position were always (and expectably) lower than those with large variations between supine and sitting positions. Changes in blood pressure in the sitting and standing positions in hypertensive patients. Sample size calculation. It should not be Fowler's position may represent a valid alternative to sitting and supine positions for BP measurement in routine clinical practice. "It's actually a pretty common problem as we get older. Here's how that works. For some, it may also be a harbinger of heart disease. And, in the case of having to manage blood pressure when you stand up, Dr. Osborne explains that the ANS handles the dilemma by triggering special cells to issue neurologic signals that instruct your blood vessels to constrict. The sample consisted of 250 subjects (mean age 66.3 ± 13.4 years; 44.4% males). When standing up threatens to destabilize your blood pressure, the autonomic nervous system quickly battles gravity and saves the day. Although we cannot be sure that the duplication of BP measurement is enough to overcome BP variations across recordings, taking the mean value between two measurements reduces the possibility of a large measurement error or a large random variation. Exercise intervention to Normalize blood pressure and nocturnal Dipping in HyperTensive patients (END-HT): protocol of a randomized controlled trial, Risk of Incident Hypertension According to Physical Activity and Temporal Changes in Weight, Salt intake, aldosterone secretion and obesity: role in the pathogenesis of resistant hypertension, Renal sodium handling: perspective on adaptation to clinical practice, Associations between Social Determinants and Hypertension, Stage 2 Hypertension and Controlled Blood Pressure among Men and Women in the US,,, Receive exclusive offers and updates from Oxford Academic. Male and female subject heart rates expressed as recorded as the systolic pressure. The independent association between the position of the measurement and BP has been evaluated using two separate generalized estimating equations models:21 the first with SBP as the dependent variable; the second with DBP. For full access to this pdf, sign in to an existing account, or purchase an annual subscription. The blood Pressure can also be measured at the time of standing. diagnosis or treatment. Quantifying random variability in BP measurements may be important to verify whether it may confound the association between BP and body position, and whether more than one recording at each BP measurement is really needed. Moreover, we do not select every advertiser or advertisement that appears on the web site-many of the Maxwell R. Berry, Bayard T. Horton, Alexander R. Maclean, The Importance of Studying the Postural Responses of the Blood Pressure and the Heart Rate, with a Note on the Method of Taking the Blood Pressure in the Erect Posture, Medical Clinics of North America, 10.1016/S0025-7125(16)36688-3, 24, 4, (1095-1126), (1940). Most guidelines for management of hypertension do not give special preference to a specific position of patient during blood pressure (BP) measurement, suggesting that BP readings taken with patients sitting, supine and standing are equivalent. The mean supine, Fowler 's and sitting position Center, Ce.S.I. University... Blood pressure was again taken in this last position with supine position with supine position multivariate analyses have been in! Dijk JG, Tjon-A-Tsien blood pressure supine vs standing, Lenders JW, Thien T. Oxford University Press a! Not treated with medicines generally until after it gets to 140/90 mm Hg or less. more . Table was used for each patient Kramer CG, Lemkes HH measurements three... 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