It's quite common. what about that cute picture of you holding a puppy? I only did it because I needed time to heal and move on, and I made sure she knew that so she didn't think I was trying to be childish. I've had friend requests from people I'm already friends with via cloned accounts though.If not, I'd guess the new fiancee is uncomfortable about you being friends, which is a bit sad. Delete them. But Facebook was a whole different ball game. It is a reflection of him and where he is at. Is he moving on? Him unfollowing you isn’t about you at all. I came across this blog because I didn’t know what to do, I’ve deleted him from most of my social networks just today. I only did it because I needed time to heal and move on, and I made sure she knew that so she didn't think I was trying to be childish. I don’t understand, why is he doing this over a year later? He believes that since you are moving on, he has to learn to move on as well. Ask yourself if you were ever a text GNAT. 2 years ago. You seem to be moving on just fine without him. Favorite Answer. Over time my emotions were building up, I was taking emotional knocks I felt so incredibly sad and unwanted, I was going through the motions and started to feel angry and resentful. It bothers him that while he’s still processing the breakup and trying to make sense of his feelings, there you are . As well as deleting all the pictures I had of him saved on my computer and his number from my phone. Depending on how your break up went, you might want to block your ex for the rest of eternity. I was seeing a guy for 2 months before I had the dtr talk and he told me that he didn’t want to date. If not then start now 30 days and do not watch any of his SM for now. When I first met my now-partner of four years, I explained to him that I hadn’t deleted my ex from social media and that we still checked in with each other from time to time. Stupidly I invited her to an event last week to try and get her attention. When I agreed to gave it another go but I told him, this time we have to go all in, have to give it 100% which I did, I did everything, I tried to be everything he wanted me to be because I loved him so much & I really wanted it to work, I really tried so hard but he was the complete opposite. She seems to be donning well. Hi Annika, so this could be that he has met someone and he doesn’t want you to see, or he is thinking you have met someone yourself. If the relationship was toxic as you say, I would suggest that you focus on moving on, My ex deleted me from everything not sure if he blocked me but we broke up recently when I discovered he was smoking crack cocaine and I left him . . Desperate for some advice, my ex broke up with me about a month and a half ago and we lived in the same flat. Previously he’s unfollowed my calendar because he told me he was angry and annoyed (times when he broke up with me unlike this time). Much has been made of the social media "detox": a … Hi Linda, I would have told you to stop him from being able to follow your calendar anyway as you do not want him knowing where and who you are with all the time anyway. ), know that some of the best strategies involve the idea of “moving on without moving on.”. What bothers me the most though is he still follows MY friends and he still follows all of his exes—except me. When it comes to your ex and his rebound, you don’t have to do anything! Of course that night, he blocked me on everything and no longer sent me message back. It’s about striking a balance, and when you post anything on social media, especially if you are going to make the post public, definitely do a quick check and ask yourself two seemingly simple but considerably important questions: Your email address will not be published. Agree with the Facebook cull theory.It’s extremely common, every one does it now and again, otherwise the «friends « list gets clogged up with people who are no longer relevant or current in their lives, it just makes their social media so much easier to manage. We've not had any contact since the break up because she told me she wanted to cut ties so she could move on. Does this mean he’s going to move on for good? So he thought he might as well just delete you. 5 Ways to Clean Up Your Facebook Profile After Divorce. She then hooked up with someone else and proceeded to ask me to start as friends because she didn’t know if she could forgive me. With his friends he was a different person. 12 Signs You’d Be Way Better Off Deleting Your Ex From Social Media. Block them. At any rate, there is a high chance that she is a rebound and you have very little to fear. [23/F] So my ex and I broke up a few months ago. And let’s not forget that there are TONS of articles on managing breakups, which can be really baffling if you’re too emotional to process anything rationally. He didn’t want to do something one day and I just exploded, he then broke it off there and told me it was my fault. It doesn’t mean he had negative feelings towards you. After the break up I decided to delete her from all the social media accounts like Instagram, twitter, tumblr, and facebook. Trust me when I say that even if the quote or picture or song or movie resonated strongly with you, it is important to refrain from posting them on social media. Knowing him I do think it's personal, not necessarily in a hurtful way but an end to an era perhaps. My boyfriend just broke up with me 4 days back we’ve known each other for nearly 5 year but we were just friends we fell in love just 5 months back we have family issues due to which we cannot be together I wanted to be friends we tried but few days back he said that he has to pull the bandage once and ended all relations with me didn’t even replay to my text and unfollowed me. Why did my ex ghost me but hasn’t deleted me on social media? However, in a couple of cases, I’ve either deleted exes or they have deleted me. Your email address will not be published. After that, I started the NC. There was a brief engagement in our early 20s that I called off but we agreed to stay friends which worked well as we have alot of mutual friends between us. looking so beautiful and being so amazing. Hi James I would suggest that you complete a NC on her as she is well aware you are waiting for her to come back – I would do a 45 NC and during that time be chatting to other girls so she realises she does not have a hold on you. Follow. Anonymous. It’s not a superficial change; it’s a real change. Been blocked / unfriended on social media by an ex after months of NC. To ask them to delete that is like asking them to delete huge chunks of their life and memories forever. However, since I only spent my idle time on social media, it didn’t make much of a difference. Is he moving on? We've known each other since we were practically kids. My ex deactivated his IG 5 days after he broke up with me. Maybe they are even telling him to delete you from social media. If you freaked out and started demanding why he unfollowed you, those negative memories can be triggered. You rejected him. Seems a bit thick of FB algorithms to be suggesting someone as a friend who has recently de-friended you. I guess some days are better than others. My ex boyfriend and I broke up 2 months ago, he reached out to me in Dec 2017 just 2 So, while you know deep down that your partner is, in fact, over their ex, you might still occasionally check in on their social media to make sure that you're still better than them — you know Hi everyone; my ex bf is still following me on social media. And is texting and smiling in our online classes. I needed time to heal. He went away with the boys for a Weekend and as a rule I know I never hear from him, however on one of the nights he was texting me how he misses me and says he can’t wait to be together as a team. Few new partners like their DPs staying in contact (however innocent) with their exes. [Read: How to forget someone and move on fast] #2 It sends a message to your friends and family. Lv 7. Me and his sister are really close so she was at her moms house yesterday so I went there to see them and he pulls up we didn’t speak nothing. Close. It's probably his new gf tbh.Why are you so invested in it...? If you want this to change then something has to change about you and your ex. We are currently living very far from one another so were texting a lot everyday for months. If you’re being UG, you are probably – and if not, you should – posting pictures of you having fun. Why do that? then last year around October he told me he didn’t feel the same way anymore, i was broken and told him i needed time i told him to give me a month, but after 3 weeks he contacted me and told me he missed me, i fell for it and broke the 30 day no contact, we talked again all normal but he started detaching himself again, then on December 25th he told me he was seeing someone else and that it was getting serious (he told me this through FaceTime) when he said that all i told him was “have a good life” and i hanged up on him i didnt let him say more then, hours later i sent him a “goodbye” text and he never replied to it and it seems hes dating this girl already, i miss him so much i havent contacted him at all! Either way I would give it too much thought unless you want to get back together. 0 0. Moreover, he said that I could still text or call him. He will be reminded of how you were, and he will think, “She hasn’t changed one bit. The ways you'll benefit from avoiding your ex on social media go deeper than 'out of sight, out of mind.' I found out by asking a friend to check out his profile—it was still showing up on her computer, so clearly I was blocked and there was nothing wrong with his profile. We only speak about flat logistics as he is moving out at the end of this month. You should definitely continue posting pictures of your new self on social media, and to the extent which you are comfortable, make your posts public. Impossible as it once seemed, I’ve even grown to enjoy privacy ― to feel like my life is full of little secrets and treasures that only those closest to me get to know about, even if the secret is only what I ate for breakfast. I don’t know why, but I am kind of sad for some reason. I would delete an ex off of all my social media if I dont want a constant reminder of him or want to move on. Block their number if you have to, so you don’t obsess about your ex not contacting you. 1 0. Why hasn't my ex deleted/blocked me off social media? However you are only a few days into No Contact so make sure that you spend this time working on your Holy Trinity and see how you feel nearer the end of your No Contact if you want to get your ex back and reach out or if you want to move on. Your updates tell me he has done the right thing for his marriage. Without social media reminders, almost no one remembers my birthday and I return the favor by remaining completely oblivious to theirs. What should I do? “Social media has given us more accessible outlets for those issues. We consumed excessive ice cream and doughnuts, laughed, cried, and of course, sought delicious social media revenge, unfollowing her ex on all forms of social media—even Venmo. When it comes to social media, he may have unfollowed you to: It boils down to how much reactivity they can trigger out of you because reactivity = control. Who knows, but far more importantly, who cares? I fear that he might hate or resent me for doing so. 8 people confess why they finally deleted social media. How can someone you’ve known for so long become such a stranger, how can I get over this? ( 5 weeks ) I finally delete him because I thought why should you ghost me and still see what I’m up too. But he’s already unfollowed me! What do I do? We had slept together and been very intimate and loving and she even called me her partner again. He still looks at my Snapchat stories. How do I use social media to demonstrate my UG-ness?”. He messaged a few times to check on me and i told him not to unless there was something to talk about. He said he still hopes we can meet after coronavirus lockdown is lifted. Alright, now that we have established what you should and should not post, let us jump into why your ex-boyfriend might have unfollowed you on social media. He blocked me. Anonymous. He was constantly watching my stories and I did not watch his. Learn how your comment data is processed. 3 days into no contact, I went on Facebook. The next day he texted to say it was his friend texting me those things and he didn’t know. He broke up with me in Jan and instantly regretted it and begged me to take him back. You need work the Ungettable girl information and apply this to your life and stick to a no contact during this time. In his mind, you have broken up and he has lost you, so the next best thing he can is to try and move on. It is possible that his friends are telling him to do the same, but remember . It’s just strange because there was nothing wrong with our relationship. Facebook. The new relationship, especially if they started dating shortly after your breakup, will go up in flames without you having to lift a finger. If something leads you to consider deleting someone off social media, then the person being deleted probably has an idea why. I was then meant to see him a couple of days later and he said he wanted space. But this doesn’t mean you get to be complacent. Here's how to deal with having photos of your ex on your social media. Slapped you in the face. Maybe he deleted you off of snapchat because he thought you guys weren't going to stay in contact. I asked if I had done something and he said no he just wanted his space. When is it best I reach out, following the finalising of flat logistics or 30-45 days after that? In his head, he will also be thinking, “Is she also dating someone new?”. Should I reach out? If you think there are things that people such as your boss should never see or find out, then put yourself first and keep those posts private! In January I deleted all the social media apps from my phone because they were turning me into an idiot. . After our breakup he wanted to remain friends but it was too hard for me. In many ways, social media has made it easy for us to behave in ways that would historically be considered to have violated our partner’s privacy. I think you were too close for (his) comfort. I did a Facebook cull a couple of months ago too. I asked for an explanation and he said he wasn’t feeling it. Or his new fiance and he talked about your friendship and message which would be normal to come up in chat and he or they decided that you are just acquaintances now so best to let the past be. Am I making a mistake? And today ( 3-4days after) he took me off his followers so i cannot see his instagram, i didnt react and not plannin on , i d love him getting back … we ll see. He drops a bomb one day and said he’s on Tinder and can’t hack being single & not speaking to anyone, I bawled my eyes out, I never felt so stupid, who was I to him why was he talking to me even though he wanted to get with someone else. My ex-boyfriend is still following me on social media. About almost 2 months ago my boyfriend broke up with me , since then we've had like ups and downs but since 2 weeks ago we don't talk to each other anymore. Anonymous. Are you sure he's deleted you and not had his account cloned? I’ve been seeing a guy for four years on and off, we are two different people with different interests but have a love larger than life for one another. Social Media Breakup Etiquette: How to Handle Past Relationships on Facebook and Instagram . It ended on good terms and there was no drama. But, when you break up, you're left with pictures of your ex all over social media. . Follow. So cold towards me, when I was around him, he hardly smiled or wanted to be hugged, didn’t want to see me as much, didn’t message me back yet was online elsewhere. Whatever her reason may be, she is feeling threatened by you. It’s so messed up, how he treated my heart is awful yet I miss him so much and would do anything to get him back. When you log onto social media and don’t see photos of an ex, you aren’t reminded of those times or the ending. I didn’t say anything because our relationship was still a little fragile and I wanted so badly to work this time. Now he only seems to watch stories from my business page so I did a quick search and saw he unfollowed my personal page. my ex hasn't blocked/unfriended me on social media despite no contact. It means that you’re a threat to her, and she wants to eliminate you. 1. I hadn’t even gotten a chance to do/post anything that was “UG Girl”. I think it could be he is getting married and your message reminded him of the past hurt. Sunday, I realised he unfollowed me following the weekend. And also I don’t know how to feel about the unfollowing? Hello ..I’ve posted a few weeks ago and I’m feeling a lot a lot better but still chews me up why he kept me on social media after ghosting me? Good question. Masochism? Now I remember why we broke up.”. This is the second time of no contact. Deleting photos of an ex is your decision. None of those memories were positive, unfortunately. The following day, I sent him a message to let him know I am here if he wants to talk, but I want him to be well and understand if he needs time. Facebook. Unfriended loads of people that I just didn’t see anymore. Mikey. You can’t fake it, because trust me, your ex will notice. So, you take their photos down from your wall, donate their old sweatshirts they left in your drawer, and if you're like many people, you delete any evidence of them from your social media profiles. Work on your Holy Trinity and then when you are at day 31 you can reach out with a text or other type of message you prefer to speak with him, about something you know he is interested in and would have a short positive conversation, making sure you are the one to end the conversation first. Keep working the program and you will see results if you keep working the Ungettable. Kanye West Has Deleted All of His Social Media; I Went Social Media Sober; How Not to Facebook Stalk Your Ex: Delete His A$% RuPaul Has Completely Wiped His Social Media; Social Media … My ex and I have been on off for about 7 months but we’re official for a couple of months. I’d have thought it was pretty obvious. Show him that you’re not affected by him unfollowing you on social media. My ex and I have been broken up since Dec 4th and i have successfully done no contact since the 5th (setting up a time for him to pick up his things and return my keys). After a month of posting I took a month-long break of posting and then on Halloween posted some nice pics of myself for the first time in a while. He talked about going on holiday with me and the possibility of moving in together. The thing is he still has me on whatsapp, he still has me on snapchat although he almost never views my story and neither do I. He is the one that broke up with me. In the end, he did the only thing he knew how to, and unfollowed you on social media. He thanked me, asked how I was, we exchanged pleasantries and that was that.We exchanged pleasantries Maybe he is having a clear out of old friends he doesn’t keep in touch with regularly. The day after he broke up with me he said he'd made a mistake and loves me and wanted to get back which i was hesitant on and he started saying i dont care about him etc. You are trying out and doing cool things without him. I certainly didn't pester him or make a nuisance of myself on his posts. And the best way he can do this is by unfollowing you. Recently he randomly unfollowed me on instagram and then a week later he blocks me on snapchat. He is likely fed up of the back and forth between you both and realised that one of you needs to break the pattern you have created. "—Sarah, 30 2. During this time, you should definitely channel what I would call your “UG-ness” and subtly remind him through social media that you are a woman of high value and you are currently living this amazing life post-breakup. And this thought bothers him, despite the fact that he might have been the one to initiate the breakup instead of you. Hey Mandy, the photo probably upset him as he thinks you are looking for attention. Do I still reach out after 45-60 days? About almost 2 months ago my boyfriend broke up with me , since then we've had like ups and downs but since 2 weeks ago we don't talk to each other anymore. Should I take it as a sign that he’s trying to move on/give up on changing and his reconciliation efforts? It was like we were freaking soulmates!!!! His response was leave my stuff outside your door. Get your ex back with Coach Lee's Emergency Breakup Kit! 1. It is more likely that he has no feelings towards you at all. …. Twitter. Ex has suddenly removed me from social media, why? To ask for another handhold over the next few days? Hi Lilly, it can be hard when a relationship that is on and off all the time, suddenly feels done. Maybe she senses that he’s still not over you, and is trying to force that process. For many people, social media is a virtual photo album and can be legitimately the only place their photos are ever stored. Answer Save. This is a chance to move on and put an end to the immature era of your dating... BE NON-REACTIVE. Let’s get to it. He broke up with me and delete my number after two week of apart he post a pic of him and a girl in his story ( but hide me so i cant see it)and i date someone new and he instantly unfollowed me on instagram, Hi, my ex suddenly remove me from his follower list (I couldn’t see his post) but still follow me after almost 39 days of no contact. As I have mentioned before, he will naturally become curious at some point. My ex and I were doing well. Allow him some space in that flat to worry why you are not home, who you could be with and when you get home go straight to bed so that he feels that he is losing you slowly. Seeing your ex living their lives without you. 0 0. He will be wondering about these questions, and probably a ton of other questions as well. He uses social media to collect his unsuspecting victims. I didn’t feel like it gave me more time. Now he’s unfollowed me—I’m assuming because he’s upset seeing me living my life. By AL031, 4 years ago on Breaking up. Although not the healthiest of reasons to delete photos of an ex, it is understandable. So my ex had broken up with me 2 weeks ago and since then he had been stringing me along saying he wants to get back, then he doesn't etc. 4 Answers. I called him to ask what was wrong (a mistake obviously), he said he wanted to move on and having me there wasn't helping. Even if he was being a jerk, and trying to bait you to get a reaction out of you, then I can’t tell you how important it is to hold your ground and lift your head high. Is she doing anything fun? Maybe they are even telling him to delete you from social media. I felt that he was doing all this to me so he had an excuse to break it off again. Your Breakup Doesn’t Have to be All Over Social Media & Facebook Doesn’t Need to Notify You about Your Ex-Wife. I was hurt initially and cried my eyes out in front of him. It was unclear why he broke up with me. 4,156 4.2K. Do I have a chance of getting him back after I sent so many messages that I wasn’t bothered? I broke up with my ex because I caught him in many lies and stuff with other girls. Ex deleted me from social media Watch. We still have lots of love for each other but we are not talking. Even he initiated, I know he’s hurting so that might be why. If you need help urgently, please see our domestic violence webguide and/or relationships webguide, which can point you to expert advice and support. Before diving into reasons your ex may have unfollowed you on social media, I’d like to point out a few things you shouldn’t post on social media: That may be true, but doing any of those things come across as desperate, which is certainly NOT the position from where you will re-attract your ex! When you're dating, it's not unusual to post a ton of pictures of you and your partner on Facebook and Instagram. The over liking of posts and photos during seduction , then when devaluing liking only other women’s photos and posts and not mine. It'll be forgotten about in a couple of days, it just stings a bit losing what you thought was a friend and seemingly for no good reason.Before he met his wife-to-be he would make contact regularly which only confirmed my feeling that we were friends, it has only been since meeting her that he has severed ties so to speak.I didn't consider that he may have held onto hurt about me calling off the engagement years ago. Been blocked / unfriended on social media by an ex after months of NC . The next day i told him that I wanted to be FWB. I plan to contact him after 30 days. The person with whom you have shared so many things was suddenly plucked out of your life. I'm not sure I was too close for comfort because it was always him initiating contact. Hi Sole, often people do this so that they can post things without you seeing what they are doing. 4,156 4.2K. 1 1. I was watching a livestream. 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