Dan maar Amsterdam. :-), No meat eating, no eggs, no garlic and onion, No illicit sex (You can’t have any sex outside marriage and if you have sex with your husband/wife, then only once a month for a purpose of conceiving a child), No intoxication (No cigarettes, alcohol, drugs, tea and any caffeine drinks). madnessofkrishnas. Devotees are charged with brainwashing and are taken to court in a controversial case that threatens to undermine everything that Prabhupada has worked for… Hare Krishna! Good Morning Australia covers Hare Krishna Traveling Temple by Hare Krishna Travelling Temple Australia . This is because they believe that cooking is a sacred experience and "should be based on principles of compassion, non-violence and balanced living. Hare Krishna, popular name of a semimonastic Vaishnava Hindu organization founded in the United States in 1965 by A.C. Bhaktivedanta. Rama and Krishna refer to incarnations of Lord Vishnu. 9,821 views. This devotee of Krishna became renowned for his ecstatic devotion, expressed in dance and song. Your parents are karmis as well so you can respect them because they gave you a birth and everything but don’t listen to what they’re saying because they are living materialistic life and don’t know what is right for you. The Hare Krishna movement dates back to the fifteenth century (1486), when its founder, Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, began teaching that Krishna was the supreme Lord above every other god. Yoga, meditation and vegetarianism are very popular today and we are more used to seeing monks in robes, but back in the 70s the world was smaller and society was scared for young people who were doing things different from the norm! Suddenly I had a big family and everyone was so helpful and nice… at least in the beginning. To preserve these articles as they originally appeared, The Times does not alter, edit or update them. Other *karmis* (people who are not devotees of Krishna and engage in material activities) have to suffer for so many more births and live in the cycle of birth and death. “We have always been a close family and after we accepted what he was trying to project to us we were able to maintain an open relationship,” she said, and added: “We still miss him on our traditional holidays.”. Better, ideally. Srila Prabhupada and the history of ISKCON. The feeling of being better than those who are non-devotees is constantly preached to you in various subtle ways. 14:31. The officials of the religious group also criticized the detainment of two of its members as material witnesses in the case and efforts by the Queens prosecutors to have them committed for mental treatment. Krishna is often accompanied by Radharani, the female aspect or counterpart of Krishna. Krishna cults don’t brainwash their members in the pop culture mind control sense of the word “brainwash,” but they do use dubious tactics to bring in new members who are then indoctrinated into believing very strange things, and from there an individual’s moral psychology takes over inhibiting rational evaluation of the groups practices and beliefs. Mahaprabhu advocated a devotional method of faith in which adherents of Gaudiya Vaishnavism entered into a relationship with Krishna and expressed their adoration for Krishna through dancing and chanting. I grew up listening to stories about their supposed brainwashing techniques. I hope you’re having a good day :-). You are good for cleaning, cooking, sewing and giving birth to new Hare Krishna members. Hij heeft in 1970 een wereldwijde megahit met 'My sweet lord' waarin het Hare Krishna Mantra 'Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare'prominent voork… Change ), The way I feel about my experience in a cult… pretty funny and accurate video! The indictment against the Hare Krishnas alleging unlawful imprisonment through brainwashing and extortion can after three days of testimony before the grand jury by 15 to 18 people about half of whom were parents whose children have been in various religious cults but who have since left them. If you don’t do this you will be considered a prostitute. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. ISKCON has also been scrutinised by some anti-cult movements. Eigenlijk is het puur toeval dat de Hare Krishna's hier neerstrijken. Het reciteren of zingen van deze maha-mantra is een heel eenvoudige meditatietechniek die wordt aanbevolen voor de huidige tijd. . The Hare Krishna's First Second and Third Generation. Home Latest Popular Trending Categories. Hare Krishna Hindus are one of the largest religious groups in Britain, but even so, they scare me. Where are they Now? At least that’s the way it was for me. 1,418 views. ISKCON has experienced a number of significant internal problems, the majority of which occurred from the late seventies onwards, and especially within the decade following Prabhupada's death. See the article in its original context from. His disciples believed Caitanya to be manifestation of Krishna himself, and established a movement based on his inspiration.The International Society for Krishna Conciousness (ISKCON) is a modern movement within this tradition. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. the film - "It was so beautiful, I cried." Just think about Krishna and get on with it. If you have doubts or in depression it means you are not fully absorbed in Krishna consciousness and your mind is giving you a hard time because it wants to enjoy material activities naturally. is the true story of an unexpected, prolific, and controversial revolutionary. My answer to Are Hare Krishna's brainwashed?Answer by Samarasan:Using the Mind and Body washed or unwashed is a Religious or irreligious conduct respectively.It is a kind of drill or exercise for those who are bound by maya, it serves the Master who enslaved beings under his domain- Mayapuri.Master plays dual role as contaminated consciousness and… Hare Krishna and Parents of 2 Members Rebut Brainwashing Charges. But you can go to Godhead in this lifetime. If you suffer you are getting rid of all the bad karma from previous lives. Art Animation Comedy Cool Commercials Cooking Entertainment How To Music & Dance News & Events People & Stories Pets & Animals Science & Tech Sports Travel & Outdoors Video Games Wheels & Wings Other 18+ Only Fashion. De Hare Krishna-mantra. This is not mentioned in Sunday class though. De Hare Krishna-beweging is een beweging binnen het vaishnavisme en het hindoeïsme, die in 1966 werd gesticht te New York door A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Praphupada (1896-1977). The Hare Krishna movement was called a “bona fide religion” yesterday by State Supreme Court justice in Queens who threw out two indictments against officials of the movement. 9,825 views. They’ve been dancing and chanting in Oxford Street for half a century. So now try hard and you’ll become a perfect devotee with a pure heart and go back to Godhead. In the Name of God -- Hare Krishna Brainwashing Debate with Ted Patrick by Deprogramming Brainwashed Hare Krishna Devotees . We’re less intelligent and mental (*meaning of being unsure what to do and thinking a lot). You would only disturb them because they try to be celibate and it could lead to fall down for both of you. Speaking at a new conference called by the Hare Krishna people at the Warwick Hotel, on 55th Street near the Avenue of the Americas, Mrs. Thomas Murphy, wife sesson Angus is president of the Manhattan Krishna temple said: “As far as we are concerned, Thomas is not brainwashed.”. The leaders often live off money *fundraised* by ordinary devotees on streets. Altough Hare Krishnas tell you we’re all spirit souls as a woman you have different duties than a man. Posted in Uncategorized | Tags: brainwashing, cults, former member, hare krishna, iskcon, Krishna, sexism. July 13, 2017. But Krishna loves his gopis (women who were dancing and performing pastimes with him) so we are trying to be like them. In eerste instantie willen ze vanuit Canada naar Engeland toe, maar daar worden ze bij de douane geweigerd. You are the lucky one because you took this opportunity that not many people have in this life(or even in next 1000 lives). Maya – Illusion of material world that wants to grab you back and wants you to engage in material activities and create karma and suffer more and more…. Hare Krishna Films and Videos. The energy thats present all around us. Ok, so this was the basic Hare Krishna brainwashing pattern and philosophy. Michael Schwed, the assistant district attorney handling the case against the Hare Krishna officials, said efforts were still being made to have the other witness, Merylee Kreshower, who is 23, evaluated by doctors and psychiatrists in an effort to have her committed to hospital for mental treatment. De officiële benaming van deze beweging is ISKCON, International Society for Krishna Consciousness, de Internationale Gemeenschap voor Krishna Bewustzijn. However Hare Krishna have ways to avoid prosecution. Important is to be chaste for Krishna and especially if you don’t have a husband, avoid talking to men. I am going to add much more stuff later. TimesMachine is an exclusive benefit for home delivery and digital subscribers. Basic Instinct - Are you being Brainwashed ?, Hare Krishna ! ( Log Out /  The three words— Hare, Krishna, and Rama—are the seed sounds of the maha-mantra, Hare refers to the energy of that One Infinite Source of all of us. Just think about Krishna and get on with it. Just another WordPress.com site . 26:50. Flanked by her husband at the lectern in the Warwick Room, Mr. Murphy said that many members of the Hare Krishna movement had spent time at their New Jersey home and that none displayed any signs of being under the mental control of others. This is a digitized version of an article from The Times’s print archive, before the start of online publication in 1996. We are very sentimental unlike men. They’re authorities and are not to be questioned because they made it. ( Log Out /  Hare Krishna on television and in the news. Maya – Illusion of material world that wants to grab you back and wants you to engage in material activities and create karma and suffer more and more… Ok, so this was the basic Hare Krishna brainwashing pattern and philosophy. Audio: English - Stereo & 5.1 Surround, Russian Dub - Stereo the film and has been a friend of the Hare Krishna movement for many many years. One woman living in the temple explained to me the position of a woman.. “It is no discrimination of women.. we have different bodies and our nature is to be mothers. Boy George is an amazing musician and Grammy award winning artist who has been a huge supporter of HARE KRISHNA! So how does it feel to be brainwashed and why did I let others to brainwash my mind? You need to show others that you are as good as them! “It is all for Krishna”. By Mark Jenkins. compass 2013 ep20 In the Name of God -- Hare Krishna Brainwashing Debate with Ted Patrick by Deprogramming Brainwashed Hare Krishna Devotees . 04:44. ("Sunday Feasts" are held at Hare Krishna temples around the world, where anyone can come and participate in the chanting, dancing, and feasting on vegetarian food offered to the Lord.) Posts about brainwashing written by harekrishnamadness. 'Brainwashing & Fear of the Cult' #5 Sneak Preview of the award-winning documentary film that the Washington Post called "a stirring story". They all will ‘take you down’ so better don’t associate with them. Hare Krishna movement officials offer testimony by parents of 2 members, clinical psychologist, theologian and others to rebut charges by Queens … You have new friends and they all understand that your past life was hard and now you are becoming better person because devotees of Krishna are very rare individuals and so fortunate to be on this path. Of the colorful and exotic features of the American urban landscape during the hippie era in the late 1960s and 1970s, none, perhaps, was so striking as the small bands of men with shaved heads and saffron robes and women in saris gathering at love-ins or on street corners. Srila Prabhupada has an absolute truth and can NEVER be questioned too. Occasionally the digitization process introduces transcription errors or other problems; we are continuing to work to improve these archived versions. Ekadasi – devi is de grote Maha-sakti, innerlijke kracht, van Sri Krishna en is uit Zijn transcendentale lichaam verschenen om personen die op deze dag vasten van de grootste zonden te bevrijden en hun veel plezier te schenken. Hare Krishna. Hare Krishna (the International Society for Krishna Consciousness) is a Hindu cult that worships Krishna as the supreme deity. The Hare Krishna understanding is that when Hindus pray to Krishna… ‘Hare Krishna!’ takes an uncritical look at a controversial spiritual movement and its leader. She called the allegations “revolting.”, Dr. Allan Gerson, a clinical psychologist from Los Angeles who said he spent year studying members of the group said: never saw so much as an inkling of any zombie‐like behavior or brainwashing among members.”. Hare Krishna, Op zondag 24 januari a.s. is het Putrada Ekadasi, de dag van Sri Hari! About me and the purpose of this blog; Officials of the Hare Krishna movement offered testimony by the parents of two of its members and that of a clinical psychologist, a theologian and others yesterday to rebut charges by the Queens District Attorney that the sect uses mindcontrol techniques to manipulate its members. ISKCON has its historical roots in the Caitanya (or Gaudiya) movement of Hinduism, which began around 1510 with an ascetic who took the name Sri Krishna Caitanya. This involves cooking, cleaning, reading, gardening, farming, or the most glorious – distributing Srila Prabhupada’s books that is the best service you can do. The DVD & Blu-ray of the feature-length documentary Hare Krishna! The Mantra, the Movement and the Swami who started it all, comes with Special Features including About Krishna Consciousness, Additional Scenes, and the Official Theatrical Trailer. This movement is a Western outgrowth of the popular Bengali bhakti (devotional) yoga tradition, or Krishna Consciousness, which began in the 16th century. Hare Krishna, Hare KrishnaKrishna Krishna, Hare HareHare Rama, Hare RamaRama Rama, Hare HareTarana & Friends Love in action Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. Meanwhile, a judge in Queens remanded Edward Shapiro, one of the two material witness in the case, into the custody of his parents who are expected to put him in a hospital for mental treatment. You read strictly religious books and hear the same *truths* from all sides. Always listen to your husband because he knows better, he is more advanced and if you serve him well, you go back to Godhead with him. Other version is “Maya is testing you, Prabhu”. Spokesmen for the group vehemently deny that any extortion demands were made. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. . Similar testimony was given by Dr. J. Stillman Judah, an adjunct professor ‘at the Pacific School of Religion in California, and Dr. Shaligram Shukla, professor of anthropology and Sanskrit at Georgetown University in Washington. It is illegal because you are asking for often very generous donations to be given for a book/books. “I didn't find them to be weird or insane and I found nobody who was being held against their will,” he testified. Temple Life in the Hare Krishna Cult -- Credo UK Televison by Hare Krishna Temple Life . Door de maha-mantra te chanten, kun je praktisch ervaren dat er een steeds sterker gevoel van transcendentale extase tot je doordringt vanuit de spirituele werkelijkheid. You have to get up at 4 am (if you are lucky) to attend morning services and after all lectures and ceremonies you work all day for *Krishna*. But if you are surrounded by so many people living the same way of life and constantly telling you how you have to surrender and give up all material activities something in your mind switches into the same *mode*.. Other than that you have to chant 16 rounds of HK mantra a day (cca 2 hours of meditation), read only Srila Prabhupada’s books, associate only with devotees of Krishna, attend their retreats and so on, preach about Krishna to others, wear chaste clothes, don’t talk to opposite sex, cook your own food that is not *contaminated* by non-devotees etc, don’t watch TV or listen to the radio or read newspapers…. Hare Krishnas are strict vegetarians who also avoid eggs. Kirtans and bhajans. The grand jury also heard testimony from a Harvard University Dean, a Chicago man whose 12‐year‐old son is believed to he in a religious sect, a dean from Pace College and two to three local physicians, all of whom testified against the group or on mind‐control techniques. 40:42. Dankzij ex-Beatle George Harrison heeft de jonge spirituele beweging dan al flink wat bekendheid gekregen. The Hare Krishna mantra, also referred to reverentially as the Mahā-mantra ("Great Mantra"), is a 16-word Vaishnava mantra which is mentioned in the Kali-Santarana Upanishad and which from the 15th century rose to importance in the Bhakti movement following the teachings of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu.This mantra is composed of two Sanskrit names of the Supreme Being, "Krishna" and … The Hare Krishna movement (ISKON _ International Society for Krishna Consciousness) Brindavan, a town of 30,000, 90 miles south of Delhi, ... Parents have accused ISKON of brainwashing their youngsters, isolating and alienating them from their families. I assume people join cults for the understanding from others, love and sharing and the feeling of being fulfilled by philosophy that gave you answers to all your questions you’ve ever had! ( Log Out /  Their son Angus, 22, was one of two officials of the movement indicted on charges of using brainwashing techniques to control members and allegedly making extortion demands for $20.000 from the family of another member. BOY GEORGE reviews HARE KRISHNA! Other version is “Maya is testing you, Prabhu”. Dit wordt ook wel het grote chanten voor bevrijding genoemd. ( Log Out /  The true story of Hare Krishna: Sex, drugs, The Beatles and 50 years of scandal. Another parent, who identified herself only as Mrs. Perlmutter, said her son Emanuel had been in the movement five years and was not the victim of any brainwashing. The Hare Krishna officials said these were cruel attempts to force the members to renounce their religious beliefs and testify against the movement. yes.. so now you might be wondering how I fell for this obvious manipulation… I am also asking myself the same question. It’s pretty simple once you are looking for a purpose in your life and have certain doubts about the way you and others live it. Just focus on your spiritual advancement at this moment and you will see, Krishna will send you very spiritual husband in the future!’ In next conversations I was told how I need to keep my hair covered and all body parts too. 1,090 views. Am also asking myself the same question and go back to Godhead dankzij ex-Beatle Harrison... Improve these archived versions Prabhupada has an absolute truth and can NEVER be questioned because they made it demands! Dag van Sri Hari ze vanuit Canada naar Engeland toe, maar daar worden ze bij de geweigerd! 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