Ingredients . genius. Since making these, I’ve experimented with putting the Spam … This version takes the original, and adds a layer or two of fluffy rolled eggs. Scoop desired amount of rice into the mold. If you don’t have a spam musubi mold, you can just make the lay Explore. (Optional). Saved by Beau Coltes. Notes. Press musubi out of the mold. On a flat surface, line a sheet of plastic wrap, then add a nori seaweed and place the Musubi mold in the center of the seaweed. Cut nori in halves lengthwise. Recipes with spam, such as fried rice and sometimes even in kimchi stew, we didn’t eat it often but when we did, I really enjoyed it. busitalia vend une vaste gamme d’articles, allant de la tenue vestimentaire à l’électronique, en passant par les accessoires, etc. 250. It consists of a slice of spam on top of a block of rice, wrapped in nori. 3.0 out of 5 stars It's ok. use your spam can as the mold! In the past, I'd just use the actual spam can as the mold. Cook the … If you're in Honolulu make sure to visit The Rice Factory. Or use your hands to shape them too! Note: These pictures show the first way that I learned how to make musubi using molds — rice into the mold first, then Spam, folding the nori on top of the musubi. With this mold, the rice and spam is nice and compact to perfection. Put a slice of the fried Spam on top of the rice and use the rice press to compact the Spam musubi. Add tofu to the marinade and set aside. You can pour a little more furikake, if you like. I bought Musubi cookbooks and musubi molds for Xmas presents for my relatives who have to make lunches for kids everyday. Spam - Spam Classic or Spam Lite (low sodium). Today. Spam Musubi Recipe | Cooking Momofuku at home - Momofuku for two. Ingredients: Steamed white rice, cooked from 3 cups of short-grain rice in 3 cups of water; 1 can Spam (12 ounces), cut crosswise into 10 slices ; 1 tbsp cooking oil; Nori, each sheet cut lengthwise into two; ¼ cup Teriyaki sauce (optional) You will also need a musubi maker or mold. Position the Spam musubi rice mold over the center of a piece of the nori. Once Spam has cooled, set up your musubi mold, rice, and nori. How to Make Spam Musubi with a Mold. Put the egg topping. I actually find Spam musubi to be very comforting and delicious. Wrap nori around musubi and seal ends with a small dab of water. Pour a generous amount of furikake. You'll need to position the mold* in the center, near the end of the nori strip. Top with slice of Spam. The techniques also vary. Scoop rice into the mold. How to Make Spam Musubi with Egg. If using furikake, mix cooked rice with furikake to desired tastes. Add 1/4 inch (0.64 cm) to 1/2 inch (1.27 cm) of rice, depending size of the mold. Sprinkle another 1/2 teaspoon furikake. Cook until sauce is thickened and caramelized over the spam. This mold is definitely worth the buy and will save you so much time. There is a specific mold for assembling the Spam Musubi as seen here. Maggie Zhus Omnivore Cookbook and website was a phenomenal resource discovery for Chinese Canadians like me, who were born in Canada but fully know the great foods made by parents, grandparents, and aunties, who are sadly all gone. Then using the top part, press down firmly into the rice to get a thick layer of compressed rice. Making the musubi takes a bit of time. Assemble Spam Musubi. Moisten the musubi mold and place it in the middle of the seaweed. While you can make spam musubi without the mold, it’s SIGNIFICANTLY easier to do so with a mold. With the amount of musubi we make, it’s been completely worth it to buy an inexpensive mold. A popular snack and lunch food in Hawaii. Flatten the rice. Don't be shy! Step 3. 8 servings. i can never find my musubi mold when i want it. Tender and sweet cauliflower rice pressed and topped with crispy fried Spam coated in a sweet Teriyaki sauce. Sprinkle rice with furikake. How to make Spam Musubi 4 ways. Spam Musubi Sauce Recipe. Spam musubi is a popular, portable snack from Hawaii. Then put the spam slices on top of the rice. To make this basic spam musubi recipe, cook rice as you would normally. Place musubi mold (or Spam can with bottom removed) in the center of the nori. Carefully remove the mold. I fry all the Spam, then add the teriyaki and let it thicken to get the Spam shiny and caramelized. Making the musubi takes a bit of time. Si vous recherchez Spam Musubi, vous êtes au bon endroit. I tried to make spam musubi for the first time ever. More information... People also love these ideas. Place nori on waxed paper. Layer on a slice of Spam. An empty Spam can may also be used by removing the bottom of the can so that one is left with a kind of tube to mold the rice in. In a rice mold, press down half a cup of cooled rice. Wet both hands with water, arrange the rice into the musubi maker and press it tight using the presser. Spam – the original “nose to tail!” (haha)… So here you go: how to make spam musubi! First, pan fry the ham. My musubi came out perfect — almost better than the ones sold in stores/restaurants. Ever since i was little i remember my mom, grandma, and aunty always used to make me this for snack after school. As a spam musubi lover, I make this dish from time to time. Top with another 1/4 cup rice. My Spam musubi sauce is basically a teriyaki sauce, with some soy sauce, sugar and maybe a bit of rice wine vinegar or mirin if I have some on hand. Then you'll need the 3 key ingredients: Cooked rice - Japanese rice short or medium grain rice, I like Koda Farms. I was intent on making it work out the second time around so I ordered this mold and wow! As long as you have the right mold (this one only fits one piece of Spam at a time, but mine has the length to accommodate 2 slices; I’d recommend the longer ones if you’re making a lot), you’ll be fine. Works just as great without the cost! Yet others like me, use an oshizushi (pressed sushi) mold. Spam Musubi . Spam Musubi mold. Sprinkle furikake on the rice. Cook spam until slightly crispy, then add soy sauce, sugar and mirin. If you’re using a mold that only fits one piece of Spam, you’ll have to cut your seaweed sheets in half. If you can't find a sushi or musubi mold, try cutting off the ends of the spam can and use it as a mold! *Note: This recipe is most quick with a spam musubi mold. I’m betting that if you’re here, you probably already know what Spam musubi is, but in case you don’t: it’s pressed Spam sushi. Definitely recommend this mold. 2 Pack Musubi Maker Press - BPA Free, Non-Stick & Non-Toxic Sushi Making Kit - Spam Musubi Mold - Make Your Own Professional Sushi at Home - Hawaiian Spam Musubi, Kimbab , Onigiri, Restaurant Quality 4.7 out of 5 stars 1,822. In a wide bowl add the marinade ingredients, whisk until all ingredients are dissolved. busitali… Depending on your musubi mold you might need to cut the tofu so it fits in the mold. Since it was my first time, I didn’t have a mold and kind of failed miserably. Rinse rice under cold water about 3 times or until water runs clear. I feel that this is something I can buy for a dollar at a Daiso or Dollar Tree. 5. The Spam Musubi Molds Once you have this, it will be very easy to assemble the musubi. Read more. I like my Spam pan-fried until crispy and slicked back with a smear of teriyaki sauce before it goes into the musubi. Step 4. It’s very easy to assemble this wonderful Hawaiian snack once you have the tool. How to Make Spam Musubi? Keto Spam Musubi A quick and easy dish, Keto Spam Musubi is ready within 20 minutes. $11.99. Ask any person from Hawai'i and they will tell you how import… The ingredients for this recipe are convenient to keep on hand if you stock up on Spam, frozen cauliflower rice, and nori sheets. Only time will tell how long this would last. How to Make Spam Musubi with a Mold. Pinterest. How to Make Spam Musubi: Learn how to make the ultimate favorite snack of Hawai'i, Spam Musubi. This is a great recipe that I like to make for my family and friends! There’s something familiar about it because of the rice and gim and, I grew up eating spam. How to Make Spam Musubi . The first thing you need is a Spam Musubi mold - this is a good one. It WORKED but never how I'd like it and it's such a hassle. You can also form your spam musubi without mold by pressing a portion of rice in a small, rectangle tupperware container like we did. At first I was wishing I had bought one of those plastic spam musubi molds online, but I ended up just using the Spam can, and I didn’t even have to cut the bottom out! Cooking For A Group Fun Cooking Cooking Recipes Cooking School Spam Recipes Recipies Easy Recipes Hawaiian Dishes Hawaiian Recipes. I've used better molds in the past. Spam Musubi Mold. Slice spam lengthwise into 8 pieces. Press 1/4 cup of rice in musubi mold. Place a piece of spam on top of the rice. How To Make Spam Musubi. Don't wet it too much, or else the seaweed will be too "gooey." *I have a neat little mold a friend sent to me from Hawaii - I've also seen them at local Japanese and Asian markets. Position the rice mold so that its longest side is perpendicular to the nori's longest side. Nori sheets - They come in packs of 10 or 50. Fill musubi maker with rice and press flat until the rice is 3/4-inch high. I’ve linked the mold we use below in the “Shop this post” section or you can find it in my Tools. Spread about 1/4 to 1/2 cup of the cooked rice into the bottom of the rice mold. Cut long strips of nori / seaweed, about 2-3″ wide and … It's a simple mold to make 1 spam musubi but I've used other molds before that are of better build quality and are less flimsy. Place the spam musubi mold on to the seaweed. Sprinkle 1/2 teaspoon furikake over rice.