More often than not, this leads to intense heartache. Not sure if its good or bad, to be honest. On top of that he has Jupiter on my ASc and our composite has Mars/Venus conjunct. I keep coming to this page because the way you wrote it is so wonderful. but since its a moon/Pluto post, i guess we could stay on topic. Like most conjunctions, Moon conjunct Pluto synastry has the tendency to play out positively unless the planets are afflicted.. I met this guy at a time when I was having a separation from my husband and was not looking for anyone. Thanks for this assessment, it helps to know that I cant really get away from him even if I tried despite being adamant about remaining single for the last 2 years and shooing off admirers left and right lol.. And the most interesting thing is I felt nothing until 2 weeks this was no love at first sight thing,, it just crept up out of nowhere I can see it is going to be quite the rollercoaster. If you have strong Pluto in the natal, you are kind of an intense person, anyway. Do you have Nessus and Dejanira with him, Bonnie? Love + Soulmate Synastry Observations - Celeste When the baby was born August 29 he told me it was his birthday and I asked specifically to make sure he meant it was his actual day of birth. Jupiter Conjunction Pluto 406 59 [woocommerce-edit-address-nonce] => Its unbelievable. And untill now he didn`t want anything from me. Pluto sextile venus would be an obsession, too. Felt him so strongly and started to miss him again. It is a need to be together and a need to be drawn into each others emotional worlds. He keeps telling me that he craves me, loves me, and gets horny for me emotionally, and I feel the same. He hasnt called back since then. I think its amazing you have talked to others who have ALSO gone time without any contact, just musing far too deeply (obsessing, yes) over each other. My emotions were so erratic around him, that he once told me he thought I was bi-polar! Or is it because he is still processing the divorce from the mother of his kids? B could tend to dominate psychologically over A while A could react very spontaneously/ spasmodically towards B. My pleasure. My Sun squaring your Venus Pluto sextile Moon orb +1, Mira The trine and sextile are significantly easier to handle. Feel the moment we said or did something that hurt the other and then want to drown in our own tears. Aldebaran and Betelgeus are in same sign to both of us. He does evoke very emotional responses in me especially about jealousy, which has been a terrible cornerstone in our relationship. My Mars trine his Saturn I dont know what to do Im just glad we dont live together anymore because that could get tricky. I think of him and long for him constantly. There will arise a lot of out-of-the-blue dramas which all stemmed from the past. You will make him weak in the knees. Hi My friend. Could be. It sounds like a lovely synastry. Do you think this would be memorable or have some kind of impact on any of us? It is how it is lol. The times our eyes do meet when were together, I can actually FEEL the intensity around us. I would have to do a chart for you to say, for sure. Is this a romantic relationship or a soul mate friendship? Very quickly we became like bestfriends and messaged every day. My Midheaven square his Moon. Saludos. My Pluto (Scorpio) trine his Moon (Cancer) (1 degree), his Pluto (Scorpio) sextile my Moon (Virgo) (1 degree). I eventually ended the relationship, and I still get angry when I think about him! Hi ami, The Venus square Pluto attraction may be accompanied with brainwashing and manipulation as well as verbal and psychological abuse in worst case scenarios. My Sun conjunct his Pluto. My Uranus conj. So, when the Moon and Pluto are in a square position, such a connection indicates that people, who have this aspect, truly have difficulty expressing their emotions because this aspect blocks them. Due to circumstances, we cannot get involved. Pluto, sometimes, is the mastermind of chaos. I am a 46 year old woman and he is a 26 year old man. Your Pluto trines his Moon, which is powerful, but the trine is easier to handle. Trust me; it will wreak havoc in it. Pluto Opposition Moon 120 -67 Yes. We also have the following aspects: North Node square Rising 1.34 In short, this is an emotionally intense relationship that blows hot and cold, drives you to emotional extremes, and challenges your deepest, most personal and important attitudes and habits. Am I the one more attached in this situation? I want this man even though I know he could possibly hurt me. Moon/Pluto in Synastry Mi pluton cuadratura a su venus P. of Fortune sextile Uranus 1.83 is something outside of this world~ This is classic Moon/pluto. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Your email address will not be published. The jealousy, possesiveness, and the manipulation on both parts. What do you think? Feel the moment the other is about to write and then either of us will. I have Leo in my mars where he has aquarius in his venus. Read More About Me! Recently she found out through a mutual friend and blocked that one too. I do have Neptune-Sun, Neptune-Mercury (double whammy), and Neptune-Moon with mine, so I know this all adds a very peaceful, loving, and dreamy atmosphere to it all, too. Estudio esapanol. and much, much more, I am not sure WHO feels it most intensely but in time, it can fade. Answer (1 of 12): I had this synastry with someone I met online who also had it natally. , You're absolutely right it feels like HOME! Mars Square Moon 013 -220 Its nothing short of obsession, absolutely! It feels great to know that I have moved from co-dependent back to independent person that knows her own value. Ugh! However, because the Moon individual has never felt this type of connection before, they might continue the relationship just to feel these emotional highs. Aldebaran and Betelgeus conj. I am a Cancer moon. "Can't live without you" Moon/Pluto Synastry - Lindaland - Linda Goodman Thank you, Love. Moon is the celestial body that correlates to our deepest emotions. Synastry aspects: Sun/pluto. Pluto Conjunct Sun Synastry. Wide aspects really (orb. I wrote before about this, but I wanted to give an update Learning to channel the powerful emotions generated by your partnering is your next challenge. But I always thought the Neptune aspects pointed to lying and Infidelity? The problem is that I really dont know. When the Moon in one chart forms an aspect to another person's Pluto. What do you think? My Uranus conj. He could lose his license and it sounds like an bad accident waiting to happen. Is this his fear or is this pure cruelty? It is very intense and scary to feel this way about someone. So trine. . Seeker You would think the Pluto person would always have the upper hand, as the other person is overwhelmed, magnetized or helpless in the face of Pluto's dark draw. I had no idea it was even possible to feel the way I feel about him from a synastry aspect. 4. Also, my Pluto in Scorpio conjuncts his Venus / Mars / Mercury / Juno / Psyche. My Mars square his Pluto, His Mars trines my Pluto His pluto conjunct my ascendant orb 9.52 Your Moon represents your hidden side. A trine is an effortless gift. The Pluto person easily offends or hurts the Moon person, due to the fact that the Moon person is so entrenched and hypnotized by the Pluto and the way he is able to bring out such strong emotions in her. It brings events to people that would turn their life upside down. I would need to do a chart reading for you in order to look at the charts, my Friend. Moon Square Pluto Synastry is an astrological aspect that brings together two very intense energies. I have my own Nessus on my Venus and Dejanira on my DSC. This aspect gives us the chance to evaluate everything that we have been doing. You will die with his name on your lips. I have my Pluto tribe his moon, mercury and Neptune. The Moon sees your soul and your desires that you refuse to admit. Pluto Conjunct the Moon This is very powerful. Moon conjunct Saturn 2.91 How long have you known him etc? her north node conjunct my sun and my south node, her sun conjunct my south node Since astrologers interpret square as a negative aspect in astrology, the partners might not enjoy this ride. Limit any unnecessary feelings and understand each other. Now Im a widower and he came back into my life for a certain business deal we have sex when we meet and hes the one who Leads but I love that but hes so secretive! My Pluto is trine her Venus and opposite her Moon. I feel like I am completely unable to resist. What is the story behind it? Our Mental Rapport is lovely! So, you would not be AS blown away as someone without as strong of a natal Pluto but you will still both be seeing stars! Moon conj Pluto is rare. I dont expect well ever be together, but it now makes sense that I cant really give him up despite my being an overall pretty reasonable person I guess my own square doesnt make things any easier and maybe his own personal trine reinforces our aspect, or am I wrong? We said is gonna be just a sexual relationship but it kinda feels it cant be just that, Need to really do the whole chart to see how well you talk to each other etc, Thank you so much for answering Sun quincunx Sun 7.42 I think he understands my soul, in both everything I've told him and through what he's seen in my eyes. but when I checked it at in their synastry chart it is 0. I am not trying to get money from you. Are these heartbreak aspects? Together, you explore each others emotional depths. Well, you are both very, very intense. I have double-whammy Moon trine Pluto with my former housemate, with whom I am still friends. You captured my feelings exactly! I really dont know what to do with myself at this point. We also get so nervous with each otherbecome so vulnerable. Mercury Sextile Sun 018 222 In order to keep each other focused on the relationship, power struggles and manipulative tactics often surface. Pluto is similar to Mars, which rules chaos, war, anger, and aggression. Which are you? Thanks for the response. I had the feeling I was going to see him that day and felt an overwhelming fit of emotions the moment I saw him. I have Moon/ Pluto square and he has a trine and my Pluto trines his moon. We have conjunction. One word: Painful then, painful now. Weve all sworn that this is never going to happen to us, but if you wind up in a Moon Square Pluto synastry relationship youre going to experience intense changes in your life. Also I read that in Pluto moon conjunction the Pluto person will scrutinize the moon person and wouldnt really be attracted or attached to the moon person. His Venus is also in my 4th house. The Moon individual in this synastry can often lose themselves in this change which leads these relationships to continue much longer than they should. *Moon conjuncts moon (cancer/cancer). Read More About Karen Here. And how can I be? North Node sextile Neptune 2.12 Anyways we reunited again last year in March and started having a relationship in July of last year. Thats awesome! [woocommerce-reset-password-nonce] => :p well, I have this with a guy his scorpio moon conjunct my pluto making 3 orb! He likes me, but I dont know if he likes me in that way, because again, Im so much older. She is definitely attracted to me. I dont see more on it on the web either. and we also quarrel quite a lot, im pisces and shes virgo, Come and put your chart up, my Friend. The love is not of this world. Sun trine Moon 3.73 The Pluto wants to control the gentle, fragile Moon. Before we move forward, I highly recommend getting this FREE personalized Video Moon Reading. You are welcome, Jill. Your venus in conjunction to my ascendant. Hows that going to work out? You cannot escape it and if youre ever fortunate enough to feel it, you wont want to..? Ive never experience this kind of madness over a guy before. I didnt feel anything strong at first, but suddenly was blindsided with all of this out of left field. He would say that he always had this crush for me that never faded. This position represents our hidden thoughts and feelings. He is lighter than me but Im fine with that. My Venus Trine His AC 2. We cant get enough of each other. At YourHigherJourney we want to show you how to see & read the signs in your life to unlock your full potential. Is the effect the same in composite chart? It said it that its karmic too. Gem sun He knew how to push my buttons. Hm.InterestingOk. Nothing has happened but I would like it to. I CAN absolutely agree with what the girl you spoke with said, and maybe this is the Pluto I dont know. My Mars conj. The telepathic thinking is what drew me in, and I think it was for him, too. My Midheaven opposites his Sun Sexual Synastry - Astrology 42 Time to move on. When you reach a certain age you think nothing can surprise you but life always throws new mysteries at you. The girl I have recently spoken with was pluto and she could attest to the obsession on her part. His Pluto at 9 Scorpio trine my Moon at 7 Pisces Mi marte cuadratura a su jupiter Then with the recent new moon, it was the same. Es muy bonita . Pluto sextile Neptun, Good and bad, Lynn but contention, yes lol, He wants to know everything! YES. We have gotten along famously since day 1, and now that we dont live in the same house, maybe something could transpire, but he is SO much younger, it doesnt seem right.. We have incredible synastry, though! Wow, you both feel it! The Moon is THE most important factor in any synastry, in my opinion, Kristen! I have Chiron in Pisces 1351. Yet, like thecoal thatemerges from the pressure cooker of life, I am a beautiful diamond. It's karmic, cathartic and sexually super-charged. It brings events to people that would turn their life upside down. These are two personalities that are going to collide no matter what happens around them. Strange, I thought If I see him somewhere I might not even recognize him why am I thinking about a stranger. He may take you places in the job like lift up your position or status. Moon Square Pluto Synastry: Will There Be A Light In This Dark Chiron quincunx Sun 5.50 So I am actually the moon person. They are energetic forces, in the manner of magnets lol. Were going to take a closer look at the Moon Square Pluto synastry, the powerful and dangerous energy this pairing works with, and if anything can be done to overcome these major challenges. My Jupiter trine his Sun (exact degree). i think. With this synastry, you will be feeling it. But this obsession I have for him has been since high school. Thank you very much for the description of the Moon/Pluto aspect and giving us the opportunity to briefly describe our experiences with this rare and never to be taken lightly aspect in synastry. Sorry if this is inappropriate, but is Moon trine Pluto supposedly sexual or intense? It was reassuring and confirming to see it described so beautifully , accurately thank you xxx, moon square pluto synastry absolutely cruel, addictive, impersonal, mocking, sucks the life out of moon, sick. You would have to teach me! The composite is eye opening as well but best to just see how things develop. His Pluto conjunct my Moon. And woman has moon opposite pluto in her natal chart. Sign up for my free newsletter offering astrology forecasts, tips and tricks! It shows what kind of conflicts would arise and how to solve them best. A Moon Square Pluto synastry is a sign of intense danger for romantic relationships. I have Pluto opp moon with a guy I am seeing (I am Pluto) the rest of our synastry aspects are really nice. Moon Conjunct Pluto - Meaning This aspect in synastry is about the revelation of emotional and overly sensitive people. Four months later, one huge letter and box with promised gifts sentshe returned. Otherwise, the poor guys will find me too much. -my moon opposite his mars 1.53 orb Mercury quincunx Sun 2.72 But its like it scares the hell out of him. Vertex sextile Neptune 1.98 He is very Plutonic, more than I and I feeeeeel so weak, even if I am the leading person the most time with other people/men. Venus trine Saturn 1.99 It signifies transformation and change. Jupiter Trine Mercury 029 98 Sent 5 times a week. Even a fake email is okay. Pluto stays the same for many people of the same generation, so people born close to one another will have Pluto conjunct, which is no big deal. BUUUUUT hes not into me. Because of this strong emotional connection, the Moon person is likely to feel obsessed with the Pluto person; the Moon person easily becomes addicted to the emotional intensity the relationship. Required fields are marked *. I could not answer that question from that information, my Friend. I have so many requests and it is not fair to help some people and not others, so I had to set it up this way, Love. Your Pluto touching his ASC is strong. Moon Conjunct Pluto In Natal Charts, Composite Charts & Synastry The Moon can quickly become jealous of everything going on in the Pluto individuals life. This is actually an important place and kind of the situation you describe. One time in particular, another guy my guy knows was nearby when it happened, and he was watching us in awe. We could say it represents one's dark side, in a way. You evoke intense emotional responses from each other and if you want this relationship to be a long-lasting one, you will have to be very careful because a blowup in the relationship can be triggered by jealousy, acts of unkindness, or simply the unwillingness of either of you to change deeply ingrained habits that are offensive to each other. This is how we all learn and how we get humbled lol. I feel that it could possibly indicate that unless its our Venus/Mars synastry. His jupiter trine my sun 1.33 His moon is in my first house. I am sorry it did not work out, my Friend . Neptune trine Chiron 0.56 , Ive got moon -pluto square in my natal chart, and in synastry his pluto is square to my moon..i dont know him well, but the soul to soul feeling is so intenseim totally obsessed. Pluto Conjunct Ascendant Synastry: Obsession and Psychological Games Another key theme of the Pluto conjunct ascendant love is obsession and control. And I cant just not answer. Yeah, I think it is for the best but it kind of makes me sad he even cut off being friends with me. ^I really would like to hear your opinion on this (I am a capricorn stellium person ??). with him besides being passionate. We have gone a year without contact before and when we saw each other again it felt like we saw each other the day before. I have some questions, what does it mean to have sado conjunct sun, semisextile Uranus, semisquare neptune, and semisextile ascendent? I suppose it could be too hard for certain couples, but for people who are very Plutonian or who thrive on intensity/want nothing less, then this is indeed one of the most powerful connections to have, I feel. However, the individual with the Moon placement is also a source of some of this negative tension. I think you will be bowled over by each other on first meeting! Mercury Sextile Saturn 015 90 Perhaps one or both partners are narcissistic . Makes sense, my Friend. Our Plutos are conjunct ( Virgo) YES, he is equally as obsessed! These individuals will quickly find themselves in an emotionally and sexually intense relationship. You just have to kind of go through it, I think, My moon is in Aries and Saturn in Scorpio, besides its Mars conjunct with my Saturn. In my oppinion he feels it too. So I have his Mars touching my Moon as well. We want to say all the right things. But note that synastry only interprets natal charts. His 12th house Pluto at 0 Scorpio inconjunct my 12th House 0 degree Gemini moon. Moon-Saturn Aspects in Synastry Chart: The committed and harmonious relationship of Moon and Saturn. Did you know I have a Forum where people can post charts. Then in his natal to her draconic chart : his anscendant-MOON-pluto conjunct her pluto and opposite her moon. I adore the way you expressed that Heathcliff/Kathy part :). When Pluto and the Moon are in synastry, or close aspect or conjunction, a deep connection forms between them. Sign up for my free newsletter offering astrology forecasts, tips and tricks! It is like there is some invisible thread between us. Interesting post!