To boot, I'm pro-choice, pro-gay rights, pro-civil liberties. Your association with The Koch Brothers has obliterated my trust in you. Sorry to offend by this analogy, but it is the truth. While George H. W. Bush had still supported research into global warming under the Global Change Research Act of 1990, acceptance of scientific evidence on climate change began to weaken due to the Koch family's influence. [1] The family business was started by Fred C. Koch, who developed a new cracking method for the refinement of heavy crude oil into gasoline. Those people can become plastic surgeons in Hollywood. How fascinating. Mike, you are better than this. That is a goal that is worthy of a Catholic business school, though I do not know if that would be how I would characterize the many and varied activities of the Koch … Maybe everything Koch connected should be disconnected. Yes, there were collaborators in the Netherlands in the war. By Kenya Evelyn on Mar 14, 2018 Seems to work every time: Get the people fighting among the parties so they don't realize what is really going on. Wake up and educate yourself. Their greed is phenomenal-you or I would retire from work after a million or two. This site promotes conspiracy flicks of a ridiculous nature such as alien and UFO conspiracies but doesn't have anything exposing the parasitic and complete control of the west by organized Zionist Jewry. Seems like posting comments is a key to unlocking the stupid. Your historical outline of ww2 is a perfect example of your klownish mind. Gellein: And you obviously have other big data platforms as well, like i360, also funded by the Koch brothers. David Koch, the billionaire free market philanthropist, has died at the age of 79. The Koch boys are the Charles Manson to our being Sharon Tate. Koch Industries, the brothers’ privately owned oil, chemical and household products company, has sponsored the summits twice a year since 2003 and they are where it all comes together in Koch … Jhbomb is sick and places as his friends in this world the sickest, most demented twisted people. We just need to get our house in order and hang a few politicians and ex politicans from light posts. Fred Koch calls Eisenhower a communist but he has no problem helping Stalin's communist state develop their oil reserves. Therefore, the Jews will back the democrats AND the republicans because that is the smartest way to make sure that they stay on the winning side! It's done by that WWF wrestler/space monkey Alex Jones so personally I wouldn't waste my time but it should pander fairly well to your particular delusion no doubt. What do you call? From this docu I learned that the Koch bros are one of the few fighting against the EXACT same thing the Socialist-Communists (Rockefeller, The Koch Brothers Tried to Spread Fake News in Black Churches. Why don't you start a Super Natzi Club and try to follow in their footsteps. All those unnamed "special" school programs? They, then manage to encourage Japan to bomb Pearl Harbour, so America can legitimately enter the war. But all you can do is invite me to be among a horde of brainwashed hoodlums. The Koch brothers are the poster boys for the top 1%. They get so excited nothing stands in their way." They have operations in 45 states. Five public rallies are scheduled for the next week. The Koch Brothers Vs. God The fossil fuel lobby preached its gospel in Virginia. they are both getting old and one thing what they fear the most is getting old. George Wallace used in the 60s, Koch-supported candidates in North Carolina are pushing to make public policy based on Wallace's "segregation always" pledge. Can't wait for the documentary exposing the evils of George Soros and the true background of B. Hussein Obama. That wouldn't fit his agenda now would it? The money that they own resides in a bank where it can be used to fund other projects. The Netherlands had declared their neutrality, hoping to avoid any participation in the war just like they did in WW1. . I'm only a financial conservative, IOW, a Libertarian. Shut the politicians up. More than 50 years ago Fred C. Koch, father of the controversial billionaire brothers Charles and David Koch, warned in an alarmist pamphlet that he wrote and distributed to more than 2.5 million people that “socialism is the precursor to communism” and accused President Dwight D. Eisenhower of being a communist. Getting more dangerous. Jhbomb creates fiction. We pay more than enough in taxes already to provide every person in this nation with the highest level of healthcare available, What we need to do is separate healthcare from the economy. Combined, there are more than 200k people following us through these channels: You should sign up for our newsletter. That means the more sick people there are the better it is for the economy. They're among the most powerful, they're knocking down the working and the middle class and they're stomping on the poor people. SIX MILLION ??????? Please watch many other docus on this website to get an education about what the Rockefellers, Soros, etc have done and are doing to this once great country. Because of that I'm under the impression the Koch's are a threat to organized Jewry. My comments are taken from testimony in the Eichman tria land Nueremberg records. [32], Political activities of the Koch brothers, H.R.1 – An Act to provide for reconciliation pursuant to titles II and V of the concurrent resolution on the budget for fiscal year 2018, Dark Money: The Hidden History of the Billionaires Behind the Rise of the Radical Right, David H. Koch Institute for Integrative Cancer Research, "Forbes America's Largest Private Companies", "Koch vs. Koch: The Brutal Battle That Tore Apart America's Most Powerful Family", "Why there's no Democratic version of the Koch brothers organization", "Koch Family Foundations and Philanthropy", "Koch brothers donate $25 million to United Negro College Fund", "Covert Operations: The billionaire brothers who are waging a war against Obama", "Father of Koch Brothers Helped Build Nazi Oil Refinery, Book Says", "Koch Brothers' Budget of $889 Million for 2016 Is on Par With Both Parties' Spending", "Secretive Republican Donors Are Planning Ahead", Charles Koch, in interview with Stephen Moore, "Koch Family Foundations and Philanthropy - Foundations", "Charles Koch sits down with Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski to discuss opposing George W. Bush, what motivates him politically, the 2016 GOP field and money in politics", "Obama, Koch Brothers in Unlikely Alliance to Overhaul Criminal Justice", "Koch brothers' network boosts spending for midterm cycle, including $20 million to sell GOP tax law", "Rightward, Ho! This is a new example of the Koch brothers' so-called extreme free market ideology. There are PLENTY of ways to trim the size of the gov't without touching Social Security (to boot, the gov't OWES Social Security Money). Agree totally the wealthy right have corrupted this country to the point of no return. Enjoy hiding behind DISQUS and ignorance. Some African Socialist hell hole. The Koch network is a recent reaction to the Obama presidency. It Did Not Go Well. Getty Julia Margaret Flesher (L) and David Koch attend 2016 Time 100 Gala, Time’s Most Influential People In The World ... Charles and David Koch are the famous Koch brothers… The bottom line is, the spirit of the Hippocratic Oath is completely at odds with the idea of personal financial gain through the sickness of your patient. You don't have to be Einstein to see the Koch propaganda in the comments below. We were supposed to have limited government and our government started calling itself "Democracy" and they take the money, made laws and the people did not educate themselves. Jews: Both! The twenties the communists sent help and money to the Nationalist socialists because they shared the goal bringing down democracy and establishing a genocidal dictatorship. The sicker one is the more money they must spend and be billed, at profit. Care to rethink your posts Roy, or are you sticking with that hypocrisy and wish to not be taken seriously yourself, be convicted by your own logic and words? The organizations collectively have a stated goal of "advancing liberty and freedom" through the support of various causes which "further social progress and sustainable growth in prosperity.

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