That's also concerning as well. These are the same far left individuals who are now playing kingmakers in the upcoming 2020 presidential primary. Instead of growing, the capital stock of socialist countries has been declining. 1 Texas Secession; As British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher observed, “the problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people’s money.”, Israel is unique, the only nation where socialism was successful—for a while. The economies of the Communist nations behind the Iron Curtain were similarly enfeebled because they functioned in large measure as colonies of the Soviet Union. In many of these countries, the expansive social welfare net is a point of political tension. He is fighting for life and death. Somehow, she wants to take that money and redistribute it. Um, they are being violated, whatever they are. Let's think about this, they were for building the wall. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I think Nancy Pelosi is doing the right thing because Donald Trump is destroying this country by his rhetoric and his racism, and a million other things, and I think Nancy Pelosi is the voice of reason in this country. LAWRENCE JONES, CONTRIBUTOR: Trump is the first president in American history to be disinvited from the State of the Union. Unlike Marxism-Leninism, private ownership is generally not restricted in democratic socialist countries, though the state does play a key role in regulating and directing certain industries, such as energy, tech, healthcare, or education. You cannot compare Sweden or New Zealand to the U S., use the history of large countries. Over the last 100 years, the world has seen more than two dozen socialist experiments. The record of socialist’s failure is 100 percent and remains unbroken. They could not resist its siren song, of a world without strife because it was a world without private property. They had a responsibility--, ELDER: Right. © Copyright 2020 Center for the National Interest All Rights Reserved. People are dying. Far-left socialism grips Democratic party; reaction and analysis from Sebastian Gorka and Allie Beth Stuckey. That is why she secured powerful memberships on, let's see, oh, oversight, and the Financial Services Committee. SEBASTIAN GORKA, SALEM RADIO'S AMERICA FIRST HOST: Sean, my parents crawled across a minefield to escape the kind of system that Ocasio-Cortez wishes to create in America. Socialism causes poverty, can be evil. Yes. Deregulation, the economy opens up, jobs, opportunities created, fighting to keep factories and all the building going on in America, job creation in America, manufacturing centers in America, common sense immigration to allow law-abiding people to pursue a better life while keeping us safe and secure. … It was the worst recovery in - since the 1940s. Obama, 13 million more Americans - that's right - food stamps, 8 million more in property. NICHOLAS SANDMANN, COVINGTON CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT: That's possible, but I would have to assume what Mr. Phillips was thinking and rather let him speak for what he came up to us. But since 1934, it has evolved into what it is today. At that point, the country's economy began to fail and hyperinflation took root. These are not public figures. Can you imagine, Sean, what would have happened if Trump had said, if I had a son, another son, he would have looked like Nick Sandmann? … After all, they are students. This is about the safety of the country, and literally life-and- death. We have talked about this many, many times. Sometimes it's going to be fun, lighthearted. HANNITY: Gets that reaction. Meanwhile, the government kept borrowing and spending and driving up inflation, which averaged 77% for 1978-79 and reached a peak of 450% in 1984–85. LAWRENCE: I see your point, Sean, but this is a different president. They fixed their city infrastructures. ©2020 FOX News Network, LLC. Let's not forget Chairman Mao, great leap forward, that redistribution plan resulted in the deaths of 45 million people. Let not your heart be troubled. Top Searches Holiday Gifts. And was and is practiced by fewer places than you may believe. Meanwhile, one of Warren's 2020 primary opponents, Senator Kamala Harris is spending her time raising an enormous amount of money, buying up all of the Facebook ads that she can find, and of course, trashing the president. Cuba. LARRY ELDER, SALEM RADIO NATIONAL HOST/AM 870: (inaudible). by David R. Henderson. HANNITY: All right. We could kind of laugh at someone like Sanders or laugh at a 29-year-old who really knows nothing about politics. Since the outbreak of the 2008 financial crisis, criticism of capitalism has taken on a new dimension: Apparently, the market economy has failed, thus we need more government intervention . Make America Great Again is a kind of nostalgic longing for the 1950s, not by way of public policy, Craig (ph), but by way of the (inaudible) thoughts of the '50s, which meant a society organized along the lines of segregation, in which black people were to stay in their place. I've always advocated for the president being on the road, talking to different communities, black communities, Hispanic communities, and tell him the agenda and how helps them. Friedman was asked to draw up a program that would move Israel from socialism toward a free-market economy. If the president feels that strongly about it, then open up the Trump Tower and let everybody live in their rent free, and maybe we can start having a discussion. The Swedes were hardworking, optimistic, wealthy, and trusting of their politicians. That's why we have a shutdown. The Histadrut strongly resisted, unwilling to give up their decades-old power and to concede that socialism was responsible for Israel’s economic troubles. At that point, the country's economy began to fail and hyperinflation took root. The result is 100 predictable – poverty, hunger, and a tyrannical government that rules by force instead of rule of law. The opposite happened. Ocasio-Cortez actually retweeted, quote: With respect, Senator Durbin, the U.S. should not anoint the leader of the opposition in Venezuela during an internal, polarized conflict. Yes. So it's not just that we're at historic rates of black unemployment being at its lowest, it's that the disparities are shrinking too. How about symbolic of record low unemployment for African-Americans, Hispanic Americans, Asian-Americans, women in the workplace, youth unemployment? BONGINO: Yes. Let's take a look. JONES: Do you think Nancy Pelosi to take a meeting with the president? Because President Obama's plan to provide health care for all, remember, keep your doctor, keep your plan, save less -- a lie, never happen. And of course, the deranged left, they refused to confront the facts, they're continuing their sick attacks. Speaker Pelosi literally doing every thing she can to appease the Democrats' rising star. The world is ending at 12 years. He didn't get strength from inside the Beltway. She has went out tonight that cites testimony that without the Ohr dossier being put in into the FISA warrant, it had a 50/50 chance of surviving the FISA courts. In the coming weeks, this crop of Democrats vying to replace President Trump is likely to get bigger and bigger, but the moderates are nowhere to be found. OK. She says, wait a minute, human rights violations, what are they? America was suffering after eight years of Obama. Joining us now, former Secret Service Agent Dan Bongino; nationally syndicated radio talk show host, Larry Elder. The lawyer for the kids - if I can put your legal hat on, Larry Elder, you are a lawyer - sorry to mention that - as well as--. Our politicians compare more like those in the large countries that have failed, dishonest, cronyism, and never achieve what they promise. America's economy, it is running and slamming on all cylinders. Lenin, remember him? It was the “zenith” of Indian socialism, which still failed to satisfy the basic needs of an ever-expanding population. Free Market Capitalism has a rather short history, all things considered. As programs were implemented in … So I'll leave the legal judgment to--. And what is great progress that we have chronicled on this show, but not in the rest of the media, also often going so far as to justify abuse against them and to fuel a blame-the-victim, a mob mentality against anyone who dares to love their country and like to wear a Make America Great Again hat. They'd still be angry. When I asked the people how they felt about it, she straight up lied to the American people. Gorka: 40 countries have tried socialist system, they have all failed. Many of you won't believe this. In the height of budget negotiations, she and other top Democrats, they tried to slip away for the seven days oversee junket courtesy of you, the taxpayers. Maybe it represents those things. Copyright 2019 ASC Services II Media, LLC. But it's really about them keeping power. HANNITY: --the lawyer said you have until Friday to retract and apologize. He proposed to provide bread and a land to the Soviet Union's poor. Ninety percent of that heroin that gets into this country comes from that border. It does not list countries that do not have constitutional references to … Why? I was able to confirm the testimony of a top FBI lawyer by the name of Trisha Anderson, who told Congress last August that Sally Yates, then the Deputy Attorney General, and Andrew McCabe, the Deputy FBI Director, did a line-by-line examination and review, and their own independent review, of the FISA application to spy on the Trump campaign, which means that they were involved in an egregious abuse of power because none of the information contained was verified, and that is a direct violation of FBI regulations. HANNITY: Let me ask this. He is going to do it at the right time. Finland, officially the Republic of Finland, is a sovereign state in Europe. A bunch of FBI agents called me after this story came out tonight, and one of them very highly decorated, deep in the NSA program, said this. The following is a list of self-declared socialist countries — that is to say, past and present countries which have declared themselves to be socialist or in the process of building socialism. But tonight, the president goes above her bitter, petty, partisan gamesmanship. and you get treated with the same rights as a natural born citizen. Now, Venezuela has virtually no basic health care supplies at all. All rights reserved. Those were the people that were marginalized. For example, look at actress Alyssa Milano, writing in a new piece that anyone that wears a MAGA hat, Make America Great Again hat, identifies with "White supremacy and misogyny," and that their new white hoods. Lawrence, I think -- and I was disagreeing with some of our friends tonight, some people say she should just go to another location, I disagree, because there is nothing, there is a grandeur to that moment, when the State of the Union -- that started, it used to be read by the house clerk, not as big as it was. New York Times publishing an article this week where Reporter John Eligon downplays the hate spewing from the black Hebrew Israelites that started it all, even going so far as to describe them as, "Sidewalk ministers who use confrontation as their gospel.". Self-identification is the only criterion used by the list. Within a year, inflation tumbled from 450% to just 20%, a budget deficit of 15% of GDP shrank to zero, the Histadrut’s economic and business empire disappeared along with its political domination, and the Israeli economy was opened to imports. He is even willing to take a prorated funding rate for the wall for a short period of time. No other place can match that symbolic location, the grandeur, and this president deserves nothing less. I cannot believe that ever happened, in the United States. Great show as always. 28/06/2011. Going into the big bubble, into the dome, inviting people up -- I know the show, but that is not where he strength is. The Israeli “economic miracle” evaporated in 1965 when the country suffered its first major recession. They are not his. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: What he is doing to this country is an abomination, and people's rights, human rights are being violated. In 1977-78, more than half of India was living below the poverty line. And plain politics? Take a look. Socialism always collapses, but for some reason, the new star, the leader of the Democratic Socialist Party in Washington, Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, wants to bring parts of the system, a lot of the system, to the U.S. The original settlers, according to Israeli professor Avi Kay, “sought to create an economy in which market forces were controlled for the benefit of the whole society.”. There are other people that own those units, he actually sold them. She wants all immigration enforcement abolished. JASON CHAFFETZ, CONTRIBUTOR: She's just fighting for the resistance movement. Just as people say' Socialism has failed in every contry that has tried it' , we can safely say that "Capitalism has failed in every country where socialism replaced it". I cannot believe it. The government’s share of the economy grew to 76%, while fiscal deficits and national debt skyrocketed. Oh, like concierge service for every American when you have these health care co-ops or health care savings accounts. And when you see these caravans forming and coming north in mass amounts, we have to secure the border. That is how radical left these people are. Great to see you. Ninety percent of heroine, we have drug trafficking, human trafficking, cartels, gang members. But we'll see. REP. ALEXANDRIA OCASIO-CORTEZ, D-N.Y.: Our office is monitoring it closely, I think the humanitarian crisis is extremely concerning, but we use non-Democratic means to determine leadership. She has been too busy on a luxurious vacation, other Democrats on a lobbyist paid junket, again, luxurious locations and resorts, planning taxpayer-funded excursions around the globe. Now, thankfully, the president put the kibosh on her most recent overseas junket, and today, we did send FOX News contributor, our friend Lawrence Jones, to the streets of New York City to see what Americans really think about the radical, extreme, socialist, Democratic speaker, Nancy Pelosi, at her so-called leadership. They use the support border security. We have the lowest homeownership rate in 51 years. For the first two decades of its existence, Israel’s economy grew at an annual rate of more than 10%, leading many to term Israel an “economic miracle.” The average gross domestic product growth rate of India from its founding in 1947 into the 1970s was 3.5%, placing India among the more prosperous developing nations. And let's be for what the border patrol wants. the u.s.a is a melting pot of EVERYONE.! In October, he asked to review the FISA warrant, which is unusual. It is just about resisting Trump. The impact of a basic shift in Israeli economic policy was immediate and pervasive. What is in the best interest of the country? In 1997, Time and CNN did a poll of black teens and white teens. Socialism is inherently dictatorial, and this woman, Ocasio-Cortez, wishes to see that in America. They refuse to see that in making...believe is overly socialistic . UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Like, forget Donald Trump for a moment and just think about this symbol of the red hat. It was socialist! They believed, with John Maynard Keynes, that “the state is wise and the market is stupid.”. For a socialist, the overriding concern is always promoting socialism; so process, rules and regulation mean different things for different people. HANNITY: --how everybody was warned by Bruce Ohr that--. SEAN HANNITY, HOST: All right, Tucker. Now, it's about free markets, private industry, the American Dream vilified by many members on the left. Trending. We've chronicled 10,000 sexual assaults, 30,000 violent assaults, real Americans, in some cases real permanent separation from kids. SOLOMON: Yes. how can anyone compare these top 10 socialist countries,or any countries to the united states. Lawrence, thank you, great job today. That's right. But I don't think Democrats are interested in this. This is about so much more than politics. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Well, it looks childish, you know, and I believe it was a terrible thing that Nancy Pelosi did to the president. No location that I can think of can match "Mr. Speaker, the president of the United States," he comes in. Remember the who caused all of this. Now, the president is standing up for life and death. And by the way, it is rooted in compassion, standing up for the forgotten men and women in this country that were nearly destroyed under the Obama policies. I'm saying to you that this isn't based on principle. At first, socialism seemed to work in these vastly dissimilar countries. Their claim that these systems were never 'really' socialist, but represented a distortion of the socialist ideal, has become conventional wisdom. She said it was because of security reasons, because she fell at the president wasn't safe, the Secret Service said she didn't reach out to them. Failed Socialist Countries. He sued, and he ended up getting a lot of money for defamation. The president is clear, he will declare a national emergency and solve the problem himself. Therefore, all countries that claimed to be socialist are included, even if their claims are disputed. All right. Thank you both. The closest ever was in Spain in the 1930's when for two years the country was ran on Anarchist Socialist ideals. Racism is no longer a major problem in America. Well, she has barred the president from performing his constitutional duty in the House chamber, making her the first speaker in U.S. history to ever do so. 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