With her fleet ready, Daala and Pellaeon planned an attack on a planet they knew they could win, Yavin 4, the home of the Jedi Praxeum. Sloane defeated Count Vidian with the help of her rebel foes Hera and Kanan. During the flight, Mister Bones disembarked from the shuttle to find his master, Temmin Wexley, Norra's son, whom Sloane had encountered earlier. [7], Shortly, the rebel pilot Norra Wexley commandeered a TIE fighter and used it to shoot down several Imperial TIE fighters. However, she still made sure that the rebel pilot Wedge Antilles received medical treatment for his injuries. During their conversation, Danthe expressed concern that Vidian had not informed him of his latest venture and asked her to inform him if she needed any help. Imperial Propaganda (Star Wars) War; Darth Vader's A+ parenting; Summary "Wing Commander Skywalker." [1], Sloane later visited the Calcoraan Depot, where Count Vidian gave her a tour of the facility. While Norra had come to seek revenge against Sloane for her alleged crimes, Sloane managed to convince Norra to help her and Brentin stop Rax, the true mastermind behind the Liberation Day attack and the Battle of Jakku. When Sloane denounced Rax's tactics, Adea attempted to assassinate her. He revealed that Rax's true name was Galli and that the boy had been guarding a mysterious site in the Valley of the Eremite, near the Plaintive Hand plateau. At that point, Sloane experienced "cold feet" and decided to return home. Rax brought his unwilling guests to a hangar where he presented his child soldiers, who had been trained by the former Commandant Brendol Hux. Daala tortured the droids, who revealed that the Death Seed plague had struck the planet, wiping out all beings there. Hair color Kolob also revealed that Rax had been kidnapping local orphans for an unknown purpose. Despite her hatred for Rax, she heeded his call for her to venture into the Unknown Regions to rebuild a stronger and purer Empire. As compensation, Sloane allowed the boy to leave but took his companions into custody. While trying to sleep, she listened to a phono-play about a droid detective named ADAM and the opera The Cantata of Cora Vessora. The death of Vidian and the destruction of his ship ended his plans to destroy Cynda. During her attack, Daala's crew noticed that the facility had an unstable reactor core and, determining that it was the best way to dispatch the facility, fired upon it. Palpatine remained only a short time but ordered Vader to stay and observe, which he did for several hours as Baylo constantly berated his cadets as they worked. Daala accepted and allowed Pellaeon onto her ship. The New Republic succeeded in defeating Getelles and containing the Death Seed, thanks in part to Daala. As the Imperial fleet began to sustain serious casualties, Sloane ordered her crew to prepare for either a mopping-up operation or pursuit. Explore all of Wookieepedia's media for this article subject: Wookieepedia is a FANDOM Movies Community. The Count's original plan had been to correspond with the planetary managers by hologram. Now a part of Phoenix Squadron, the Ghost crew joins a mission to steal shield generators from an Imperial freighter. [12], The Firestorm, escorted by two of Pellaeon's red Star Destroyers, jumped to a secluded spot in space so that Daala and Pellaeon could have an uninterrupted discussion. Sinjir's plan to enter the building was to use his ISB code to contact the palace security and trick the guards into opening the door. [1], Vice Admiral Rae Sloane hunting for Kanan Jarrus, In the years following the Gorse conflict, she ascended to the rank of Vice Admiral, but in her spare time she tried to learn more about the history of Kanan Jarrus, who she had met during the Gorse conflict, following his trail from the planet Gorse to Moraga where it ended. Since Vidian recommended a green captain with no past baggage, Tarkin presumably appointed Sloane as the ship's commanding officer. As he felt that the character could be used in future works, Miller had Sloane survive the events of A New Dawn, allowing Chuck Wending to later use Sloane in his Aftermath novels.[18]. Despite being outmatched and outnumbered by Niima, she managed to convince the Hutt crime lady to break her deal with Rax in return for getting access to the Jakku Observatory. [8], Several days after her return from Coruscant, Grand Admiral Sloane convened the inaugural meeting of the Shadow Council over dinner. Sloane was also about to detain Kanan's friend Hera for unauthorized entry but decided to let them go after receiving new orders from Vidian to return to the Ultimatum immediately. Sloane stayed aboard the Star Destroyer while Vidian conducted his tour of the mines on Cynda. However, General Shale came to Sloane's defense and likened the Ravager to an important chatta-ragul token they could not afford to lose. Brand New. [24] This anti-Jedi sentiment was exacerbated by the rise of the Force psychosis among Jedi Knights, which led to very tense relations between her and the Order. Rax greeted his former underling and expressed his amazement that she had survived. Tarkin gave her the task of determining who had set the bomb, although Daala was unable to learn anything and headed back to the Maw, with plans to return soon. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. She is the daughter of Emperor Traugus Fel II and Empress Zuri Lsu Fel. Amedda discovered her before he was about to commit suicide and panicked, thinking she was there to assassinate him. Despite her dislike of Kanan, Sloane complied with his request due to her loyalty to the Empire. However, simulator tests during Daala's basic training showed that her approach to contact sports was also effective when applied to simulations of capital ship combat. Before they could reach the safety of the fleet, the Golden Harp was hit by turbolaser fire from the New Republic soldier Jom Barell, who had commandeered the turbolaser. When Crassus protested, Sloane responded that if the rebels found nothing, they would move along since they did not have the resources to patrol Akiva's sector. To Daala, Mon Calamari was as good of a target as any. In response, Sloane pointed out that their shuttles had been destroyed and that they were being besieged by a population that had long been abused by the satrapy. Mon Mothma explained that she had to raise the matter of peace talks with the Galactic Senate on Chandrila. After the mercenaries had succeeded, she then met with the prisoner and motioned behind her. Despite her discomfort with Rax's secret agenda, Sloane complied with his orders and contacted Orlan to tell him that the Empire did approve the repairs on Kashyyyk. She was initially selected for training as a stormtrooper, and her instructor, Visk, believed that Daala could serve as an ideal clone template if he could break her will through discipline. Norra was the wife of Brentin Lore Wexley, one of the prisoners from Ashmead's Lock who had attempted to assassinate the Chancellor herself. She planned to follow shortly after Pellaeon, while Cronus, in command of a fleet of Victory-class Star Destroyers, including Pellaeon's previous flagship, the 13X, struck at Khomm and several other strategic targets. Sloane quickly recognized Kanan as the mouthy pilot, but Kanan managed to convince her that he was an "agent of the Emperor." Ganthel[1] After learning that Niima did not know what Rax was hiding in the plateau, Sloane claimed that the site was hiding a weapon and that she could have it if she broke her deal with Rax. They discovered that their feelings had never gone away,[7] and they later had at least one son. She also ordered the Ultimatum's gunnery crew to bombard the Vidian's ship's transmission tower and energy shields. [14], Admiral Sloane at the time of the Battle of Endor, As the Alliance Fleet charged the Imperial Death Squadron, Ottkreg questioned Sloane's orders and advocated attacking the advancing rebels. She met with acting Grand Master Kenth Hamner as to gain custody of the mad Jedi. Born to Human parents on Irmenu, a feudal, oceanic planet located in the Belsmuth sector of the Outer Rim Territories, Natasi Daala hailed from a princely family. Shale disagreed with Sloane's view that the rebel holovids were lies and suggested that the Empire were the ones lying to themselves. After Luke's trial and exile, Daala started a massive campaign against the Jedi Order, so as to take control over them. Several months after the events on Endor, Sloane came into the service of a mysterious individual known as the Operator,[7] the pseudonym of Fleet Admiral Gallius Rax. Sloane left the meeting to attend to the destruction of the Imperial Star Destroyer Scythe. Galactic Empire[4]Maw fleet[5]United Warlord Fleets[6]Independent Company of Settlers[7]Replacement warlords[8]Imperial Core[6]Second Imperium[6]Maw Irregular Fleet[9]Jedi Coalition[9]Galactic Federation of Free Alliances[9]Imperial Remnant[10] She soon discovered that the former Ashmead prisoner Brentin Lore Wexley had smuggled himself aboard. Daala found Tarkin to be everything she wanted—a man with power, ambition, and who was a great lover. Irmenu[1] Brentin refused to support his plan and told her to be patient. She disagreed with the idea of misrepresenting facts for the sake of propaganda. Sloane reluctantly released Kanan and Hera. While Sloane was trained in unarmed combat, Rax had honed his fighting skills since childhood. While the other Imperials were debating the merits of using a body double to pose as Emperor Palpatine, Sloane received news from Adea that rebel elements had leaked information about the Imperial Future Conference to the Akivan public. Brentin entered the fight and tackled the slave behind her. From the badge on the chest area of her uniform, it can be noted that her rank may be lieutenant. After Daala's emissary, Elyas Caran, arrived on Mon Calamari, Niathal, outraged by Daala's actions, committed suicide. However, when she arrived she found the planet virtually abandoned. Following the death of Caedus, she became the new Chief of State of the Galactic Alliance. It gave deeper insights into Daala's relationship with Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin. The Chief of State, who had felt sympathetic towards the former Admiral as she was just a victim of politics, was greatly saddened by Niathal's death. Chronological and political information Menu. Species As they prepared for departure, Morna informed Sloane that she had locked Crassus' pilot in one of the bedrooms and that they had received news that the Star Destroyers had returned to orbit from hyperspace. A human female, Rae Sloane was born on the Core planet Ganthel[1] in 41 BBY,[2] nineteen years prior to the galactic conflict known as the Clone Wars. The New Republic believed she was dead, but Daala stunned them when, in 40 ABY, she revealed herself to the galaxy once more. The rebel prisoners managed to escape with the help of Temmin. Daala saw Tahiri Veila, who had been sentenced to death for Pellaeon's murder, in the cell beside hers. Shortly afterward, the Jedi Council now under the leadership of acting Grand Master Saba Sebatyne, formulated a plan to launch a coup against Daala. [7], After capturing Wedge, Admiral Sloane traveled in her shuttle to Myrra, the capital city of Akiva. Skelly blew up two Imperial shuttles that Captain Sloane had diverted from the Star Destroyer to pick up Vidian. She was to protect the facility in the unexpected event of attack, keeping the top-secret designs, as well as the scientists such as Qwi Xux and Tol Sivron, safe. This alerted the other slaves who alerted Niima. However, another unforeseen event occurred: Ackbar, the admiral who defeated her at Mon Calamari a year before, arrived in-system with the Mon Calamari cruiser Galactic Voyager and four Corellian corvettes. [16], Immediately prior to his departure to the completed Death Star, Tarkin ordered Daala to maintain communications silence within the Maw and await his return. Later, Sloane addressed her fellow Imperial delegates after Imperial forces downed a rebel transport above Myrra. Undaunted by Ottkreg's threats of a court martial, Sloane ordered the Vigilance to flank position on the Super Star Destroyer Executor, the flagship of the Imperial fleet. Dark[1] From Kolob, the Imperial and former rebel learned that Niima the Hutt was guarding the way to the Plaintive Hand.