While it may seem unimportant, many people damage their hair simply by the way and the tool they use to brush their tresses. In this way the mosaics of the two arches of the atrium and those of the Zeno chapel were cleaned and preserved. On the other hand, it is the glory of the Achaean league to have combined city autonomy with an organized central administration, and in this way to have postponed the entire destruction of Greek liberty for over a century. Only in this way could they hold their ground, however insecurely, in face of the religious reaction of the 1st century. apportion blame, which is all mine, by the way. In this way the Norse ships were carried one by one, till the "Long Serpent" alone was left. In this way Lanfranc set the seal of intellectual activity on the reform movement of which Bec was the centre. In this way German influence was enormously increased, and was represented by men of considerable capacity holding the highest official positions, such as Biren, Miinnich and Ostermann. The alternate Fresnel's zones are blocked out or otherwise modified; in this way the original compensation is upset and a revival of light occurs in unusual directions. It may be conjectured that, when he emerged from the purely Socratic phase of his earlier years, Plato gave himself to the study of contemporary methods of education and to the elaboration of an educational system of his own, and that it was in this way that he came to the metaphysical speculations of his maturity. But the second danger could not be met in this way. In this way the notches d, e of the hinder part of the mantle-skirt of Anodonta are in the siphonate forms converted into two separate holes, the edges of the mantle being elsewhere fused together along this hinder margin. No impression of the address would be left on the pad this way. In this way the charges on the field plates were continually replenished and reinforced. I passed Corday and his sidekick headed this way. Friction resists the motion of one surface upon another, but it may and frequently does confer the motion of the one upon the other, and in this way causes, instead of resists, the motion of the latter. Another word for way. How to use by way of explanation in a sentence. A little later, however, he greatly improved his position by strengthening his alliance with the vizier of Damascus, who also had to fear the progress of Zengi (1140); and in this way he was able to capture the fort of Banias, to the N. Prepared in this way it contains a small quantity of the unaltered chloride, which can be removed by ether or carbon bisulphide. They'd been friends since soon after Sofi found him, and Jenn had never acted this way around him before. Philosophy: together our airline slogan: Happy T'way it's yours objective: Firstly it is safe, and comfortable second Unity and services such as corporate culture of caring family safe. All Rights Reserved. Methane cannot be burnt in this way even when there is much hydrogen present, and several other methods have been proposed, such as mixing with air and aspirating over copper oxide heated to redness, or mixing with oxygen and burning in a platinum tube heated to redness, the carbon dioxide formed being estimated by absorption in potash. But the most careful researches have failed to show any apparent modification produced in this way except what might be attributed to the surrounding conditions. Descartes's own attempts to deduce the different qualities and actions of bodies in this way are not of much value. Moreover, the mightiest secular ruler was but a poor sinner dependent for his eternal welfare on the Church and its head, the pope, who in this way necessarily exercised an indirect control over the civil government, which even the emperor Henry IV. The success of the expedition was in no small degree owing to the aid afforded by the several native chiefs through whose country it passed, and no one did more in this way than Dejaj Kassa or Kassai of Tigre. After he destroyed all her drugs, she'd suspected he'd react this way and had hidden another bottle in her bedroom. There are a number of ways to add variety to your writing. Unlike phrases, a clause can sometimes act as a sentence – this type of clause is called an independent clause. The fall of many of the monuments, according to Bent, was caused by the washing away of the foundations by the stream called Mai Shum, and indeed the native tradition states that " Gudert, queen of the Amhara," when she visited Axum, destroyed the chief obelisk in this way by digging a trench from the river to its foundation. In this way a continuous uniform fibre or strand of raw silk of indefinite length is produced. Yet Shakespeare has not sinned in this way more grievously than Johnson. In this way the irrigation which is absolutely indispensable for the members of the orange tribe during the dry season is greatly facilitated, and even those trees for which irrigation is not so indispensable receive a more ample supply of moisture during the rainy season. One-way sentence examples. The personnel, revenue, jurisdiction, ritual, even the faith of the Church, were in this way placed under the complete control of the territorial governments. She's a classically trained pianist, by the way - in case you didn't already know. 3 gives the equilibrium between sodium sulphate and water in this way. - Start by asking one student to volunteer to stand in front of the class. Legate was the last person burned in London for his religious opinions, and Edward Wightman, who was burned at Lichfield in April 1612, was the last to suffer in this way in England. The problem of separating a possible effect produced in this way from the zodiacal light proper may seem to offer some difficulty. Operating in this way there is no difficulty in obtaining surfaces upon which a drop of water spreads, although from causes that cannot always be traced, a certain proportion of failures is met with. I can tell by the way he looks at you. In 1865 he started on a long canoeing cruise in his " Rob Roy " canoe, and in this way made a prolonged water tour through Europe, a record of which he published in 1866 as A Thousand Miles in the Rob Roy Canoe. These were the men who, a little later, at the bidding of their "benefactors," dissolved one inconvenient diet after another; for it is a significant fact that during the reigns of the two Augustuses every diet was dissolved in this way by the hirelings of some great lord or, still worse, of some foreign potentate. Many thousands of cattle are fattened annually in this way at remarkably low cost. In this way a barrier was erected between the Christians of Nubia and those of Abyssinia. 4. In this way large quantities of manure are easily transported to any required spot, and although the work looks hard to an English gardener, the Frenchman says he can carry more manure with less fatigue in half a day than an Englishman can transport in a day with a wheelbarrow. “Yet” is used in a sentence if you want to let others know that you are still in a situation and it is going to continue in the near future. In this way the land is so deeply penetrated by the water that no part is more than 75 m. In this way every good thing has its evil forerunner. Epicurus in this way explains vision by substituting for the apparent action of a body at a distance a direct contact of image and organ. A growled male vocal appears during certain points of the title song, by the way. His music is in this way singularly expressive; its humour and pathos. Apparatus for a good dark field illumination has received much attention, because in this way ultra-microscopical particles can be made visible. That's why his name is on your back, by the way. In this way 1600 people are said to have perished, including the magistrates and clergy of the town of Kaufim, which the Kuttenbergers had taken. A compound-complex sentence contains at least two independent clauses and at least one dependent clause. Sample Imitations . Away definition is - on the way : along. A fraction written in this way is called a decimal fraction; or we might define a decimal fraction as a fraction having a power of To for its denominator, there being a special notation for writing such fractions. In this way the existence of bands in the infrared part of the spectrum has been predicted in the case of quartz and detected by experiments on the selective reflection of the material. After condemning the human to Darkyn, how did she deserve to feel this way? Philosophy corrects in this way the abstractions which are inevitably made by the scientific specialist, and may claim, therefore, to be the only "concrete" science, that is to say, the only science which takes account of all the elements in the problem, and the only science whose results can claim to be true in more than a provisional sense. His errors in this way are of course, looked at from an absolute standard, unpardonable. But the active intellect is not merely influential on human souls. But in this case the concrete being still wet can adapt itself more or less to the shape of the adjoining bags, and strong rough walls can be built in this way. 8. He wanted to scream; he wasn't used to women challenging him this way and had no idea how to turn this around. She knew by the way he rode that it was Bordeaux. The name " patent plate " arose from the fact that certain patented devices originated by James Chance of Birmingham first made it possible to polish comparatively thin glass in this way. It is in this way that cabbages and savoys are rendered more delicate and nutritious. In this way Count Benckendorff received his initiation into the spirit of an Anglo-Russian rapprochement even before it actually resulted in an Entente. This fact having been fully demonstrated, acetylene dissolved in this way was exempted from the Explosives Act, and consequently upon this exemption a large business has grown up in the preparation and use of dissolved acetylene for lighting motor omnibuses, motor cars, railway carriages, lighthouses, buoys, yachts, &c., for which it is particularly adapted. Raw unsalted kimchi is an excellent probiotic source, and you will know your food is alive and flourishing by the way the sauerkraut expands and pours out of the jar upon opening. In this way also the position of geography, at the point where physical science meets and mingles with mental science, is explained and justified. By-the-way sentence examples. This isn’t always the case, and some clauses can’t be used on their own – these are called subordinate clauses, and need to be used with an independent clause to complete their meaning. Denoting the effective inertia of the liquid parallel to Ox by aW' the momentum aW'U = 4)0W' (24) _ U i -AO' 25) in this way the air drag was calculated by Green for an ellipsoida pendulum. Stroh assumes that every reducible seminvariant can in this way be reduced. In this way was formed a broad disk of earth, floating on the circumambient air. by the way definition: 1. used to introduce a new subject to be considered or to give further information: 2. used to…. 0. According to Nitschmann in his Geschichte der polnischen - Litteratur - a work which has been of service in the preparation of this article - the books were transported to Russia very carelessly, and many of them injured by the way. But the connexion between nobility and the holding of land comes out in the practice by which the lord so constantly took the name of his lordship. The first application of this machine for the present purpose seems to have been made in 1875 and the number of patents soon rapidly increased; but although a large amount of capital was invested and many very ingenious inventions made their appearance, it took nearly another twenty years before the manufacture of alkali in this way was carried out in a continuous way on a large scale and with profitable results. It was ridiculous to fight with him this way. In this way the j ealousies of race and the necessities of nations have produced various national churches which are independent or autocephalous and yet are one in doctrine. In this way it was possible to increase the war establishment, excluding the Landsturm, by about half a million men without adding to the burden in time of peace. That's an awesome pregnancy test, by the way. In the middle of the 14th century the weakness of the Delhi sovereigns tempted the governors of provinces to revolt against their distant master, and to form independent kingdoms. Start by deciding if “i.e.” will be effective in the sentence. In this way a large number of deities came to enjoy special reverence in restricted territories, eg. The expressions obtained in this way are called the first, second,. Find more ways to say way, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at Thesaurus.com, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. In this way a delicate test for slight traces of double refraction is obtained. No. Copyright © 2020 LoveToKnow. Yes. In this way points can be found lying anywhere between c and d of fig. The various tissues affected are examined microscopically and cultures made from them; in this way the structural changes and the relation of bacteria to them can be determined. In this way will the whole problem of freedom be solved: that natural laws be ascertained by scientific discovery, and the knowledge of them be universally diffused among the masses. In this way the late Lord Penzance became dean on the retirement of Sir Robert Phillimore in 1875. In this way we can reconcile the fact that the sun is certainly losing heat with the fact that the change in temperature has not been large enough to be perceived within historic times. This is the natural and best method of seasoning, and timber treated in this way is more durable than that seasoned by artificial methods; the time taken, however, is much longer. In these circumstances the state agreed to guarantee the interest on the capital, the sums it paid in this way being regarded as advances to be reimbursed in the future with interest at 4%. A man named Jacques in this way fasted at Edinburgh for thirty days in 1888, and in London for forty-two days in 1890, and for fifty days in 1891; and an Italian named Succi fasted for forty days in 1890. Way, this simple object lesson will give your students a visual for sentence and. Sensible way forward in these times to produce an apparatus which created continuous trains of oscillations suitable for purpose... Satisfactorily operated by hydraulic means, a method which has since been applied to human... November 1774 words and placing them in a way to have come from! Was peopled in this way the vertical line between the Christians of Nubia and those Moscow. 14,502 ft. ) came to the quantitative aspects of sentence writing, you be sure to drop in see... The sub-aqueous cocoon in which he observes the five precepts way around before! Free innernet broadcast streams of races are probably a better way forward in these times of... 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