Elephant seals are characterized by extraordinary behavior. Sea lions, on the other hand, are able to "walk" on land by rotating their hind flippers forward and underneath their big bodies. … This is the southernmost breeding area for the species. Seals and sea lions share adaptations for living in the sea—including blubber, flippers, and streamlined bodies. They now number approximately 85,000. When it comes to scratching, it's the opposite, true seals use their fore flippers while sea lions use their rear flippers. The noisy, barking California sea lion (Zalophus californianus) is the most conspicuous marine mammal at Point Lobos. Harbor seals are quite common and may be seen lounging on flat-topped near shore rocks, or hauled out sandy beaches, primarily around the Redwood Creek estuary. Like harbor seals, elephant seals lack ear flaps and move on land by flopping along on the belly. Female leopard seals, the larger of the two sexes, can grow up to 590 kg (1,300 pounds) and 3.8m meters (10 feet) long. Steller Sea Lions. Frank321. Sand flipping is another clue. When not congregating together to rest, they can be seen swimming past the shoreline, sometimes jumping out of the water as they move along. When first noticed, the flipper might be confused with the dorsal (back) fin of a whale or shark. They have spotted coats in a variety of shades from white or silver-gray to dark brown. Adult male Stellers have a bulky build and a very thick neck with longer fur that resembles a lion's mane. This is why … Seals, sea lions, and walruses are all in the order Carnivora and suborder Pinnipedia, thus they are called “pinnipeds.” Pinnipeds are mammals that are well-adapted for swimming. Fall and winter is the most likely time for this occasional visitor to appear mixed in among the California sea lions on the Sea Lion … They can rotate under the sea lion's body and support it, enabling the sea lion to "walk" with the flippers on land. Northern elephant seals can be found in California and Baja California, though they prefer to frequent offshore islands rather than the North American mainland. : Face-to-Face With a Leopard Seal. Males 5 years and older develop a bony bump on top of their skull called a sagittal crest. Technically, they are in the same taxonomical suborder of pinnipeds (Pinnipedia), which comprises seals, sea lions, and walruses. California sea lions are the "trained seal" of marine parks and circuses. Anacondas don't live the same continent as Tigers. When seals and sea lions share our shores, we need to give them space, especially mothers with pups. Sea lions can reach speeds of 25-30 mph! Though their bodies can appear chubby, seals are generally smaller and more aquadynamic than sea lions. Since the 1960's, the population of Steller sea lions has declined by at least 50%. Sea Lion Point Trail offers a direct view to the Sea Lion Rocks offshore. Females are much smaller. They often float together on the water’s surface in rafts with one or both flippers raised out of the water. Adult males establish and defend breeding territories and form harems. 1. The … They usually have a streamlined barrel shape and four flippers at the end of each limb. Steller sea lions (Eumetopias jubatus) were once abundant and commonly seen at  Point Lobos as recently as the 1950’s. Fur seals and sea lions are also known as eared seals. Elephant seal, walrus and some sea lion bulls outweigh an average polar bear, considerably in some cases. The average length is 5 - 6 feet. The sea lion's hind flippers are stronger and more flexible. Home Uncategorized elephant seal vs leopard seal. Elephant Seal. The adult male, with its large elongated nose, is enormous at over 2 tons and up to 16 feet; females are significantly smaller. The long front and rotating hind flippers enable them to “walk” on land and to climb - whether it be on rocks, buoys, or boats in a marina. They return to land to give birth and nurse their young. Respectful observation of seals is especially important during the pupping season. The awkward movement on land is in sharp contrast to their excellent adaptation underwater. Harbor seals (Phoca vitulina) are the quiet marine mammals resting on near shore rocks along the Point Lobos shoreline. At nighttime they hunt within several miles of shore for fish, crabs, squid and octopus. They are often seen bobbing in the surf, checking out the shoreline. Elephant seals dive deep in search of food. Post Aug 25, 2009 #1 2009-08-25T19:47. The Marine Mammal Center rescues them, nurses them back to health and then releases them to the ocean. True seals are termed "earless" because they lack an external ear flap, whereas in "eared" seals or sea lions an external ear flap is visible. Immature males are sometimes called SAMs (sub-adult males) or bachelors. Sea lions also hunt together. World's Weirdest: Hooded Seal. Usually there's only one subadult animal at a time hauled out on a sandy beach undergoing its annual molt. The group of marine mammals consisting of seals, sea lions, and walruses is known as the Pinnipeds, (from "pinna" meaning "feather" + "pes" meaning "foot" = "feather-footed"). In and around RNSP, there are two seal species to be found, the harbor seal (Phoca vitulina), and northern elephant seal (Mirounga angustirotris). Left on its own, a newly born sea lion is a target for a hungry seagull. The name “Point Lobos” is derived from what the Spanish explorers called this area - “Punta de los Lobos Marinos" which means the "point of the sea wolves.” Since sea lions bark while on land and offshore rocks, their barking was probably an aid to navigation for the first explorers, warning them of rocks in the fog. Frank321. They have no external ear flaps, just ear holes. Whether obvious or hidden, physical attributes allow northern elephant seals to excel in the deep marine environment and to coexist with other seals and sea lions in the eastern North Pacific. Penguin vs. Sea Lion… Males can grow to 11 feet in length and weigh almost 2,500 pounds. Fall and winter is the most likely time for this occasional visitor to appear mixed in among the California sea lions on the Sea Lion Rocks. They are day-sleepers, frequently misunderstood as lazy if you don't realize they are nocturnal hunters. Seagull Traumatizes Baby Sea Lion. You can view this natural wonder in April and May at two primary locations within Point Lobos - Whalers Cove beach and China Cove beach. As we will demonstrate with these 10 leopard seal facts, however, this amazing Antarctic animal is well worth a closer look. They spend 80% of their life at sea foraging, only coming ashore to molt (shed hair and skin) and to mate for adults, or to rest for subadults. Most of the California sea lions in RNSP are adult and subadult males that migrate north after the breeding season in southern California. elephant seal vs leopard seal. The northern elephant seal (Mirounga angustirostris) is an occasional visitor to Point Lobos. For almost guaranteed elephant seal viewing, drive a couple hours to one of the nearby mainland rookeries. Keep up the great work. Female seals mature at 3-4 years. While at sea they lead a solitary life and cover long distances in search of food. Due to this decline, Steller sea lions are now listed as a federally threatened species. About Elephant Seals Seals on the sand. Expectant moms congregate at the same rookeries, usually beaches, where they were born. This characteristic defines their group as “true seals.”  Males tend to be slightly larger than females and can reach up to 250 pounds. The northern elephant seal is the second largest seal in the world, after the southern elephant seal. When sea lions swim, they propel themselves through the water using their front flippers. Gray seals clock in at about 14-23 mph. Steller sea lions have golden-colored fur with darker extremities, and instead of the "bark" of the California sea lion, Stellers vocalize by growling or "bellowing". Males can reach 650 pounds and 8 feet in length. In addition, sea lions have a loud bark and walk on their large rear flippers versus seals more wriggle on their belly and have smaller rear flippers. The seals you see today could be the same seals you see on your next visit to Point Lobos. Instead they flop along on their bellies. Generally, they hunt alone and are never seen with more than one or two other seals. The Phocidae, or family group to which the true seals belong, are believed to have descended from a terrestrial weasel-like ancestor, while the Otariidae, or sea lion family group, are thought to have descended from a terrestrial bear-like ancestor. Sea lion populations near Kodiak Island are plummeting. Both have long front flippers and rotating hind flippers enabling them to “walk” on land. The southern elephant seal is a true seal and is the largest pinniped (seal or sea lion) and carnivoran (hairy carnivore) in the world. 784. Elephant seals haul out to molt at different times based on age and gender, so you can always see some elephant seals at the rookeries. Harbor seals are torpedo-shaped and have short flippers. There are other, somewhat subtle, differences between the front flippers of the two groups, but the hind flipper differences are noticeable. Pinnipeds divide their time between near shore terrestrial habitats and the ocean. Less frequently an adult male might visit Point Lobos. When did YOU fall in love with Point Lobos. The Friends of the Elephant Seal are available to answer questions at the viewing areas from 10am to 4pm daily. This behavior is called “porpoising.” They are fast swimmers (reaching up to 25 mph), using the front flippers for propulsion and the hind flippers to steer. Adult males leave our central coast in early summer headed for the Channel Islands in southern California or for Mexico. If you see just the nose of a seal sticking above the water, it’s in a resting position called “bottling.” While on land they are skittish and frighten easily. Sea lions are very social animals. Visit one of the rookeries during the winter birthing and breeding season for an amazing nature experience. Subadults might also haul out on our beaches to rest. Seals lack an external ear flap whereas sea lions have an external ear flap that is visible. Males gather near rookeries to compete with other males and attract females by slapping the water with their flippers. walrus vs elephant seal October 8, 2020 Uncategorized No Comments Both a sea lion and a seal or walrus are carnivorous mammals belonging to the pinniped superfamily, so they have many common characteristics, but also others that differentiate them. Harbor seals come in a variety of colors from almost pure white to mottled gray or brown, but usually some form of color patterning is visible. Two species inhabit the sanctuary, the elephant seal and harbor seal. There are two species of elephant seals, the northern and southern. That's nothing like when two male elephant seals compete for their own spot in the sand. Fur seals, actually in the sea lion group, having extremely long hind flippers. Elephant seals, on the other hand, are uniformly tan colored all over, and seen only rarely within the parks. At the same time, their hind flippers angle backward and don't rotate. These animals may be seen hauled out on off shore rocks, and occasionally on sandy beaches. Seals and sea lions are both mammals. They can be heard from most locations in the reserve. Older animals rarely appear at Point Lobos. What Are the Differences Between Seals and Sea Lions? Unfortunately seals can’t out-swim their only predators - sharks and orcas. Females can reach 220 pounds and about 6 feet in length. When comparing a sea lion vs. seal you can spot the difference a few ways, one of which is the lack or presence of an ear. After weaning, the previously devoted mom leaves the pup on its own. And in general, true seals have more blubber and are more streamlined. Pups weigh about 20 pounds and can swim within minutes of birth. They are graceful, curious and speedy swimmers, propelled by the webbed hind flipper. Piedras Blancas rookery, the largest rookery, is a little over 2 hours drive to the south on the Big Sur coastline near San Simeon. Pups are nursed on mom’s rich milk and double their weight before weaning at approximately 4 weeks. There is a small rookery on Ano Nuevo Island, located offshore from Ano Nuevo State Park (about a 2 hour drive north of Point Lobos). Jul 9, 2014 - Explore Hanna Shirley's board "Elephant seal" on Pinterest. The first difference between the seals and sea lions that we will discuss is the shape of their bodies and front fore flippers. Their solid color coats range from dark to golden brown. In the middle of February, the sea lions receive the second visit of their most feared predators – the killer whales. But seals and sea lions … This causes differences between the two in locomotion when on land: seals move forward by caterpillar-like hitching movements; sea lions use their hind legs to walk or even gallop across land. The population of California sea lions is considered stable. The average dive lasts less than 10 minutes and is relatively shallow, less than 300 feet. Nowadays, sighting a Steller is noteworthy. Elephant seals spend up to 80% of their lives in the ocean. The most notable anatomical differences are the ears and the flippers. Docents and the information they share will enrich your viewing experience. They can also sleep while in water. Fur seals are occasionally seen off the RNSP coastline farther out to sea, however, they do not come ashore here, and breed in the far northern Pacific. The two species might be confused with one another because they share many physical characteristics. Mating occurs under water. See more ideas about elephant seal, elephant, sea lion. Note the walrus's hide takes up a huge percentage of it's weight. These destinations are the breeding grounds. Also, sea lions are just plain noisy, whereas seals are a bit quieter. At the rookery the male tries to attract as many females as possible to his harem. Seals also are suited to spend more time in the water than sea lions, which can "walk" on shore with their large flippers and spend time in large social groups. The flipper is raised to help warm or cool the body - called thermoregulation. 3. Let’s sort out the taxonomy first. On Aug. 12, the Elephant Reintroduction Foundation celebrated its first World Elephant Day, an international day of awareness. They spend about half their time on land and half in water. Video by NOAA Fisheries. One must travel somewhere else along the California coast to see a spectacular adult male elephant seal, with its long proboscis, or nose, for which the species is named. more Left on its own, a newly born sea lion is a target for a hungry seagull. The Phocidae, or family group to which the true seals belong, are believed to have descended from a terrestrial weasel-like ancestor, while the Otariidae, or sea lion family group, are thought to have descended from a terrestrial bear-like ancestor. An elephant seal flips sand on itself to help regulate body temperature. Despite the similarities of outward appearance, true seals and sea lions have some noticeable differences, due to convergent evolution. When discussing the difference between the seal vs. sea lion we can find five main differences that have to do with their anatomy and character traits. Sea lions can live 20-30 years, with females tending to live longer than males. A pair of binoculars will enhance the viewing experience. 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