Chaar Sahibzaade Shaheedi 1. December is central to worldwide celebrations. Akal Academy Kajri organises a Mock Market for students. Learn how your comment data is processed. He himself armed his son and sent him out with the next group of five Sikhs whom he considered no less dear than his own sons. The Sikh community will remembering this young martyr son of the tenth master for all times to come. Thus, Guru Gobind Singh sacrificed his dear and brave sons, only to prove that when it comes to making sacrifices for Sikh cause, he would not hesitate to offer his own sons to show to the world that the Sikh ideals alone, and not his own sons, were dearer to him. Sikhism raised hopes of equality for all and freedom from tyranical rulers of the time. The way both these sons of Guru Gobind Singh achieved martyrdom, upholding the principles for which their father had been actively mobilizing within his disciples, showed that Guruji was able to show to all the Sikhs and the enemy that he did not value his own sons more than his Sikhs and that he would not hesitate even to sacrifice his own sons for the Sikh cause. There is no parallel in the world when a father had thanked God, instead of weeping, on the death of his sons witnessed in front of him. On the other hand, seven months of unsuccessful military venture had also demoralized the leaders and soldiers of the tyrant rulers. The eldest Sahibzada of Guru Gobind Singh Ji, Sahibzada Baba Ajit Singh Ji was born at Paunta Sahib, and Sahibzada Baba Jujhar Singh Ji the second son of the tenth Guru, was born at Anandpur Sahib. I also wanted to re-share this post from last year about the Shaheedi of the four Sahibzade. On 26 December 1705, Baba Fateh Singh ji was cruelly and mercilessly martyred at Sirhind along with his elder brother, Zorawar Singh. Guru Arjan Dev Ji, Guru Teg Bahdar Ji, Char Sahibzade, Mata Gujri Ji and a large number of sikhs have sacrificed there lives for the good. The heroic deeds of these two elder sons Guru Gobind Singh will keep inspiring the young Sikh generations to rise to the occasion whenever called upon to fight for justice and rights against injustice and cruelty for all times to come. Scores of enemy soldier’s bodies were lying in heaps around the fallen body of brave Ajit Singh. Emerging from the fortress, Ajit Singh, the brave son of the Tenth Master, attacked the enemy soldiers like a lion leaping on them as if to hungrily tear and shred sheep. Gurdwara Fatehgarh Sahib which is situated 5 km north of Sirhind marks the sad site of the execution of the two younger sons of Guru Gobind Singh at the behest of Wazir Khan of Kunjpura, the faujdar of Sirhind. As the year approaches the end, the global world Sikh community commemorates the martyrdom of YOUNGEST Martyrs in the history of the world. When groups of Sikhs started leaving the fortress and fought bravely while afflicting heavy causalities before laying down their precious lives, Sahibzada Ajit Singh sought permission of his father to also allow him to go out to fight side by side the brave Sikhs. Guru Tegh Bahadur, who was born in Amritsar, is remembered as the man who championed the rights for … The Sikhs were as dear to him as his own sons. After a long drawn battle, the enemy soldiers attacked the young Jujhar Singh from all sides in large numbers, breaking the protective ring around him. The protest has entered 25th day at Delhi-UP border on December 20. The brave fight put up by his elder brother filled Sahibzada Jujhar Singh with happiness and courage. Shaheedi Diwas Shri Guru Arjan Dev Ji: 26 May 2020: Tuesday: Shri Akal Takth Sahib Te Hamla: 4 June 2020: Thursday: Janam Bhagat Kabir Ji: 5 June 2020: Friday: Jor Mela Gurdwara Shri Reetha Sahib: 5 June 2020: Friday: Parkash Shri Guru Hargobind Sahib: 6 June 2020: Saturday: Shaheedi Baba Banda Singh Ji Bahadur: 25 June 2020: Thursday: Meeri-Peeri Diwas Patsahi Chhevin: 30 … Shaheedi Diwas Vadde Sahibzade! This amply proved to the world how fearless the Sikhs of the Guru were. He attained martyrdom under the watchful and appreciative eyes of his great father. Speaking to ANI, Chief Secretary (Delhi-NCR) of Bhartiya Kisan Union, Mange Ram Tyagi said, “We will observe Shaheedi Diwas today … When the enemy attacked the fortress in the morning, Guru Gobind Singh, and his disciples kept the enemy at bay with the hails of deadly arrows which inflicting heavy casualties. The innocence and boundless purity of these noble souls reflects on their faces. The mind boggles to understand how children of such young age had the, courage, bravery and focus to refuse the promise of many lavish gifts and a future of cosy comforts of royalty that were being offered by the Mughals if they abandoned their faith against the other stark option of a brutal, painful and tragic death entombed within a wall of bricks and mortar. Analysis. By evening of the following day, Guru Gobind Singh accompanied by his only two elder sons and forty surviving Sikhs arrived at village Chamkaur, thoroughly exhausted. Their valor lent proof to Guruji’s saying that he would be worthy of being Gobind Singh when he would make a Sikh so brave and fearless that he would fight with one lakh and quarter enemies alone. Each respectively swore on the Geeta and Koran assuring Sri Guru Gobind Singh that in case he vacated Anandpur Fort along with his Sikhs, they would not attack him and his soldiers. They underwent training in physical fitness, riding, and use of weapons as well as getting formal and religious (Gurmat) education from competent Sikhs and their father right from their childhood. Many enemy soldiers were both astonished and terrified on seeing the fighting caliber and methods of attack of this young boy. The two were aged 18 yrs and 16 … Share; Tweet; Pin; LinkedIn; Email; 72 shares. We are proud of your sacrifice. The grand mother related to them stories from Sikh History. Sahibzada Jujhar Singh, the second son of Guru Gobind Singh had been keenly observing from the fortess Chamkor the heroic fight put up by his elder brother, Sahibzada Ajit Singh against overwhelming number and better equiped enemy soldiers. December 25, 2020. On this darkest of days, their youngest hero and bravest comrade of Sikhism, Sahibzada Fateh Singh (1699-1705) who was the youngest of Guru Gobind Singh’s four sons, Sahibzada Zorawar Singh (1696-1705), his elder brother and Mata Gujar Kaur ji, his grandmother sacrificed their lives for their faith and the right to remain Sikhs. Guru Tegh Bahadur Martyrdom Day 2020: All you need to know about day observed in memory of 9th Sikh Guru ... Sikhs celebrate Shaheedi Diwas to remember Guru Tegh Bahadur, the ninth Guru of Sikhism who sacrificed his life for people who were not from his community. Shaheedi Diwas Shri Guru Arjan Dev Ji: 7 June 2019: Friday: Janam Bhagat Kabir Ji: 17 June 2019: Monday: Jor Mela Gurdwara Shri Reetha Sahib: 17 June 2019: Monday : Parkash Shri Guru Hargobind Sahib: 18 June 2019: Tuesday: Shaheedi Baba Banda Singh Ji Bahadur: 25 June 2019: Tuesday: Sirjna Diwas Shri Akal Takth Sahib: 2 July 2019: Tuesday: Shaheedi Bhai Mani Singh … ~ Source: ~ (Reprint – adapted from article published by ‘All About Sikhs’). The two were aged 18 yrs and 16 yrs respectively when they achieved martyrdom at Chamkaur Sahib. They had love not for their lives, but the orders of their master. Their combined fighting forces marched towards Anandpur Sahib and encircled it completely. Dhan Dhan Sahibjada Baba Fateh Singh & Sahibjada Baba Zorawar Singh ji. They had never seen such bravery performed by anyone at such a young age against mighty enemy forces. Guru Ji, accompanied by Sikhs and his family members evacuated Anandpur Sahib in December 1704 A.D. The enemy soldiers could not help appreciating the ferocity and smartness of the young boy. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. ਗੁਰੂ ਅਰਜਨ ਦੇਵ ਜੈਯੰਤੀ 2020 | Guru Arjan Dev Ji Shaheedi Gurpurab 2020 Diwas, Purab Date in Punjab | Sikh Guru Arjun Dev Jayanti: Guru Arjan Dev Ji Shaheedi Gurpurab 2020 Date: May 26th Happy Guru Arjan © Copyright 2018 by The Kalgidhar Society, Baru Sahib. Sahibzaade thinking in heaven…. Char Sahibzade, ("char" means four and "sahibzade" refers to the sons or scions, young men of genteel birth) is a term endearingly used for the four sons of Guru Gobind Singh, (Nanak X) all of whom died as … Protestors shouting slogans against him raised the point that the Badals were part of the … They cut off supplies to the besieged Sikh community in the Anandpur Sahib Fort. The accompanying Sikhs were likewise putting to death many more enemy soldiers while keeping a protective ring around Sahibzada Jujhar Singh. Now sikhi are done halala and khatna. He assured his father that he will not let him down and that he would attack the enemy soldiers and drive them away as a shepherd drives his flock of sheep. The Sikhs addressed Guru Sahib as "Sache Patshah” - the True Lord which Aurangzeb couldn't tolerate Other main reasons that led to attacks at Anandpur were: Guru Sahib created the Khalsa Panth and that didn't settle well with the enemy Guru Sahib treated everyone … Guru Gobind Singh was immensely pleased at this and embraced his son. 0 226 . Ever increasing numbers of Hindus and even Muslims adopting Sikhism, alarmed both Hindu kings of the Hill States adjoining Anandpur Sahib and of the Muslim rulers who thought that if Sikhism were allowed to grow at this rate neither rulers would not be able to control the oppressed for very long. The Sahibzada swiftly dismounted the horse and pulling out his sword from its sheath, engaged the enemy soldiers. Jo Bole So Nihaal, Sat Sri Akal !!!!!!!!!! Dec 17, 2014 - daasharjit: “Made Png photo - Chaar Sahibzaade ” Guru Gobind Singh Ji decided to evacuate Anandpur Sahib on the advice of Sikhs although he had no confidence on the promises made by the adversaries and told them about his views. They quickly settled in the fortress-like house of Chaudhary Budhi Chand and decided to face the approaching enemy forces there. As a result they searched for a face-saving device to please Emperor Aurangzeb. Why Hon’ble Sahibzada Fateh Singh is stated with the word “comrade”? 22 Dec. Shaheedi Baba Jiwan Singh Ji (Bhai Jaita Ji) 23 Dec. Shaheedi Eldest Sahibzade & Other Shaeeds of Chamkaur Sahib 24 Dec. Shaheedi Bhai Sangat Singh Ji 28 Dec. Shaheedi Youngest Sahibzade & Mata Gujri Ji 06 Jan. Shaheedi Bhai Kehar Singh Ji, Bhai Satwant Singh Ji 13 Jan. Parkash Shri Guru Gobind Singh Ji* 13 January - 11 February 2019 ~ MAGH Protesters will observe ‘Shaheedi Diwas’ today at the protest site. Guru Tegh Bahadur Shaheedi Diwas 2020 … — Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) December 19, 2020. The older sahibzade, called the "Vaada Sahibzade" died fighting the enemy of many thousands at the young age of 18 and 14 years old in battle at Chamkaur Sahib. Headless bodies of enemy soldiers were piling up around him. After the brave son of the Master exhausted his arrows, he attacked to enemy with his spear. This vlog is a tribute to Guru Gobind Singh Ji and his family. Baba Fateh Singh with his elder brother, set a precedence in Sikh history (and perhaps also in world history) by becoming the youngest known martyrs to sacrifice their lives for their principles. Happy Holidays! He is probably the youngest recorded martyr in history who knowingly and consciously laid down his life at the very tender age of 6 years. Their numbers swelled to 100,000 by day break. After this evacuation, they would also leave and be in a position to show their faces to the Emperor Aurangzeb. Ever increasing numbers of Hindus and even Muslims adopting Sikhism, alarmed both Hindu kings of the Hill States adjoining Anandpur Sahib and of the Muslim rulers who thought that if Sikhism were allowed to grow at this rate neither rulers would not be able to control the oppressed for very long. He had been keeping the enemy at bay by his arrows thus providing enough cover for his son to fight a prolonged battle with the enemy soldiers. Guru Gobind Singh was watching his brave son’s deeds of valor and appreciated his courage and swordsmanship from atop the fortress. The four Sahibzade Khalsa warriors princes were the sons of Guru Gobind Singh (1666–1708), the leader of the Sikhs in the Punjab region of the Indian subcontinent during the Mughal empire (1526–1857). They were thus able to cover journey comfortably. Waheguruji mehar karan. There will be no school during those two weeks. Download PIB for 19th Dec 2020: ASSOCHAM Foundation Week 2020; Shaheedi Diwas of Guru Tegh Bahadur; Pandit Deendayal Upadhyay Telecom Skill Excellence Awards. This spear pierced deeply into the body of Baba Ajit Singh. Imprisoned in the open tower (Thanda Burj) in the freezing month of December, their radiant faces show no pain or regret at their unwavering decision to uphold Sikhi at all costs. The accompanying Sikhs prevented enemy soldiers from other sides from encircling the brave Ajit Singh. भगवा पगड़ी और भगवा कपड़ा बांधे लोग, गुरुवाणी का कीर्तन, बोले सो निहाल सत श्री अकाल की गूंज. The world salutes the supreme sacrifice of these kids who never once – even of a moment considered the easy option and remained focused on their mission to uphold the principles of God’s kingdom and allowed their bodies to be tortured and violated and endured the intense pain of a slow, pain-ridden and certain death, Bole so Nihal sat shree Sksl Lakh Lakh parnam to the shaheedi for true Faith. Shaheedi Diwas of Chhote Sahibzaade . The Guru Father was filled with immense pleasure at the determination of his 16 year old second son. Sahibzada Jujhar Singh using arrows, his spear and finally his sword felled numerous enemy soldiers. Home/ guru teg bahadur ji shaheedi diwas 2020 guru teg bahadur ji shaheedi diwas 2020. Merry Christmas Guru Nanak International Academy. Delhi-UP Border, Dec 20 (ANI): Farmers continue to hold protest against centre’s three farm laws. © Copyright 2018 by The Kalgidhar Society, Baru Sahib. It is this time of year we remember the shaheedi … PIB Summary and Analysis for UPSC Exam. On this darkest of days, their youngest hero and bravest comrade of Sikhism, Sahibzada Fateh Singh (1699 … Guru Gobind Singh thanked God for helping Ajit Singh to live up to his father’s expectations. Followers of Sikh religion are paying homage to Guru Tegh Bahadur on 345th Martyrdom Day. He armed his son with weapons and allowed him to go out with next batch of five Sikhs. The Guru was immensely pleased at the courage shown by his son and the tactics employed by him while inflicting heavy casualties on the adversaries. Imagine 5 Sikhs, daring to take on thousands of enemy soldiers! Shaheedi diwas (martyrdom day) of great martyrs and days of some great historic events like Khalsa Sajna Diwas are also given importance in the sikh religion and these days are also mentioned on this page. Here is the history of the 4 sons of our 10 th Guru, Guru Gobind Singh Ji: Sahibzada Ajit Singh, Jujhar Singh, Zorawar Singh, and Fateh Singh. Shaheedi- Chaar Sahibzaade Sikh Gurdwara Cardiff 30-12-2012 2. He compiled the first official edition of the Sikh scripture called the Adi Granth, which later … DhanGURU GOBIND SINGH JI DHAN SAHEBZZADE Baba Ajit Singh Ji Baba jujhar Singh Ji Baba joravar Singh Ji Baba Fateh Singh Ji Charno mai namaskaar, This article is useless and didn’t help me at all in my project, Dhan baba Ajit Singh ji Ateh Baba Jujhar Singh ji. Sahibzada Ajit Singh performed deeds of great courage during various battles that took place around Anandpur Sahib between the forces of Hindu Kings & Muslim rulers on one side & Guruji’s forces on the other. However, the blade of spear which had penetrated into the chest of one of the adversaries piercing his steel dress, broke inside the body of the enemy solider, when Sahibzada Ajit Singh pulled his spear back. Later Ajit Singh and the remaining Sikhs too crossed the rivulet Sirsa & joined Guru Gobind Singh. JAMMU, Dec 25: Bhargav Sports defeated Jammu Hockey Legends by 9-6 goals in the inaugural match of Shaheedi Chaar Sahibzade Hockey Cup (Master), being played at Bhargav Public School Gadigarh near SDM Office (South), here today. The Sikhs besieged in Anandpur Fort had to undergo extreme hardship due to unavailability of rations, water and medicines. After the conclusion of Shaheedi Sabha organized at Fatehgarh Sahib there to observe martyrdom of younger Sahibzade of Guru Gobind Singh, Badal was addressing a press conference in the gurdwara, when he was shown black flags by the Sikh youths and farmers. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. When the stock of arrows started dwindling and the enemy forces starting coming close to the fortress, it was decided by Guru Gobind Singh to send Sikhs outside the fortress in batches of five to engage the enemy soldiers in hand to hand combat. Sharing is caring! Guru Arjan Dev Ji Shaheedi 2020: Martyrdom of Guru Arjan Dev Ji 2020 | Guru Arjan Dev Ji Quotes, Purab Diwas, Images, Status, Photos: Guru Arjan (15 April 1563 – 30 May 1606) was the first of the two Gurus martyred in the Sikh faith and the fifth of the ten total Sikh Gurus. Guru Gobind Singh was watching the brave acts of his son in the battlefield from the fortress. Email:'s Staff: Arsh: Preet Kang: Preet Kang's FB Profile Thus the Muslim rulers in Delhi, Punjab and Jammu and Kashmir joined hands with the Hindu rulers of Hill States around Anandpur Sahib, to destroy the growing influence of Guru Gobind Singh forever. It is also observed as Shaheed Diwas on Nov 24. Sahibzada Ajit Singh and part of Sikh forces kept the attacking enemy at bay by engaging them in a fierce battle till Guru Gobind Singh accompanied by others crossed the rivulet, which had swelled due to heavy rains upstream. Shaheedi Diwas 2020: All You Need to Know about Guru Teg Bahadur on His Martydom Day Guru Tegh Bahadur Often referred to as Hind Ki Chadar, which means Shield of India, Guru Tegh Bahadur is considered as the most selfless martyr. The Guru thus proved that for the cause he was fighting, he would not hesitate to offer his own sons for sacrifice, while demanding the same supreme sacrifice from his Sikhs. Share; Tweet; Pin; LinkedIn; Email ; 140 shares. All Rights Reserved. Sharing is caring! The flooded rivulet took a heavy toll of Sikh lives. Updated: Nov 24, 2020, 09:03 AM IST Guru Tegh Bahadur, the ninth Guru of Sikhism sacrificed his life for the sake of people who did not even belong to his community. The brave son of Guru Gobind Singh was fatally injured and the youth fell on ground. Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Shaheedi Diwas of Guru Teg Bahadur, Mata Gujri and Sahibzade of Guru Gobind Singh. Once outside the fortress, the young Jujhar Singh fearlessly attacked the enemy soldiers like a lion, while accompanying Sikhs formed a protective ring around him. 0:01. While he was cutting the adversaries to pieces by lightening strikes with his sword, an enemy soldier successfully attacked the brave son of Guru Gobind Singh with a sharp spear. After this evacuation, they would also leave and be in a position to show their.. 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