. 33rd Parallel with William Lyne - NEW light on - Free Energy Occult Mysteries of Parallel 33 - Humans Be Free MASONS AND OTHER OCCULTISTS REVERE THE NUMBER 33 ABOVE ALL OTHER NUMBERS. Historians have always been perplexed as to why the U.S. chose Nagasaki to hit with a nuclear bomb since no meaningful military or political targets existed in this city. Dane Rudhyar, An Astrological Mandala: The Cycle of Transformations and Its 360 Symbolic Phases (New York: Random House, 1973), p. 72, pp. [11] Freemasons Christopher Knight and Robert Lomas suggest that the former represents the winter solstice sunrise, while the latter the summer solstice sunrise. Thus does God Himself provide the most powerful, most succinct, definition ever of a pagan: they worship and serve the creature more than the Creator! Above the right hand of Orion between the constellations Gemini and Auriga is the northern stargate previously mentioned, located at a declination (celestial latitude) of 33 degrees. The name of this city state is derived from the Greek ta b blia, which means the book, or bible. Indeed, the invention of a Phoenician alphabetic phonetic script occurred here and eventually spread to the Greek world. Nagasaki, Japan is on the 33rd Parallel. The first ground zero: a visit to the Trinity test site, where the deer and the antelope play, Andy Walton, CNN Interactive [web site online]; available from the World Wide Web, http://www.cnn.com/SPECIALS/cold.war/ A network of irrigation canals reminiscent of the Hohokam also once served the city. Around the world. The number, 39, is very special to the occultist, because it is formed by the multiplication of 3 and 13. We're feeling the pull of the 33 rd parallel (Allow me to explain) In heeding the call to LA, lightworkers are being called to congregate around the 33rd parallel - an energy vortex which happens to run through Venice Beach. 260-265. The Great Pyramid was built in Egypt by masons at a location not far south of 30 degrees latitude and on 31 degrees longitude. In fact, the town of Globe was so named because of the 1875 discovery of a globe-shaped mass nine inches in diameter made of 99% pure silver and valued at $12,000. Babylon is very near the 33rd Parallel, as we reveal above; but, the current city of Baghdad is located right on the 33rd Degree Parallel. ], To reiterate: Numbers are a key to the ancient views of cosmogony spiritually as well as physically to the evolution of the present human race; all systems of religious mysticism are based upon numerals. This city was made famous for the nearby discovery of the Terra Cota Warriors. Emil W. Haury, Prehistory of the American Southwest, edited by J. Jefferson Reid and David E. Doyel (Tucson: The University of Arizona Press, 1992, 1986), p. 45. The highest meaning of the number, 33, is that it represents the highest spiritual consciousness to which man can attain, and that 333 represents the man-god becoming immortal through his death, resurrection and ascension, just as the occultist considers Master Initiate Jesus to have done! The 33rd degree has long been associated with Freemasonry. [24]. 24. a. This war also has nothing to do with terrorism, or with Iraqs supposed plans to use WMD on us or her Middle Eastern neighbors. Mount Hermon - Ascension Glossary The 33rd Parallel - Bashar. 23. The construction of Babylon began during the twenty-third century B.C. Thread starter D.Leo333; Start date Feb 6, 2019; D. D.Leo333 The Force is Strong With This One. 33 rd annual glaad media awards recipients include: hacks, we're here, saved by the bell, rupaul's drag race, eternals, changing the game, parallel mothers, single all the way, the advocate, telemundo 47. jeopardy! [30] One anthropoid geoglyph in the area has been associated with the Hopi Fire Clan deity Masauu. Hiroshima and Nagasaki were near the 33rd parallel. Oppelt, Guide to Prehistoric Ruins, pp. The name Etowah may also be a corruption of this word. [28] It is interesting to note that the Hopi word for the sun deity is Tawa. At approximately 9:50 p.m. an arc of amber orbs measuring one mile across appeared above the Estrella Mountains about 20 miles southwest of Phoenix. When they were successfully carried out, occultists the world over knew exactly what had happened and who had carried it out, and for the purpose of setting the stage for Number 11 himself, Antichrist. This Third World War seems to be right ahead of us, and out of the smoke, debris, and blood of this war Antichrist will come striding. The whereabouts of this artifact are currently unknown. ; 35th Parallel north forms the boundary between the State of North Carolina and the State of Georgia, the State of Tennessee and the State of Georgia the State of Alabama. One of President Franklin D. Roosevelts first official acts after taking office on Inauguration Day (Saturday, March 4, 1933), was to proclaim an emergency, three-day, nationwide banking holiday, signed and effective Monday, March 6. 554-556. GEO-SPATIAL ALIGNMENT OF SOUTHERN DEATH ROWS & ABU GHRAIB AS EVIDENCE. Who chose this parallel to be the exact demarcation line as to be the line which marked the line beyond which Iraqi airmen cannot fly? 1963: The Kennedy Assassination President John F. Kennedy Sr. was shot and killed in Dealey Plaza in Dallas, Texas near the 33rd Parallel on 11/22/63 (11 + 22 = 33). P. David Seaman, Hopi Dictionary (Flagstaff, Arizona: Northern Arizona University Anthropological Paper No. 16. Are you spiritually ready? 26. Gematria, Synchronicity, and Predictive Programming - THE NARROW GATE At Caesarea Philippi, in the proximity of the 33rd Parallel, Jesus Christ predicted his own death. Martin Doutr, Circlestone: an ancient Medicine Wheel in the Superstition Mountains, Ancient Celtic New Zealand [web site online]; available from the World Wide Web, http://www.celticnz.co.nz/Circlestone/Circlestone1.htm; accessed 4 August 2002. The original Club 33 is on the 33rd parallel. First, let us speak of the way civilizations fall either to the north or to the south of the 33rd Parallel. The other two master numbers, 11 (vision) and 22 (vision with action) form the base of a two-dimensional pyramid, and added together equal 33 (guidance to the world), the apex of the pyramid. Are you adequately protecting your loved ones? But what's that got to do with Tom? The number 3 symbolizes the Pagan Trinity, while 13 is the number of ultimate rebellion against God. They saw a large white glowing light-sphere come from a distance across the ocean toward them . This fire enflamed the anger and imagination of Germans all over the nation and led directly to Hitler gaining absolute power shortly thereafter. [20]. He was also killed in the Masonic Dealey Plaza, the most powerful secret society in the world today to whom the number 11 is extremely important. John F. Kennedy was assassinated on parallel 33, in the city of Dallas, on November 22nd, 1963. The Satanist always places great power in numbers, especially the Black Magic Satanist. Background: The coronavirus disease of 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic led to the suspension and shortening of the 2020 Major League Baseball (MLB) season from 162 to 60 regular season games. Mount Hermon ("Mountain of the Chief", coordinates: 332458N 355127E) is a mountain cluster constituting the southern end of the Anti-Lebanon mountain range. The 26 earthen platform mounds arranged in a circular pattern are similar in structure to those in Arizonas Valley of the Sun, with temples and residences for the elite priesthood likewise built on top. The first nuclear explosion took place in Alamogordo, New Mexico on parallel 33. Notice the uneven hexagram and the numbers 333 placed at different points on this seal. Hiram was the King of Tyre in the reigns of David and Solomon. 9, p. 239]. [Day Williams, Ibid.]. Thus, Roosevelt was sworn in during the 3rd month, 1933, thereby giving his inauguration an occult value of 333, just like Hitlers ascension to power! Herodotus estimated that it would have taken 30 years and 100,000 slaves to have built it. The number 333 speaks ofdeath, resurrection, and ascension. [Ibid., p. 162-3; NOTE: You and I know that Jesus ascension did not occur for 40 days after He arose, but evidently, occultists have not examined the Scriptures carefully!]. The other two master numbers, 11 (vision) and 22 . Biosecurity Act 2015 which removes all rights for Australians, Higher Death, Hospitalization Rates Among Vaccinated Individuals. But there is a lot of more mystery surrounding parallel 33. Occupied between 1200 and 1500 A.D., this huge masonry pueblo contained 800 rooms, a central plaza, a surrounding wall, and a great kiva. The 33rd parallel runs exactly between Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Mount Carmel is less than 20 miles south of the 33rd Parallel. The Disinformation Guide to Ancient Civilizations, Astonishing Archaeology and Hidden History, edited by Preston Peet, Disinformation Books, New York, 2005. This area was once thought to be the Garden of Eden. The 33rd parallel north is a circle of latitude that is 33 degrees north of the Earth's equatorial plane. In the temples of Atlantis and Egypt, the candidate for initiation passed through nine degrees, or rather the three-fold three degrees, into the mysteries. UFO Lore and the 33 rd Parallel. Dating back as early as 5000 B.C., Tyre was renowned for a purple-red dye obtained from the snails of the genus Murex. Once you understand the belief Satanists have about this number, you will understand certain events in history more completely for example, when Adolf Hitler planned his suicide, he decided to shoot himself on April 30, 1945, at precisely 3:30 pm, thus setting up a 333 by which the deed was done. Further, they seek to bring a select number of citizens of the earth along with them, so that the entire world can begin to go through a path to this highly exalted spiritual consciousness; at this moment, everyone on earth will have a physical Third Eye, just as did the citizenry of Atlantis! At Carmel Elijah, the Hebrew prophet stood against 850 heathen prophets and defeated them (1 Kings 18). Curiously, reports also stated that the continents of the Earth were etched upon its surface. Where is the 33rd parallel in Australia? - Short-Fact But, Greece and Rome began a movement of civilizations, where the center of power gravitated gradually northward. Note that this date also forms a 333! One of the larger mounds is a ramped pyramid that rises to a height of 58 feet. Article originally published in Underground! Map of the United States demonstrating the 33rd parallel (red line Also in Arizona and precisely on the 33rd parallel, in Florence, just SE of Phoenix, . 33rd Parallel Archives - the Numinous We shall continue eastward to encounter other significant ancient sites along the same parallel. and included the Temple of Marduk (known as Esagila) as well as the legendary Tower of Babel (identified as Etemenanki). 34. Another significant UFO event that shares more than one parallel with Roswell is the Phoenix Lights event of . SHARE ARTICLE. The number 33 enigmatically stretches as a latitude line across many diverse cultures in many different times. THE 33RD PARALLEL:MASONIC LINE OF DEATH FOR PSYCHIC ENERGY - GEO-SPATIAL ALIGNMENT OF SOUTHERN DEATH ROWS & ABU GHRAIB AS EVIDENCE OF HUMAN SACRIFICE. At the latitude of Phoenix this is the exact point of the winter solstice sunset as well. This is the reason for this ministry, to enable you to first understand the peril facing you, and then help you develop strategies to warn and protect yourloved ones. Extracted and hauled from a quarry many miles away, these megaliths include one block measuring 80 feet long and weighing 1,100 tons. His articles have appeared in Ancient American http://www.ancientamerican.com and Atlantis Rising http://www.atlantisrising.com magazines, and will soon be published in Fate http://www.fatemagazine.com and World Explorer http://wexclub.com/pages/magazine.html. Phoenix, which sits at a latitude of 33 degrees and 43 minutes, lies within the influence of the "dragon energy" of this imaginary line around the Earth. Near the 33rd Parallel, Tel Megiddo has served as an important junction and battlefield throughout history. Welcome to the 33rd Parallel. Thus, this occult and Illuminist preoccupation with the Number 11 as they strive to produce their Antichrist, is dictated by Biblical prophecy concerning Antichrist. InNEWS1761, we reached the conclusion that this coming war had nothing to do with the presence of Iraqi Weapons of Mass Destruction. 1861 On April 12, Confederate forces fired on the Unions Fort Sumter in Charleston Harbor, South Carolina, igniting the Civil War. Charleston, South Carolina is the home of the so-called "Mother Lodge of the World". The 33rd parallel north is a circle of latitude that is 33 degrees north of the Earth's equatorial plane.It is approximate at the midpoint between the equator (0 degrees) and the Arctic Circle (66.6 degrees North Latitude.) Skipping across the Atlantic on the same parallel, we find a number of intriguing sites in the Old World. Adepts the world over considered Hitler to the immortal god-man until they realized he had chosen the Left-Hand path, the Evil path. Ones name, place, and time of birth all have an influence on ones physical, mental, and spiritual being. Re: 33rd Parallel with William Lyne - NEW light on Antigravity and free energy! JINN ,SKINWALKERS, GHOULS ,SHAPE SHIFTERS. Near Gila Bend, Arizona about 62 miles west of Snaketown (mentioned above) is Painted Rocks [sic] State Park, which has thousands of petroglyphs of similar designs-- not painted but pecked into the boulders. When [clover] is located upon a mountain it comes to signify knowledge of the divine essence gained by hard endeavor [Natural steps], through sacrifice or study (equivalent to ascension) J.E. (much earlier than even the Hohokam settlements), a C-shaped or perhaps a partial octagon-shaped earthwork three-quarters of a mile across was formed by six concentric ridges that are 140 to 200 feet apart and four to six feet high. For example: * Phoenix and Atlanta are about the same latitude, but are very different climates. The Vatican takeover by Left-Hand Path / Black Magick Adepts was anointed by a Human Sacrifice in South Carolina, on the 33rd Parallel. As Wescott explains, so 11 is the essence of all that is sinful, harmful, and imperfect. [Ibid., p. 100] Thus, while 11 is very important, multiplications are also important, such as 22, 33, 44, 55, 66, 77, 88, and 99. 12. Jesus Christ was thirty-three when he was crucified; the first temple of Solomon stood for thirty-three years before being pillaged by King Shishak of Egypt; there are thirty-three symbols of the Masonic Order and one of their symbols depicts a double-headed eagle crowned with an equilateral triangle: inside of this is the number thirty-three. The craft continued southeast above Interstate 10 and was sighted in the Tucson area about 8:45. Pike maintains that the temple contained a representation in silver of two large serpents. On April 12, 1945, President Franklin D. Roosevelt met his sudden death of a cerebral hemorrhage at the 33rd Parallel at Warm Springs, Georgia. Crossing the 33rd parallel A tweet is not the most orthodox way of resolving a 66-year-old conflict. [25] Did the earlier Hohokam culture of the American Southwest somehow influence the later development of this Mound Builder culture in the American Southeast? Thus if you live on the 34th parallel of latitude, the sun will rise one minute later and set one minute earlier than on the 33rd parallel and so on. [39] Distinctive at Three Rivers is the circle-dot motif; one investigator who took the trouble to count found it to be the single most common element at this site. 33. kinetic energy ,telepathy and mind control, Mystery, strange happening , the unexplained, Natural medicine, home remedy ,herbs, diet, Panic Attacks ,Paranoia, Personality Disorders, Persuasion, Pessimism, Pheromones, Phobias , Procrastination ,Psychiatry ,Psychologists, Psychopathy ,Psychotherapy, Relationships Resilience Self Esteem Sleep Sociopathy, Russian phenomenon , ghost and paranormal events, Teamwork Teenagers Temperament Tests Therapy, Time Management Trauma Visualization Willpower Wisdom, Home Dr. Saad Ramzi Al-Hashimi, PhD -Paranormal- Parapsychology Expert, Researcher and investigator, What language Angels and demons speaks- By Steve Ramsey, MY LIFE STORY IN YOU TUBE PLEASE SHARE AND PUSH LIKE, CENTRAL NEW YORK GHOST HUNTERS one of the best in USA, The mystery of the Anunnaki blood Steve Ramsey. Dante Alighieri, The Paradiso: a Verse Rendering For the Modern Reader, translated by John Ciardi (New York: New American Library, 1970,1961), p. 365. News reports just a few days ago indicated the Pentagon was possibly planning to use nuclear weapons in Iraq. and 7th Avenue intersection. Fans Have A Weird Theory About Tom Cruise And The Number 33 On the eastern side of Babylon was an outer rampart of triple wall construction extending for 11 miles. You can see that the parallel runs right through Baghdad, with the ancient town of Babylon only about 25 miles away. The Mysterious 33rd Parallel - Freedom Code This coming war may explode into this global war, out of which will come to Antichrist. List of International Boundary Lines between Countries 67-68. Constructed of unshaped quartzite and adobe mortar, these ruins inhabited in the mid-fourteenth century contained 70 rooms within three caves. Occult Mysteries Of Parallel 33 - The World We Live In Here we speculate about what exactly is happening in the shadows behind the propaganda. Arsenic is a brittle, steel-gray substance that is actively poisonous. In the Book of Enoch , the place where the Watcher class of fallen angels descended to Earth, Mount Hermon, is also . The Mysterious Case of Parallel 33 Curiosmos Throughout history, Freemasons, Rosicrucians, and occultists of the day have planned events that they planned, in order to move the world ever closer to the final ideal, keeping in mind the occult premise stated at the beginning of this article by Day Williams. Roosevelt was replaced by 33rd Degree Mason, Harry S. Truman. (Demolay derives from the Grand Master of the Knights Templar, James deMolay (1244-1314)). Etowah Mounds Historic Site, About North Georgia [web site online]; available from the World Wide Web, http://ngeorgia.com/parks/etowah.html; accessed 4 July 2002. The first nuclear explosion took place in Alamogordo, New Mexico on parallel 33. On July 16th of the same year, the first atomic device --the Gadget, as it was called-- was detonated at Trinity Site, New Mexico: 33 degrees 41 minutes North latitude. Reply #2 on: March 19, 2009, 08:41:38 AM Seems that no one is interested in really making a real anti-gravity craft. 10. The Orion Zone: Ancient Star Cities of the American Southwest was published in late 2005 by Hayriver Press. OF HUMAN SACRIFICE. Each letter as the number has a certain vibratory effect the picture produced by the various combinations gives an understanding of the character, karma, and potentialities of the person in Spiritual Numerology, the numbers 11, 22, and 33 are the threeMaster Numbers, the highest being 33 This highest of the master numbers was the age of the Master Initiate (Jesus) at his death, resurrection, and ascension, giving more esoteric accents.
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