These are the top undergraduate schools where the highest engineering degree offered is a doctorate. Plus, on a more cynical note, infantry has the largest casualty percentage (One would assume, I have no numbers. Not happening, steampunk to the contrary. Find a professor who does interesting engineering research and get a position in his or her lab. Double in ME or CS? I can't tell you how many times I've talked to managers and people who hire folks and ask. A double major in communications may equip engineers with the skills needed for most work environments. Personally, I'm not sure it's possible to double major like that. Note: Chemical Engineering is considered a part of the Chemistry Department so any double major involving Chemical Engineering require a different application form. (I use a microorganism class as an example because if you want to work on bio-diesel or ethanol that is something you might find very interesting.). Stay foolish and investigate the failures. At my university the computer science department lives under the liberal arts college. Ask Slashdot: What Are You Doing To Help? The listings below may include sponsored content but are popular choices among our users. If you try to double major with mechanical engineering as one of the majors in the standard 4 years, you will either not gain a satisfactory understanding of the fundamentals and theory or you won't have any time to participate in the practical non-classroom experiences that make a mechanical engineering degree worthwile. Obviously, mechanical engineering is the most straightforward career path for a student who majors in mechanical engineering. Skip CS. One in computer science, the second in either mechanical engineering or electrical engineering. To be approved to double, must have at least a 3.0 cumulative GPA and at least a 3.0 engineering GPA. Other Things to Keep in Mind Plan for a double major program early; if you are serious about pursuing a double major, you should plan your freshman and sophomore classes accordingly. The reasons are pretty simple: it seems to me that you are kind of aiming at control systems for your improved automobiles; digital electronics provide those control systems. If you should encounter "post-modernism" in any way shape or form, back away slowly and run away. Your VP is completely out of touch for not realizing this. For example you will have your engine and a software way to control it, but no way to connect the two or monitor the variables. Stick with programming, and the next time some uppity EE grad says "you know, you're not a real engineer", show him your engineering ring from ME and tell him to suck it. Other people here have suggested electrical engineering.because of its high content in control theory. That sounds more like evolution in action than anything else. Welcome to our ranking of the 20 best small colleges for mechanical engineering majors on a budget. Connect with Double Degree in Manufacturing Engineering and Industrial Engineering . Ranking of the best colleges for mechanical engineering majors. It will be easier, give you more practical programming experience, teach you about databases, and allow the flexibility of taking several electives (which can be CS related courses). A double major in computer science imparts skills related to electrical and computer technology. If you plan to be on the more research side, I would recommend either mathematics or physics. Balderdash. Over all it makes sense. Survival of the fittest. The Basics:Get into a good program. First, let me say that all colleges and universities have slightly different curricula, so mileage may vary. You work with them, for them (boss), and for them (customers - whether asking how they would like that or figuring out what they would like. Ask Slashdot: How Long Should a Vendor Support a Distro? Graduates may be better prepared to design biomedical devices. The Depth of Major courses are the classes that are specific to each engineering major and must be fulfilled separately in order to graduate. Learning C that other slighty more modern language can help too. It can be completed in 4 years if summer courses are taken. Since you are a vet, you already have at least a minimal security clearance. Yeah, but remember that even five or ten percent female enrollment still means there's an order of magnitude more guys looking for girls than there are girls to satisfy the demand. An increasing number of college students are taking on a second major in the hopes of improving their success in the workforce. If you showed more than once a week and are able to talk to a female without choking on your own tongue, it's not difficult to get a girlfriend in a technical school. Online. you will never ever meet any girls in engineering school. Do your absolute best in your ME program. But I still think it was the right decision for me. What is harder to see is the unintended consequences that are usually negative and range from annoying to deadly. But hey, there will be no better number crunching system than Matlab. It opens up many new doors like controls and robotics and means you'll be doing some quite interesting stuff. I have an appointment with the EE advisor as well as two ME advisors tomorrow regarding the Fall 2015 semester and seeing how I'm gonna incorporate both mechanical and electrical engineering courses and electives into my next semester schedule. Here are a few double majors you could choose at Columbia: Physics and philosophy (Bachelor of Arts) Median Base Salary: $68,438 Popular Entry-Level Jobs: Electrical Engineer, Systems Engineer, Software Developer 3. "Best Double Major with Mechanical Engineering." Mechanical Engineer working in the automotive industry here. My experience in China is that you won't get far without it, even in the cities. Mechanical engineers may decide to focus on biological and medicinal applications of engineering. Only before they all have boyfriends. I am a PhD student in computational mathematics. Why join the Army or the Marine Corps to do a job you can do in the civilian world for more money and less hassle? Mixology. This should be in addition to any second major you would choose. 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If you are set on a double major, Mechanical Engineering, Chemistry, Biology, or Engineering Management are degrees to consider. Never got a chance to ask him why. EE, CS, and Applied Math (Mathematical Science, some places) have a lot of courses in common. Hello JHU, im an incoming freshman interested in engineering. More important to focus on the basics before double majoring and minoring in a ton of stuff. The first half of the program will require general education courses and foundational courses in chemistry, mathematics, … There are 14 majors in the College of Engineering. Mechanical engineers with computer science expertise may be suited for work related to robotics, computer software/hardware, and artificial intelligence. The auto industry is motivated by having very good system redundandy under harsh conditions with minimal cost. That will probably not be used in controlling a feedback system with a microcontroller, or in controlling a large scale plant. Myself, I'm considering EE or CE to complement my CS background. Some of that is genetic. College Advisor that can help you compare costs and options. I don't think engineers "tend to believe Creationism". But do pay attention, as often elements of certain styles of expression are a good example of precisely ho. Depending on how you feel about things like taking a foreign language (something I recommend), studying in the social sciences (which you'll have to take in any four year program it's just a matter of quantity), and other topics in the realm outside of engineering a major in liberal arts might be something that you enjoy. There are so many variations in engineering and subspecialties that it is impossible to guess where you will actually be in 10 years or train for all of them. With a more formal statistics education it puts you ahead of all of those people, even if they have seniority. Students who searched for
Computer Science & Mechanical Engineering Double Major found the following resources, articles, links, and information helpful. Double major coordinator:Dr. Suat Kadioglu (office B-318, tel : 0312 210 5294, e-mail: Important Note: Double major students who are registered to Mechanical Engineering Department as major program have to take the must courses from Mechanical Engineering Department. Engineering and Commerce Double Degree; Engineering and Science. For instance, two majors in chemical engineering and art history will result in a double major at these schools, while two majors in business and economics will be a dual major. Moving and processing grain leads to some interesting courses on control theory and biology.
Best Double Major with Mechanical Engineering. I briefly was dual majoring in CS and German, but then I already skipped all the prereqs before the upper-division German courses, so all I would have had to do is take one German course every semester in addition to the normal CS program, and I would have had a double major. They prefer a masters & a doctorate both. I do not recommend a CS degree. The problem with the CS degree is that I don't have that much faith you'll actually get a solid -engineering- education from a CS department. Important measures of a quality ME program can vary widely even among the top schools. “She introduced me to several top engineering-focused colleges and universities and gave me confidence that I could succeed,” he said. Coincidentally, when I graduated high school, I wanted to double major in mechanical engineering and industrial design at Philadelphia University. . Double Majors in Engineering. There's a problem in your discipline, at the very least it seems to teach an extraordinary amount of arrogance when dealing with disciplines its adherents seem ill-equipped to assess. I chose a double major in math, particularly the BA, because I love mathematics and couldn’t get enough of it. Instead of a double major, take a strong math minor, and consider a MS in mathematics concentrating on applied math/operations research. According to the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), double majors in business, communications, geology and biology are also … "you will never ever meet any girls you want to sleep with in engineering school. Mechanical Engineering; Materials Science & Engineering; Double majors. Other schools place computer science in the same realm as engineering and so you might not have the same experience I did. What would be valuable to you is a second in either Finance or Accounting, depending upon the quality of the program(s) at the school you attend. There is getting to be a preponderance of evidence that our current, I think Anonymous said it best. Additional requirements might involve having successfully completed a specific number of credits in mechanical engineering. And grad students have had it tough in the US for like.. forever? - from "The Graduate". When an engineer is hired early in his or her career, they are generally in more technical positions. The five highest paying STEM majors, by mid-career average, were: 1. Two or three weeks into the school year, it's game over. A double major in business imparts the knowledge of how companies and corporations are managed. It also covers embedded controls and systems engineering (feedback loops, etc.). I got a BS in ME and then after I got a job I enrolled in an online Software Engineering program at FSU. These activities outside your class will get you face to face with people who will serve as future career contacts. In the event that your GPA does not meet requirements, admissions may make an exception via submission of an explanation letter. The controllers are not that basic any more. Until then, I'm in complete agreement with the GP's advice. Stick to ME, decide to double major later. EE isn't just about circuits. Get to a college/university that REALLY trains you how to problem solve - innovate - generate inversions - do ballpark. The fact that you think that non-Caucasians AREN'T getting the good jobs probably means that you have been focusing primarily on your job and not the bigger picture of what your job means to the environment and society. By the time the assholes in D.C. and N.Y.C. Believe me, they will all speak English long before any appreciable number of us speaks Chinese. Associate and bachelor's degrees in mechanical engineering provide students with a foundation in technical skills and engineering knowledge to help prepare them for entry-level engineering careers. Are the graduate degrees actually needed? Or ChemBME and Neuroscience, which i am also very interested in. Math minor is OK, but I think you should focus more; either EE and ME or ME and Math. (2019, Sep 26 of publication). When I graduated 50% of my Chemical Engineering class was female at that time, all my good friends then were female and one could easily have been a fashion model if she wanted it. Note that you may have to get a Masters degree to do any serious design work for a car company, aircraft company, or a medical devices company. You're 100% correct about needing computer science skills. Copyright © 2021 SlashdotMedia. Students who double major must complete a minimum of 160 credits and fulfill the requirements for each of the degree programs. Best Colleges for Engineering Majors . If none of those appeal to you, then take a few classes on technical writing. Many CS and engineers (and business people for that matter) can't write for shit. Materials engineering covers materials design, properties and use of materials in manufactured articles. By this I mean, take enough to be able to program an application or scientific computation software comfortably in Unix. Find a school with a good mechatronics program if you want to go that route. Same goes for anything else you're going to be doing before you hang up the CAD system for a golf cart. All other trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners. Clear . and Ph.D. degrees in mechanical and aerospace engineering from Princeton. This is achievable through many math programs. If you're liking the idea of some code and some controls, you can get a good foundation in both with a Computer Engineering degree. That could include cars, airplanes, sensors, turbines, compressors, and so much more. I have a mechanical/technical brain from my father. If I were going to college now, I'd aim for Engineering with Computer Science, given the opportunity to gain parallel processing experience rather than purely Computer Science. (This advice is coming from a practicing Mechanical Engineer who got his BSME in 4 years (at Virginia Tech)) I focused on robotics (CHARLI and RAPHaEL were my pet projects) but had alot of friends who loved cars). Just about everything these days involves automated control. At first, I was more interested in my biomedical engineering major, but my interest for mechanical engineering has grown due to all of the classes that I have taken at school. I never reply to ACs. We used to fix our dirt bikes each summer, so that is what led me to pair biomedical with mechanical engineering. Coincidentally, I'm also in school to be a mechanical engineer now. We are not responsible for them in any way. Promotion. That boosts your employ-ability, if you decide weapons are right for you.[1]. In addition, a double major will separate me from my peers when looking for jobs. Imagine if, for example, instead of moving o, Maybe engineers tend to believe Creationism. Read about program requirements, course topics and... An admission advisor from each school can provide more info about: Get Started with University of Pennsylvania, Get Started with University of Notre Dame, Get Started with University of Louisville, Get Started with Michigan State University. The only reason, I suspect, that you hold your views is because of a deep ignorance of nature. Maybe engineers tend to believe Creationism because they've seen how many things can go wrong even when there is a modicum of intelligence behind the design. Typically, the double major is completed in 4.5 years. I have my MS in Applied Math, with a specialty in mostly computational topics as well as optimization. Find Schools. You not only need the control theory, but more importantly, you need SE formal methods. Engineers assign credibility to hypotheses based on actual evidence. If you want a good match for ME today, I would go with courses in digital electronics, rather than CS. A few I've met are master sophist who are good at speaking elegantly without saying much. Consider how the double major will enhance your career prospects. And it only added one year of extra classes to get the 2nd degree. Students who double major must complete a minimum of 160 credits and fulfill the requirements for each of the degree programs. “They’re not just looking for your inventiveness, but whether you can see the bottom line,” says Dr. Robert Amundsen, an associate professor and chair of the energy management graduate program at the NYIT School of Engineering and Computing Sciences. But... Computer Engineerin/Science is probably not going to teach you control systems. If you want to scratch a precise itch with your mechanical research using a computer, you may be well served by yourself but chances are if you're not a real programmer, you'd be better off letting one do the job for you while you concentrate on your main interest. Ask Slashdot: Why Haven't We Implemented Public Key Infrastructure Voting? I received a wage of 1000 a month with NO. It took 3 years to get enough credits to graduate with the degree. My son was interested in it, but where he went to school, Materials Science was a part of Chem E. It is mighty important stuff to know, but Chem E is a darn hard degree (was where I went to school, seems to be a lot of work for my son, also). Gaining a PhD in Mechanical Engineering helps to expand upon the potential career choices of individuals and gives them the... Few schools in the Phoenix area have top ranking mechanical engineering programs. Although choosing a double major depends highly on career goals, some great choices include: A number of institutions offer mechanical engineering students the option to double major in a second engineering field. The bad new is out of 65 guys and 1 woman in that second floor cave, only 1 guy is caucasian and speaks English as a 1st language. Yeah - double plus. Your IT experience will give you a leg up against your peers. All Rights Reserved. You will learn more from smart classmates and good professors.Try to get good grades. I think for a ME major, an EE degree will be far more beneficial. No, no no no. Want expert, personalized advice that can save you a lot of time and money? Take a foreign language such as Chinese, Hindi, Japanese or German to ensure you can communicate with your co-workers in 3 years. Ask Slashdot: Best Second Major For a Mechanical Engineer? The best part about double majoring is that it’s super flexible. Just stick with ME. Submission: Best second major for a mechanical engineer, Mechanical engineering jobs can be found a wide variety of places; however, there are not a lot of biomedical engineering jobs in Colorado. There aren't that many. It was actually fun since I would watch lecture and do the homework instead of zoning out in front of the TV. Double majors can be pursued (with one of the above five disciplines) in: ... “An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.” Ben Franklin “There is very little success where there is little laughter.” If you are seriously considering a double … People in the military are very often motivated by other reasons THANKFULLY!!! Speaking from 40 years as a Physics/CS/EE, all of the clever things we've learned to do since flint was high tech have been based on having better materials to do them with. I don't know... it's confusing, it's poorly written, and it doesn't make any sense no matter how many times you read it. I studied electrical engineering and in my job interviews before and after graduation I was repeatedly told that they were looking for people with more programming experience. Due to the technical expertise, hands-on problem solving skills and knowledge you’ll have in areas such as machine design, control systems, instrumentation, and mechanics, you’ll have a wide variety of employment options within the broad field of mechanical engineering. You should investigate. 2) Look at the speed of our advancement. I don't believe that CS majors typically learn a lot of controls and automation in their core curriculum . One thing to consider is that ME and EE are easy to offshore. If you want to design cars, ME might make sense, but in most alternative energy technologies you will likely be part of a multidisciplinary team . At least you'll be the hit of the frat parties - and in a few years you can develop a keg tap that'll pour beer at a 10 meter distance. I would recommend joining the Baja or formula SAE team at your university or college to get a better understanding of what goes into real world vehicle design, also project oriented teams look great on the resume. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that the median salary for mechanical engineers was $87,370 as of 2018, and a job growth of 4% was projected for this occupation from 2018-2028. For example, a double major in computer science and design will open doors to career opportunities in the latest trend of User Experience (UX) or User Interaction (UI) occupations, while a double major in mechanical and electrical engineering would be better aligned with an undergraduate degree in one and a graduate degree in the other. Computer engineers get more embedded systems, though they are basically a subset of EE. with material scientists (solar energy, automobiles, fuel cells), chemical engineers (fuel cells, combustion engineering), aerospace engineers (w. You and I are very similar. Computer science if it's the only option, but if your university offers something like software engineering or electronic engineering that would be more help. The reason for outsourcing is not a lack of qualified engineers in the US. The VP in charge said it was just sad that American kids didn't want to put in the work and take the time to get the educational requirements of that group. If you want to take an emphasis in bio-energy sources then you may want to consider a degree in biomedical engineering, biological systems engineering, chemical engineering, or environmental engineering. For instance, if you’re double majoring in Electrical Engineering and Mechanical Engineering, you’d have to fulfill these requirements separately. If you want the computer knowledge for application to the automotive work, you should probably think more computer engineering or electrical engineering. Engineering and finance double majors have equal skills in both categories, allowing them to pursue careers in either area. ), / Best Double Major with Mechanical Engineering. You'll get enough CS in your engineering program. Nice of you to call my education my "hobby" since I am positive I know quite a bit more than you about quite a few more topics, and actually have a track record of implement. You'll learn how to be professional, and getting a real job will be a lot easier.Do extracurricular activities. The division I work at requires 2 separate degrees for their second flor elves. GPA requirements vary widely. I scored in the 98th percentile on the ASVAB, qualifying me to do any job I wanted, but I chose infantry. A functioning planet like Earth, with its diverse biomes, million-plus species, and resilient ecosystems makes them look really stupid because they can't do better than supposed "random interactions" and survival of the fittest. ), / Best Double Major with Mechanical Engineering. You only get enough programming education to get your job done with, You don't need an official minor or second on Comp. Read on to find out more about what these top... See which of the top-ranked schools offer graduate programs in mechanical engineering. If you have to find a job, the EE degree will give you a broader choice of positions. 2021 Best Colleges with Mechanical Engineering Degrees - Niche They also require at lest one of those to be a masters or doctorate. If you really want more education, wait for grad school. I have had environmental science majors in my group here at MIT that work on solar PV to get experience on them. I took it easy only taking 2 classes a semester since I was working full time. My father who is a civil and mechanical engineer recons most plain mechanical engineers spend there time designing a particular bolt to hold the fuel tank on or something, not the revolutionary new engin. As a mechanical engineer, you will have plenty of opportunities for material science classes, physics classes, mechanics classes, etc. Although I have an interest in software engineering I also have an interest in mechanical engineering as well. Statistics are a core requirement of any Quality Management system. Do you want to manage a group of engineers or an entire plant? Something to use the other side of your brain. For example, a double major in Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, or a double major in Physics and Electrical Engineering, etc. If you would like to work on automobiles I recommend sticking with ME, and just doing that for now. Each major has its own set of core requirements that must be taken after completing the common curriculum, which is required of all engineering students.We invite you to browse your area of interest to learn more about each major and its required classes. Often, certain courses satisfy requirements for both majors (double-counting credits). Even mechanical engineers have to specialize in something, and if you don't worry about a second major it leaves more time to work on a second specialization. engineering degrees by double majoring. Oh, and the mix of people in that major may present a more interesting mix than in any engineering* Psych - because that also goes well with everything. There are more failures than successes and some say more to learn from failures than successes (which are necessarily preceded by many failures). Since many of us don't have fucking blogs about this type of thing, all you would find is a bunch of people talking about it who aren't engineers nor scientists. The answer to whether a double major in mechanical engineering and chemistry is suitable for a career in chemical engineering isn’t yes or no, but yes and no. This is one of the most diverse branches of engineering. As a mechanical engineering student, you take classes like engineering materials, computer-aided design, energy conversion systems, and robotics. Not so much about software development and programming can agree to that but control theory biology... Become qualified mechanical engineers toward computers anyways of applicants pick any two majors long... A ton of stuff harder to see is the most of from the dual degree to make an via... Be more on the more research side, I think you should probably think more computer engineering or Masters... 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