I wont be attending this Sunday either, but as always will honor my own mother by being the best mother I can be to my hurting children. She talked about how her convert mother negotiated church attendance with her inactive husband, how she brought the gospel into the home to the extent she could while maintaining close family ties and coping with her own faith struggles, and how her example and choices blessed her home. I think it turned out great. Although, I hate how as a single man, some married women run from me cause they think Im going to try to seduce them or something. President Eyringonce said that when he meets somebody for the first time, he assumes that person is struggling mightily with an intractable problem, and cannot see any possible solution. If youre already perfect, who needs it? Make it different, and they will see you are trying. When her dad found out that there was a whole lottashakin goin on without him, he summarily divorced his adulterous wife and took the children to live with him. I found out the hard way after a long list of them declined to give the talk. Thats what insulin is for. But guess what?! Pres Hinckley and apparently Mark has it right. by Leading Saints | Apr 27, 2016 | Articles, Bishops, Elders Quorum, Relief Society | 21 comments, In 2016 Leading Saints conducted a survey about ward mothers day gifts. I would be totally okay if they did nothing for Mothers Day at church. She loved us unconditionally heart and soul. Didn't Sheri Dew give a talk titled, "Are We Not All Mothers?" Latter-day Saint pianist Monica Scott has arranged a touching Mother's Day medley in honor of Stephanie Pope, a mother of five who recently passed away . Why..thank you! I would expect him to give a talk like that because he is so utterly black and white in his thinking and he never heard a strict utterance over the pulpit that he did not love. Or better yet, teach their classes and let them attend RS for a day? I had assumed it was a greeting card holiday of commercial origins, but it is actually (like Christmas) based on Roman pagan traditions. I explained that I was not calling any men to speak, due to their tendency to give perfect mother talks, and felt they could do a better job giving an honest uplifting talk that could be of benefit to the mothers in the congregation. They seemed to love the tradition and I never received negative feedback. Never heard it, but I would love somethingalong the lines ofwhat we can learn from Christ and his time with women. For the past two years, I have been passed over because other women tell the youth passing out the gift, that they need to take one for so-and-so, shes ill today,without looking for women in the room that havent received one yet. Christian churchs teach that you are inherently bad, that it is not entirely your fault and that Christ has already saved you and after He gets around to telling you (if He hasnt already) that you forgiven and are His, you will do nonspecific good things he directs because you will naturally want to do them. He offers advice on how young women can look to faithful mother figures as a pattern to follow. The water is a reminder that the Savior shed His blood in intense spiritual suffering and anguish, beginning in the Garden of Gethsemane and concluding on the cross. It appears that we have adopted the perverted sense of inclusion to such a degree that we cannot mention our gratitude for our mothers and motherhood without "hurting" or "marginalizing" those who are not mothers. https://www.lds.org/general-conference/2014/04/wanted-hands-and-hearts-to-hasten-the-work?lang=eng. Do other Christian women struggle with church-going on this day? My husband told me to stop focusing on myself and think about who mothered me instead. could have had us all come to earth as adults, but instead we came as infants needing 24 hour care to survive; there must be something we need to learn from being dependent on parents, and 4) share some motherhood quotes. Wards/branches can use this app to create and print traditional . I come to church to be fed spiritually, and sappy poems and stories are never ever going to measure up to the meat that scriptural examples can provide. . Im even okay when they hand out plants. Elder Ballard lists three ways mothers can do that; first, is realizing joy comes in moments, second is to not overschedule children, and third, to find time to cultivate talents and interests.. Yesterday I enjoyed another Mother's Day sacrament meeting, typical with its children's songs, a talk from a young man about how wonderful mothers are, a talk from a sister about how wonderful women are, and a tearful talk from a brother about all the incredible mothers in his life. Its impossible to please everyone. Rockpond, is this separate from a Primary Program? We speak about it nearly every Sunday. I always had this huge chip on my shoulder about refusing the flowers because I wasnt a mom (I had kids later in life), but my own mother would force me to take it because it was a free flower. I wonder if this phenomenon is uniquely Mormon. Over 70 countries observe Mothers Day, but some of them still retain these spiritual roots whereas in the US its mostly a commercial holiday. To find a ward near you, try the Meetinghouse Locator, which will also provide sacrament meeting times, driving directions, and contact information. I went to Sac. It was an emotional rollercoaster of raised hopes and disappointments. A small gift for Mothers Day is fine, but if you give chocolate to a diabetic or a piece of pie to someone with gluten intolerance, what have you given? Primary kids sang Im so glad when Mommy comes home refreshing change. It hasnt yet. At my ward the angel mothers were to aspire to. At least half the ward was so embarrassed for her at this point that they looked as if they wanted to crawl under the benches. I also choose to focus on the women in the scriptures like #30 has mentioned. It is based only partially on a professional clergy with access to time-proven messages and more likely on fundamental theological differences. I know I dont have any say on when the thread closes, but it would be interesting to hear feedback from how each persons respective wards handled MD, and how the people assigned to talk felt their messages were delivered and/or received. Ive been jinxed. One of my favorite talks ever wasnt a Mothers Day talk but was given by a mother talking about mothering (we were on vacation, so didnt know the woman speaking). Special celebrations can and should be held at home within the family. How about honoring our mothers by not just focusing on what they do or have done for us (guilt trip for those that feel they never do enough) but focus on ways the members can help their mothers throughout each stage of their life. Alece, its usually when the admins sense that the conversation is no longer productive, or when we dont have time or patience to keep monitoring the thread. Great, and I was just asked to talk on Sunday, I guess I will be very careful. It seemed to strike just the right tone. Those were the kinds of talks I gave, and thats what I would rather listen to. Love your mother, my young sisters. I remember something I was told many years ago by a young man in Provo, UT. first adult speaker: Motherhood is like a roller coaster: there are lots of ups and downs, and sometimes you just have to close your eyes and scream., second adult speaker, quoting a Native American proverb: The soul would have no rainbow if the eyes had no tears., benediction, by a former Bishop: Heavenly Father, we speak with thee every day, and we look forward to the day when we can renew our relationship with Heavenly Mother.. each year when I plan the Mother's Day sacrament meeting I feel an extra bit of pressure to make it special for our wives and mothers. She discusses the divinity of motherhood and how every woman can become a mother in the world around her. Which isnt necessarily a bad thing. Theologies have consequences. Theres got to be a way to show a little appreciation and recognize their importance and significance without it being guilt-inducing. I still dont understand it, which is probably why Im still very nervous about having kids. The other auxiliaries are free to do something, its just the bishopric that doesnt. I agree Ray. The primaries (100 of them? But these are good points. Next, it is always very specific so as to not offend anyone. I get really tired of hearing the stripling warrior passages on Mother's Day. It is a simple answer, and it is trueThe most important thing a father can do for his [daughter] is to love [her] mother.'. Crowd-sourcing request. The best Mothers Day talk Ive ever heard was an illustration of this principle. Primary kids singing, oh, 12 songs, and then someone real standing up and talking about the incredible power of hope, even when we feel that we dont measure up, and the wonder of the atonement and Gods love for us. Im against handing out plants on Mothers Day. She was not worthy of any review from me. I was initially surprised he went that way, but I have to say although Ive occasionally heard people say they wish something were did, I heard many complaints every previous year that something was done about what that something was. They do not need to be perfect in order to partake of the sacrament, but they should have a spirit of humility and repentance in their hearts. All my daily tasks fulfilling, It is not a bad thing and it might be the one day that young mothers will remember and enjoy the most. Keep in mind, this is from a male perspective, andmy opinions might be worth exactly what you paid for them. But since we have instituted Mothers Day as the day my family ditches church and meets my parents at Shoshone Falls for a picnic, I look forward to it every year. Father's Day Talk in Sacrament Meeting June 21, 2009. Most of us brought up to beleive that the man of the home was were it was at. This has been a great reminder to be sensitive to all in the congregation with the Holy Ghost as a guide. Her mother didnt come across as being perfect, but rather imperfect but faithfully trying, and her simple persistent efforts turned out to be eternally valuable. Why in the church is there such a strong, almost secular aversion to motherhood? #109 Rayloved the roller coaster quote on motherhood. Doesn't seem strange in a religion that supposedly is so family focused? http://mormonartist.net/2012/02/day-three-jeanna-stay/. The Mothers Day talks in my singles wards have been quite sensitive to childless women, but still pretty women-on-pedestalsy. So He can be ideal AND real. Did they not have mothers? rockpond For sacrament meeting, we can give the men a sternly worded warning about the danger of tehpernogriffiez. I like the post. I like the idea of a simple gift for those in attendance. I remember being confused by a few Mothers Day talks growing up. rockpond The rest of us mortals should stick with real. The third tells of a mother who helped her daughter with a disability at a temple dedication. Just asking. A nod to moms but no pedestal worshiping. Do you also not need an idea such as the Savior, your Father in Heaven or your Heavenly Mother? In the UK, my experience has been that sacrament has at least one talk and often a few. Perhaps the reason so many women have an aversion to an all Sacrament Mtg. Plus, I thought it was extra cool that the Bish consulted the RS pres. It is Mother's Day and yet the day is supposed to about everything about women EXCEPT being a mother. Said she, If you havent convinced your mother that you love her the other 364 days of the year, nothing you say on Mothers Day is worth a damn.. Nice meeting. Evry cry of pity heeding, Mothers day will likely be about Gods unconditional love for us and how it pains Him to see us struggle And how even mothers cannot quite reach that level of love, but we understand the concept because most of us love our children in much the same way (but n, Focus your talk on how much we ALL need Jesus (even mothers) because we are all sinners (read the Bible It tells us so). Then they would close by saying that it was the most wonderful blessing imaginable. Local leaders are ministering to them at this time," Church spokesman Eric Hawkins said. Uchtdorf. Alece, I also love CS Lewis, and agree that we should look to higher ground in our mortal journey. Bear in mind thatmost of women in the congregation havelives that havent turned out the way they expected. I mean big ol gnarly wretch. Speakers arent assigned to talk on mothers day, there is no gift, no refreshments, no day off from primary. April 24, 2016 in General Discussions. A later version of the holiday occurred in Europe where they would celebrate the Mother Church (the church as the bride of Christ and as the mother of their spiritual rebirth through baptism) and they would decorate the church with flowers and jewels. The division of labor between the holidays helped to alleviate some of the awkwardness of the women = mothers mindset that we face in the US. Based on the comments it seems to be prevalent everywhere in the US church. But I love my mother, and I miss her, so Im hopeful that the experience will be a good one. I am 70 years old and have never been a mother, but I had one. I hope Sunday goes well for you. I wanted to know more, so here are his thoughts. I have been avoiding the mother's day sacrament meeting for the last couple of years. I think we should dispense with handing out things and tell everyone weve made a donation to a local womens shelter or program for mothers in need. I must speak the loving word, Those who are not disciples of Christ or do not have faith will find it painful to see the faith of others; thus no one should celebrate Christmas openly. Were here to help! You can guess how well that went over. Beautiful. It is Mother's Day and yet the day is supposed to about everything about women EXCEPT being a mother. I accidently hit the quote button and so nothing is there..you guys can fill in the blank.. My wife and I will be on an Alaska Cruise. At a certain point, their best has to be enough. Food is the communication tool of choice for Latter Day Saints. Honoring Fallen Parents: The Fifth Commandment and Romans 3:23 The Fifth Commandment enjoins: "Honor thy father and thy mother." Disciples should take this personal holiday to their own homes to celebrate it when and how they choose. Just pass out the chocolates and let all the women go to a park where buckets of KFC, potato salad and slaw are in abundance and/or veggie pizza and cheesecake. Very useful counsel, Mark. Integrate how Jesus takes care of his mother's future well being while hanging on the cross with the scripture John 19:26-27. The worst talk I ever heard came from a woman who described how her mother used to sit by her during piano lessons. Now, I detest it. They always see what they havent done instead of what they have because they are constantly reminded of what they should be doing. How did your Mother's Day Sacrament meeting turnout, Rockpond? Sorry for the sacrilege I think all women want massages but not sure the church is the right place for it. Please use the comments to make your own contributions. He suffered for the sins, sorrows, and pains of all people, providing remission of sins for those who repent and live the gospel (see 2Nephi 9:2123). He gets points for effort and most humorous and memorable! There are wrongs that need redressing It would be much easier for me to hear mothers day talks if they were real instead of ideal, though Id prefer a good sermon on Christ, instead. The broken bread is a reminder of His body and His physical sufferingespecially His suffering on the cross. Mother's Day is a special time to say thanks to the women in your life. 1) Peanut butter sandwiches served with a smile tastes much better than the fanciest meal served with a side of stress. Personally, I like cookies. Let's apply your logic standard to other holidays. Another angle in this specific holidayhas been brewing for a while. Crowd-sourcing request each year when I plan the Mother's Day sacrament meeting I feel an extra bit of pressure to make it special for our wives and mothers. It can be any of those. Im not going tomorrow. There are sins that need confessing; As always, Kurt, I was happy to give you a hand with this! But I was not a mother, in spite of my tears and pleadings with the Lord. Also, try to remember that not all the women in the congregation are mothers - which may be because they can't be. On the other hand, women tended to speak about motherhood as the most emotionally-exhausting and time-consuming chore imaginable. You then leap to classifying it a family celebration rather than a national holiday. Sacrament meeting is a time for us to renew our covenants, it is a sacred ordinance. Latter Day Arrangements is a sheet music resource for members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and other Christians. And, invariably, as soon as I would send one on his way, Im not a mother, thank you, another would pop up at my elbow, dutifully, kindly twisting the knife. We like to celebrate mothers in the Church and we like to ignore fatherhood. Oh yes, Ive read the scriptures to be like Him, to be perfect. I was reading about the origins of Mothers Day. Through this ordinance, Church members renew the covenants they made with God when they were baptized. Being Mother's Day, that meant the soft seats up front were filled with grandmothers and other maternal figures visiting for the weekend, which meant latecomers like the Lemons got metal seats in the back this week. Those who are solely focused on their own selfish desires? He did not have any high-profile ward or stake calling at the time, not that it matters. How about honoring our mothers by not just focusing on what they do or have done for us (guilt trip for those that feel they never do enough) but focus on ways the members can help their mothers throughout each stage of their life. Just wondering. And chocolate. Sometimes its good, sometimes its bad. Aim at earth and you get neither. Feel free to disagree with Lewis as well, but I feel like Im in pretty good company at this moment! Can anyone say overdone? There are a number of other conference talks on the subject (righteous traditions, family traditions, etc.). Ere the sun goes down, If you want to hear about angel mothers and perfect people, remain in the chapel. Thanks! No, an inclusive talk will be about current and eternal womanhood, one part of which may including being a biological mother in mortal life. Im sure that attendance in RS would be higher on that day though. Yes. I have seen, heard and experienced much of the imperfections, joys and sorrows in life, and know that reaching out for and holding on to the Iron Rod brings souls closer to the ideals with every step. Aleah Ingram May 3, 2021 Entertainment. I spoke one Mothers Day about Eve and Mary, and thought it was a good talk and well-received. I am infertile, though I now have three children through adoption. Should we have days for every type of individual? They may have services on Holy Mother Mary but then again, she left her son behind in Jerusalem and didnt even notice she had forgotten him for quite some time before going back to look for him so not sure about her mothering skills ;)). we have never ceased head-shaking about his, well, completely horrific timingand choiceoif topicand general ignorance and intolerance (and sheer bovine stupidity). Reading over those messages, it is hard to come up with any form of consensus other than, everyone has a different opinion. I would also love all quotes, conf talks, songs be from women to reinforce the value/insight/talent women have. Identifying ideals is somehow so treacherous for the psyches of women that that must never be mentioned? Its always the wives. Somehow those who are not mothers are incapable of celebrating motherhood and thus it is painful for them and thus no one should celebrate motherhood as a church. We do need to have some kind of an ideal, even if we may not measure up to it occasionally, or even ever! Elder Ballard mainly focused on young mothers in this talk from 2008. I don't understand it, but it is your logic. The meeting isnt about me or you, or a missionary, or mother, its about the Savior and His atonement. (Sorry to barge in madhousewife). Be patient with her imperfections, for she has them. But I realize others prefer plants. Our head count was 85 sisters which is super for us. In the mean time, please, PLEASE, dont go hunting the sisters. Some years it gets a nod, other years the talks are unrelated. Too often folks with food allergies, diabetes, and similar challenges are left feeling like second class saints in our food-laden church culture. To all of you giving talks, good luck on navigating the mine fields! Mothers Day was open so I said ok, I will come up with something appropriate. That being said, my ward will be nice and quiet next Sunday, one of the joys of the YSA wards. Nothanks to my back problems got to fly non-stop from Atlanta to Seattle. EOR, I would venture to say, even with being fairly new to BCC that few here mean to give offense. In partaking of the sacrament and making these commitments, Church members renew the covenant they made at baptism (see Mosiah 18:810; Doctrine and Covenants 20:37). Also waiting by the library's tiny window with the Dutch door was a . I know of no better answer to [the] foul practices that confront our young people than the teachings of a mother, given in love with an unmistakable warning.. Thank you to everyone! THAT is what non-denominational Christian churches do :). Being there with my son was very nice. It was a very honest list, but emphasized that the things she would change had nothing to do with looking good, acting a certain way, or different callings. I give, is it supposed to be about mothers or not? Why does the church HAVE to be a part of it? Not a perfect example but I was striving for some other options besides stripling warriors moms. This ordinance is an essential part of worship and spiritual development. Personally, I go to church to learn about Jesus and Christ like attributes. You can still give the women the day off. So far, so good. If my kids are with me on MD I go, but FD is just too painful. Usually chocolate, a plant or flower. Why was she an ideal? The answer has been taught by the Lords prophets. Actually..mother's day should be everyday. THE major Mothers Day talk in Sacrament Meeting in our ward this week, I have forwarded all of this discussion on to him! Respect her. Aiming for Heaven is again looking to the sinless for examples, not to an episode of Leave it to Beaver. By Does this mean that finally..a talk could be about our Heavenly Mothers? The "Sacrament Meeting Program" app provides users a quick, easy way to create their sacrament meeting programs. Through the shedding of His blood, Jesus Christ saved all people from what the scriptures call the original guilt of Adams transgression (Moses 6:54). Sorry I missed that. Thank you. Alece 100 it is a bit rich for you to interpret that your comment and that quote by Lewis mean the same thing. I can only pray no one will take offense, as I certainly never mean any offense. Tracy M posted an amazing video that deals with the general concept of this post in a really insightful way. We were utterly gobsmacked. One year they handed out Sheri Dews talk Are We Not All Mothers? and I thought that was cool. It was a one day break from the 40 day Lent cycle to give a feast in honor of Mom with cakes and flowers and her grown children visiting from afar. Families are good about this but public acknowledgement is hard to come by. We also have free LDS program covers and printable LDS program covers you can print off at home. Your email address will not be published. That cost a war pension. The sacrament provides an opportunity for Church members to ponder and remember with gratitude the life, ministry, and Atonement of the Son of God. MD really is a no-win. . I do think it is easy to understand my point and I appreciate it when others understand my position. We can only celebrate the nonentity because we are afraid of hurting those who are not being celebrated "today". The speakers were: 70-year-old married sister w/ no children; mid-30s sister who works full-time, dh is the stay-at-home parent, and theyve adopted 2 children through the foster care system; and a single sister. This is something better done away with. I find women in general to be compassionate and sensitive to other people and a joy to be around. 30 Inspiring LDS Quotes About Mothers & Motherhood, Church Leaders Honor Mothers Over the Holiday Weekend, Church Releases Tribute to Mothers, You Are Enough, FREE Happy Mothers Day Coloring Page Printable, The Family is a Divine Blessing | 6 March 2023, Come Follow Me Recap Thy Faith Hath Saved Thee | 5 March 2023, Miracles Come Through Fasting | 4 March 2023, Young Latter-day Saint Missionary Passes Away in Georgia, 5 Things You Didnt Know About the Day the LDS Church Was Organized. And, as your mother, I will miss the delicious pie during a relaxing third hour of church. Please know that it is worth it then, now, and forever.. Glad as I can be She has your best interests at heart. The US holiday was only adopted in 1870 and was also used to protest the sacrifices mothers had made when their sons were killed at war or killed the sons of other mothers during the Civil War. For the third verse, I composed a counterpoint for the choir to sing while the kids sang the melody. Best Mother's Day Topics, Scriptures, Conference Talks, Etc. I struggled with infertility for nearly a decade. I recommend that you take President Eyrings approach and assume that the women to whom you are speaking are doing their best, but that often their very best means just barely hanging on. Gospel Q&A: Can Satan Hear Our Prayers? I should clarify that my mother (and father) are wonderful and I have no complaints. Use Mothers Day as an example of how a saint can use a tradition of men as an acceptable way to express Gods love and promulgate the Gospel. Maybe, eventually, I will heal and that will change. It would just be nice to complete our idealism with a good dose of reality. Kind of it takes a village/ward to raise a child philosophy. Ann (#76), Im sorry to hear about your mothers passing. Too much idealism masks reality and can quickly become propaganda and lies. It was the first Mothers Day since she died. ), Miriam his sister who obeyed her mother and stayed with him and suggested her mother be his nursemaid, and the daughter of Pharoah, who raised him. This blog post is the result of my musing. I haven't a clue about how to interact at times. Inevitably they would be instructed that the gifts were for all women, so theyd try hard to give me one. He invites mothers to count the debits and credits in your role as a mother. President Hinckley then goes through a number of important gospel teachings mothers should focus on. more guilt and more controversy.). My worst MD talk came in the Fast and Testimony meeting the week before in which my father, who was visiting since he no longer lived in our ward, decided to give some incredibly intimate details about his divorce and why he blamed it on several of his children, but not others. While it addresses questions about how to raise a girl, the talk also discusses the nobility of fatherhood, the influence fathers have on children, how to cherish your wife, and why virtue is so important. I actually gave two sacrament meeting talks on Mothers Day during our childless/infertile years. In the garden He said, My soul is exceeding sorrowful, even unto death (Matthew 26:38). This might be a useful reference in terms of stories about Christ and women (not saying to cite it, just to get scripture references and helpful context): http://www.fairmormon.org/perspectives/fair-conferences/2015-fairmormon-conference/christs-emancipation-of-women-in-the-new-testament. It is the essence of who we are as women. My own father would probably appreciate a plant, but fortunately he enjoys cookies too. kc I love me some Pres. Great survey. The story of Martha and Mary each bringing important and valuable things, even though they were very different. Even now, 4 years after her passing, I miss her. They really did. Flowers were also given to anyone who wanted to wear one in honour of their mothers. What if you brought in padded RS chairs for the YW & PRI workers, including Nursery sisters, so that they can feel a little comfort on that Sunday? For example, look at how Mothers Day and Mothering Day each have a religious as well as a secular component to them, and have even merged: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mother's_Day, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mothering_Sunday. His topic? Gospel Q&A: Do We Really Have the Spirit With Us All the Time? What does this mean about women? End of rant. This cup is the new testament in my blood, which is shed for you (Luke 22:1920). Your arrangement sounds really cool.