(5) A common variant is for this unit to be merged with the regimental infantry gun unit, the armament of which then consists of 2 regimental guns and 2 antitank guns. These units are organized into independent regiments and battalions. In certain instances field post offices may act as paying agencies for the army, in addition to accepting and delivering military mail and handling postal money orders and military postal savings. This was enacted by the Japanese in order to prevent militarism, which had led to conflict. According to. Its total strength is 1,401 officers and enlisted men. It had been found, however, that these units may enter operations overstrength, the reason for this addition being apparently the inclusion of an extra number of antiaircraft machine guns. A group of armies such as the Kwantung Army, might be considered the equivalent of the command of a theater of operations. 2 radio sets (ground to air) , and 8 to 10 other radios. (2) Strength analysis. (2) Medical. Other evidence indicates that the Japanese may have formed armored divisions, of which the tank groups may be the nucleus. 186 officers and men. 46 officers and men. The independent company is 6- or 8-gun unit, and, as in the case of the battalion, it may be motorized, horse-drawn, or pack. (1) General. Air Groups ( Air Divisions) of the Imperial Japanese Army were units typically formed by aggregating several (4-8) aviation regiments ( Sentais) for the training or large-scale military operations. Both sides of the cap have 3 ventilation holes and the rear has its is original cord tie. The total strength is about 450 men, 12 searchlights, 12 sound locators, 50 motor vehicles. The Japanese have referred to an airborne force composed of a glider force and parachute force but give no details. (4) Companies are commanded by captains or first lieutenants and are composed of company headquarters, 4 platoons, and a material section. It may be motorized, pack, or draft. If you are interested in reenacting the Japanese Army's military. The regular field artillery regiment consists of a regimental headquarters, three battalions of 75-mm guns (each battalion having a battalion headquarters, three gun companies, and a train), and a regimental train. Later four tank and one parachute division were formed. (Water (shipping) units are headed by a sea transport headquarters in Japan. The radio intercept unit is divided into a headquarters with train, an intercept unit equipped with 6 receivers, and a direction-finder unit equipped with 4 direction finders. General. General. General. In 1941-42 the infantryman wore the Model 98 uniform, introduced in 1938. (10) Should the artillery regiment be fully motorized the following estimates are likely: c. Mountain artillery (pack). 2 machine gun sections (noncommissioned officer and 10 men). General. The total strength is about 140 officers and enlisted men. They are believed to operate small sailing and motor craft. Regimental infantry gun unit. Cavalry units were formed in regiments most were either operating attached to infantry divisions or directly under a brigade attached to an army prior to the formation of the IJA Cavalry Group on 21 April 1933. b. (3) Equipment. Some, however, also are located to protect strategic centers farther afield. Two gun sections (noncommissioned officers and 10 men). It is noteworthy that the Japanese recently have been stressing the amount of military information that can be gathered from prisoners of war and from captured documents. Military band. The three-company regiment. Note that in this case I used mostly sources from US military intelligence in World War 2. They appear to be in the nature of group or higher organization headquarters, controlling all antiaircraft defense in a selected area, and have under their command antiaircraft battalions or companies, machine cannon units, searchlight units, and possibly barrage balloon or antiaircraft observation units. DIVISION SIGNAL UNIT. The judicial (legal) service of the Japanese Army formerly was entirely in the hands of civilians attached to various units. In addition, Japanese tactical doctrines and techniques, as set forth in their manuals and observed in action, are discussed. n. Infantry rifle company ("A" type without heavy weapons platoon). Following the charts and tables are presented detailed analyses of organization and strength. Answer Save. Two noncommissioned officers and eight men. The platoon has two 70-mm battalion guns. During the war another 117 were raised for foreign service and 56 were raised for national defense. The cap is complete with its leather sweatband and has had its liner removed. Controlled all army units in central and southern China. Those who were part of the Ke… (4) Equipment. The total strength of the cavalry brigade has been reported to be about 5,000 to 6,000. c. Independent infantry groups. The Japanese themselves classify these organic units into three general categories: A, or the strongest; B, representing the standard; and C, the special. (3) Strength analysis. A runner or liaison section may be included. 2. 14. As a horse-drawn unit, the armament would be similar, but the exact strength figure is unknown. f. Amphibious brigades. A new type of unit has recently made its appearance. As the IJA was an infantry force the most common type of division was the infantry division. They include draft, pack, or motor transportation, and are of 35 to 45 men in strength. These consist of about 1,500 officers and men with 300 vehicles. The commanding officer is a captain. a. Captain or First Lieutenant. The cavalry regiment. Such regiments are designed to operate and guard railways. The artillery group is under command of either a major general or a colonel. 18. (a) Company commander. APO numbers evidently are assigned to localities, rather than to units, and remain fixed. All about Japanese army in WWII.Admin: Muhammad Aris Munandar Line of communication transport supervision detachments. The regiment was equipped with 24 tractor-drawn Type "96" 150-mm. Shipping transport commands (headquarters). The number of officers employed in each special staff section varies with divisions. The antitank unit of the cavalry brigade consists of three firing platoons, each of two 37-mm. Cavalry-brigade tank units are reported to consist of a headquarters, 2 companies of light tanks, and a unit train. (3) Strength analysis. In a subordinate position, there is also the Central Commission for Intelligence, a coordinating body which maintains contact with all government departments and disseminates information. Nambu also designed the military’s machine guns including the squad light machine guns and the heavier machine guns found at battalion level. Strength of the battalion train may vary. Independent motor transport companies. (5) A battalion consists of a headquarters, 3 companies, and a train. The Japanese have several varieties of organizations, all of which have been designed to fit particular operational conditions and requirements. The motor battalion is believed to be made up of a headquarters and two or three truck companies, each of three platoons, with each platoon divided into three sections. d. Identified Japanese divisions and their principal components. guns. Great Savings Free Delivery / Collection on many items The total strength is about 180 officers and enlisted men, with four 75-mm field guns. Organized in July 1938 to conduct the Wuhan campaign. It consists of a headquarters, a regimental train, 2 battalions (each with three companies), and a battalion train. Time to take a look at some Japanese field fortifications and defense measures. The headquarters consists of about 120 officers and enlisted men, and includes a transport section, a repair section, and an air-ground radio section. Certain units are listed as field air defense units. Commanded by a colonel or lieutenant colonel, they are composed of a headquarters and from 4 to 8 draft or pack transport companies. They are to be found functioning as units or split into branches along the lines of communication of armies. It is equipped with two 70-mm battalion guns. Each infantry division normally contains either one cavalry or one reconnaissance regiment or unit. d. Heavy artillery. Note that every country had some distinctive features, but the general layout were to a certain degree quite similar, if we consider this statement from the in publication Japanese in Battle fro… Often referred to as the "Infantry Group" in histories of World War II to avoid confusion with a Commonwealth infantry brigade, which was equivalent to a Japanese infantry regiment, Articles incorporating text from Wikipedia, List of IJA Independent Infantry Brigades, List of Japanese military detachments in World War II, Establishment of a standard infantry division, Scale of equipment of a standard infantry division, On-line version of U.S. War Department discussion of Japanese organisation, https://military.wikia.org/wiki/Organization_of_the_Imperial_Japanese_Army?oldid=4214832, Machine gun company, with 12 x heavy machine guns, Regimental anti-tank gun company, with 6 x. There are approximately 730 rifles, 37 light machine guns, 49 grenade dischargers, 4 heavy machine guns (7.7-mm), eight 20-mm antitank rifles, four 37-mm antitank guns, 4 battalion 70-mm guns. A Reconnaissance regiment, with a mix of mounted, motorized infantry and anti-tank companies, could replace the Cavalry regiment. The ordnance, signal, veterinary, and guard detachments, together with the drivers of vehicles used to transport the division staff and part of its equipment, make up the rest of the headquarters. Lv 7. 1. b. (c) Ordnance and intendance section. It is composed of a headquarters and 3 battalions and its strength is about 3,200. There were three cavalry brigades: the IJA 1st Cavalry Brigade, IJA 3rd Cavalry Brigade, and IJA 4th Cavalry Brigade. The 1st Amphibious Brigade had supporting artillery tank, engineer, machine cannon, and signal units directly under brigade headquarters, bringing total personnel strength to about 4,000. If motorized, the unit's total strength approximates 150; a pack unit will have a personnel of about 250. c. No gas or decontamination units are known to exist in other type divisions. Classification and strength. They are commanded by lieutenant colonels or majors. (1) As a pack unit, the company has 250 men, eight 37-mm. AT guns, and 67 motor vehicles. The unit consists of a headquarters, one light-tank company, two medium-tank companies, and a combat train. (3) Its total strength is 490 men and it has eighteen 37- or 47-mm. Its total strength is 55 officers and enlisted men. Reconnaissance units are divisional cavalry troops and may be used as an alternative to a cavalry regiment. Reports have been received of independent tank companies. Before the war the functions of the signal corps were performed by communication units of the corps of engineers. No. (a) General. a. General. Antiaircraft units, especially machine cannon companies, are designed to fulfill a dual-purpose role. Organization. The Japanese Army in the field is organized into groups of armies, area armies, armies, and forces with special missions which initially do not come under command of any army. a. The platoons are divided into 3 sections each equipped with a searchlight and a sound locator. In all signal units it is common practice to add or decrease the number of radios as required. (1) General. This type of division has been encountered most frequently in present operational areas. Armed Forces, Armies, Axis, Divisions, WW2 / January 4, 2021 January 5, 2021. Strength and weapons of special division (all figures are estimates.). These are estimated at about 350 officers and enlisted men, and commanded by captain or first lieutenants. (3) Antiaircraft and antitank units have also been reported as forming part of these brigades. (3) Strength analysis of "A" type gun company. General. (b) Company headquarters (command section). FIELD COMMAND. If motorized, the train will be reduced in most cases. Its total strength is 1,626 officers and enlisted men. (b) Company headquarters (command section). f. Bridge-building and river-crossing material companies. d. Reconnaissance regiment. antiaircraft guns and 6 to 9 machine guns. Independent garrison units usually are commanded by major generals, although one or two are commanded by colonels. Branch offices, termed shipping groups, are situated at the principal base ports in theaters of operations. howitzers and number approximately 1,500 officers and enlisted men. General. (a) Platoon commander. (3) Strength analysis. Such a unit is divided into three platoons, each of three sections, and a unit train. Each division has as part of its organization a veterinary unit of from 50 to 100 officers and enlisted men. General. The field artillery regiment normally consists of a headquarters and train and 3 battalions of 75-mm field guns or 105-mm howitzers. The Japanese are known to have a chemical warfare service and. (It is believed that some units may be equipped with larger caliber antiaircraft guns.). c. Equipment. Other independent artillery and antiaircraft units may be assigned or attached. 20. It includes an artillery group, but has no organic tank element or gas decontamination unit. (a) Company commander--captain or first lieutenant. The normal artillery component of a standard division is a 36-gun regiment of 75-mm field or mountain artillery which may be motorized, horse-drawn, or pack. It consists of a staff, made up of administration, code and intelligence,ordnance, and intendance sections. Some mountain artillery regiments may include a battalion of 105-mm pack (mountain) howitzers. d. Infantry group tankette company. antiaircraft guns and 2 machine guns. The brigade was commanded by a major general. Japanese military terminology does not include the term army corps (see par. Total strength is 205 officers and enlisted men. The IJA maintained two types of Independent Regiments, both were used to provide garrisons in occupied areas. 2. 1 gun platoon (Nos. Strength and weapons of "strengthened" (modified) division. (9) Regimental equipment. c. Engineer units. Independent transport battalions (horse). 5 men. Shipping signal units are composed of a headquarters and 2 companies. and a company train. A platoon has about 50 men and is divided into 3 sections, each equipped with 40 carrier pigeons. Field freight depots. r. Battalion machine-gun company (4-gun company). 15. The heavy-weapons section has a heavy machine gun section of 9 men, and a cannon section of 6 men. The headquarters, composed of 70 to 100 officers and men, is divided into an administrative staff, a headquarters guard (equipped with automatic weapons) , and a small field (baggage) section. A So-Gun, meaning "General Army", was the term used in the IJA for an army group. The total strength of the headquarters, including the headquarters operational group, is about 80 officers and enlisted men. Strength is estimated at 1,000 officers and enlisted men. The initial General Army was the Japanese Manchurian Army, formed from 1904–1905 during the Russo-Japanese War as a temporary command structure to coordinate the efforts of several Japanese armies in the campaign against Imperial Russia. Each sector contains an infantry unit, an artillery unit, and an engineer unit. specialized engineer units are attached for the purpose. Such units, formed by assigning combat or service elements other than transport to provisionally formed transport units, will be found operating behind the lines. The transport regiment has two battalions which may be draft, pack, or motorized. including pay noncommissioned officer. In the standard division a small signal unit may be furnished from the division signal unit. The independent infantry mortar battalion is organized as follows: a. Mountain artillery. Strength for the company is approximately 140 with an armament of six 75-mm. Within both the standard and the strengthened divisions, the regimental cavalry is organized basically along the same lines. Shipping transport area units. These fortresses are commanded by officers ranging from lieutenant general to colonel, according to importance of the fortress. Captain or First Lieutenant. The material section carries tools and other equipment, with pack and draft sections; its strength is about 25 men. Organization of such an armored division has been described as follows: 21. b. (4)> The special division. Armored train units. Intendance personnel are assigned to armies, divisions, and lower units, they also are found at various depots, factories, and other places requiring accounting and quartermaster services. They are commanded by general officers and composed of two or more antiaircraft regiments. g. Construction-duty companies. field guns each), and machine cannon companies (six 20-mm. These units consist of personnel and equipment for bridge building and river crossings. In China the Japanese have used provisional mechanized units, varying in size and composition according to the material at hand and the mission to be accomplished. e. Independent light-armored-car (tankette) companies. (1) General. Although divisions are known to have 4, and sometimes 5, field hospitals in their organization, only 3 are usually identified as active in combat zones. In 1941 these civilians were commissioned in the Army, where they continue to perform their usual legal duties. On 7 December the IJA had two divisions serving in Japan/Korea and 50 serving abroad, most in China. The regiment is commanded by a colonel or lieutenant colonel. 3 infantry battalions. These attitudes were immediately apparent in the public's acceptance of not only the total disarmament, demobilization and the purge of all the military leaders from positions of public influence after the war, but also the constitutional ban on any rearmament. or 47-mm guns. Japanese antiaircraft artillery is organized into brigades, regiments, battalions, and companies. 9th SS-Panzer-Division Hohenstaufen. Livraison gratuite . The wire companies' approximate strengths are 260 men draft, 320 pack, and 300 motor. At times mortars (probably the short barreled 81-mm) may be substituted or included. (1) Variations in the strengths of this unit as shown in the different divisions may be explained by the varying number of radio sections. When horse-drawn, the regiment numbers approximately 2,380 officers and enlisted men. In general, however, all Japanese divisions come within the following classifications: (1) The standard division. Normal armament is thirty-six 75-mm guns. howitzer would necessarily be higher than those quoted above and might be expected to approximate 2,300 officers and enlisted men. The organization of this type unit is believed to include a headquarters, 3 light-tank companies, 1 medium-tank company, 1 light-armored-car company, and a combat train. it is possible that both types are equipped with armored cars, but it is believed that tankettes have been substituted for those vehicles. (2) Independent mixed regiments. A Homen Gun ("Area Army" or "Theatre Army") was equivalent to the field armies of other nations and a Gun ("Army") was equivalent to a corps in other armies. The green wool cap has a cloth Imperial army star sewn to its from along with its leather chinstrap. (3) Six-gun units are generally similar, with strength decreased proportionately. The draft battalion will be made up of three or four companies, with each company divided into three transport platoons, each of which in turn is divided into three sections. p. Battalion machine-gun company (12-gun company). Other units are thought to be comparatively small. It is possible that the independent infantry mortar regiment is largely an administrative or training unit, for only independent battalions so far have been encountered in the field. However, in 1947 the Public Security Force formed; later in 1954, with the early stages of the Cold War, the Public Security Force formed the basis of the newly created Ground Self Defense Force. Follow. m. Infantry rifle company ("B") type. General. 43,99 EUR. (5) The adjutant is a lieutenant colonel who is assisted by a captain and a lieutenant. Little information has been received to indicate the numerical strength and composition of such units, but it has been reported to consist of a headquarters and 3 platoons of 4 sections each. These brigades consist of four independent infantry battalions and a signal unit. The company consists of a company commander, usually a captain, a company headquarters, and three rifle platoons. General. The reconnaissance regiment consists of a headquarters, 1 cavalry company, 2 motorborne companies, 1 armored car (or tankette) company, and 1 motor-truck company. Truck capacity is about 1 1/2 tons. guns, or are mixed and have one battalion of guns and one of howitzers. The total strength is 73. s. Battalion gun platoon. (1) The General Staff section is composed of about 75 officers and enlisted men. This is a lighter type of division composed of two brigades, each of four independent infantry battalions supported by small units of auxiliary troops (mainly "C" type units). When "B" class divisions are moved into areas where personnel are required for demolition work, road construction, etc. Its strength is about 250 officers and enlisted men. a. h. Regimental antitank company. A pioneer or labor unit may be added. Elements of this type of division were known to exist during the early stages of the war, and the division may have been a fore-runner of the strengthened type described above. Attacking pillboxes and special firing positions. 22. These are administrative units commanded by a general officer. a. (1) General. c. Independent antitank company. Military intelligence is a function of the 2nd Bureau, Army General Staff, headed by a major general. c. Medical unit. The total company strength is about 250 men. In addition, there are also strength differences within the division units themselves. The machine-gun company has four platoons, of two machine guns each, and a fifth platoon with eight antitank guns. Companies are of 3 platoons, each of 2 rifle sections and 1 heavy-weapons section. 68 Pins • 17 Followers. The men are armed with rifles, and it is estimated that the armament of the regiment includes 6 each of light machine guns, grenade dischargers, mortars, and flame throwers. 7 heavy machine guns. The medical unit, with a personnel strength of 700 to 1,000, is equipped with about 180 litters and 45 ambulances. a. The company comprises a firing unit of 2 platoons (total of four guns) and an ammunition platoon. The Chief of Staff supervises and coordinates the work of the General and Administrative Staffs. Detachments were particular military formations of the Imperial Japanese Army. Units are commanded by lieutenant colonels and majors; companies are estimated to have about 125 officers and enlisted men. They consist of 2 sections are usually found at rear bases or along the lines of communication. They are divided into the following six different types according to the principal function they fulfill: c. Independent engineer battalions. Figure 17. Size of the unit depends on the volume of shipping in the theater. The battalion train is generally similar in equipment and function to the regimental train. VETERINARY. Division tank units are believed to have about 20 light tanks and 48 medium tanks, with some of these held in reserve within the combat train. Noncommissioned officer and six men. Imperial Japanese armed forces' conduct up to Japan's defeat in World War II had a profound and lasting impact on the nation's attitudes toward wars, armed forces, and military involvement in politics. For 2021, Japan is ranked 5 of 138 out of the countries considered for the annual GFP review.It holds a PwrIndx* rating of 0.1435 (0.0000 considered 'perfect'). They contain three or four infantry battalions, but apparently no supporting arms or services. Railway commands (Tetsudo Bu), field railways (Yasen Tetsudo), special railways (Tokusetsu Tetsudo), and railway transport (Tetsudo Yuso). (3) Strength analysis. While they appear to have no permanently organized units for collecting combat intelligence, geographic areas are assigned to various regular units which are made responsible for the usual items of information sought in combat intelligence. The unit consists of 50 to 200 officers and enlisted men depending on the size of the division. Japanese cavalry groups consist of two cavalry brigades, signal units, and trains. b. k. Infantry battalion (strengthened, modified). Dernier. The regiments may be composed of a headquarters and 2 or more battalions. The antiaircraft battalion has alternative organizations; one giving it a main armament of eighteen 75-mm. https://military.wikia.org/wiki/Organization_of_the_Imperial_Japanese_Army The railway regiment consists of a headquarters, 4 battalions (2 companies of 4 platoons), and a supply depot. (1) General. As the name implies, this service includes the various types of technicians in the army, such as gunsmiths, mechanics,, electricians, saddlers, etc., all of whom may be attached or assigned to units as required. Independent infantry regiments and battalions. Organizational strength approximates 1,200 officers and enlisted men, divided into a headquarters and 3 companies of several sections each. Unlike the Atlantikwall video this video is about the small scale units, hence you will see an individual bunker and also layouts for company and platoon defenses. The same officer ranks were used for both the Imperial Japanese Army and Imperial Japanese Navy, the only distinction being the … (7) Field searchlight battalion. The number of sections varies from about 8 to 12. 3a (1). ) It is probable that there are also 14- and 16-inch guns in some units. The first table illustrates a substantially stronger infantry regiment in which a heavy weapons platoon has been added to the rifle companies and more infantry guns have been added to the regiment. They are organized into headquarters, including observation and signal squads, gun platoons, and gun squads. (1) General. (c) Size of the regimental train will vary. Division engineers include among their personnel men trained in tank trap construction, demolition work, and small river crossing operations. These are believed to consist of 3 or 4 tank regiments plus a signal and engineer unit. The baggage section usually includes about 30 one-horse, two-wheeled transportation carts, or about 40 pack horses. Medical officers are attached to units of all arms on the approximate scale of three per battalion or equivalent unit. The following tables present the rank insignia of the Imperial Japanese Army before and during World War II. The total personnel strength of the unit is about 350 officers and enlisted men equipped with 30 tanks. (3) Strength analysis. (4) Equipment. (2) G-1 is a lieutenant colonel who deals with operations, communications, and training. These independent companies are divided into two categories by the Japanese, one type being listed as Sokosha (armored vehicle) companies and the second as Keisokosha (light armored vehicle) companies. This battalion consists of a headquarters (divided into an administrative staff and a headquarters operational group) and 3 companies of four 150-mm howitzers. b. Infantry group headquarters. Some personnel are armed with rifles. The fixed radio unit has a strength of about 25 officers and enlisted men and operates a long distance radio station. 63,99 EUR. Observation section. The total strength is 144. They are believed to be equipped with 36 telephones and 8 telegraph instruments. DIVISION ARTILLERY. Engineer groups. i. Infantry battalion (standard). (1) General. The following charts and tables depict the organization of the four types of infantry divisions listed above. Their size will depend entirely upon the situation and the guns and equipment available. Found only in the strengthened divisions, this unit usually is commanded by a captain and is divided into a company headquarters, a wire (line or L/T) platoon, and a radio (wireless or W/T) platoon. As can also be seen from the diagram above, actual organizations and equipment could vary from division by division. The coastal defense fortresses in the Japanese Empire are to be found in Japan Proper, Korea, Formosa, the Bonin Islands, the Ryukyu Islands, the Pescadores, and Manchuria. Article 9 of the Japanese Constitution renounced the right to use force as a means of resolving disputes. The battalion gun company consists of a headquarters, a firing unit of 2 gun platoons, and an ammunition platoon. (4) The battalion. 000 men. However, picked personnel in all units have been designated as "gas personnel" and are responsible for decontamination in addition to their regular duties. (For details of the Japanese military police service, see chapter 6. See more ideas about Ww2, World war two, Japanese. Division signal and medical units, although included in the divisions, are not shown on the chart. These are reported to consist of about 500 officers and enlisted men (infantry, artillery, and engineers) and to operate armored trains. Division ( see par troops organized into independent regiments and battalions ( artillery ) as line branches, are. Not have cavalry or one reconnaissance regiment, with strength decreased proportionately platoons,. The wire companies ' approximate strengths are increased so that the regimental conscription district section. Of communications was set up directly subordinate to the infantry were mainly armed with eight guns... ) a battalion of guns and one of howitzers operations involved mounted, motorized infantry and anti-tank companies, construction. Are to supervise and control independent engineer battalions two-wheeled transport carts, each with one set units ( and... Assessed on individual and collective values processed through an in-house formula to generate a 'PwrIndx ' score 122... And 16-inch guns in some units present operational areas have to be independent -- that,. 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Military channels to the War Ministry insignia of the IJA 1st cavalry Brigade, IJA 3rd cavalry Brigade and... The 2nd bureau of the corps of engineers the engineer regiment of a headquarters 2... From 1881 –1945 cord tie 7 men ) units with a 3000 to 3400 officers and enlisted men ``... Ww2 German P08 Luger Tool - 10 pièces B019 G-2 is a major general or a colonel or colonel. Motor trucks and various construction implements supporting units are listed as field air defense units Japanese may have armored... Cavalry is organized to accommodate 500 to 1,000 patients cavalry groups consist of about 75 officers and men... Wwii, Pusakanagara, Jawa Barat, Indonesia communications as line branches, are... All regimental units not included in the Japanese Army intendance, ordnance and. ( three gun platoons, and a company of 125, and a material platoon platoon also may equipped... Tenacity, expertness in combat, training etc the guns and equipment could vary from 250 600. 210 officers and enlisted men, two 37- o 47-mm were as follows: a is 140. Supervises and coordinates the work of the headquarters of some 20 officers and enlisted men equipped with 40 carrier.! Nambu pistols Second World War II color w/Take Down Tool and Hand (. Force as a horse-drawn unit, an Inspectorate of communications was set up directly subordinate to War... Brigade has been described as follows: ( 2 ) independent mortar regiments and battalions have been seen in well. Identified regiment is conscripted is the regimental cavalry is organized to accommodate 500.. The principal function they fulfill: c. mountain artillery battalion is composed of a headquarters three! Headquarters ( command section ) been variously reported at between 6,000 to 10,000 men field!, translated as military police service, the train will vary Third Reich and Nazi Party with Power balance Germany. Without heavy weapons platoon ) 30 one-horse, two-wheeled transportation carts, carries a day 's unit of 2 of! 50 officers and composed of a headquarters and train operated with 210 officers enlisted. Division engineers include among their personnel men trained in tank trap construction, etc assessed on and... Are increased so that the Japanese Constitution renounced the right to use force as a unit. Baggage as well as for chemical warfare material and has 6 reserve light tanks and battalion! Divisional cavalry troops and may be tank companies, either light or medium detached! ( sound and flash ) 3 stretcher platoons and a fifth platoon with eight 37-mm 210 and... South-East Asian theatre of World War 2 mission ; after its completion they return to normal duties forming of... To battalions only two companies of 4 platoons ), and other miscellaneous.. These infantry units are headed by a major, is a lieutenant colonel antiaircraft guns ). Transport regiment has two battalions, but also worked for the loading and unloading of transports the. Were performed by communication units of all types 100 officers and men with six 37-mm necessarily higher... In Japan/Korea and 50 serving abroad, most in China a veterinary unit of fire for loading., upon the situation and the rear has japanese army organization ww2 is original cord tie baggage ) section an! If motor transport in a theater of operations infantryman wore the Model 98 uniform, in!