They’re screwdrivers! Where deadly danger to England is locked away. Are you sitting comfortably? McGillop: Why? They followed us there in the Black Archive. The Time War will begin anew. The ripples merge and … And miles and miles and miles— There's no honorable way to kill, no gentle way to destroy. That’s going to cause some nasty anomalies if we don’t get out soon. The Doctor: See Clara, they’re stored in the paintings in the under-gallery. Important quotes by Septimus Warren Smith in Mrs. Dalloway. You knew her then. They’d destroy themselves in their own crossfire. The day he wiped out the Time Lords to stop the war. Kate Stewart: My office. “A Good Man Goes To War” There are two basic uses for poetry in the middle of Doctor Who. The War Doctor: For god’s sake. Student: Are you okay? The War Doctor: Not very encouraging. “I dream about where I’m going.” She always laughs at that. Standing ready. Clara: Who was? I’ll have to live with that. Four hundred years in four seconds. Um, well um, yes. Up up! Clara: Need a moment alone with your painting? I’m going to need your gun. Is he planning some more deadly game connected with the coffins revered by the mysterio… What did I tell you? The General: The Moment is gone. The War Doctor: Of course. Ten: And all the people on it. Kate Stewart: Been here ten years. But the Doctor is strenuously opposed to the romance. Bigger on the inside. The Doctor: In twelve hundred years I’ve never stepped in anything that wasn’t. Kate Stewart: This is why we called you in. Osgood: Oh we sent him flowers. The Doctor: [Opening narration] Once upon a time, in a land not too dissimilar to ours, there lived a king. I’d be The Great Curator. We need a new destination, because… I don’t wanna go. Up on your feet! If I were you—ah! The War Doctor: Yes. Where can you be now that you can forget something like that? See? The Doctor: We should point out that at this moment it is a fairly terrible plan. Ten: Oh good work, Doctor. The Doctor: Shall we ask for a better quality of door so we can escape? I do. Go back to your lives. Ten: Three of us in one cell? Didn’t you want her to see it? planetclaireTV has been around in one form or another since 1999, offering a variety of quotes, quips, bon mots and assorted nonsense. The Doctor: Hello! The General: I’m sorry, what? Is somebody there? Plus a few other interesting things if you end up digging far enough. Clara: No! Clara: Doctor, what’s going on? It’s normally me who does that. A written warning for the Daleks. The General: The omega arsenal. On a planet called Heaven, all hell is breaking loose. Books! The Doctor: No. Some people live more in 20 years than others do in 80. I’m the Queen of England. Kate Stewart: I’m sorry Doctor. What’s the plan? The War Doctor: I have no desire to survive this. He was very very wise, and very very powerful. ASAP. No no no. Clara: And you actually killed one of them? The Doctor: It’s the fall of Arcadia. The Doctor: Hm. Don’t you remember? Doctor, can I rely on your service? The War Doctor: Those men? Keep a tight hold on it, Clara. Or perhaps you are me. We can’t information about the Doctor and the TARDIS falling into the wrong hands. These Zygon creatures never even considered that it was me who survived rather than their own commander. My journey is the same as yours, the same as anyone’s. Ten: The sky trench is holding. The Doctor: I never forget a face. The War Doctor: Recent? The General: Ready to do what? Clara: Those big sad eyes. Clara: I don’t understand. But all those children too. The Doctor: Science leads, Kate. Kate Stewart: Time travel. The Doctor: Oy! Explain! Clara: What you’ve always done. The Doctor: That’s how the story ends. I’m his daughter. Make it worthwhile. Ten: Still. {a fez drops out} For instance, a fez. Ten: And do you know why I know that you’re a fake? Great men are forged in fire. Doctors Ten and Eleven, confronting the War Doctor just before he plans to destroy the Daleks and Gallifrey in The Day of the Doctor. Osgood (Ingrid Oliver): Um. Isn’t he cool. The long way around. The War Doctor: I don’t have a future. Look over there. The whole of the Tower is TARDIS proofed. “But you’re not going anywhere, you’re just wandering about.” That’s not true. The Doctor: Ah. I serve notice on you all. Even you. The Doctor: Venom sacs in the tongue. I’m from the planet Gallifrey in the constellation of Kasterborous. Ten: You’re not actually suggesting that we change our own personal history? Kate Stewart: Again? The Doctor: Never gonna happen. Ten: Okay, you used to be me. Proof that the letter is from her. The last day of the Time War. Clara: The broken glass? It’s clear as day. Country, Military, Army. The General: What’s the mad fool talking about? The Doctor: That Gallifrey didn’t fall. Kate Stewart: Apologies. Access please. Look. If you’re looking for a list of Infinity War quotes, you will find all of them in this round-up. The War Doctor: Hello. Four: You were curious about this painting, I think. Totally TARDIS proof. I’ve been fighting this war for a long time. God speed, gentle husband. Rose: Go on, ask them. The Doctor: Yes. Clara: Also the showing off. The Curator/Four (Tom Baker): You know I really think you might. Ten: What are you doing? The Doctor: I saw Trenzalore. The War Doctor coming through: Anyone lose a fez? Anyway, good to know my future is in safe hands. Automated memory filters in the ceiling. Androgar: Sir! Ten: Back! Forget I said cup-a-soups. More to the point, why are you here? Nice one. No. Yes I would. The War Doctor: Never give up, never give in. Four: I’m only a humble curator, I’m sure I wouldn’t know. Any old idiot can be a hero. The Doctor: He’s right. We had no idea you were still in there. The Doctor: Exactly… Clara: You told me you wiped out your own people, I just… I never pictured you doing it, that’s all. Androgar: And we’ve never used it? Geronimo! Even if that were possible, which it isn’t, why would you do such a thing? I’ve never seen it from the outside. It’s taken me so many years, so many lifetimes, but at last I know where I’m going. There is another way. Because what I did that day was wrong. The War Doctor: I don’t know. I have a new destination. Just ’cause he’s got amazing hair. We’d have nothing., Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, When talking to The Moment, disputing his title as The Doctor in. Ten: But don’t worry. What happens next? New Year’s Day 2021. The three of you. I’ve always wanted to meet someone called Yes. Clara: Obviously. The Doctor: The time streams are out of sync. Chinny? The War Doctor: Hello. The Doctor: Lots of somethings. There was an old man looking for you. Gallifrey’s still in the line of fire. So. They are the Doctor. I’d be great at curating. I chose this face and form especially for you. Then, he leads all the characters we've come to love over the past years into battle one last time. Clara: Um, Kate. Be happy, or at least Zen For anyone alive in 1988, Bobby McFerrin's "Don't worry, be happy" has been stuck in their head ever since. Zygon Kate: You would destroy London? The War Doctor: Stop calling me Doctor. Listen, we’re going to the National Gallery, the Zygons are underneath it. Clara: You never have a job. Come on! And I intend to end it the only way I can. Are you afraid of the big bad wolf, Doctor? John Hurt | 2013 Born from the Eighth Doctor’s choice on Karn, at the height of the Last Great Time War, this incarnation was the Doctor’s darkest secret. There isn’t another way, there never was. Ten: How did it get here? The day you killed them all. The sole survivor of the Last Great Time War, scarred by the terrible things he’d seen and done, the Ninth Doctor was an intense and emotional incarnation. Queen Elizabeth I: You could help me. The Doctor: Kate Lethbridge-Stewart, a word to the wise—as I’m sure your father would have told you—I don’t like being picked up. The world wavered and quivered and threatened to burst into flames. Ten: Don’t start. The Daleks know that something is happening! Because you’re such a bad copy. The Doctor: Gentlemen, I have had four hundred years to think about this. I think it was the curator. The glass in all these paintings has been broken from the inside. I see it in his eyes every day. Ten: One of them is a Zygon. Ten: Oh, I’ve seen conflict like you wouldn’t believe. The Doctor: Well there’s some debate. Explore our collection of motivational and famous quotes by authors you know and love. The War Doctor: Oh, Bad Wolf Girl I could kiss you! Highest security rating on the planet. Queen Elizabeth I: Who is this man? We die in battle among millions. Timey-wimey? It is I who am blocking the way, he thought. Ten: Okay. Go looking for Gallifrey? Rose: Take a closer look. You nearly took my head off. No one can know we have this, not even our allies. Elizabeth I: The Zygons lost their own world. Back to the future. The Doctor: No More. It’s very convincing. The man who regrets and the man who forgets. With every hero lined up alongside him, from Shuri to Mantis to Spider-Man, from Doctor Strange to Ant-Man to Falcon, Steve Rogers puts his arm to the sky and shouts for everyone to hear, "Avengers! Adventures in Space and Time. Kate Stewart: Is it important? Nobody can picture that. Why is there never a big red button? Ten: Hello! The war to end all wars. Ten: And almost certainly won’t work. Geronimo! Either I destroy my own people or let the universe burn. But could be deployed as— Their plans have already failed. Ten: The Daleks will be firing on each other. The Doctor: Hello! He’d do anything to change it. Ten: Pretending you weren’t the Doctor, when you were the Doctor more than anybody else. And all those Daleks with it. Kate Stewart: He means you. Ten: I won’t remember either so you might as well tell me. The War Doctor: …and if you really are me, with your sand shoes and your dickie bow, and that screwdriver is still mine, that calculation is still going on. We found the TARDIS in a field. Too long I have stayed my hand. It’s just a wolf. Oh… it was the horse. Clara: The Doctor. Clara: It was unlocked. They’re scientific instruments, not water pistols! Clara: You have a job? The Doctor: Me. Clara: What’s happening? There you go, Your Majesty. Ten: How can you forget this? Thirteen: No sir. LOL. Elizabeth the First? The initial appearance and description of the War Doctor in The Name of the Doctor. The Doctor: Yeah. The War Doctor: Hello? This is not a decision you will ever be able to live with. No More and Gallifrey Falls. 61 Copy quote. Ten: Yeah, you do have a chin. The Doctor: Space-time telegraph, Kate. It just occurred to me this is what I’m like when I’m alone. Rose: You’ve seen the men you will become. Somewhere in your memory is a man called Brigadier Alistair Gordon Lethbridge-Stewart. The General: We’d be lost in another universe. In a later period of the Eighth Doctor's life, the Time Lords began foreseeing the future Time War (AUDIO: Deeptime Frontier, Fugitives, The Crucible of Souls) as tensions rose between them and the Daleks. The General: No. George S. Patton. The calculations alone would take hundreds of years. Frozen in a single moment. Doctor, we don’t seek to rule this world. This is the Doctor speaking. Kate Stewart: You’ll realize there are protocols protecting this place. Rose: It’s the reality around you. How many children on Gallifrey right now? The Virgin Queen. {he points the phone at the helicopter} Oh my god. Am I talking to the Wicked Witch of the Well? Rose: I heard you. Ten: Frozen. Clara: We’ve got enough warriors. That is something, I suppose. I’m busy. The Doctor: Oh! You want weapons? The Doctor: Venom sacs in the tongue. The General: What? The War Doctor: No. Who did? The Doctor: Oh, busy! Clara: So what are we doing? The War Doctor: How old are you now? The War Doctor: Timey what? The War Doctor: She didn’t just show me any old future, she told me exactly the future I need to see! The War Doctor: So I won’t remember that I tried to save Gallifrey rather than burn it. Clara: Well why not? The Doctor: The Time War. Ten: Sorry, I was just thinking out loud. Ten: That’s just what I was wondering. Rose (Billie Piper): It’s nothing. Bequeathed to the U.N.I.T. Just do it. Okay, carry on. The day he killed them all. [Bell chamber] DOCTOR: They're asking for my help! Ten: Thanks. You walked for miles and miles. I’m am the Oncoming Storm. There is no other way. Rose: If I ever develop an ego you’ve got the job. Hello! Apr 18, 2017. Ten: Allons-y! Ten: But there’s something those billion billion Daleks don’t know. What is it, what? “Everybody dreams”. Clara: Zygons? That’s a time fissure. The Doctor: No, you really wouldn’t. Or Gallifrey Fails. Kate Stewart: Also known as Gallifrey Falls. Yes, no. It’s like a special effect. Kate Stewart: There used to be. I never know when to stop. Clara: On it. Kate Stewart: Sadly we can only agree to die. The Doctor: What? Rose: Why not? I’m wearing sand shoes.”. Clara: Have you really forgotten? The day I did it. Trenzalore is where you’re going. Should any disturbance occur within its walls, it is my wish that you be summoned. Clara: But you let me in. Be a doctor. Tomorrow morning. Thank you. It burnt in the first days of the Time War. The Doctor: I was happy with “fairly terrible.” The War Doctor: No we don’t. The War Doctor: Did you ever count? Aren’t you curious? But he was also very very old. The Doctor: Brave words, Dick van Dyke. She brought you back forever. Ten: Yeah we do. The Doctor: Okay. The War Doctor: Just about ready to do it. No, we haven’t. 86283 The Magic Violinist In my last article, I told you all how "Doctor Who" is much more than just my favorite show. Rose: They must have told you the Moment had a conscience. Well, I’ve got you covered. What don’t they know? Ten: Well. The Doctor: Ew… I’m not judging you. Both of you? But just the old favorites, eh? Is that what I’m supposed to do now? The Doctor: Once. It’s a lottery. The War Doctor: I should certainly hope so. Should they be here? Just wrong. Rose: Then you’re the one to save us all. Not anymore. The Doctor: Spoilers. Queen Elizabeth I: Tell me, Doctor, why I’m wasting my time on you. Clara: Look at you. Following on from the first series the second instalment is full of new thrills, new laughs, new heartbreak and some terrifying new monsters. There was a call for you at the office. We shouldn’t even be here. And right now that is exactly what you don’t have. I am accustomed to taking precautions. The Sorcerer Supreme defends existence. The War Doctor: It shouldn’t be. Ten: The day we killed them all. It’s not just the smell. The Doctor: Eh? The final act of the Time War was life. Also the Doctor. The Doctor: Except we’re going to do it to a whole planet. The Doctor: Hey. The War Doctor: Don’t sit on that! Kate Stewart: Doctor? Lost, perhaps. Clara: I think there’s three of them now. I can’t remember if I’m lying about my age, that’s how old I am. You never once counted? A tear in the fabric of reality. Clara: Lock and key. The Doctor: And what am I? Except you add time if you can picture that. Ten: I’m the Doctor. Kate Stewart: To save billions. Ten: And I’ve seen that. I don’t like it. Clara: Something’s got out of the paintings. Clara: You told me the name you chose was a promise. The Doctor: Where are we? All of you. Ten: Really. The Doctor: And I never want to see it again. [Tardis] (The engines stop.) The Doctor: I demand to be incarcerated in the Tower immediately with my co-conspirators, Sand Shoes and Granddad. Ten: They’re not sand shoes! The Doctor arrives on a trivial mission — to find a book, or so he says — and Ace, wandering around Joycetown, becomes involved with a charismatic Traveller called Jan. The War Doctor: I won’t remember this, will I? Time is an insult. You! The Time War, more specifically called the Last Great Time War, is a conflict within the fictional universe of the British science fiction television series Doctor Who.The conflict pitted the Time Lords against the Daleks and culminated in the apparent mutual destruction of both races, caused by the Doctor.. The Doctor: And I want a desk. Ten: What are you doing here? Death is an insult. The Doctor: Thank you very much. Ten: Oh shut up. Kate Stewart: Can’t afford any electronic security down here. Ten: Where? It’s the most dangerous weapon in the universe. The Doctor examining dust on the floor: Stone dust. Ten: There’s two of us. Ten: You tell yourself it’s justified but it’s a lie. Rose: One day you will count them. We are incredibly clever. We can hear you. Americans with the ability to rewrite history. But she couldn’t control it. The Doctor: No idea. Queen Elizabeth I: Oh my dear sweet love. Ten: What is it actually called? What is cup-a-soup? Is that what your father meant? Clara: You don’t have a job. The Masters would subsequently swear an oath to protect the Time Stone with their lives. The War Doctor: The pointing again! No, no! Except its ending. The War Doctor, portrayed by English actor John Hurt, is a designation of an incarnation of the Doctor, the protagonist of the BBC science fiction television programme Doctor Who. Oo! The War Doctor: You let this place go a bit. Come on. Ten: Oh, never say nothing. But never mind that. Or the unconvincing hair. Gallifrey’s second city However lost. The last day. Ten: These events should be time locked. Job! Clara: That’s him! Who told you? Elizabeth I: Because it’s not my plan. Clara: You wouldn’t. The War Doctor: Is there a lot of this in the future? Ten: Never cruel or cowardly. A new home is required. Locate! Doctor Who is a British television institution, and the longest-running science-fiction series in the world, first airing on BBC TV on 23 November 1963. Of course, it makes sense. You’ve done all this before. Rose: Yeah, that’s gonna happen. Osgood: The things from the paintings. (The Tardis is starting to dematerialise as she puts her key into the lock.) Gentlemen, we’re ready. There’s one life I’ve tried very hard to forget. Ten: It must be really recent for you. The Doctor: Which title? Billie Piper  David Tennant  Ingrid Oliver  Jemma Redgrave  Jenna Coleman  Joanna Page  John Hurt  Jonjo O'Neill  Ken Bones  Matt Smith  Peter de Jersey  Tom Baker  Tom Keller. {holding the stasis cube} Cup-a-soup! Wearing a bit thin. The General: The galaxy eater. Clara: Sorry, my what? That wheezing, groaning? Rose: You’re the Doctor too. This is my job! You look like you’ve seen a ghost. You’ve seen their movies. Backtracking a moment just to lend some context to my earlier remarks. Oh… you have a lot to do. Rose: Why’d you park so far away? Clara: So they’re both you then, yeah? They’re what you become if you destroy Gallifrey. 20 SLITHEEN. Zygon Kate: We only have to agree to live. What was it that brought you to Kamar-Taj, doctor? I’m helping you eat the picnic. Also can microwave frozen dinners from up to twenty feet and download comics from the future. The War Doctor: Yes they are. The War Doctor (John Hurt): Solider. My… my Doctor. That’s the Zygon in the picture now! You live. The Doctor: For what? Clara: How can they do that? Try and keep up. The Doctor: Sorry about the Dalek. The Doctor: No. Kate Stewart: Well the painting only serves as Elizabeth’s credentials. Oh look at you. There is! Clara: The Queen? I can only tell you what I would do. The consequences could be disastrous. Clara: But how is it doing that? The War Doctor: Good afternoon, I’m looking for the Doctor. In this form, I’m called… Bad Wolf. A list of some of my favorite quotes from "Doctor Who." Assemble!" Four: Where is it indeed? Bigger on the inside. However, they are also extremely deadly, as they don’t care about human life. Between my people and the Daleks. Queen Elizabeth I: How dare you! It’s not why you’re here. Clara: A bit. Safe and hidden away. We have to admit, when Amy finally gets her revenge, we cheered. I could retire and do that. U.N.I.T. The Doctor: You would have hope. The War Doctor: Do you have to talk like children? The Doctor: On the moon. The Doctor: And it is done in the name of many lives we are failing to save. Rose: Now you’re getting it. And in years to come you might find yourself revisiting a few. 15 Doctor Who Quotes That Will Have You Missing David Tennant Until The End Of Time. The Doctor: I’ve had many faces, many lives. Clara: 3D again. (And runs outside to -) [Outside the block of flats] CLARA: No. Every moment in time and space is burning. The War Doctor: Am I having a mid-life crisis? Clara: But where would Gallifrey be? Hiding his psychological trauma behind madcap wit and frivolity, he took Rose Tyler to see the end of the world, inspired Charles Dickens and showed that for once, everybody could live. facebook; twitter; googleplus; The object of war is not to die for your country but to make the other bastard die for his. Ten: All those years, burying you in my memory. David Tennant steps into the role of the Doctor for the second series of Doctor Who. Osgood: Because they needed somewhere to hide. 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