It is anticipated that the court will provide the parties with access to necessary teleconference or videoconference facilities. The paperwork will then be forwarded to the institution. Scans of forms that are blank or not filled in or completed or blank pages after tabs; Copies of documents, notices or reports in connection with the discharge of the bankrupt; and. Within 2 business days following committal, the prosecutor or their designate, after consultation with the defence will book a JPT and advise the trial co-ordinators by telephone or email. The registrar will complete the paperwork and provide it to the parties for their signature. 9. Parties filing unnecessary voluminous material may be subject to a cost order at the discretion of the presiding judge even if successful on the motion. The Notice and a copy of the email confirmation of acceptance of service shall be filed electronically with the court through the criminal intake office at. The Registrars expect counsel to follow the three Cs of the Commercial List: cooperation, communication and use of common sense, particularly in terms of scheduling. This website is maintained by the Judges Library. The Superior Court of Justice continues to hear matters virtually, as set out in the May 13, 2020 Consolidated Notice to the Profession. NOTICE TO THE PROFESSION . January 29, 2021. in all areas of the province except Green Zones. Effective December 29, 2020, all (non-jury) matters should proceed virtually unless it is … This Protocol addresses matters additional to the urgent and emergency matters referenced in the Notice. As a result, only a small percentage of Long Motions proceed on the dates scheduled. The party shall mail a hard copy of the issued application and the appropriate filing fee that day or the following day. That Notice can be found at: Regional Senior Judge The parties will also deliver their draft Rule 50.08 reports. The applicant shall return the signed paperwork to the criminal intake office by email, and the criminal intake office will distribute the court order(s) to all interested parties and to the institution, if applicable; Case conference will continue to take place virtually. To obtain an appointment for Civil Practice Court, parties are required to email a requisition form to The party shall email the Bankruptcy Court office with the application and request issuance. If counsel wish for their client to be present, they must make arrangements with the appropriate Admin Crown who will contact the institution and make the request. For scheduled guilty pleas, the following protocol continues to apply: (iv) Pre-trial Applications in which no viva voce evidence is to be heard and which are not to be held in camera. The Protocol is subject to change from … Starting July 6, Ontario will resume in-person proceedings at 56 Superior Court of Justice courtrooms in the first phase of its provincewide reopening. This notice has been superseded by Notice to the Profession and Public Regarding Court Proceedings (November 21, 2020) On November 5, 2020 this Court announced that jury selection and new jury trials would resume in Brampton and Toronto as of … If an accused person who has an appearance in Practice Court to set a date wishes on that appearance to enter a guilty plea, the matter may be dealt with by the presiding judge or held down until all of the dates have been set or sent to another court or to the afternoon session (2 pm) of Practice Court. Every effort must be made to keep materials brief. Estate general ledger or detailed trial balance. In addition, the Toronto Commercial and Estate List judges will begin to hear the following matters: The court cannot hear any matters of more than four (4) hours’ duration. Once approved, the paperwork will be completed and provided to counsel. NOTICE to the LEGAL PROFESSION regarding the Civil Claims Online service Ministry of the Attorney General / Court Services Division / March 23, 2020 Lawyers and litigants are encouraged to use Civil Claims Online to file eligible documents and to receive electronically issued documents in Superior Court of Justice civil actions. The court staff will make every effort to put the motion materials before a judge as soon as is practicable. Family Law Conferences will be heard virtually subject to the discretion of the presiding judge. Excerpts of authorities that are not available on a free public website, such as excerpts from textbooks or unreported decisions, should be collected in a small brief of excerpts of unreported authorities and filed electronically in PDF format. If you are uncertain about the health and safety requirements in the courthouse, please inquire before attending the courthouse. There will be COVID-19 screening in effect at the entry to the courthouse and physical distancing and other precautionary measures within the courthouse. 1. The parties shall electronically serve the opposing party and shall electronically file with the criminal intake office copies of all factums, appeal books/application records and any other material being relied upon. Defence counsel will include their availability and the time estimate for the hearing when serving the Crown. These applications can be booked through the trial coordinators’ office. NOTICE GOVERNING THE CONDUCT OF FAMILY LAW CASES IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF JUSTICE. result. Opposed short motions to a master (2 hours or less), or short motions where the moving party requests an oral hearing, may be booked by submitting a, Civil motion confirmations are to be sent to. [1] The Admin Crowns may email the trial coordinator responsible for long/short trials directly rather than using the generic email box, if appropriate. Counsel should continue to contact the trial co-ordinators through the generic email. If required, the Registrar may ask counsel to provide videoconference facilities. Judicial Pre-Trials Commencing the week of May 18, 2020, … NOTICE TO THE PROFESSION, THE PUBLIC AND THE MEDIA REGARDING CIVIL AND FAMILY PROCEEDINGS SUSPENSION OF SUPERIOR COURT OF JUSTICE REGULAR OPERATIONS March 15, 2020 To protect the health and safety of all court users and to help contain the spread of the 2019 novel coronavirus (COVID-19), the Superior Court of Justice (SCJ) is suspending all … Motions and applications made without notice, on consent, or on a confirmed unopposed basis may be filed in searchable PDF format through the Civil Submissions Online portal; 4. If the application is on consent or unopposed, the Registrar will deal with the matter in writing. The trial confirmation form will set out the first available dates for trial for the court and counsel as well as the trial date agreed upon. Notice on Court operations in light of COVID-19 (March 13 2020) Notice to the Profession on Gowning, dated February 14, 2020. Notices/Forms Real Estate. The parties must file a Confirmation form, otherwise, the Family Law Conference may not be heard. of COVID-19: • All civil … to be used for: B.12 File Naming Instructions for Electronic Documents, If the Applicant’s name is Smith and the Respondent’s name is Jones and the court file number is: FS-19-36654, save your documents with the appropriate case sensitive prefix, followed by: Smith v. Jones FS-19-36654. The following civil matters are being heard in Toronto: 1. Justice participants should bring a personal water bottle. March 27, 2020 . For the requirements applicable to long motions in civil and family matters in the Central West Region, please see the Appendix. Trial date, JPT, application date). For extraordinary remedy applications, the Applicant shall serve and file their factum not later than thirty (30) days before the day first scheduled for the hearing and the Respondent shall serve and file their factum not later than ten (10) days before the day first scheduled for the hearing. All materials and documents necessary for the hearing shall be saved and emailed as attachments using the file or estate number with the appropriate case sensitive prefix/suffix. Notices to the Profession were issued on March 15, 2020 identifying the urgent matters that would be heard. NOTICE TO PROFESSION . The JPT will be conducted on the record by audioconference or videoconference on the date agreed upon. The table of prefixes is available at the following: As of September 2019, the effective date of a Practice Direction or Notice to the Profession and the Public indicates the date of issue, or the date of the most recent … All persons attending the courthouse should follow the directions regarding physical distancing, masks and hand hygiene as posted in the courthouse. Reference hearings that were adjourned due to the pandemic from March onwards may be re-scheduled by arranging a case conference with the assigned reference master. Motions for a judgment of reference or order directing a reference cannot be brought before a master. 6. Where the appellant/applicant is the Attorney General, his or her agent, or was the informant or any party other than the defendant (the accused) in proceedings before the court/preliminary inquiry court, the notice of appeal/application shall be served by mail on each person in respect of whom the appeal/application is brought against unless there is counsel of record, in which case service will be effected by sending the notice electronically to counsel. See here. Counsel should ensure they have a copy of the photo identification from the proposed sureties. This applies to criminal, family and Provincial Offences Act matters. On April 2, 2020, further Notices to the Profession … Parties are advised that their filed materials for a long motion must include: After the motion materials have been served on all interested parties, all counsel and the litigants must agree in writing upon a timetabling schedule for completion of all steps necessary for the long motion to proceed on the scheduled date. Ontario Superior Court of Justice (Twitter: @SCJOntario_en) ... June 29: Notice to the Profession - Divisional Court (June 29, 2020) June 25: Notice to the Profession, Litigants, Accused, Media and Members of the Public (June 25, 2020) June 18:Directions for Rescheduling 2020 Civil Trials. For greater certainty, vacating motions brought in-person to a construction lien. Title: NOTICE TO THE PROFESSION | Superior Court of Justice Author: mcode Created Date: 4/5/2020 4:00:44 PM If, because of the COVID-19 pandemic, counsel are unable to meet in person with a client to have a designation signed, the designation can be signed by counsel on behalf of the client if the client has so directed. CHIEF JUSTICE OF THE SUPERIOR COURT OF JUSTICE JUGE EN CHEF DE LA COUR SUPÉRIEURE DE JUSTICE OSGOODE HALL 130 QUEEN STREET WEST TORONTO, ONTARIO M5H 2N5 (416) 327-5111 FAX (416) 327-6011. The parties must file a Confirmation form in accordance with the Rules, otherwise, the regular motion may not be scheduled to be heard. The failure to have a court reporter present should not prevent the hearing from occurring. The Court of Appeal has notified parties with Appeals scheduled for May and June, 2020 that the Court is prepared to hear these Appeals by video conference technology. Self-represented accused persons must contact the duty counsel/amicus before court and provide a telephone number where they can be reached for the hearing. Finalized draft orders requiring signing shall be emailed directly to the Bankruptcy Court office at (a) Where the accused person is represented by counsel, the following procedure applies: For Matters prosecuted by the Provincial Crown: (b) Where the accused person is self-represented the following procedure applies: (ii) Administrative Pre-trial Appearances in the Superior Court – “Practice Court”[2]) – On and after July 13th 2020, (d) Subsequent Administrative Appearances, (g) Re-elections and Short Applications (For example, Remove counsel, release exhibits). If the Applicant indicates that they wish to be present, arrangements will be made for them to have access to the teleconference call. All documents that may be served by regular service, may be served by email. All out of custody appellants required to attend the hearings in person are no longer required to do so, unless self-represented. Notice to the Profession re: Justice Participants Unable to attend In-Court Hearings in the Ontario Superior Court of Justice (July 21, 2020) Notice to the Profession – Divisional Court (June 29, 2020) Notice to the Profession, Litigants, Accused, Media and Members of the Public (June 25, 2020) Notice Re Urgent Matters Emailed to Trial Co-Ordinators (March 24, 2020) REGIONAL NOTICES. Self-represented defendants should be directed to Ms. Maija Martin of the Criminal Lawyers Association (. Notice to the Profession re: Justice Participants Unable to attend In-Court Hearings in the Ontario Superior Court of Justice (July 21, 2020) Toronto Expansion Protocol for Court Hearings During COVID-19 Pandemic (Effective July 8, 2020) Notice to the Profession – Divisional Court (June 29, 2020) All summary judgment motions, appeals from the Consent and Capacity Board, long motions, long applications, and urgent matters must be scheduled through Civil Practice Court. The accused can then be remanded directly to the pre-trial date without an Assignment Court appearance. All other motions may be heard by teleconference and videoconference at the request of the parties. tario Superior Court of Justice (SCJ) due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Regional Senior Justice – Superior Court of Justice Central South Region Issued: Issued May 12, 2020 effective May 19, 2020 By Notice to the Profession dated March 15, 2020, the Ontario Superior Court of Justice (SCJ) advised the profession, the media and the public that, while the SCJ was suspending court operations, it would continue to hear urgent matters in criminal, … The judge conducting the JPT may annotate the Form 17 or prepare a Form 18. Voluminous records such as pleadings, treatment notes, accident benefit files, hospital records, tax returns, and employment files are not to be filed with the court by hyperlink, a dropbox, or otherwise. [3] A court reporter may not be necessary because the telephone conference lines used for the bail/90-day reviews will be recorded. Notice to the Profession, the Public and the Media Regarding Civil Proceedings - Insolvency COVID-19: SUSPENSION OF REGULAR COURT OPERATIONS COVID-19 Notice No. Any appellant currently required, by the terms of their current bail, to surrender into custody prior to the appeal hearing is not required to do so. Counsel and parties are required to confirm their long motion or application by email to Lawyers and accused persons should not attend the courthouse in person unless their physical presence is required. Please read the information below carefully as there are some changes to the March 15, 2020 Notice to the Profession. The Protocol is subject to change from time to time as may be necessary. Subrule 38(16) has been amended by striking out “court reporter” and replacing it with “authorized court transcriptionist”. In order to ensure the safety of all justice participants, upon the resumption of court operations, every measure possible will be taken to reduce the number of people who physically attend the courthouse each day. The Motion Confirmation Forms may be found at All oral hearings required in construction lien matters will be conducted by teleconference or videoconference, unless the court otherwise directs an in-person hearing. Notice to the Profession for Court Operations in the Superior Court of Justice Northwest Region re: Temporary Operations Due to Court House Closure (October 26, 2020) Updated Notice to the Profession for Court Operations in the Superior Court of Justice, Northwest Region During the Covid-19 Pandemic (August 20, 2020) Southwest NOTICE TO THE PROFESSION AND PUBLIC CHIEF JUSTICE AND ASSOCIATE CHIEF JUSTICE: ALLOCATION OF ADMINISTRATIVE RESPONSIBILITIES . Notice to the Profession and Public Regarding Court Proceedings . There is no change to the threshold for urgent motions that existed pre-COVID. All materials are to be filed with the Trial Coordinator’s Office at and with the Criminal Intake Office at As set out in paragraphs A.4 (iv) and (v) below, if agreed between counsel, an in person pretrial application may be converted to a remote hearing.