Also he said the test platform looked just like Atom's, which is a plus. Last week I became a member of the Mumsnet Bloggers Network (hence the shiny new badge appearing on this site!). I envy you so much to be done with ISEB now. I’ll have a look at it today- thank you. I’ve never heard of peak Prep! Log in to Atom Learning - the UK's leading 11 Plus / Pretest online revision platform, tailored to learning both at home and in the classroom. We'll give it a go in December. The post VIDEO: Home Depot co-founder: Bernie Sanders is the ‘enemy of every entrepreneur’ appeared first on DML News. This is page 1 of 1 (This thread has 8 messages.). We did a few mocks before the actual pre-tests again and that's when we saw the improvements. We still have loads of Bond, CPG and similar books to finish! @RoniH I'm not sure tbh...DS found the math fine - no big surprises. The atoms and molecules are elements that form the existing materials in the universe. Install themes created by the Atom community or create your own. I've gone on strike! We therefore focus on the mock tests but that wouldn’t work for a 8-9 year old as these mocks are really targeted at 11+ pretests. Or maybe everyone has just upped the amount of preparing they do! Atom Learning Ltd. is registered and incorporated in England and Wales, company registration number 10867907 and VAT number 316903508. Atom Learning is a Key Stage 2 online learning platform. Legals; Pages Liked by This Page. Hi, thanks for your message. ATLANTIC INSTITUTE OF ORIENTAL MEDICINE100 E. Broward Blvd. Had enough of my family. If your dc is doing paper based exams I wouldn't use it. How many copper atoms would have to be laid side by side to span a distance of 3.83 mm? Has anybody have any vies on Atom learning for 8-9 yr olds?Thank you, Particularly on the type of subscription- basic/standard or premium. We are considering using it at home but cannot find any evidence that it actually works. Atom's FAQ section does not specify that the adaptive feature is limited to certain subjects so I assume all 4 subjects are adaptive. Glossary. We shall be continuing the prep on Atom then. so we focussed there. Or do you mean just using it no exams? This is where we found the biggest improvements esp in NVR which was totally alien to my son before. The radius of a copper atom is 128 pm. At 8-9 (year 4?) FYI Atom says "The Standard Age Score in the ISEB Common Pre-test will typically be about 10 points lower than the same pupils CAT test result". I did find however that the brief period we have spent on 11+ papers has been well spent as he has made good progress especially in VR and NVR and for that reason, I wondered if it was worth proceeding with Atom. Definitely preferable to Bofa, infact I would say not really comparable. Your child will be disheartened by it. Yes he is at a prep in London - the mocks to start with were not good, SAS on Atom of around 105 but we managed to push this to a point where he was scoring above 120 on Atom most of the time and this seemed to be in line with his CAT score too. Assign each student an atom (e.g. The mass of a single tungsten atom is 3.05 x … We found out about it late so, only used it for a couple of months. I also spent time working through and explaining the corrections with him and this really helped. Our school have told us that the ISEB examining board have said that the maths this year will be ‘different’ to previous years but they didn’t explain how!! Who would even know 400 people willing to break LD law? Solve Remote Learning. @Coconut2010 All the best for your daughter's exams, I bet you both can't wait for them to be over. Hi we are using itDo you mean for exams that are pretty much happening now? Is it specifically for children working towards the 11+ exams or is it beneficial in broader terms.? We used Atom for my DS last year, we found it very useful. Probably more like 130+. The questions in Atom are more difficult than 10 min tests (or perhaps my son got difficult questions after getting a number consecutively correct, as I know Atom is adaptive), this really helped him. Joining Mumsnet and learning a lot! This worksheet is a great way to assess your student's learning. We've definitely found it very helpful not just for pre-tests but for general confidence levels as DS is quite bright but there are gaps in knowledge from our time in the US when he was younger. DS isn't quite at that point. Thanks a lot @FlossyLondon , that’s very interesting feedback. DS said the comprehension is very similar - click through the pages (no scrolling) and similar math questions. You tube influencer "rehomes" adopted son. Atom comes pre-installed with four UI and eight syntax themes in both dark and light colors. Thanks so much for your advice! They have a free trial so you could still use them for some last minute mock tests. English (US) You will be disheartened! Despite jotting down the odd thought on this blog at random intervals over the last couple of years, I have not really thought that much about being a 'blogger'. DS completed his ISEB pre-test last week and we'd been using Atom Learning through year 5 and 6. He's also a tech-inclined so, the online testing was preferable to physical books. At a signal, students should walk around the room bumping into each other randomly. 120+ seemed to be the general goal for top schools but obviously some are higher - Westminister, St Paul's etc. Practice questions are personalised and re-testing is bespoke – no time is wasted on areas students already know. To comment on this thread you need to create a Mumsnet account. If I add +10 points to my daughters average her CAT4 score would be 116 and as a guide puts her at above average ability with a … The school has not given us any guidance yet, we haven’t even started discussing secondary school choices Fortunately I went through it a few years ago with other DCs so I have some ideas. Thank you! -After the first month we had a report saying what he needed to work on, videos to watch etc - the links didn't work and we never had another! Thanks @FlossyLondon, good to hear the maths wasn’t too hard.. Had enough of my family. This website is powered by SportsEngine's Sports Relationship Management (SRM) software, but is owned by and subject to the Howell Ice Arena privacy policy. Gain instant access to this beautifully designed Unit on Atoms, where kids will discover The Parts of an Atom, Fission and Fusion, The Periodic Table and the Elements, and more. In terms of when to start, I asked about this for my younger DD - the Y3 and Y4 content will release before Christmas but will be more geared towards building foundations rather than test prep. There shouldn't be anything that they haven't covered in school! So you can try their maths and English classes. I was thinking about starting in September but I don’t want to leave it too late. How did your DS find the VR and NVR part of the actual test?Do you mind telling us what sort of score your DS was getting on Atom or what your prep considered as a good score for the very selective schools (if he was at a prep) ? We used ATOM for literally a couple of days before the ISEB exam but even then found it useful to get familiar with the format of the test. bulb makes it easy to bring the classroom home with a portable, flexible tool that goes with your student for their entire learning journey. Thanks LondonJJ, this is very interesting to note that your DD found it useful for the consortium exam. It’s not for 8-9 year olds. Try and get some feedback from your current school as well, but I think starting now would be worth it. Suite 100 Ft Lauderdale Fl 33301 954-763-9840 Has anyone used Atom Learning for a year 6 child. Simba Sleep. Can’t comment on how helpful it would be long term but DS’s score jumped 12 points just between the first and second test he did, in part I think to knowing how it worked. Atom Nucleus (our home learning platform) is designed to encourage your daughter to practice these areas within a ‘campaign’ for the wider topic. Like the ISEB Common Pre-Test, the platform is adaptive, which Read more October 29, 2020 ISEB pre-test for 11+ Speak with a member of the Atom Learning team [email protected] 9am - 6pm, Monday - Friday. Tweak the look and feel of your UI with CSS/Less, and add major features with HTML and JavaScript. An atom, also called an element, is the building block of matter. There are 118 known elements on Earth and they are all listed in the periodic table. My feeling is, it may not have been exact, but surely would have been similar enough for him to have thought so. You would be better to spend the money on a tutor. Tassomai is an intelligent online learning program helping students at all levels achieve outstanding results. Trusted by teachers in 500+ schools Proven impact on grades Over 1 billion quiz questions answered! Our DD used Atom learning for 6 months last year in preparation for the Consortium exam. Atom ideal for general coverage of all K2 curriculum, or the ability to hone weaker less familiar subjects eg NVR or VR skills. Do not waste time or money. An element is made up of one type of atom only. Did your daughter find the level on Peak Prep to be similar to that of the actual test then? It’s quite tailored to ISEB test.Having said that Ds has said he’d like to keep going after the test because he quite enjoys it. DML News: News you can trust. Again it might be very good, I have not idea, but I’d be wary of businesses trying to take advantage of parents’ anxiety, especially at such a late stage in the preparation. They also have free online learning at the moment via zoom classes. Below is a list of some useful terms we use with regard to Atom. Tricky question I know! Everything is made from atoms. However, it has an entry 11+ test. The adaptive feature might be more visible in maths though as I believe there is a wider spread of abilities between the best and the lowest performing children in Maths than in other subjects? Can anyone confirm whether ATOM is truly adaptive in all 4 subjects or mostly the maths please ? It’s multiple choice like the consortium test and there aren’t lots of past papers etc to practice. My DD is sitting the ISEB pretest in two weeks time and she has been using it for a month. Also it should be helpful for some of the senior school tests in the new year IF he makes it through the pre-tests! She already has a tutor focusing on English as English is not our mother tongue, and at the moment I have the time to support her on the VR/NVR and maths so I thought Atom could complement it nicely and get her used to on screen assessments. Learning from home is hard enough for you and your kids – let alone having to master new tools and technology. Is the content interesting i.e would a 'regular' sort of 11-year-old be motivated by its content to engage with it regularly. The differences between atoms, molecules, compounds and elements can be tricky for students when they are first learning about them. Ds had it for a year, last year - at the time it was £400 for the year. How does it compare to Bofa (which I used in the past for my other DCs).When would you recommend me starting the subscription? One of them might be CEM and the other one is the girls consortium exam.Actually does anybody have any insight on the consortium exam, whether it’s more similar to GL or CEM or totally different? I have used Atom and Bofa, and Peak Prep and found Peak Prep by far the most user-friendly and the right level of content. To comment on this thread you need to create a Mumsnet account. My daughter found the Atom content too hard and so got really discouraged. can help you get the hang of Atom with quick and painless video and text lessons. I started thinking about 11+ a bit too late. I think last year the kids thought it was so that’s good news! oxygen or hydrogen) by giving them a card stating their assigned atom. It’s funny because it’s also in NVR that DD has seen the biggest improvement, by far. Thank you for your replies. Recent Post by Page. -there were 'points' he had to get in each subject, but he always focused on some subjects and ignored others. Expensive. She found it very useful. Thanks all, this is super helpful!I know that at least one of the pre tests will be online so Atom might indeed be useful. Did she take the Pretest this term? Ideal for short bursts -Long term the content will become stale until Atom expand content to address wider cohort. If your dc is doing iseb then it is good as Galore Park produces atom and iseb, so apparently some of the questions are familiar. However I don’t think they are set by ISEB. An atom is arranged like the solar system, with the nucleus like the sun, and electrons orbiting like … Enquire today about how this could help your students. Let's Get Started. Atom Prime - Pretest / 11 plus teacher resource and teaching platform from Atom Learning. To use this feature subscribe to Mumsnet Premium - get first access to new features see fewer ads, and support Mumsnet. When I told him off and asked why he showed me some subjects were completely gold ticks (eg were finished) but he was being asked to practise them loads - it didn't make much sense. The questions in Atom are more difficult than 10 min tests (or perhaps my son got difficult questions after getting a number consecutively correct, as I know Atom is adaptive), this really helped him. My son told me straight after coming out of his iseb test that he saw some "exact" questions from Atom in his Maths paper. Buffer. Boost learning with a laser-focus on weaker areas. Is it specifically for children working towards the 11+ exams or is it beneficial in broader terms.? To ensure pupils feel confident and well-prepared for their school-entry assessments and the academic year beyond, we have launched Atom Learning Clubs in Key Stage 2 English, maths, the ISEB Common Pre-Tests, London 11+ Consortium 11+, GL 11+, CEM 11+, Creative Writing and Interview Preparation. Now we’ve got time on our freshly cleaned hands, The Spectator’s literary luminaries are lubricating the wheels on time’s wingèd chariot and seizing the chance to boost their morale and brain function, reflect on the meaning of life and catch up on a good book or six.Each day, the Lockdown List carries our bibliophilic recommendations. ... Atom Learning is a Key Stage 2 online learning platform. An atom is the smallest particle that can exist. For those who have been using Atom, do you know if parents can review the tests DC have done and go through the mistakes with them, ie does the system store these tests that have been completed for further review? I used it last year for my son last year, bought the 6 months and we did the mock tests. I am still excited and nervous. Our prep did a webinar for parents on CAT scores and what types of schools we should be aiming for. His primary school is not terribly academic and my child is fairly middle of the road. @Coconut2010 yes, the VR and NVR is interesting. Just wondering if your son can give any insight into this?! Terms. My son got a scholarship, difficult to say how much input Atom had to that. Share your tips for keeping your children’s skin comfortable through the winter months, Read what Mumsnetters thought of Cicaplast B5 repairing balm, Share your tips for saving on your energy bill with ESB Energy, Talk widget showing discussions of the day & trending threads, Subscribe to Mumsnet emails direct to your inbox. Planet BOFA explanations are simple and easy to follow, so confidence and scores sky-rocket. The only issue I have is that is is more screen time and it is always hard to get my son motivated. As your daughter progresses with each Atom (sub-topic) she will earn badges and ALPs (Atom Learning Points) to track her understanding of the topic. Try it for free Use the full features of Atom Nucleus free for 5 days. At the completion of this lesson, students will be able to: 1. define atom and element 2. draw atoms of different elements on the periodic table 3. interpret information about atoms from the periodic table Or are yours very soon? We have found it useful for this purpose because the exam is adaptive and DD won’t be able to practise the mock tests on paper based. It is quite expensive and the subscription just expired yesterday so I didn’t bother to continue. You can go through questions they've got wrong, but the explanation videos are very simple compared with the problems, so aren't much help. That makes sense because at school she’s always scored lower in NVR compared to VR (which stumped me because my older DC were the opposite!) I agree with @Doobiedooo, taking a subscription for a 8-9 year old would be pointless.We ended up taking a subscription last month when we realised that all the schools DD is applying to have switched to ISEB or CEM online pretests.Whilst the mock tests are great to prepare for these exams, we have been very disappointed by the topic based practice tests which are far easier than the mock tests and add no value as DD always scores 100% or 83% (1 mistake). Share your tips for keeping your children’s skin comfortable through the winter months, Read what Mumsnetters thought of Cicaplast B5 repairing balm, Share your tips for saving on your energy bill with ESB Energy, Talk widget showing discussions of the day & trending threads, Subscribe to Mumsnet emails direct to your inbox. Atom Learning is the UK’s leading Key Stage 2 and senior school entry preparation platform and is partnered with Galore Park (an ISEB endorsed publisher). I looked into Atom Learning because right now paying £50 for just one hour tutor.. so it sounds better long term I saw when I went on their website they're offering free online lessons to anyone in English, maths and reasoning. I have been recommended to subscribe to Atom Learning for my 10yo DD who will be sitting 11+ exams for independent schools. I don't find Atom that expensive, to be honest, maybe if you do it for a few years, but 3-6 months the children can learn a lot (assuming they respond well to the format and use it rergularly), it is far cheaper than tutoring, so a motivated child who learns fast can get a lot out of it in a short time.My daughter uses via school and she gets a lot out of the English, VR/NVR and Maths. If you have used it with your child were there significant gains academically?It is quite expensive and I am keen to find out if it is worth it.His school does not teach verbal reasoning or non-verbal reasoning and he has found some of the examples challenging but still enjoyable. Could your child do with some help with Key Stage 2? Can't find what you're looking for? This is page 1 of 2 (This thread has 31 messages.). Traveling 9 to 5. National Geographic. If your child is motivated and happy to sit and do the screen activities but when we subscribed DS only did it a couple of times so felt like total waste. For example, a piece of pure copper is made up of only of copper atoms. In Rutherford's model of the atom, all of the positive charge and most of the mass of the atom had to be squeezed into a tiny sphere at the centre of the atom. Thanks in advance x. focus on reading and solidifying maths. @FlossyLondon Thanks again for sharing your feedback about the whole experience, that’s very interesting! News & Media Website. Day 74: Indian summer We have done some 11+ papers but he is not up to speed with pacing and has fairly significant gaps in English and Mathematics. Atom Learning Ltd. is registered and incorporated in England and Wales, company registration number 10867907 and VAT number 316903508. we signed up on their website so looking forward! Customization. My DD is the same age as your DD and I subscribed for a month over the Easter holidays to keep her busy, plan to subscribe again in August till she writes her exams in Oct/Nov. This can be used as an assessment to wrap up a mini lesson, or as an introduction to a chemistry unit You tube influencer "rehomes" adopted son. We did practice questions and it seemed to be particular types of questions holding him back like the different shapes etc. Fingers crossed for your sons’ results. I'm going to keep our subscription going - it's not cheap but DS actually doesn't mind using it and he is improving in Eng and math which his teachers have commented on. DS is preparing the 11+ for London competitive day schools and his prep school is using Atom Learning. It's easy to customize and style Atom. Whilst applying for secondary schools I found a school that really appealed to me and would suit my son. thanks again. Who would even know 400 people willing to break LD law? Is your son taking the 11+ exam soon? Please have a read, at the very least you will get an amazing way to teach the history of the atom! Wow what an amazing idea to teach the history of the atom to students with learning difficulties. Is it specifically for children working towards the 11+ exams or is it beneficial in broader terms. Atoms are shown in diagrams as small circles. To use this feature subscribe to Mumsnet Premium - get first access to new features see fewer ads, and support Mumsnet. It wasn't a case of completing endless mocks. My son got a scholarship, difficult to say how much input Atom had to that. A buffer is the text content of a file in Atom. I had never heard of peak prep, it might be very good but I’d be wary... FYI I’ve noticed there has been a poster indirectly advertising for peak prep under several user names, answering all the posts related to ISEB mentioning peak prep and talking about its merits above other any other platform. I like the focus on grammar in English (as it does not seem to be taught properly in many schools) and her VR/NVR scores have improved massively. Some pre tests shall be happening in October/November.Would you recommend it? I didn't find I had as much oversight as I did when ds was doing the paper based 10 minute tests etc and I feel we lost ground using it. I've gone on strike! She’s improved elsewhere as well but nowhere near as much. Ds has improved with the scores but I’m not sure it helps in general, possibly but hard to gauge. A couple of weeks ago one new post advertising about peak prep was removed on this secondary education board. but it serves to show that with good practice even NVR can be improved. Has anyone used Atom Learning for a year 6 child? Written by subject experts, aligns with standards. Access 3 different reading levels perfect for Grades 3-8. My DD’s exam is in a couple of weeks, I can’t wait for this to be over and make a bonfire out of all the 11+ books! Not only the atom but this method of teaching can be applied to any number of teaching topics. Which one is most useful?Thank you. I posted this under the Primary Education thread with little response and was advised to post in Secondary.Has anyone used Atom Learning for a year 6 child? My DS said the same after his iseb pretest last year and he got offers from the super-selective schools he applied to, that might not be entirely down to Atom but it definitely helped. It's basically the same as a file for most descriptions, but it's the version Atom … Is the content interesting i.e would a 'regular' sort of 11-year-old be motivated by its content to engage with it regularly. Until then, wait until Y5 before subscribing or it will be too challenging most likely! Hi, thanks for the useful info about Atom learning. Atom is expensive, however it has the bonus of quasi ISEB mock exams & videos with some great funny tutors. Using Tassomai builds knowledge, boosts confidence and reduces exam stress. It was good in some ways - mainly for nvr and vr I'd say, but:-it was clunky - you had to scroll up and down to answer questions; or for comprehension you had to scroll between 4-6 different pages to find answers which was really unhelpful. Each is so small that it can only be seen magnified by about 15 million times using an electron microscope. Mumsnet has a super friendly work environment, fun and challenging work, great support for growing your skills and has set learning time to be able to grow even more. However I honestly would have given up without Atom. Also he said the test platform looked just like Atom's, which is a plus. Isn’t now a bit too early? The end of topic tests in the course area are not that helpful in my opinion but the ability breakdown is so go off that! Maths she is naturally strong and may not "need" Atom in that sense, but it's been great due to the adaptive element, the school homework in the past was always too easy and now it is always challenging.I think even with tests coming up in January, 1-2 months of regular practice can help a lot. I think I’m definitely going to get a subscription but maybe from September.