The meat is delicious, tender and healthy. Who hasn’t heard about Hilsa? The FDA recently issued this statement: “Five of the most commonly eaten fish that are low in mercury are shrimp, canned light tuna, salmon, pollock, and catfish.”. It is more popular in South and Central India. try amino acid and hit the gym regularly. These foods are also a good source of healthy fats. It’s neutral tasting—which is while you’ll often find it inside fish sticks. Paplet supplies a good deal of protein and omega 3. In spite of the fact that fresh water on Earth is really limited, about 41% of total fishes we know of are found in fresh water. Worth mentioning here are heavy metals like lead, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), chlordane and even DDT. Fishes provide a generous amount of protein without unnecessary saturated fats. With majority of area being under water, the effect of climate is more pronounced on the aquatic beings. treat Surmai as a delicacy. Katla is a very widely consumed oily fish. However, the fish is among the costliest fishes in India owing to its novelty. The variation of protein content is caused by the fishing season and the fish species processed. pregnant ladies, lactating mothers and young children should be very careful with their choice of sea food. What about the nutritional content and mercury levels in sardines? Hence, we have placed it in this list. The various species range from lean to fatty and their oil content in the tissues has been shown to vary from 0.7% to 15.5%. Fish has flavor. Protein is a macronutrient necessary for the proper growth and function of the human body. (You do like your heart, don’t you?). So four ounces has 52 grams of protein for 378. A deficiency in protein leads to muscle atrophy and impaired functioning of the human body in general. bacon. You may see red snapper at your grocery store, but all varieties share a similar nutritional profile: 30 grams of protein and 145 calories for every four ounces. Consume a four ounce serving and you’ll take in 28 grams of protein for 236 calories. We may earn a commission through links on our site. They should consume a max of 340 grams of low mercury fish in a week. Almost 60% of the known marine species reside in the salty oceanic and sea waters. It also has vitamin D, which can support your immune system. Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh etc. A mature fish can attain an average weight of 2 kg. Fish Protein Concentrate can be prepared from any type of fish or fishery waste. New manufacturing techniques are also producing hybrid FPi products where the fat/oil content is very low, (<0.3%) with the protein levels in the 80% range. As per an FDA program that checked the level of mercury in fishes, fresh or frozen salmon had around 0.022 ppm (parts per million) of mercury which is considered as low. Fish is rich in calcium and phosphorus and a great source of minerals, such as iron, zinc, iodine, magnesium, and potassium. One four-ounce filet of this slightly oily fish has a potent 34 grams of protein for 212 calories. Even across the globe, prawns and shrimps are addressed interchangeably. The ratio of Omega 3 to Omega 6 is almost 1. Not to be confused with bluefin tuna, raw bluefish is more of light purple than a deep red. Health regulating bodies, advice the vulnerable group to stay away from high-mercury fishes altogether. Sure, you’re saving like 100 calories, but yellowtail tastes amazing. Each spoke on the Protein Quality graph represents one of the nine essential amino acids, and the graph shows how … Fish for human consumption 1. The highest protein content was in considerable interest for their specificity in relation to the Indian mackerel or Bangda as it is popularly called is one of the staple fishes of India. Mix two anchovy fillets into your next batch homemade sauce when you add your garlic and onions. Try it pan-seared with blackening spices or Cajun seasoning. So be wise and do not put Hilsa on your plate too often. Protein 13 grams. It is a great choice for athletes who are looking for a dense protein source. Omega 3: 2260 mg. Mercury: Less than 0.09 ppm (Low Level) Salmon is one of the… And it also carries a host of other nutritional benefits, such as omega-3 fatty acids, which can help save your heart. Since Omega 3 has such a profound impact on the development of major organs including brain and cognitive functions, health experts insist that pregnant women and young children should have regular intakes of Omega 3. This fish won’t take first prize at a beauty pageant any time soon, but at 28 grams of protein and 134 calories per four ounce serving, it’s a nutritional winner. As you can see, Surmai is rich in protein, good in Omega 3 and potent with respect to other minerals and vitamins. Beware fish with high levels of mercury. Consider the high protein in fish. Fish is a low-fat high quality protein. They also differ in their effects on organ lipids. That’s why you should eat more fish. Categorically, Surmai is a type of mackerel and is called “King Mackerel” or “Indo-Pacific Mackerel”. This is taken up by microorganisms that fishes feed on. When feeds are formulated, the pelleting characteristics of mixtures are just as important as the nutritional content of the mixture. In addition, fishes are rich in Omega 3 fatty acids. Every 100 grams serving of Basa fish provides: Calories 90. Selenium has a protective function on the brain and counteracts the hazardous effects of mercury. Pop some on some Triscuits and call it a snack. Protein per 100 grams: 25 to 26 grams. This mercury makes it way to the oceans where oceanic bacteria convert it to methyl-mercury. The high tissue protein content of the fish species in this study may be related to the high protein contents of their common diets as they fed mostly on fish items, crustaceans, molluscs, algae and diatoms (Osibona, 2005). Your email address will not be published. Both almost have the same tastes and flavour. Mackerel is an oily fish and therefore is a good source of Omega 3 in addition to protein. You could pop them on a pizza, but they’re even better in pasta sauce, where they heighten the flavors of everything else instead of overpowering the dish. Salmon, red (sockeye), filets with skin, smoked (Alaska Native) - Protein. Yet again, Rani is a very reasonable priced fish in India due to its abundance. Ran is yet again a very commonly sold freshwater fish in India. India, being surrounded by the Indian Ocean and Arabian Sea, enjoys an impressive variety of salt water fishes. Cholesterol; Fats & oils; Getting enough iron in your diet Toggle Submenu. Rawas is an oily fish i.e. Train Yourself to Be More Optimistic in 5 Days, How Busta Rhymes Lost 100 Pounds in 12 Months, 26 New Shows We Can’t Wait to See This Year, This content is created and maintained by a third party, and imported onto this page to help users provide their email addresses. Broil it, top it with flaky sea salt and freshly squeezed lemon juice, if you don’t believe Men’s Health. Oven-Roasted Ribs Are Your Super Bowl Feast, The Knockdown, Drag-Out War on Saturated Fat, CrossFit Games Champion Mat Fraser Shares His Diet, Brian Shaw Shares 5,513 Calorie 'Fat Loss Diet'. Due to the fish attaining an average weight of up to 2 kilograms, the fish is widely consumed for its meat. Fishes have been an integral member of our food chain as far as the human history goes. Mercury: More than 0.7 ppm (Highest Level). Dried fish is a tasty snack that comes in many varieties. It has been observed that larger fishes (predators that consume other fishes) and fishes with longer life spans contain more mercury than smaller and shorter lived ones. The profession of bodybuilding cannot be tamed successfully without following a healthy and nutritious diet. For whatever reason, you’re probably not eating enough fish. You can couple it up with some low-level mercury fish to complete your weekly quota. In general, 2 Tablespoons (Tbsp) or a portion of poultry, beef, pork or fish the size of 1/3 of a deck of cards would equal 1 ounce (oz) and provide about 7 grams of protein. It’s great right off the grill with lemon juice, salt, and a little chopped dill. It is a freshwater fish that is widely available in Northern as well as Central India. Anglers love it; fish counters don’t always carry it. Keeping all the dos and don’ts in mind, here is our list of the Top 10 best Indian fishes or seafood for a protein rich diet. Rohu is also a member of the Carp family. So get your familiy, especially your young ones, to start savouring sea food regulalrly. Pomfret is a type of Butterfish that is widely found in South Asia including the Indian Ocean. Protein grams . Kekda is not a fish but it is an integral part of healthy sea food list. … So do not have salmon more than 170 grams in a week. At 28 grams of protein and 134 for four ounces, it’s a solid nutritional pick. A regular intake of protein or amino acids is required because amino acids are used continually by the fish, either to build new proteins (as during growth and reproduction) or to replace existing proteins (maintenance). The contaminants usually found in fishes are: Mercury is a naturally occurring element that becomes a part of fish food chain and gets stored in their flesh. Paplet is again, one of the most exotically enjoyed fishes in India. The protein in fish vs. chicken is often similar, but there are some differences in their nutritional content, so you might benefit from mixing them up. It contains somewhere between 0.09 to 0.20 ppm of mercury depending upon the environment. Fish Solubles have a high crude protein content. However, you can’t just jump into the ocean and eat the first thing that you catch. Characterised by the pink colour, the fish is small in size with a mild flavour when cooked. Promising opportunities across APAC - Rise in number of pet and livestock owners across the Asia Pacific could advance the demand for fish protein hydrolysate products in pet foods and animal feeds. Approximately, a Salmon fillet (boneless piece of meat) contains around 30% of oil. THAT SAID, you’re definitely not going to eat four ounces unless you want to back out of a date or something. Trout is also lower in cholesterol than other freshwater fish, with 63 mg per serving. Great sushi bar order too. Paul is the Food & Nutrition Editor of Men’s Health. For a high protein, low fat option, … It is also good source of water soluble vitamins. The ratio of Omega 6 to Omega 3 is 0.1 which is great. Bivalves have the … Fish is a highly nutritious and beneficial meal. Food . Crude fat content, in particular has been observed to fall into the category of lean fish (Srivastava, 1999). The risk factor arising from fishes is due to the contaminants that they harbour in their bodies. What tilapia lacks in flavor, it makes up for in an amazing protein-to-calorie ratio. The fish has an Omega 6 to Omega 3 ratio of 0.2 which is great. The flesh is supremely tender and takes well to a trip to the smoker. Silver or white pomfret and black pomfret are the two most popularly sold fishes in India. Sometimes MORE protein than chicken, even. it has less than 5 percent body fat and hence it is called as lean fish. Mackerel is a low mercury level fish and hence can be enjoyed everyone. Enough with your chicken breasts, already…. The fish is not an oily fish i.e. They are required by body for the development, structuring, maintenance and efficient functioning of major organs like brain, skin, heart etc. The texture of fresh tuna is satiating like a steak, and it offers a ridiculous amount of both protein (50g) and vitamins (84% daily vitamin A, 306% daily vitamin B12, 40% daily vitamin B6). Nutritional Value : 15 / 100 … However, normal adults can have this fish once a week. The huge diversity, ease of availability and nutrient vitality are the three main reasons that fishes are a hit all across the globe. Not the abstract painter. Fish protein isolate (FPi) - where the product contains less than 1% fat/oil and more than 90% protein. Protein content of foods may vary slightly depending on manufacturer. The values in tables 1 and 2 are for raw flesh, or organs, unless otherwise indicated; values for whole fish will of... 2. The anchovy protein has a high content of trace nutrients that is capable of preventing nutrients from leaching. Pink Perch is high in protein and is low on mercury. Four ounces contains 29 grams of protein and 180 calories. By comparison, they consume a whopping 91 pounds of chicken a year, according to the National Chicken Council. the main site of storage of lipids is the muscle. One four-ounce filet of this slightly oily fish has a potent 34 grams of protein for 212 … This type of fish meal contains 63-68% protein (as fed). What Is the Pescatarian Diet and Is It Healthy? The member of the cod family. It is a rich source of protein and essential fatty acids. Sir what are the bengali name of Indian Mackerel , and Rawas ? Due to industrial wastes and chemicals being washed into the oceans, the number of contaminants entering the oceanic food chain has increased. However, being an oily fish, it is rich in Omega fatty acids too. Americans, specifically, eat a pathetic 15 pounds of fish and shellfish a year. As, we all know, protein is essential for muscle development and energy production. High lipid fishes had less water and more protein than low-lipid fishes. When it’s flaky, it’s perfect for fish tacos. If one or more amino acid is not present in sufficient amounts, the protein in your diet is considered incomplete. You may have had it smoked, but it’s also great quickly pan-fried. Stop turning your nose up at this omega-3 loaded fish. Nutrition basics. However, our selection will also consider the Omega 3 content and the mercury levels of these fishes so that it is a win-win situation for you. Thus, fish meat is now home to methyl-mercury which is very toxic to humans in high concentrations. This low-calorie, high-omega-3 wild fish houses 31 grams of protein for only 209 calories. Tuna has the highest protein content as compared to other types of fish. So, let’s tell you all that you need to know about fishes. To keep things simpler, we will classify fishes on a very broad index – type of water. Required fields are marked *. Good sources of protein. Always read the nutrition facts label to find out how much protein is in each serving of a food. Fat 4 grams. The seasonal variations in precautions in processing from a manufacturer point of protein content of Schizothorax niger was assessed from view. Protein values given are usually obtained by multiplying the total nitrogen content by 6-25; since 10-15 per cent of... 3. However, the fish has a notorious fame for being high on mercury. Fish is filled with omega-3 fatty acids and vitamins such as D and B2 (riboflavin). Now, this does not mean that you cannot have this delicious fish. Crab meat as healthy as any oily fish. Fatty finfish and crustacea have slightly higher than average protein concentrations. The best part about prawns or shrimps is that they are widely available in any local market at pretty affordable prices. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. it is very rich in Omega 3. Bahubali Actor Prabhas Workout And Diet For A Six Pack Body, Best Indian foods to gain muscle mass and strength, Top 5 Foods in India that are Great Sources of L-Glutamine, 10 Most Effective Fat Burning Indian Foods, Top Indian Bodybuilders whom we want to see again on Stage, Could Bodybuilding Soon Enter into the Online Sports Betting Community, Phil Heath confirms he will compete at Mr Olympia 2020 to win his 8th Title, Sunit Jadhav Wins IBBF Mr India 2019 – Full Results, Supports the mental development of young children. It is provides a great deal of protein as well as essential fatty acids. The following chart lists examples of meat, poultry and fish that contain protein. A whole deck of cards would equal 3 ounces and provide about 21 grams of protein.Three oz. The white meat and rich flavour fetches a great price for this fish. It’s flaky. Crab is a treat in every way. However, most of the fat in trout is heart-healthy unsaturated fat 4. Fish consume protein to obtain amino acids. Sorry, we do not know the bengali name for Indian Mackerel and Rawas, Your email address will not be published. Katla is a fresh water fish that is widely found in the lakes and rivers of North India and Assam. We will also help you with the best Indian fishes for a protein rich diet. Yeah, look, there’s nothing wrong with chicken except that chicken is really, really boring. When it comes to edible marine animals, the list does not highlight only fishes. Fish with fat content as low as 0.5% and as high as 16-18% are of common occurrence. Can I get it kolkata market? As the name suggests, this type of fish survives in a salt rich or to be more specific, in a basic environment (around 8.2 pH). Surmai is one of the most popular and among the costliest fishes in India. It is delicious with tender meat. Learn the protein content in meat, poultry and fish. Put all the lemon pepper seasoning on the stuff you want, but you’re always going to look at that grilled chicken breast as an “eat-to-live” meal instead of an “live-to-eat" one. It is not recommended to abstain from fish altogether as omega 3 and protein are a necessity during pregnancy. The three most important Omega 3 fatty acids are ALA (Alpha-linolenic acid), EPA (Eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (Docosahexaenoic acid). Dried fish. Looking for high-protein foods? … Fishes are therefore, highly preferred by bodybuilders, athletes and fitness lovers as a source of protein. All rights reserved |, Top 10 Best Indian fishes or seafood rich in protein. In one fillet, you’ll find 23 grams of protein for only 111 calories. Pomfret is a non-oily fish and has white meat which is highly delicious. Keep in mind that the exact nutrient content of fish labeled “cod” can vary, as some may be different species entirely. Shop, cook, and eat accordingly. How does that compare to chicken breast? Another reason is that crab is available all over India easily and is enjoyed as a delicacy. Fish Hydrolyzate is similar to Fish Protein Concentrate, except that the oil and water has not been removed. Just ensure that if you have this fish, do not have any other fish in that week. of walleye, cooked with dry heat, also contains 20.9 g … They can protect the child from an array of illness and birth disorders. It is prepared from fish by extracting out the oil, screening or settling out the bones and drying, so that the resultant product (Fish Protein Concentrate) is higher in protein *85% to 95 %) and lower in ash content than fish meal. Many esteemed organizations like American Heart Association, United States Food and Drug Administration (US FDA), Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) have issued statements in the last couple of years citing the benefits of having fishes on a regular basis. Used in aqua feed as a feed attractant & organic fertilizers. Most fish are.Protein content of foods may vary slightly depending on manufacturer. Variations in the lipid content are much wider than that in protein. Men's Health participates in various affiliate marketing programs, which means we may get paid commissions on editorially chosen products purchased through our links to retailer sites. 9. beef … Some of the most prominent benefits of having Omega 3 are: It has been stated that a normal adult should have at least two portions (140 grams each when cooked) of fish each week. … Salmon is one of the most popular edible fish. Jhinga is also a rich source of iron (3.1 mg per 100 gram) and selenium (39.6 mcg per 100 gram). Good quality fish meals contain crude protein levels above 66%, fat content around 8 to 11%, and ash generally below 12%. The exact protein content of fish depends on the species you select. Almost all the widely consumed salt water fishes are found in India. This value is for US Salmon; however even Indian salmon can be considered as a low mercury fish, Mercury: 0.09 to 0.29 ppm (Moderate Level). In fatty fish like oil sardine, mackerel, herring etc. Fish is rich in protein and other vitamins aquaculture feed. Biochemical studies of fish tissue are of Jan 2011- Feb 2012. But when you see trout (or catch it), savor it. it contains oil almost all over its body – tissues as well as the belly cavity. Meat: Chicken breast (grilled without skin) Beef steak (lean grilled) Lamb chop (lean grilled) Pork chop (lean grilled) 32.0 31.0 29.2 31.6: Fish: Tuna (canned in brine) Mackerel (grilled) Salmon (grilled) Cod (grilled) 23.5 20.8 24.2 20.8: Seafood: Prawns Mussels … Four ounces contain 33 grams of protein and 225 calories. Rohu is one of the best options for Indians as it is easily available at affordable rates. 15 High-Protein Meals That'll Fill You Up, 29 Protein-Packed Foods to Help You Build Muscle. Its flavor is intensely fresh and almost sweet, so don’t do anything to ruin it. It is a salt water fish that is widely found in the Indian Ocean and the surrounding seas. Although prawns and shrimps are different, they are very commonly referred to as jhinga in India. Fresh tuna is satiating and is rich in vitamins like vitamin A, vitamin B 12 and vitamin B 6. Moderate level means that the fish is safe to eat. The only problem here is that more and more mercury is being released into the atmosphere due to human activities like energy generation, combustion etc. In a 3-ounce serving size of the most common fin fish, you’ll get between 16 and 26 grams of protein. India is pretty rich in terms of fresh water fishes. Some commonly consumed fresh water fishes are catfish, carp, crappie, bluegill or bream, trout, walleye, bass, drum etc. Crab is easily available and moderately priced too. It is a moderate mercury level fish. It is an oily fish and very rich in its Omega 3 content. PARAMETERS CONTENT % Protein: 40% Min: Moisture: 45% Max: TVBN (Total Volatile Based Nitrogen) 350mg max: A four-ounce fillet will have 30 grams of protein for only 215 calories. Some of the most popular names are salmon, tuna, anchovies, sardines, snapper, cod, mackerel, pomfret, herring etc. Fortunately, a lot of these are abundantly available in India. In some of the tropical developing countries, “fish meal” is sometimes produced after sun-drying and grinding, and can have very high levels of ash and relatively low protein levels. So these are the ten best fishes that can not only treat you to a protein rich meal but also enhance your overall health – both physical and mental. More than 50 percent of the world's fish oil used in aquaculture feed is fed to farmed salmon. PROTEIN QUALITY Protein quality is dependent on having all the essential amino acids in the proper proportions. Protein Content of Foods Meat, Poultry, Eggs: Food (Cooked) Serving Size Calories Protein (g) Chicken, skinless 3 oz 141 28 Steak 3 oz 158 26 Turkey, roasted 3 oz 135 25 Lamb 3 oz 172 23 Pork 3 oz 122 22 Ham 3 oz 139 14 Egg, large 1 egg 71 6 Seafood: Food (Cooked) Serving Size (oz) Calories Protein (g) Salmon 3 155 22 Tuna 3 99 22 Shrimp 3 101 20 Lobster 3 76 16 Scallops 3 75 14 Legumes, Grains, … Serving size . And fish has protein—sometimes a lot of protein, depending on the fish. However, sea food comes with its risk as well and the vulnerable group i.e. The fish has an Omega 6 to Omega 3 ration of less than 0.1 i.e. Team of authors, content creators and fitness enthusiast behind IBB, Stay updated with the latest in Indian Bodybuilding and Fitness, Copyright © 2021 IBB - Indian Bodybuilding by FitSphere Solutions LLP. The best part is that it is a very reasonably priced. In the taste department, try marinating this fish and then cooking it in a hot cast-iron pan. And don’t work yourself up into a panic about the mercury in tuna fish. Fish meal, protein 65% Fish product or fishery byproduct obtained by processing whole or parts of fish. Fishes or to be more precise, sea food, enjoy a lot of prestige as ‘health food’ universally. Fishes that graze on the oceanic grounds (where these contaminants settle down), are more toxic than the others. In many species, there is a build up of lipids during the feeding season and decrease during spawning. A good contender, if protein is your sole criteria for having fish. The same amount (4 oz) has 26 grams of protein and 110 calories. Marine and freshwater fish oil vary in contents of arachidonic acid, EPA and DHA. Saturated Fat 1.5 grams. Since, it is not an oily fish; it is moderate in terms of Omega 3 supply. Normal adults can have as much fish as they like as long as they are striking a balance between high and low level mercury fishes. The protein content of fish flesh, in contrast to that of fat, is highly constant, independent of seasonal variations related to the feeding and reproductive cycles, and shows only small differences among species. Our product picks are editor-tested, expert-approved. …, sir my weight is 68 and age 19 … plzz suggest a good protein for me which do not increase my fat more only improve my muscles shape and also size. Nutritional Content Of Basa Fish: The nutrient value of Basa fish is typical of every kind of white fish, which naturally have decreased levels of calorie content and vast proportions of better-quality proteins. Katla has an Omega 6 to Omega 3 ratio of 0.7 which is good enough. This list ranks the highest-protein fish, according to the USDA Nutrient Database. Table 4 summarizes the approximate protein content of the various finfish and shellfish groups. It is the most popular Bengali fish (national fish of Bangladesh) and very popular in Odisha, West Bengal, Assam, Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat etc. The protein content of fish fish species studied in order to take necessary changes with season [12, 13]. On consumption, these toxic substances enter our bodies too. With 97% of our planet under water, fishes were and are the most abundant resource for man and animal alike. Rawas, as it is called in India, is a widely available fish popular for its pink to orange meat and mild flavour. This oil is rich in Omega 3, Vitamin A and Vitamin D. Even though salmon is low in mercury, it might contain other contaminants like PCBs. Hilsa is being highly fished and the population is gradually decreasing. Trout is higher in calories and fat than other freshwater fish, with one serving containing 162 calories, 7.2 g of fat and 22.6 g of protein. You may be able to find more information about this and similar content at, Anthony Mackie’s Complete ‘Outside the Wire’ Diet, The Simple Diet Gal Gadot Ate for 'Wonder Woman', 6 New Plant-Based Foods That Aren't That Healthy. The major difference is that prawns are larger in size than shrimps. Fish is a preferred protein rich food that is not only dense in nutrition but also a delectable choice when it comes to diet of athletes and bodybuilders. Both can be found in fresh as well as sea water. But it’s also a fast-cooking fish that works well inside a burrito. Table 1: Protein content of some common foods found in the diet : Food type : Protein content (g) per 100g: Meat protein. So let’s dive into the nutritious world of marine animals. Cholesterol 45 mg. Carbohydrates 0 grams. What is the protein content of yellow eel (pili vam)? Another important nutrient that crab is rich in is Selenium (44.4 mcg per 100 grams). Since there is a possibility, the vulnerable group should stay away from this fish. It is a delicacy not just in India but also all over South Asia. It’s a firmer-flesh fish, so it a great option to grill, and its hearty flavor matches well with oil-and-herb-based sauces. 15% to 20% of the global Ilish catch is done by India. In general, 2 Tablespoons (Tbsp) or a portion of poultry, beef, pork or fish the size of 1/3 of a deck of cards would equal 1 ounce (oz) and provide about 7 grams of protein. You can definitely have Rani at least twice to thrice a week. It is also a great source of protein. Based on this we have: As the name suggests, these are the fishes that stay in fresh or non-saline water. Yellowtail. A whole deck of cards would equal 3 ounces and provide about 21 grams of protein. Production … Some of the other marine animals that are an integral part of a seafood menu in India are prawns, shrimps, lobsters, squids, crabs, clams and oysters. Every fish therefore, contains some amount of mercury which in normal amounts does not pose a potential threat to us. But anchovies are very high in two things: omega-3s and flavor. Note: it is recommended to check the regulatory status of this product before using it for livestock feeding. Yeah, tuna fish! 1 ounce. Only 1.3 of the 7.2 g of fat is saturated fat. Just like Katla, this one too, is a moderate mercury level fish and therefore is safe to eat. The two main fresh water fish zones in India are the Western Ghats and the North East. It is among the costliest fishes in India with cost per kg going up to INR 3000 usually. The lipid content such fish show wide variations with … Cook the meaty flesh and it turns white and flaky.