The two deals with the Sons of Confederate Veterans that pays the group $74,999 to not protest on campus and $2.5 million to shelter and display Silent Sam were reached “in total secrecy in violation of the Open Meetings Law.”. “But UNC has been actively resisting it.” Early Monday evening, student activists covered the statue … In addition, the lack of transparency leads to wonder why and how could a university pay anyone to give up their 1st Amendment rights? However, some UNC professors said the University does not hold up to other peer institutions' programs regarding the same topics. When the UNC System announced the settlement agreement on Wednesday, many wondered how the decision came to be and where the money for the trust would come from. Jack Corbin, an alias under which 31-year-old Daniel McMahon promoted fascist rhetoric, has been tied to several attacks on UNC students and faculty over the last year. The courts should drop this dismal deal, and the UNC Board of Governors—one of North Carolina’s leading lights for humiliation these days—should sit the next few plays out. Silent Sam … They alleged financial impropriety and extortion among SCV leadership, referenced intermingling with gangs and hate groups, and described threats and slurs that have been issued toward members who raise questions. by Sara Pequeño. It's literally my fourth day here," first-year Natalia Walker told The Daily Tar Heel. Did the procedures the UNC Board use follow the state’s Open Meetings Law? Carolina prof: "'Silent Sam' should topple exactly like Hussein statues" Daily Tar Heel ^ | April 23, 2003 | Prof. Gerald C. Horne Posted on 04/23/2003 9:31:00 AM PDT by Constitution Day 'Silent Sam' should topple exactly like Hussein statues April 11, 2003 . Jan. 10, 2020. The DTH revelations are raising questions about whether the key party to the deal, Sons of Confederate Veterans, violated tax and campaign spending laws. In 1937 this story was called an "old local wisecrack". Black Student Movement and Black Congress organized a rally on Thursday to protest the Silent Sam decision. A story developed that "Sam" would fire his gun if a virgin walked by, but never did (he was silent) because he never saw any. It goes against the most basic precepts for freedom of inquiry that quality universities stand for. The Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law also wrote a letter questioning various aspects of the settlement. Terminate the deal. The Chapel Hill Public Library has launched a new podcast series in order to tell lesser-known stories about local public spaces and monuments. The following passage, quoted in the letter, has become locally famous: The Black Student Movement at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hil / Monday, December 3, 2018 . The earliest known use of the name " Silent Sam " is from 1954, in the campus newspaper The Daily Tar Heel. The DTH has also been working to uncover the how. "Silent Sam," North Carolina Public Radio, WUNC 91.5,, (accessed July 14, 2020) ... "Real Silent Sam movement holds protest focused on statue’s history," The Daily Tar Heel (Chapel Hill, NC), September 20, 2011, (accessed January 14, 2013) Link. They are digging to answer the basics: Who did what, where, when and why. ▪ Feb. 23, 1954: The name “Silent Sam” is used for the first time by the student newspaper, The Daily Tar Heel. Hemmer, Nicole. "This is the biggest thing I've ever been a part of in my life." The DTH Media Corporation, the non-profit that operates UNC-Chapel Hill’s Daily Tar Heel student newspaper, has sued the UNC Board of Governors over the controversial Silent Sam settlement.. NC Coalition for Alternatives to the Death Penalty blog, Off the Charts (Center on Budget and Policy Priorities). In a flurry of signatures and stamps, the Silent Sam deal was pushed through the system, going from a lawsuit to a signed judgement in under 10 minutes. Julian Shakespeare Carr (October 12, 1845 – April 29, 1924) was a North Carolina industrialist, philanthropist, white supremacist, and Ku Klux Klan supporter (and when young, a pro-slavery advocate). McMahon was arrested Wednesday by the U.S. Department of Justice. Or would that seem too clingy?". Stone sent the email on the same day that the group filed and immediately settled a lawsuit against the UNC system and the board. This year, UNC introduced the Commission on History, Race and Reckoning and several classes meant to educate on UNC's past of slavery and racial injustices. Silent Sam’s cameo was “the hit scene of the show,” a Daily Tar Heel reporter wrote after opening night. The newspaper, a non-profit student-run publication that’s been around for 127 years, has gone to court to nullify the consent agreements. State Attorney General Josh Stein, Secretary of State Elaine Marshall who oversees non-profits — along with the state Revenue Department and state Board of Elections, all must look into these serious matters. The idea was bad, and the execution was even worse. That much is clear following the paper’s inherently logical suit charging the UNC board violated our state’s open meeting laws when they negotiated a $2.5 million settlement with the Sons of Confederate Veterans to take Silent Sam off their hands, in addition to a $74,999 payment intended to keep its protesters off an already simmering campus. “I can't pinpoint why some other universities have gotten ahead of this issue more than UNC,” Hinson said. Fittingly, WRAL’s Capitol Broadcasting Corp. slammed the university system board in an editorial Tuesday. In an email recently leaked by one of its recipients, Kevin Stone, leader of the N.C. Division Sons of Confederate Veterans Inc., detailed secret negotiations with UNC Board of Governors members that led to a "major strategic victory" for the pro-Confederate movement. Daily student newspaper with university, local, and national news and commentary and coverage of Tar Heel basketball. Under the settlement agreement, Silent Sam will be returned to the group — not to be erected in the 14 counties with UNC System schools — and UNC will set up a charitable trust of $2.5 million for the care and preservation of the monument, including a possible building to house it. Multiple current member of the North Carolina Division Sons of Confederate Veterans Inc. spoke to The Daily Tar Heel in the aftermath of the Confederate group's secretive settlement with the UNC System, which accrued it ownership of Silent Sam and $2.5 million in UNC System money. The members expressed desires to squash the deal and give the money back. He was married to Nannie Carr, with whom he had two daughters (including Eliza Carr) and three sons. Silent Sam legal claim in question at Campus Safety Commission meeting The Daily Tar Heel, 6 December 2019 UNC Board of Governors To Give Confederate Group $2.5M To Preserve Silent Sam WUNC, 6 December 2019 The North Carolina Attorney General's office said the Silent Sam settlement's $2.5 million trust gives "excessive" funds to the Sons of Confederate Veterans, and that the Department of Justice was sidelined in the agreement. The Daily Tar Heel found what appears to be the statue and pedestal of Silent Sam. Many Southern universities are trying to reckon with their histories of race and slavery. A 2011 letter to the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill student newspaper, the Daily Tar Heel, called attention to Carr's remarks at the dedication of the Silent Sam monument on the University of North Carolina campus. Fewer people voted illegally in 2020, but voting rights groups want the state to stop punishing people who say they voted by mistake. Ryan Barnett and Nancy Rushton McCorkle were arrested in April for vandalizing the Unsung Founders Memorial. A rise in Confederate-based demonstrations led to the creation of a text message alert system by community activists. As implications of hostility toward anti-Silent Sam activists continue from pro-Confederates outside of Chapel Hill, the new alert system has accrued around 950 subscribers in two weeks. Even now, as the one-year anniversary of its toppling approaches and the statue remains hidden in storage, Silent Sam continues to spark conversations on race and history. The DTH investigation, so far, raises disturbing questions about a lack of basic due diligence by the board and the university. Faculty remain wary of spring reopening plans despite in-person class delay By Cynthia Dong | 7:51pm . Boards have the luxury of discussing such matters with their attorneys in private, although it’s another matter for several board members to design and sign a deal in private without even a public notice. The UNC System Board of Governors postponed its decision on Silent Sam multiple times after the monument's toppling in August. Judge who approved Silent Sam deal previously had UNC-favorable decisions reversed, BOG chairperson calls legal action on Silent Sam from civil rights group "irresponsible", Sons of Confederate Veterans members oppose $2.5 million Silent Sam reward, Guskiewicz sends letter to BOG, UNC System addressing Silent Sam settlement concerns, Police presence, settlement plan and UNC donations brought up at Silent Sam rally, On the steps of South Building: The decade according to UNC's chancellors, 'Victory': Confederates tout backdoor dealings of $2.5 million Silent Sam settlement, Faculty sign letter in support of student activists arrested in Pittsboro protests, Questions surround UNC's surprise Silent Sam settlement with Confederate group, ‘It’s a disgrace’: UNC will give Silent Sam to Sons of Confederate Veterans after suit, UNC students hope to transform McCorkle Place through new art installation, Some worry Reckoning program doesn't measure up to peer institutions, Chapel Hill Public Library launches podcast about town and University monuments, DOJ arrests man known as 'Jack Corbin,' who threatened UNC students, others online, Guest column: Thoughts from beneath the tarp, Silent Sam has been found according to UNC student radio; University cannot confirm, Six months later, the pair that vandalized Unsung Founders Memorial were found guilty, 'UNC Anti-Racist Alerts' system aims to promote safety when Confederates are on campus, Protesters call for action on 'monuments to white supremacy' beyond Silent Sam, Rise and fall: The 110 year history of UNC's Confederate monument, Silent Sam. That settlement won the Confederate group legal ownership of Silent Sam and $2.5 million in UNC system money, some of which may go towards a new headquarters for the group. [...], Copyright 2021 | The Progressive Pulse | A Blog from, UNC’s Silent Sam settlement, a bad deal executed very poorly, the paper’s inherently logical suit charging the UNC board violated our state’s open meeting laws, asking the court to nullify the agreement, slammed the university system board in an editorial Tuesday. I urge the Daily Tar Heel and the Carolina student body to take up the case of removing from the campus that shameful commemoration of a disgraceful episode. I don’t know what to do. Conceived in 1908, completed in 1913, then torn down in 2018, Silent Sam was a lightning rod symbol on UNC's campus for over 100 years. Signup or login to Twitter to get even more breaking news from NCPW! The Daily Tar Heel 's parent company is suing the Board of Governors over a lack of transparency in the decision to give the Sons of Confederate … This deal sets a terrible precedent. A group of journalism students is fighting to revamp McCorkle Place by campaigning for art that recognizes the history of the location. The meeting regarding the second settlement, dealing with ownership of Silent Sam and $2.5 million, was held on Wednesday, Nov. 27, the day before Thanksgiving Day, and was only announced two days prior, on Monday, Nov. 25. Three chancellors have served this decade. Should I text them? University officials should be ashamed of themselves. It’s a good thing. The rush to approve anything, at any cost, to get rid of the Silent Sam issue has done just the opposite. Last week, UNC Chapel Hill’s student newspaper, The Daily Tar Heel, filed a lawsuit against the UNC System and the Board of Governors alleging they violated the Open Meetings Act during settlement negotiations with the Sons of Confederate Veterans over possession of the Silent Sam … On the one-year anniversary of Silent Sam's fall, anti-confederate protesters marched across campus to fight the memorialization of white supremacy that they believe still exists at UNC. Last week, they were sentenced to 200 hours of community service and must each pay a fine of $500, in addition to reimbursing the University for the cost of removing the graffiti. Trustees made a one-year grant of $25,000 to The Daily Tar Heel (DTH Media Corp.) and a one-year grant of $25,000 to Lawyers’ Committee on Civil Rights Under Law. The DTH Media Corporation, the non-profit that operates UNC-Chapel Hill’s Daily Tar Heel student newspaper, has sued the UNC Board of Governors over the controversial Silent Sam settlement. The Black Student Movement strongly opposes the recommendation made by Chancellor Folt and the UNC Board of Trustees today to reinstall the Confederate monument known as “Silent Sam” on our university’s campus. "Wait, have I been ghosted? Orange County UNC Chapel Hill Sons of Confederate Veterans Confederate statues Silent Sam t greg doucette Daily Tar Heel. The paper’s management corporation is asking the court to nullify the agreement, an outcome virtually everyone not currently seated on the UNC Board of Governors or in legislative leadership would prefer at this point. UNC has given the Silent Sam statue to the Sons of Confederate Veterans and established a $2.5 million trust fund for it, but many questions surrounding the secretive decision remain unanswered. Because this University has an exceptionally important place in the history of American higher education. The University's Jan. 7 announcement that … We shouldn’t just sit and watch. THE DAILY TAR HEEL Pae5 '''yjy' Tuesday, April 9, 1968 Silent Sam's Dignity Restored G a per 267 By LOUISE JENNINGS of Tht Dav Tar Heel Staff A group of students from Edwards House of Morrison received both compliments and complaints Monday for "trying to restore Silent Sam's dignity." Will the university now pay other groups to stay off campus? The Faculty Executive Committee met Monday to discuss the legality of the Silent Sam decision and the UNC System hierarchy that caused the settlement to happen as it did. The judge that signed off on it has been overruled at least twice in the past on decisions he made in favor of the University. The most basic due-diligence on the part of UNC-Chapel Hill and the UNC Board of Governors clearly has been neglected. The DTH talked to each of them about their time in the position. The reporters and editors at the Daily Tar Heel in Chapel Hill have been doing their job in examining the Silent Sam consent agreement between the University of North Carolina, the UNC Board of Governors and the Sons of Confederate Veterans. It is time for the courts and regulators to say enough-is-enough. The Daily Tar Heel, a student-run newspaper, is in the midst of a serious role reversal with the adults over at the UNC Board of Governors. “I believe we should preserve Silent Sam, but as a historical artifact, not as a conspicuous commemorative symbol. In fact, Superior Court Judge Allan Baddour, who signed the initial consent judgment and order is reexamining his approval and will be holding a hearing on Feb. 12 to further look into the deal. UNC faculty from different departments signed a letter in support of graduate students who were arrested in Pittsboro during a protest. People on felony probation or parole can be prosecuted for voting illegally even if they don't [...], WASHINGTON — Calling on Americans to bridge the widening divisions in the country, Joe Biden became [...], North Carolina industry released the least amount of air pollution last year — 21.5 million pounds — [...], This week, three towns in Orange County passed LGBTQ-inclusive non-discrimination ordinances, the fi [...], As schools begin spring semester classes, local leaders in North Carolina face the weighty decision [...], There are a lot of reasons that all Americans – at least those willing to think and pay attention– s [...], The post Franklin Graham on Republicans who would betray Trump with impeachment appeared first on NC [...], The post Pin the impeachment on the Pachyderm… appeared first on NC Policy Watch. On Wednesday, it announced a settlement agreement with the North Carolina Division Sons of Confederate Veterans that follows the group's suit against the UNC System and BOG. Little, a graduate student in history, faces charges of defacing a public monument, according to the Daily Tar Heel. The young women and men of the Daily Tar Heel have courageously stood up to the UNC Board of Governors. World War II to the present Silent Sam was endangered at World War II broke out. August 20, 2018 — Silent Sam, the Confederate monument that plagued the UNC System’s flagship university since 1913, comes crashing down thanks to protesters. 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