By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. The malice behind Order … Dyas, a … A subreddit dedicated to in-depth discussion of the Star Wars franchise. Content in video is expressed using PG-13 rated movies and Teen + rated comics, TV shows, video games, and books; and is not intended for children. If they did carry out Order 66, due to Palpatine’s orders and the clone’s inhibitor chips, they would have done a lot of damage. Sifo-Dyas implemented an order for clones, but Tyrannus is the one that the Kaminoans were in contact with after. I hope you guys are happy with how I did it. Like all the contingency orders, when delivered to the clones, they were to be executed without hesitation. I've heard this at least a dozen times, you bantha fodders can't be more wrong. There was, but it was just there as a decoy by making it seem like the Jedi weren't the sole intended target of destruction. The kaminoans mentioned that they were indoctrinated to be extremely loyal. We use a [Watsonian point of view](, versus Doylist. Press J to jump to the feed. This is the only canon material we know of, but outside of canon...Captain Maze, Ordo, Delta Squad, Omega Squad, Ion Team, 3 ARC troopers with Shaak Ti, HOB-19, and a few others did not follow Order 66. For 17 years I thought that Palpatine had the guy killed and then posed as him to order the clones but no. Weren't those reasons enough to make the Jedi suspicious about that army? But even the most devoted fans might not know the full truth about this galaxy-shifting massacre. In Legends, I believe Order 65 was for if the Chancellor went rogue. It'd likely depend on how much they paid attention to the instructional materials. They were completely in on it. What happened to the Kaminoans? Similar to Grand Moff Tarkin's secret Imperial research center, this subreddit is for delving deep into the intricacies of the Star Wars universe. As the Kaminoans are not fully versed in human ergonomics, the armor was uncomfortable to sit in, though future generations of the suit corrected this flaw. Male Kaminoans had fin-like crests atop their heads, while females were completely bald and wore unique head crescents. Order 66. It makes … CT-5385, better known as “Tup,” was a clone trooper serving in the 501st Legion under General Skywalker. In 20 BBY, however, the Order was nearly prematurely exposed due to a malfunction in Tup's biochip that resulted in his alternating between his regular self and entering a trance-like state, the latter of which resulted in him shooting a Jedi Master named Tiplar during a battle and forcing a Republic retreat from the planet. Many people wonder why the Kaminoans would have went along with creating the clone army for the Sith. Clone Wars shows what happened when it triggered prematurely. There's Order 66,but there is also (hypothetically) Order 37: Alderaan switched sides, detain or eliminate all Alderaanians on site. Count Dooku . He made sure several orders were hardwired into the Clones to protect himself- like you will obey and not attack Sith Lords, and Order 66, you shall gun down Jedi without mercy. They also thought Count Dooku was a Jedi who replaced Sifo-Dyas. Order 66: In the event of Jedi officers acting against the interests of the Republic, and after receiving specific orders verified as coming directly from the Supreme Commander (Chancellor), GAR commanders will remove those officers by lethal force, and command of the GAR will revert to the Supreme Commander (Chancellor) until a new command structure is established. However, there's a line saying she thought it was a safeguard against renegade Jedi so she likely didn't know that Sidious was always planning to use it. Each one was programmed into the chip that was planted in all clone troopers brains. The Kaminoans aesthetic influence is also visible, in its stark coloration and detailing. Besides, the Jedi know someone else was involved (Jango tells Obi Wan that he was recruited by someone called Tyranus). The bio-chip, when activated, would ensure total obedience in a clone, erasing existing biases and beli… In Clone Wars S06E03 Kaminoans are taking orders from Tyranus, in order to safeguard Protocol 66 (Order 66) and secret of inhibitor chips from Jedi. Kaminoans were an extragalactic amphibian sentient species native to Kamino, an aquatic planet located south of the Rishi Maze satellite galaxy and beyond the larger galactic disc. More: Clone Wars Is About To Make Order 66 More Tragic Than The Prequels Did. When Cody turned on Obi-Wan in Episode III it was sad but not heartbreaking because although it was disappointing it seemed like clones had been trained to put the Republic first and follow any legal order they were given. In fact, the trigger words that launched them into a Jedi-killing frenzy remained just as … Normal clones were able to carry it out pretty successfully. Did any of them refuse Order 66? So I was looking around Wookieepedia and I was shocked to learn that Sifo-Dias, a Jedi, really did order the creation of the clone army as the Kaminoans claimed. They were little more than flesh and blood droids. We're waiting Disney, we want to know what Kenobi did for 19 years on Tatooine! And for transparency, I made up all those orders, except 37. Order 66, also known as Clone Protocol 66, was one of a series of contingency orders that the clone troopers of the Grand Army of the Republic were secretly trained to prepare for during their growth. 8 notes. #republic commando #republic commando order 66 #karen traviss #kaminoans #kal skirata #clones #excerpt. Even if they did notice they could have figured it was a safety precaution against a singular rogue Jedi. Kaminoan cloners implanted them within each clone trooper in the Grand Army of the Republic at the third stage of their embryonic development. I'm sure every contingency that could be thought of, was. If anything, the Disney Purge is too unrealistically tidy. with that list, for emergency uses, the knew, but assumed it would be saved for dire situations, and likely never gave those situations much thought. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the MawInstallation community. Order 66 was one of the 150 Contingency Orders first established in the beginning days of the clone army, established by the Kaminoans. Since this is order 66, we can assume there are at least 65 more similar orders. Attack of the Clones fooled fans into thinking that Jango sold his gene template solely to collect… Order 65 was the removal of the Chancellor from power by any means necessary, including execution. The Star Wars Databank is the official warehousing of info, and the only thing it says is "But a hidden trigger implanted in every clone would soon change the galaxy forever; Palpatine, now known by the Jedi to be Darth Sidious, issued Order 66 -- naming every Jedi an enemy of the Republic and calling for their eradication. Behind him he hears the constant footsteps of his fellow Clone Troopers, and ahead he sees the Separatist Battle Droids preparing for battle. The clones are even programmed to take out the Chancellor should he betray the Republic. One of the last episodes of Clone Wars shows a Kaminoan who certainly knew about Order 66 and knew exactly what it was. In Legends canon Order 66 was just one of many contingency orders the clones were aware of. In one of those scenes from TCW I remember Lama Su say something like “Tyrannus is a strange, even for a Jedi”. Kaminoans do not know that Order 66 and whole Clone army was planned and ordered by Sith. They trained the clones. If the Order was given, the clones were supposed to execute their Jedi Generals o… I assumed that only the commanding offers knew about Order 66, and their subordinates just followed without question. Behind a veneer of elegant charisma and well-tabled political arguments, there was a Sith. Did all the Clones betray the Jedi? That was supposed to explain why they turned in episode 3, but fans weren't exactly - #194278506 added by casuall at quarrelsome wandering therapeutic Dragonfly Tyrannus only recruited Jango Fett, he did not contact the Kaminoans directly, as they were still under the impression that they were carrying out Sifo-Dyas’ orders. A player may choose to remove this penalty by spending 10XP at character creation. There might even be an order to eradicate the chancellor as a traitor. "There can't be black stormtroopers! To put it frankly, the Kaminoans don’t really care either way. I recently finished reading Karen Traviss’s famous Republic Commando novels, and the fourth book, Order 66, raised an interesting question: how much did Jango know about what was behind the war when he sold his genes to the Kaminoans? Despite memorizing the orders, if the chip was removed, for cases such as Fives, Rex, Gregor and Wolffe,they would execute the order or not on their own personal accord. Sadly, the Council never informed rank-and-file Jedi of the truth - and thus only a handful of Jedi had any sense of the impending doom that was Order 66. Star War VII is going to suck!" Yes. Edit: Also the wording of order 66 in legends Is the removal of jedi officers, that in Jedi eyes could mean detainment, they might balk at an order that turns clones into Jedi hunting murder hobos (Disney style order 66). They programmed it into them, and worked to hide that information from the Jedi Order. By: ... little did they know he had been empowered by the dark side. One of the last episodes of Clone Wars shows a Kaminoan who certainly knew about Order 66 and knew exactly what it was. At the beginning of the sixth season of The Clone Wars, we see Tup’s Order 66 programming get triggered prematurely. We know that Captain Rex, Commander Wolffe, and Gregor did not follow Order 66 or at least did not join the Empire. Order 66 is all about the annihilation of the Jedi. Started by: jmoul. I mean, they were pretty much directly responsible for the Great Jedi Purge, and they did it just because they were paid handsomely. Forum Jump: Their look was inspired by classic sci-fi. The orders were memorized by all troopers, and they covered everything from the Supreme Chancellor failing his duties to the Jedi betraying the Galactic Republic (Order 66).In addition to the memorization, organic chips were placed in each clone trooper's head. To think what would have happened if Palpatine had said the wrong number! I don't have the episode to hand so I'm mostly going off Wookieepedia but it sounds like Nala Se, the investigating Kaminoan scientist, knew about the chips and Order 66 and knew that the Jedi didn't know so she helped cover it up. Well that would have been an embarrassing mixup if he got the numbers switched in his head. If you read wookipedia or played Star Wars Battlefront II (which is canon) you would know that soon after Order 66, the Kaminoans would clone soldiers to rebel and fight the stormtroopers. Their long and frail limbs gave them a graceful, gliding walk and featured small feet adapted to their extragalactic homewor… Later, he gave the plans to have all clones be given an inhibitor chip to make them execute order 66 … If Order 65 is any indication, they vaguely knew about Order 66 but didn't grasp how important it was, (Order 65 was the one to remove the Supreme Chancellor), The Kaminoans thought it was just for rogue Jedi. Behavioral modification biochips, also known as inhibitor chips, control chips, and behavioral inhibitor biochips, were a type of organic bio-chip capable of dictating or responding to the thoughts of its host. It is in no way malicious, at least for the Kaminoans. They trained the Clones. If they did carry out Order 66, due to Palpatine’s orders and the clone’s inhibitor chips, they would have done a lot of damage. Text-only Version: Click HERE to see this thread with all of the graphics, features, and links. But even the most devoted fans might not know the full truth about this galaxy-shifting massacre. There were several peculiarities about the particulars of Kaminoan physiology: digitigrade and slender legs, once adapted for firm seabeds, eventually only saw use in the hallways of their science facilities. Originally the end with Ahsoka wasn't quite so dramatic, but drama is why we're here. Press J to jump to the feed. Clones came G.I. In Attack of the Clones, the Kaminoans said that a Jedi named Sifo-Dyas, a former member of the council, placed the initial order for a clone army. Order 66 was the sixty-sixth contingency order out of 150 contingency plans. Sometime after Sifo-Dyas met with the Kaminoans, Dooku intercepted. Even though we know that Fives won't crack the ... fills in a lot of details not covered by the prequel films—starting with Order 66. Yet in cano - #186550130 added by … Posts about Order 66 written by Shadow Squadron. By killing Sifo-Dyas, with him out of the way... Dooku then hired Mandalorian Jedi Hunter, Jango Fett, to be the template of the clones. That definitely should sound strange. The Clones weren't trained by the Kaminoans, they were mostly trained by Mercenaries, at least the non-simulated training. I just want to say that even if the clones did know about Order 66, Sidious probably put another order in their chips that commanded them not to tell the Jedi. So now that the actual event has been described, we should probably discuss what Order 66 actually is. Warning: SPOILERS for Darth Vader #17 It was Star Wars' ORDER 66 that turned the Clone Army against the Jedi, but a new comic confirms that the formerly loyal soldiers had absolutely no choice. They're all clones! The execution of Order 66 is a pivotal moment in the Star Wars story. Tup’s chip degraded. Home » Star Wars » Star Wars: Episode I, II & III » What happened to the Kaminoans? Order 66, also known as Clone Protocol 66, was a series of contingency orders of the Clone Soldiers of the Grand Army of the Republic. and "Programmed" them. We've compiled here a list of all the Jedi (and a couple of other relevant Force users) who we know managed to survive Order 66. And if you go by the Republic Commando books, Order 66 was not well known but not hidden either. By the Battle of Yavin, there are almost no Jedi left, even if maybe 200 survive Order 66 initially and are scattered to the winds. In Legends canon Order 66 was just one of many contingency orders the clones were aware of. And if you go by the Republic Commando books, Order 66 was not well known but not hidden either. Or why they never questioned adding a bio-chip to their clones’ brains, allowing Order 66 to become a reality. Support the channel: Maul know about Order 66 and the Clone Wars? They were either never found or captured, or were captured and escaped. I just reached that arc in the clone wars and I’m curious how much they knew about order 66. Did they know about the imminent overthrow of the Jedi or were they just vaguely aware of a failsafe measure? All clones were given a bio-chip, one that could be activated by remote order via voice command; Sheev Palpatine, for example, only needed to tell clones to execute Order 66, and the order was carried out. That’s not correct. To be fair, that's from a fan source, not an official one. Order 66 is a program* in the clones that, when ordered of them, tells them that their Jedi leaders have betrayed the Republic. My games mix cannons so players can't be sure ahead of time what may or may not happen. We know Ahsoka doesn’t encounter Anakin Skywalker during Order 66. It was just another … Did they know what they were doing? However, beyond just those who died in Order 66 in Revenge of the Sith, we later learn that many other major Jedi died off-screen as a result of the Order.Jaro Tapal is the master of Cal Kestis, the main protagonist of Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order.Tapal and Kestis fought alongside one … With the rumors and demand for Kenobi: A Star Wars Story , fans eagerly want McGregor to reprise his role to fill in what happened to this Order 66 survivor. 6 years ago. She cannot yet know that he’s become Darth Vader, as that revelation comes later in Star Wars Rebels . Rex filed an official complaint about the chips, and likely only suspected their purpose to be similar to what the Kaminoans were told: The chips were implanted as a contingency against clone aggression and … While the Clone Captain Rex didn’t learn the full scope and intention of Order 66 before it was executed, he did heed Fives’ warnings about the control chips after the latter’s death. I believe she knew it was for rouge Jedi. So that's Kamino! Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. The Kaminoans are selling a product to a representative of the Republic, of course they would market the shit out of it and praise it as perfection. Why Did Yoda Call Luke the Last of the Jedi? Once Yoda relieves then of said clones it would become magnitudes greater/harder for Palpatine to sneak in the order. Kaminoan scientists specialized in cloning technology and, at the behest of Jedi Master Sifo-Dyas, created the clone troopers of the Grand Army of the Republic. The Jedi almost discovered Order 66. I had never really thought that senior Kaminoan officials were knowing accomplices to the Sith plot, even if they were a race of heartless, profit-seeking gene-manipulators. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the AskScienceFiction community. i hc that the kaminoans didn't know there was THAT many Jedi, so they didn't have enough CCs to 'give' one to every Jedi. I don't know if it is the same in the new canon, but just knowing Order 66 existed amongst all the other orders wouldn't nessecarily tip anyone off. They seemed to think Dooku was a Jedi. (italics added)[/blockquote] Clone Protocol 66 was built into the clone troopers of the Grand Army of the Republic during the cloning process that created them. While Nala Se swears that the chip was implanted to make Clones docile and receptive to Orders, the chip is in fact linked to Order 66, a command that when given would brainwash a Clone into believing that the Jedi is the true enemy. Also, in Legends its repeated over and over that Order 66 was the start of the Great Jedi Purge, not the entire thing. No, they don't know about Order 66 yet. Did they know tyrannus worked for the chancellor? Kaminoans were slender, towering, pale-skinned humanoids whose oblong heads sat atop elongated neck bones that allowed them limited flexibility. Both canon and legends can be discussed here. Namely, as we know, the Clones were an artificially created army whose main trait was complete loyalty. Riverdale Star KJ … I don't know if it is the same in the new canon, but just knowing Order 66 existed amongst all the other orders wouldn't nessecarily tip anyone off. In Kamino, the Kaminoans did everything possible to prevent the truth about the chips from being revealed, that they would guarantee the clones' obedience when the order to destroy the Jedi was given. Fives and Shaak Ti push the Kaminoans for answers and eventually discover the clones have inhibitor chips in their brains. the entry before and after the mygeeto mission. Normal clones were able to carry it out pretty successfully. I recently finished reading Karen Traviss's famous Republic Commando novels, and the fourth book, Order 66, raised an interesting question: how much did Jango know about what was behind the war when he sold his genes to the Kaminoans? Darth Sidious, the alter-ego of Palpatine, as well as his Sith Apprentice Darth Tyrannus, otherwise known as Count D… The Kaminoans aren’t great people but they aren’t evil. Most Kaminoans lack emotion and have a difficult time making interpersonal connections, taking on Charm, Coercion, Deception, and Negotiation checks made against non-Kaminoans. Normal clones were able to carry it out pretty successfully. But although Yoda knew of at least two more survivors of Order 66, he was not aware of any besides Obi-Wan Kenobi who survived the Great Jedi Purge in its entirety. The execution of Order 66 is a pivotal moment in the Star Wars story. I also believe it’s possible that the Coruscant guard troopers (or at least some of them) were aware of it as well. Kenobi took the infant Luke Skywalker to Tatooine and stayed, however we aren't exactly sure why he did. The order was that the Jedi Commanders and Generals of the Republic military were to be branded as traitors and were to be executed. Which is likely why it was so easy to keep those in on it quiet. Follow/Fav Order 66: The Jedi Purge. but I don't know who did. Cookies help us deliver our Services. It turns out that Lama Su, the Prime Minister of Kamino, knew about the "inhibitor chip" the entire time. Another big question related to the infamous Order 66 is whether the Clones could do anything about it. If you’re a fan of 1970s sci-fi, and I have a hunch you might … In Star Wars Revenge of the Sith, did the Clones know Order 66 was evil? After Order 66 the Empire took Kamino to make sure that the clones could not be used against the Empire. But they do not know full truth - they do not know that Tyranus is actually Darth Tyranus i.e. It's like Ask Science, but for all universes other than our own. Order 66 Story ARC Trooper A-6, or "Six", jogs at a quickened pace behind his Jedi Commander. A few high ranking Kaminoans knew at least that the clones had an implant that, when activated, would alter their programming to, at least include, killing the Jedi. Although the audience did not get to see the Clone Wars and the fabled clone troopers that fought that war until decades after the original Star Wars trilogy was released, the importance of the clone army has been clear in the mythology of the Star Wars universe since the very beginning. The number of Purge survivors in the Expanded Universe seems to contradict Yoda in "Return of the Jedi" when he tells Luke "the last of the Jedi will you be." The species' evolution from aquatic creatures in the vast oceans of Kamino was reflected in their tall shape, glassy coated eyes, near luminescent skin, and long, thin necks. The order branded the Jedi as traitors of the Republic and called for their immediate execution without question. Were they aware the whole war had been orchestrated? Why did they just grab the army and use it right away? The almond-shaped eyes of Kaminoans were also able to see col… since a jedi ordered them and not the emperor I doubt the emperor gave those orders to them. Order 65 was the removal of the Chancellor from power by any means necessary, including execution. At least the one Kamino chick (Nala Se) knew about it as she was the one who programmed the chips. In this episode of Star Wars Theory, we explore the topic of Jango Fett and his knowledge, or lack thereof pertaining to Order 66. It Could Have Been More Descriptive. They likely had access to know if they didn't outright know. As we all know, Revenge of the Sith ... How did the Kaminoans receive the instructions for the Order 66 programming, and how much did they know about its purpose? ... —Republic Commando: Order 66, Karen Traviss. Alas, their blind trust in the Chancellor and Kaminoans proved to be their hamartia. They would believe that the order was for rogue Jedi instead of a means to exterminate all Jedi. From the … As the droids open fire he quickly dives for cover. Now, ever since I watched the final season of TCW, I've been wondering about the fate of the Kaminoans who knowingly programmed Order 66 in the minds of the clones. Palpatine's men could have informed the officers about Order 66 before they entered service, it wouldn't have been necessary for it to be trained into them on Kamino. It was just another of hundreds of regulations that were mostly ignored. They had two large, almond-shaped black eyes with white pupils that enabled them to see into the ultraviolet spectrum. Obi Wan that he ’ s become Darth Vader, as we know Ahsoka doesn ’ t people. We can assume there are at least did not follow Order 66 just. Means necessary, including execution flesh and blood droids main trait was loyalty! Of, was its stark coloration and detailing the droids open fire he quickly dives for.. 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