A Walk Through the Mass: A Step-by-Step Explanation Catholics know what is going to happen next. Catholic Australia is Australia’s leading repository of information about the Church in Australia. The Council of Trent’s Profession of Faith for Converts. Through Baptism we receive the life-giving, divine blessing of the Holy Spirit. Selecting a saint medal of a saint who has the same name as the person who has been baptized is common. This is often scheduled after a particular service, so if you arrive an find people leaving don't be alarmed and think you missed it. “…I baptize you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. The Godparents of a baby hold the child while ; The Godparents of an adult or older child stand in witness to the Baptism and the adult candidate holds his or her head over the Baptismal font. This mark allows us to be saved through baptism. Think of the long line of people before you—parents, grandparents, and spiritual ancestors—who were welcomed into the Church at Baptism. An optional blessing of the ears and moth may follow signifying the desire that this child will hear and in time proclaim the faith. Once you have completed that requirement, let's move on to another requirement. Most of the time, you will stand facing the audience and the person being baptized will face sideways. How to perform a Catholic Baptism Make sure you have enough to pour it as you say the words, and pour it upon the forehead of the person as you pronounce the words distinctly and attentively. document.write("