You might have the appropriate skills for one while not being that great of a fit for the other! Just because you open your mouth and say something or put something in writing does not mean you have conveyed information that will be understood. TEN COMMON MISCONCEPTIONS ABOUT COMMUNICATION The following are the ten most common misconceptions about human communication, along with the opposing truths: This list of common misconceptions was originally written by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in the United States, primarily for use by practitioners giving vaccinations to children in their practices. If you can use visuals so that information is accessible, then you can also include a wider range of people in your message. Methods: The patient empowerment approach is well suited to helping patients make self-selected changes related to weight, nutrition, and physical activity. So, if information can be conveyed visually, then use visuals instead of text. A common saying for those trying to insult the field is to imply that only dumb or lazy kids would ever go for Mass Comm. This myth is a belief that we do not need to be concerned about our communication behavior, rather that it will take care of itself. So don’t feel dejected if you are not an extrovert, there are still a plethora of opportunities for you. The next time you see two people in an argument, watch them focus on the ... #14 Myth: Effective communication is about the blunt truth. This is a list of common misconceptions.Each entry is worded as a correction; the misconceptions themselves are implied rather than stated. If children are going to use AAC functionally, they need to hear everyone in their lives use the same system to talk to them. But as we are getting older, it is important to understand the positive aspects of aging. So, as a business leader or HR professional, what myths do you need to look out for? Don’t ‘assume’ your emails have been received or have been understood. I honestly believe there is no such thing as a stupid question. Or, it could be that some clients have bought into one of the many myths or misconceptions about moles. To build effective collaborative teams, you need to break down barriers to understanding to promote clear communication. Everyone knows that. •More patients and parents are questioning the safety and effectiveness of vaccines. Not sure about whether what you’ve heard about the field of Mass Communication is true or not? You can be just as effective as a report writer on your desk as on the field! Your email address will not be published. The deaf, however, are neither “dumb” nor “mute.” The TV and movie industry often depicts deaf people as silent. What really matters is that your talent and hard work! They may make noises to add meaning to manual communication. Reality – While knowing people inside any field will be helpful, it doesn’t mean that you can’t be successful without them. Hey you! Mass Comm students are the ones who are leading Advertising Campaigns, Marketing efforts, Public Relations firms, Editorial positions, Broadcasting Personalities. Alisa’s Top 5 Myths About Communication in the Workplace Myth 1: “Business isn’t personal.” If your organization is staffed by human beings, then your business is inherently personal. We all have differences – cultural, age, gender and so on. While most slang phrases are not grammatically correct, their use doesn’t usually indicate a larger problem with understanding the rules of grammar and using language properly. More importantly, listening to others will help you understand the messages you receive. If Read more…, Check out our list of recommended websites to help you practise BSL. Vlogs, videos on your website or in presentations need to include subtitles. This “myth-busting” memorandum builds on these efforts and continues an initiative first launched in February 2011 to address misconceptions related to communications with industry during the acquisition lifecycle. Below are some common myths with myth-busting tips for improving your communication: Communication is more than just speaking or writing. Political correctness and phrasing go a long way in the field of mass comm. Comments are most welcome. Before you lose your cool and start face-palming listening to those annoying questions from people near you, we are here to clear your as well their doubts about these 10 myths and misconceptions that many people have about Mass comm courses. Don’t be deterred if you are not lucky enough to have connections in the field of Mass Communications. ... Public relations today is an ever-changing field, with more and more communication happening online in YouTube videos, Twitter, and blogs. we acquire our communication skills through education and experiences one could always refuse to communicate communication is always happening, even without words-nonverbal behaviors … The internal communications profession is incredibly rewarding. (Possible, but there is much more to it than being famous!). “The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place”. “Oh you won’t ever get a good job with Mass comm!”, says the snooty neighborhood aunty or over-nosey uncle. Why go to all that effort for nothing!? Plus, if you still face doubts, take a look at these famous and smart people from Mass Communication who worked hard and made a name for themselves! A surprisingly large number of managers subscribe to this myth. The truth is, simply having more communication can lead to wasting time and possibly more misunderstandings. Communication is about checking that everyone has received information and understands it. This is another big one that you might have heard about. Reality– Mass Comm and Journalism are in fact, very different from each other and require a set of skills that is unique to each. Flow charts, graphs, timelines and maps all help with conveying information. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Yes, you! You probably have heard this one before. Whether it is your own doubts or the friendly but still annoying questions that people ask you, we are here to save the day! The Federal acquisition workforce and the private sector . Reality – While there are positions where you may be required to travel occasionally, not all careers in the Mass comm field require constant travel. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. Unfortunately, this does not always happen. Fostering Better Communication. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. The primary elements or components of this model are the source, message, channel and receiver. Breathe and just pull out our article and scroll down to this point to show them how wrong they are! Objective: The purpose of this article is to clarify the concept of empowerment and to correct common misconceptions about its use in diabetes care and education. Communication is a basic human right, and there is no pre-requisite skill that justifies delaying access to that right. 93% of communication is non-verbal. Mass Comm students learn a variety of practical skills, along with loads of knowledge that they need to be aware of constantly. My additional note to this is to ask someone who is ‘different’ to you. is only for wannabe actors and movie stars! Models Of Communication MODELS OF COMMUNICATION Two essentially different models of human communication are addressed in this section – rhetorical and interpersonal. Our mantra is to make preparation easy for you by helping you study the most important concepts with full understanding, and maximise chances of success with repeated practice exercises. I've lost track of the number of times I've heard this in sales training sessions or read it in books, articles and blogs. Research has shown that you can help preserve your health and mobility as you age by adopting or continuing healthy habits and lifestyle choices. There are some common misconceptions or myths about listening which can influence how we feel and in turn make the listening process less effective. There is always more to learn with new innovations and technologies coming to the scene! With how the world is shaping up to be, Mass comm is becoming an incredibly sought after degree and its practitioners are in high demand. And because health experts are not sure whether one dose will be effective enough to prevent COVID-19 or a severe case of the illness, skipping the second shot is not a good idea. These entries are concise summaries of the main subject articles, which can be consulted for more detail. 10 facts about BSL (that students should know). The art of communication is a tricky skill to navigate. The Greatest 15 Myths of Communication. Myth: Managing conflict should be orderly and polite. Similar to the previous one, this myth is where people believe that just because Mass Comm doesn’t involve memorizing dozens of books at a time that it makes it an easy subject. Get a true sense of whether the information is understood – ask someone who is outside your normal ‘in-group’. However, there are many people who believe that if you get a response then a message has been communicated. 3 of 11 Myth 2: Use of grammatically incorrect slang phrases like “ain’t” indicates a language disorder. The idea of unlocking hidden brain power might make a compelling storyline for a movie, but it simply doesn’t work that way in real life. Facts: Though trade, migration, communication and capital flows get increasingly transnational, they are still modest compared to the overall global stock of value added! Productive conflict management is often disorderly, chaotic, and confusing. Are Mass Comm and Journalism actually any different? We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. Mass Comm is a vast field that has numerous disciplines such as Public Relations, Advertising, and more that you can focus on, but people have a habit of associating Mass Comm with being in films and TV serials. If you don’t like people asking questions, then you probably need communication training. In fact, you might have wondered the same when you were younger. Bringing teams together using the power of words, aesthetically pleasing design, and a strong organizational culture is, frankly, a beautiful thing. On the contrary, communication IS the pre-requisite skill to academic, social, and behavioral success. Or need help with finding websites to practise sign language? Moles are largely misunderstood. The brain actually processes visual information far quicker than sound. Subtitles, subtitles, subtitles! The Myths and Misconceptions surrounding the Picture Exchange Communication System™ (PECS) Amanda Reed, Director of Development Pyramid Group Management Over the past ten years or so, PECS has become an acronym that is well recognised in the field of So don’t fret about your future! “Why go for Mass Comm, it’s only for really outgoing kids, and you don’t seem to be cut out for that field!”. Internal communication is too important to be left to one department. For there is much more to Mass comm than just talking! The two are closely related but differ in their areas of expertise. Using colours for key information can also make information clearer. 5 factors to help you find the best (online) BSL course, 8 websites to help you learn BSL for free. Myth 1: Communication is a simple and functional task So don’t think that Mass Comm. That is absolutely not true! Communication is not as simple as stringing words together. You also have to provide the communication tools necessary to promote better collaboration. 4. Deaf individuals are not always quiet, however. Visuals can help you avoid misunderstanding. Some of us may well appreciate your dulcet tones. Myths and Misconceptions Talking Points and Resources for Busy Healthcare Professionals July 2018 Item #S8035 Background Parents, patients, and healthcare professionals all have misconceptions about vaccinations. An edited version is reproduced here as useful information for health-care workers giving vaccination as well as concerned parents. with Industry during the Acquisition Process . Required fields are marked *, Online British Sign Language (BSL) courses are incredibly popular right now. Your email address will not be published. Myth #6: You don't need both doses of the two-dose vaccines. So, encourage questions. Communication is ‘the act of conveying information’ yet many people are unclear how to convey information effectively. Some individuals, particularly those who are deaf, rely on visual communication too. Reality – Mass Comm is an ever-expanding field with the opportunity to experiment with upcoming and existing disciplines in the field to carve out your own special niche. Communication is not as simple as stringing words together. Global connectivity leads to global convergence? All but one of the vaccines in late-stage development require two doses that are given a few weeks apart. However, there are many people who believe that if you get a response then a message has been communicated. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. People don’t want to waste time trying to decipher acronyms or work specific jargon. While broadcasting is a popular discipline within Mass Comm, most of the time such work is focused on behind the screen skills such as editing, videography, and other technical skills. There is always that one person who attends meetings then constantly asks questions throughout, winding everyone up because the answers seem obvious or the questions seem trivial. This is also aside from the fact that there are many disciplines like Editing, Public Relations, and technical work where you won’t even need to speak to the public much in the first place. Thinking about entering into the challenging and exciting world of  Mass Communication? To ‘assume’ makes an ‘ass’ of ‘u’ and ‘me’. The jobs that you can have as a graduate of Mass comm can be incredibly valuable to the world and can have you earning enough to make the neighborhood aunty and uncle green with envy! These cookies do not store any personal information. And don’t think that just because they are behind the desk and not in front of a camera that their work has no impact! Understanding what communication is and what it isn’t is the first step in comprehending the theories associated with human communication that will be presented in this course. Just choose what your ideal conditions of working are and follow that path! Some individuals, particularly those who are deaf, rely on visual communication too. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. You need to be able to give enough information to be understood. Reality – While Mass Comm may not have as many theoretical subjects as a few other courses, Mass Comm. Truth: Autism often affects an individual’s ability to understand unspoken interpersonal communication, so someone with autism might not detect sadness based solely on one’s body language or sarcasm in one’s tone of voice. With expenditures of over $500 billion annually on contracts and orders for goods and services, the federal government has an obligation to conduct our procurements in the most Most AAC relies on a different language system than what we are exposed to from birth. Internal Communications Myths: 3 Misconceptions About IC. With so much rapid progress in the world of Mass comm, you can rest assured that there are plenty of prospects for you in the future after you finish your education. Eazyprep is a one-stop entrance exam prep platform which truly believes that success in entrance exams is all about studying smart. Reality – There are many opportunities for the less extroverted students to shine and show their capabilities. I cannot say this enough. Communication Myth #1: If I say the words, they should understand. Myth 1: Communication is about talking or writing Communication is more than just speaking or writing. Journalism is about collecting information and reporting on events that happen in the present or past, while Mass Communication is about how to present any information to be consumed by the general public. is still a competitive course where a lot of the knowledge that is being taught is practical in nature but no less important. This is why social media apps like Snapchat and Instagram work – a picture paints a thousand words. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. You need to be able to know what to say and how to say it. 3. We are never too young for language exposure. AAC Cannot Be Embedded in Natural Routines (Smith, Barton-Hulsey & Nwosu, 2016) 2. Second language users, people with hearing loss, or people that don’t want to use the sound on their media device, can’t hear what you have to say. You can’t say something rude because your mother would get upset. Like other courses, it requires a lot of effort, creativity, and hard work to succeed. Reality – Taking Mass Comm doesn’t make you or anyone else less hard-working or smart. There are others who respond too quickly so do not fully understand the information being given to them. #13 Myth: Communication solves everything. As long as you can showcase your talents and are determined to succeed, you will find numerous opportunities for yourself! 4. Myth 1: Mass Communication is a fancy name for Journalism. It should be everyone’s responsibility in an organisation. Here's a list of the most common myths about public relations. The two are closely related but differ in their areas of expertise. From writing to analyzing, to editing, there is a huge selection of positions that can be filled with your talents and expertise! But the truth is that for every famous face you see in Mass Comm, there are nearly 20 that are working just as hard behind their desks. They are also a good indicator that someone is actively listening because they are trying to make sense of information within their own understanding. Many make sounds while they are signing. Mass comm is a field where people appreciate good work even if you don’t have a name backing you up. Logic destroys relationships. Myth #5: More communication leads to resolution. Reality – While Mass Comm might prepare you for being TV Anchors or Broadcast Journalists, it doesn’t mean that you will be on the red carpet along with Shahrukh Khan, waving to your fans and the media anytime soon. There is an almost never exhausting range of positions and opportunities that don’t involve being in front of the screen. More important than extroversion is the ability to think creatively and be able to think outside the box. So if we respond without fully listening, our emotional centre (the amygdala) responds, not the part of the brain that processes information. It takes preparation, a dedication to learning your audience, and finding the right words to connect with them and move them to action. Myth #1: Toddlers Are Too Young. Myths and misconceptions 3. Not to mention that you need to be able to mentally edit, and speak in a creative manner to entice your audience. Sometimes it is believed that the more people talk about something, that easier the message will emerge from the sheer volume of information. It is wonderful that some people want to play linguistic gymnastics with information but ‘keep it simple’ works wonders too. Communication remains one of the most marketable disciplines, and those who major in it are well-placed to succeed in a plethora of careers- … ‘ different ’ to you a picture paints a thousand words section – rhetorical and interpersonal,. Ability to think creatively and be able to think that if you ’.: Addressing misconceptions to Improve your experience while you navigate through the website to function properly people to do constructive. Report writer on your desk as on the field of Mass Comm for... In what they are – Taking Mass Comm students are the source message... Sometimes it is YouTube videos, Twitter, and blogs message, channel and receiver that basic! 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