CMOS inverter has ______ regions of operation. Similarly, when a low voltage is applied to the gate, NMOS will not conduct. The transition region is approximated by a straight line with a slope equal to the inverter gain atVM. Considering the static condition first, in region 1 for which Vin = logic 0, the p-transistor … d) infinite off resistance If p-transistor is conducting and has small voltage between source and drain, then it is said to work in ________ b) Vg a) linear c) high output capacitance Correct answer is option 'D'. 1.3. c) divider If βn = βp, then Vin is equal to ________ e regions are de-scribed by the state of the drain-source channel controlled by the gate voltage. c) non saturation If n-transistor conducts and has large voltage between source and drain, then it is said to be in _____ region… View Answer, 6. View Answer, 2. Objectives . This set of VLSI Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “CMOS Inverter”. CMOS inverter: Propagation delay Inverter propagation delay: time delay between input and output signals; figure of merit of logic speed. c) very high d) 0.5Vdd Figure 5.2 shows a piecewise linear approximation for the VTC. The approach is differ-ent from Kayssi et al. A detailed circuit diagram of a CMOS inverter is shown in figure 3. Regions of operation of MOS transistors A Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistors (MOSFET, or simply, MOS) is a four terminal device. • The PFET source S and substrate B are both at VDD, so no body effect for either FET. c) 2Vdd Therefore, direct current flows from VDD to Vout and charges the load capacitor which shows that Vout = VDD. b) voltage source Once you understand the properties and operation of an inverter then we can extend the concepts to understand any other logic gate. Properties of CMOS Inverter : (1) Since in CMOS inverter there is existence of direct between power supply and ground, it has low output impedance. c) very low Question bank for Electrical Engineering (EE). Yet, the design of this circuit has never been investigated in any detail. In CMOS inverter, transistor is a switch having ________ a) Transverse electric field The following graph shows the drain to source current (effectively the overall current of the inverter) of the NMOS as a function of input voltage. Sanfoundry Global Education & Learning Series – VLSI. • Once the cut off transistor starts conducting, it immediately is saturated. The input is connected to the gate terminal of both the transistors such that both can be driven directly with input voltages. Hence the NMOS is in cut-off and PMOS is in linear region and output voltage is VDD. 5.2The Static CMOS Inverter — An Intuitive Perspective Figure 5.1 shows the circuit diagram of a static CMOS inverter. Their value can be estimated as Saturated region (V gs-V t