He will want to learn to express anger in a healthy and constructive way by asking for what he needs instead of just hoping he gets it. They can be reclusive and withdrawn, unless there are other planetary factors to offset this. Verbal expressions of affection are less important to you than exchanges of feelings. The Venus in Pisces man gravitates towards those who are etherial and mysterious. It can be really difficult for the Venus in Pisces woman to get a clear handle on the idea of love. Others may struggle to understand this, but its simply the way youre wired with Mars in Pisces. Pisces is all about the first date butterflies. You want to live in your fantasies, but this is much easier to do when you first meet someone than it is in a long-term relationship. Venus in Pisces for Women and Men - Sexual Astrology Sometimes, a person with Venus in Pisces holds onto a bad relationship too long, but there always needs to be mutual respect for it to last forever. If you have Venus in Pisces, you have a huge imagination. Not sure where Mars is in your birth chart? Most importantly, if his partner doesnt fulfill his expectations and desires, he might seek solace in the arms of another. When the Mars in Pisces man is angry, he is likely to express it indirectly by being passive aggressive or starting drama about something else entirely. They genuinely care about people and feel things quite deeply. Mars in Pisces women are typically creative and intelligent women, but will only share their talents and abilities with those they love. Hes very emotionally unstable, his various reactions being the talk of the town. You have a calming influence in a group of people. Mars in Pisces natives can be very romantic in pursuing a love interest. When you are born under Mars in Pisces, you are motivated by seeing other people happy and successful. She must be kind, generous, empathetic, understanding, to have a sense of obedience and dependency. Your high level of empathy means that it is easy for you to see and understand things from the perspective of others. He could manifest drama by creating an issue. An air of mystery surrounds them that makes people want to discover the secrets they are hiding behind their masks. This man might be prone to cheating, but only if his social circle instills in him this sense, only if hes in the company of women for too much. These men are likely to find women who want to save them from their addictions with love. Like many of the water signs, you find being in the water sexually stimulating. They see themselves as martyrs and often put themselves in situations where they know they will be defeated just so that they can later be exalted in some way. The site is run by astrologer Annie Heese. You need to find single man and pisces woman. They yearn to be loved exclusively in a romantic way that feels almost vintage. They are often very open sexually, often experimenting with many different avenues of sexuality. She is very intuitive, in touch with all of her feelings and able to express them easily. Mars is the planet of action and passion. Those with Venus in Pisces usually havesomething that feels gentle and dreamy about their looks. Lastly, a man who is ultra-comfortable with his sexuality will display many more of his Venus qualities, while a man who struggles with his sexuality probably wont own these Venusian qualities, so he will instead look for them in a female partner. She will need some practice; its very difficult for a Venus in Pisces woman to discern reality from fantasy when shes young. However, even though he might have an idea about future disappointments, society pushes him into the corner, and his urge to meet the fated one seals the deal. Astral Attraction: The Role of Venus and Mars in Love See our Mars sign tables. It can help a person with Venus in Pisces to work on shielding their energy through various techniques in order to stop conforming to what others want. Mars in Gemini and Venus in Pisces horoscope compatibility for marriage Gemini is ruled by Mercury, so when Mars enters Gemini, put this energy into overdrive. Because you thrive on emotions and fantasies, being forced to be practical hurts your motivation. There is a tendency to be influenced by spiritual teachers and gurus or become one yourself. Taurus With Venus in Pisces, you enjoy shows, movies, books, or other things that you can get lost in. Her daily M.O. Mars in Pisces is sensitive to the subtle vibrations that occur when two people come together in love. Whenever Mars retrogrades, we tend to feel like our energy is highly diminished. This often attracts people to them who may be looking for guidance or a shoulder to lean on. Older women and confident With Venus in Pisces, you might believe that feelings and relationships are more important than money. They prefer to keep their feet on the ground, but they can also become compulsive gamblers or risk takers. You care for others and simply want to be cherished by friends and family in return. You rather play the role of the martyr and use guilt to get other people to do what you want them to do. This period indicates that you can be an instigator of conflict, even though that is not your intention. Related: Mercury Conjunct Venus: Natal, Transit, and Synastry. A Cancer woman can be calm and soft, yet stubborn and passionate. Your Venus is in an Air sign and your Mars is in a Water sign. He knows exactly why his partner is moody, and why she got up late the other day when shes usually a morning person. Its hard for him to disengage from what he is feeling inside. You have a deep well of experience, real and imagined, that might fuel a variety of creative pursuits. This is avery artistic placement, which is often easy to see in the eyes as well. Venus in Pisces is such a floaty, romantic sign that its very hard for him to find clarity. While the position of Mars in our natal chart affects us on an individual level, the planets continual transit through the signs impacts us all as it influences our fiery energies. Hes been searching for that special someone for all his life, and he made a purpose out of this. When this person is flirting, they will assume many of the qualities of Venus in Pisces. The Mars in Pisces man is sensitive, compassionate and very intuitive. No one and nothing else matters to him because his emotions are what drive him. You are giving, and you are extremely beguiling. You like the idea of being saved and often play out this romantic fantasy. Highly empathetic, you are good at reading people and thrive when you are in the company of others and can bounce ideas off them. You have no idea that she's upset, until she lets loose. They have charisma and confidence to their name. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. Venus in Capricorn, Mars in Pisces Your Venus is in an Earth sign and your Mars is in a Water sign. If she can be blown away emotionally, thats all she needs. Emotions play a big role during Mars in Pisces transits. They will go to the depths for someone they are interested in. This transit suggests explosive energy that is often misdirected due to being over sensitive and unsure of oneself. Fortunately, because you have left your mark on so many peoples lives, you tend to have an army of people behind you willing to help you out. Theyre very sexual in their thoughts, but may have trouble acting out their fantasies (which are often grand and detailed). Take this all with a grain of salt: this is the traditional way of doing it. Those that see the world in a different, slightly more colored light, the ones who know that the world is filled with unsolved mysteries and enigmas. Possessing great inner strength, Mars in Pisces people will go to any lengths to help those in need, but they themselves expect to be taken care of and protected by those close to them. Your feelings (especially your gut instincts) are really important to you, so you cant truly forgive until a situation feels resolved; your emotions may take more time to catch up to your thoughts. ), but many of them are likely to show up. Her eyes can look either big or dreamy-eyed. Pisces is generally peaceful and emotional while Mars is active and aggressive. They are likely to have emotional outbursts that are unrelated to the root cause of the issue simply because they have build up so much anger, like a pressure-cooker. These qualities are possibilities, but the qualities that you actually embody will depend on the rest of your chart as well as the house and aspects of Mars. Although somewhat self-protective and cautious . These people can be prone to being used and dominated by others. How to Attract a Cancer Woman - Powerful & Proven Tips They want someone a little mystical to appeal to those dreamy parts inside them. More than any other Venus sign, I find that almost every positive quality from Venus in Pisces has an equal negative. There is no set in stone here these are just guidelines to help you figure out your chart! You will go to great lengths to make your partner feel loved (with presents, gestures, dates, etc.) It takes six to seven weeks to transit through each sign. He needs to know that his partner will love him no matter what. When it comes to passion, you like the idea of being saved. An individual with Mars in Pisces also has a kindhearted, sympathetic side that not many are lucky enough to experience. When you are born with Mars in Pisces you are a natural empath and very good at understanding other people. He tends dive in headfirst, but at some point, the mystery will disappear as he gets to know who his partner really is. He doesnt want discord and conflict to ever appear in his love life, nor does he want to ever have to compete with his partner for something. See More Venus-Mars Sign Combinations: Back to Venus-Mars Combinations chart. Over time, the Mars in Pisces woman will learn how to discern whats real and to use her gut feelings in relationships. Mars in Pisces natives usually make very passionate advocates for any cause. Sexually, youre turned on by romance, secrecy, privacy, and emotional power imbalances. It is easy for you not only to see things from other peoples perspectives, but truly understand their perspectives. These people get attached to everyone they meet and end up putting many people before them, causing feelings of loss and emptiness. You have bursts of energy tied to emotion that are coupled with periods of inaction. Such sudden ups and downs have so much intensity that they may even become physically ill over them. Dont know your Mars sign? This placement can give artistic talent, a strong sense of idealism, and refined tastes in music and the arts. I have read and agree to the terms & conditions. But as an extension of this, you also need to be around other people and share most aspects of your life. His ideal woman is energetic and independent. Sometimes, this can mean that the Mars in Pisces woman is attracted to musicians, artists, or spiritually-inclined people, or she may just be captivated by those who have a deep and tortured energy, regardless of their job. In the sign of Venus, this is especially hard. With Mars in Pisces, your moods can be unpredictable and intense. If you are born under Mars in Pisces, you tend to be motivated by bringing people together and making people happy. But you create for yourself, so recognition of the quality of your work is not something that you are pursuing. A Venus in Pisces man is usually an initiator, at least at first, so hes attracted to women who give him a chance to properly initiate instead of doing it themselves. They do what they do for the love only. Mars in Pisces Woman. He is a strong, independent and assertive man. Deep down, you fear getting hurt, and rejection is something you try very much to avoid, as it can run deep. These folks flirt by being slightly playful, yet they can be moody and changeable at the same time. They have a hard time keeping themselves to themselves. In the relationship, he will happily let his partner take the lead and bend over backward to create the perfect life for the pair. Sometimes its seems like they are suffering just for the sake of suffering. They adore the comfort of love and are not afraid to show their feelings. People with a Pisces Venus can be afraid of direct communication, criticism, confrontation (Mars signs are important here tooa nice Mars in the horoscope can make up for it, or if you have Aries placements). This allows them to observe the full dimensions of what's . You have to be in the right mood to want anything physical; once youre out of the mood then theres no recapturing it. The goal is for people with Mars in Pisces to figure out a balance between living in a fantasy world (which they always need to some extent) and seeing reality. You also prefer to have company in whatever you are doing, whether it be going to a yoga class of heading on holiday. In other words, they usually manifest some beautiful drama to make their point and go after what they want. He tends to get in very deep very quickly with a new partner. He falls head over heels when he finds someone he likes. Personally, the Venus in Pisces man is a romantic artist who seeks for like-minded people to light up his world. by Ryan Hart | Updated on July 25, 2021 | Post may contain affiliate links. Sometimes they are too nice though. The Mars in Pisces man will learn all of the things that his love interest likes and replicate these things for them. All About Mars in Pisces In The Birth Chart | Tea & Rosemary At the end of the day, the Venus in Pisces man wants someone he can be sure of. Just be honest, straightforward, and be sensitive above all else. She will still be looking for a dose of romantic energy, but the best partner for her will be someone amorousand grounded to help her stay balanced. Sometimes, the positives arethe negatives. With this man, you dont ever need to pretend like you can take on the world or that youre strong enough to take on lifes hardest challenges. Sometimes, you enjoy the idea of the chase. Mars in Pisces folks can be a bit melodramatic. They are full of time, energy, and empathy for other people, and you never want to let them down. If he is grounded, then he can be a sensitive and caring loving, as long as he reciprocates. These outbursts might be uncontrollable and sporadic. This transit often causes a person to feel stuck. And Pisces is a water sign that feels everything, to the point of being empathic and often psychic. Moreover, the Venus in Pisces man is highly intuitive, one of the most intuitive of the entire zodiac. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[580,400],'astrologyowl_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_12',119,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-astrologyowl_com-medrectangle-3-0'); Dislikes: You will dislike feeling invalidated. His partner may be very confused about why hes doing this, but the Mars in Pisces man lives in a fantasy some of the time, so the issue he has created feels quite real to him. Mars in Pisces men possess a very good intuition and have the luck with creative projects. The vitality is often low. Its almost impossible for you to separate sex and love. Sometimes, the Mars in Pisces man can even have insecurity about how emotional he is. Venus in Pisces Meaning and Personality Traits | Ryan Hart Mars in Pisces - The Personality Traits - LiveAbout Mars in Pisces Meaning: Ambition, Sexuality, Personality Traits She is a natural born psychic who can sense things just by being near them. They can roam about in other words, in their dream planes, which gives them a great energy that spills forth into everything that they do. See our Venus sign tables. She generally wants to please but she may need someone else to give her direction. He could be extremely intrigued and fascinated by something one moment, and the next he could become dispirited, even spiteful. He picks up on his partners energy very easy and negative feelings influence him over time. Venus in Gemini, Mars in Pisces | Cafe Astrology .com With Mars in Pisces, you are attracted to your own fantasies or projections of people instead of who they really are. Its hard for you to just do it unless youre in the right emotional space. The aggressive and assertive tendencies of Mars are watered down in Pisces. The main characteristics that the planet Mars shows are ones drive and ambition, ones temper, how one pushes through career/conducts themselves in the workplace, and how someone acts in a romantic relationship. You also have a tendency to mirror whoever you are with, so you are highly changeable as you move between different social groups. These men are usually very beautiful and mysterious. Youll know that the Venus in Pisces woman has settled down and foundtrue love when she begins making realistic plans. Many people with Mars in Pisces end up in relationships that are unbalanced in some way, whether this is due to money, age, or simply an unequal energy (with one partner being much more powerful, controlling, loud, etc.). The Mars in Pisces woman has a tendency to be a bit of a love addict. You love the underdog! In our view crisis is taken to mean any situation or event which is causing significant change and feelings of being overwhelmed. Be romantic, affectionate, and show him how much you love him. He is attracted to the sensitive and emotional women who accept their feminine side and embrace it wholeheartedly. Scorpio Keep in mind that no individual will haveall of these qualities because it will depend on your specific placement (aspects, house, etc. You are also very good at helping to identify common ground for people, even when it is very small in the grand scheme of things. Harmony, balance, affection, compassion, and mutual understanding are of the essence. When the Mars in Pisces man first meets someone, he willfeelwhat they want and can turn into his partners dream man. Mercury, Venus, Mars, and Ascendant in the signs: Aries More specifically: Venus in Pisces, Mars in Pisces: Some Famous People with this Combination: Vincent Van Gogh, Eva Gabor, Michelle Pfeiffer, Jane Seymour, Norah Jones, Pat Benatar, Patrick Duffy, Heath Ledger, Bryce Dallas Howard. A love survivalist, Venus in Capricorn seeks to do whatever it takes to keep on keeping on. You tend to work hard for your idealized picture of hold thingsshould be. You have a lot of room for error on the part of others, but if you feel like this care isnt returned over time, you will eventually be emotionally drained. They are loyal, caring, compassionate, and playful. Read more about Venus in Pisces and compatibility. How to Tell if a Mars in Pisces Man or Woman Is Into You Mars in Pisces is no different! Mars in Pisces people have a tendency to be addicted to either substances or love, but this is because they want to avoid looking inward. You may tell little white lies when you first meet someone, but this is because you want them to like you. Practicality will certainly kill your drive. For the most part, your needs in love and sex are straightforward, making it easier for you than most to feel satisfied and to know what you want in a partnership. You can love something one day and hate it the next, but just as quickly pick up a new obsession. Keep reading to learn how Venus in Pisces manifests in regards to money, style, pleasure, values, attraction, relationships, and sex. As soon as that Mars moves into Pisces, your energy gets an indulgent makeover. Click Ideally, she will end up with someone who is also a bit responsible and steady. Mars in Pisces Man - Astrology Such older women are more willing to chip in when it comes to house expenses as compared to women who have little to no accomplishment with their career or job. They are deeply passionate and sensual in sex. Men born under this combination are great friends to have. Use our free birth chart calculator to find out. Mars in Pisces Man. As a result, you give the best advice when it comes to dealing with emotional issues and relationships. Unlike other placements, she cant separate from her emotions. Sagittarius Sex with them should always be a beautiful, otherworldly, romantic, love making experience. They are so deeply committed to this dream they are good at getting other people to rally to their side. When Mars transits through Pisces, you might find yourself taking on the role of the peacekeeper of the deal broker. I'm also a pisces woman and my boyfriend is also a cancer and we would see each other 3-4 a . Venus in Pisces, Mars in Pisces | Cafe Astrology .com Venus in Air, Mars in Water (Romantic Air, Watery Desires): In matters of the heart, you are a youthful, intelligent, and passionate lover, or you are magnetically drawn to . They are deeply peaceful, sweet, and kind men. What are the signs of Venus and Mars in your natal chart? They are compassionate and empathetic towards the sufferings of others. The tendency here will be to take on the needs and desires of those they are with.if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'astrologyowl_com-box-4','ezslot_6',121,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-astrologyowl_com-box-4-0'). Mars in Pisces can get angry, and this will probably be triggered by a threat to her dreams. 2021 - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. In reality, the Mars in Pisces man would do well to simplywork with his emotions and learn how to express them in a healthy, constructive way. No dream is too big! You are probably very financially generous when you do care about someone. Even though he is emotionless much of the time, she clings to the idea of the statement he said and will visualize a picture of him that isnt real. Over time, your extreme emotions will start to feel depressing, which is when you will want to figure them out instead of just acting on them. You can expect women born under Mars in Pisces are natural caregivers without falling into mother roles. He must learn to detach himself when it appears as though the other is only there for the advantages, and usually their instincts will fire out a few alarm signals. He doesnt like aggressiveness or impetuousness because that only eats away his energy and might even annoy him. She might like her partner to be a bit dominant sexually while remaining emotionally attached; its hard for the Venus in Pisces woman to have good sex without feeling emotionally involved and loved. Since Mars Pisces is so open and often without boundaries, many instinctively protect themselves by staying in the background. Zodiac Love Compatibility By Mars And Venus Signs | YourTango but you need someone who is willing to play along with your games, fantasies, and mood swings in return. Mars and Pisces in Love bring you more self-confidence. People want experience. You hate arguing and tend to get your own way by playing the victim and guilting others into doing what you want. You rarely put your needs first, and supporting the people around you is always your top priority. Pisces. Here are the main ways that Venus in Pisces shows up. Venus in Pisces, Mars in Pisces - Astrology Owl In such relationships, he does realize what the future holds, or rather what it doesnt, but he finds it very hard to break-up with the other. Colors: Pearl, Holographic, Silverif(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'astrologyowl_com-box-3','ezslot_1',118,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-astrologyowl_com-box-3-0'); Individuals with Venus in Pisces in the natal chart often remind people of unicorns. It may be very unclear what it is they are trying to achieve because they sometimes get so lost in the drama of it all. Venus in Pisces people can adapt to the moods of others, but they tend to lose themselves in the process. Those with Venus in Pisces like romance and tenderness. Once she has created a fantasy world around her partner its difficult for her to let go of it. Read more about Venus signs: Love Signs Read more about Mars signs: Mars Signs Read more about Sexual Astrology. Strange Facts on Aries Woman and Cancer Man - Law of Attraction Blog She does want to be swept off her feet and treated like a fairytale princess. They have a soft and sensitive allure that energetically draws others in. The meaning of Mars in each sign: Mars in Aries: People with Mars in this sign tend to have strong impulses, are stimulated by conquest and constant challenges. At first, those with Venus in Pisces might have trouble understanding money because they live in an almost mythical realm inside their heads. They are always day dreaming, imagining, worrying. But when it comes to acting on their thinking, they tend to be most impulsive, which is not always productive. Each person has a unique combination of both qualities, although this combination may be swayed slightly depending on the persons gender. This guy needs to be accepted for who he is, which can be a mystery to many. Most likely, he will slowly get closer to someone he likes and try to build an emotional connection until they begin to reciprocate his feelings. RyanHart.org is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to Amazon.com and affiliated sites. This woman can be more attached to both positive and negative past events than other placements. A cancer man may be pessimist and he fears the unknown. You simply put out a subtle shift in your energy that others can sense.