View Answer, 9. 0000006292 00000 n To practice all areas of VLSI, here is complete set of 1000+ Multiple Choice Questions and Answers. CMOS logic gates require very little power when in a static state. 0000012375 00000 n Participate in the Sanfoundry Certification contest to get free Certificate of Merit. 198 0 obj<>stream Each of them can form a complete logic computation system because the basic logic oper-ations from their logic primitive circuits are all the complete sets of logic. 196 27 READ PAPER. 0000005319 00000 n during this scenario spikes will be generated momentarily in the current as shown in fig below. Electrical Properties of MOS & BiCMOS Circuits, Memory, Registers & System Timing Aspects, here is complete set of 1000+ Multiple Choice Questions and Answers, Prev - VLSI Questions and Answers – System Considerations, Next - VLSI Questions and Answers – Phase Lock Loop, Microwave Engineering Questions and Answers – Series and Parallel Resonant Circuits, VLSI Questions and Answers – Phase Lock Loop, Java Programming Examples on Set & String Problems & Algorithms, Artificial Intelligence Questions and Answers, Linear Integrated Circuits Questions and Answers, Microwave Engineering Questions and Answers, Computer Fundamentals Questions and Answers, Electronic Devices and Circuits Questions and Answers, VLSI Questions and Answers – Switch Logic, VLSI Questions and Answers – Testing Combinational Logic, Mechatronics Questions and Answers – Digital Logic Control, Digital Circuits Questions and Answers – Diode-Transistor Logic(DTL). CMOS CIRCUIT VERSUS ADIABATIC LOGIC CIRCUIT 2.1 CMOS Circuits In CMOS circuit dominant source of power dissipation is due to the switching operation. 0000013305 00000 n 0000001274 00000 n c) -1 d) -0 In CMOS logic circuit the p-MOS transistor acts as: PDF. 0000005073 00000 n Latch-up pertains to a failure mechanism wherein a parasitic thyristor (such as a parasitic silicon controlled rectifier, or SCR) is inadvertently created within a circuit, causing a high amount of current to continuously … Also, no resistors are needed in the CMOS circuit, other than the resistances of the gates themselves. 0000003453 00000 n switching transition in adiabatic circuits is decreased because of the use of a time varying voltage source instead of a fixed voltage supply. d) Not used in CMOS circuits At each charging and discharging operation, there is an inevitable energy loss of CV dd 2for static CMOS circuits. CMOS logic dissipates less power than NMOS logic circuits because CMOS dissipates power only when switching ("dynamic power"). b) 0 or ground or LOW state 37 Full PDFs related to this paper. By restricting the times that input signals can change state relative to a clock signal it is possible to design logic circuits that operate faster than the static CMOS designs shown so far. d) Dynamic supply current is dominant in CMOS circuits because most of the power is consumed in moving charges in the parasitic capacitor in the CMOS gates. The Texas Instruments (TI ) advanced high-speed CMOS (AHC) logic family provides a natural migration for high-speed CMOS (HCMOS) users who need more speed for low-power, and low-drive applications. A voltage transfer curve is a graph of the input voltage to a gate versus its output voltage; Figure 3.2 shows the transfer curve for TTL inverter without any fanout. b) Pull up network View Answer, 5. CMOS interview questions. a) d) Shorter switching times allow the execution of more operations per second by the computer. Even though no steady state current flows, the on transistor supplies current to an output load if the output voltage deviates from 0 V or VDD. Dynamic power dissipation occurs when the circuit is operational, while static power dissipation becomes an issue when the circuit is inactive or is in a power-down mode. The CMOS logic circuit for NAND gate is: 0000004500 00000 n When logic 1 is applied at the input, NMOS turns ON and PMOS goes in OFF state, Thus there will be logic 0 at the output node. a) A circuit which includes 74LS … A very significant factor in digital logic circuit performance is switching speed. Though CMOS technology provides circuits with low static power dissipation during switching operation, but the major concern with CMOS is it has very large switching power consumption, which directly depends on the switching frequency. The term 'Complementary Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor ', or simply 'CMOS', refers to the device technology for designing and fabricating integrated circuits that employ logic using both n- and p-channel MOSFET's.CMOS is the other major technology utilized in manufacturing digital IC's aside from TTL, and is now widely used in … In negative logic convention, the Boolean Logic [1] is equivalent to: This occurs because the power lines, output lines, and gate circuit in a package have some parasitic inductance. Here, the load capacitance (CL) is charged by using a constant current source (I) while in conventional CMOS logic we use constant voltage source to … c) Load 0000009001 00000 n View Answer, 2. Operation is readily understood by recalling that a “high” gate voltage applied to an n-channel device creates a low-resistance channel that acts, crudely speaking, as a short circuit, while a “low” gate voltage applied to an n-channel device results in a nonexistent channel, which is nearly an open circuit. 0000008070 00000 n Because of this, CMOS power dissipation depends on the switching frequency of the outputs. 0000007373 00000 n View Answer. Field-effect transistors, particularly the insulated-gate variety, may be used in the design of gate circuits. There are three major sources of power dissipation in digital CMOS circuits, which are summarized in equation (1) [2]: ( ) … Adiabatic logic works with the concept of switching activities which reduces the power by giving stored energy back to the supply. c) High impedance or floating(Z) a) Both n-MOSFET and p-MOSFET turns OFF simultaneously for input ‘0’ and turns ON simultaneously for input ‘1’ 0000014331 00000 n To overcome this inherent CMOS problem it was suggested to build CMOS logic containing only n-type transistors implementing the switching function f. This logic is a dynamic type because there are two clock-phases necessary for its proper operation. 2. Then when the switch goes LOW, the MOSFET turns “ON” and when the switch goes HIGH the MOSFET turns “OFF”. b) 0 When both nMOS and pMOS transistors of CMOS logic design are in OFF condition, the output is: c) d) None of the mentioned David J. Comer, Donald T. Comer, in Encyclopedia of Physical Science and Technology (Third Edition), 2003. Create a free account to download. Power: switching and leakage. In CMOS logic circuit, the switching operation occurs because: a) Both n-MOSFET and p-MOSFET turns OFF simultaneously for input ‘0’ and turns ON simultaneously for input ‘1’ b) Both n-MOSFET and p-MOSFET turns ON simultaneously for input ‘0’ and turns OFF simultaneously for input ‘1’ That is, when they are not switching from LOW to HIGH and vice versa. <<0f22ce0c74a41a4587977b5b7d75a6be>]>> 0000002551 00000 n 1. In CMOS logic circuit the n-MOS transistor acts as: In this, the main design changes are focused in power clock which plays the vital role in the principle of operation. It occurs in CMOS when input of gate switches. This set of VLSI Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “CMOS Logic Gates”. CMOS Logic Circuit Design. d) None of the mentioned In positive logic convention, the true state is represented as: During the switching operation power is dissipated in charging or discharging the parasitic capacitances during the … 0000004996 00000 n Some TTL structures have fan-outs of at least 20 for both logic levels. b) A switching circuit interpretation is in (b). Join our social networks below and stay updated with latest contests, videos, internships and jobs! 6.371 – Fall 2002 10/9/02 L11 – Domino Logic 2 Tinkering with Logic Gates Things to like about CMOS gates: easy to translate logic to fets rail-to-rail switching good noise margins, no static power since fets are in cutoff sizing not critical to correct operation Things not to like about CMOS gates: N inputs Ö2N fets (i.e., one nfet and one pfet) Our CMOS inverter dissipates a negligible amount of power during steady state operation. A logic gate is an idealized model of computation or physical electronic device implementing a Boolean function, a logical operation performed on one or more binary inputs that produces a single binary output. © 2011-2021 Sanfoundry. a) Load Take for instance, the following inverter circuit built using P- and N-channel IGFETs: b) Download with Google Download with Facebook. a) 1 or Vdd or HIGH state Combining the CBA, these logic primitive circuits can be eas-ily configured and cascaded by applying the corresponding con-trol signals, as shown in Figure 1b. 0000001601 00000 n 0000011433 00000 n Low-power, adiabatic logic, Full adder, CMOS, Pass transistor logic, Positive feed back adiabatic logic, Transmission gate logic, SERF adder 1. 0 But when the outputs switch more current is drawn. All Rights Reserved. The positive logic operation of depletion MOSFETs produces the OR logic circuit in Figure 13. CMOS - Complementary Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor . a) +VDD 0000001778 00000 n 0000010295 00000 n Free PDF. Sanfoundry Global Education & Learning Series – VLSI. c) -VDD 0000009915 00000 n a) View Answer, 10. This paper. On a typical ASIC in a modern 90 nanometer process, switching the output might take 120 picoseconds, and … 550 Pages. a) Pull down network d) None of the mentioned View Answer, 8. a) 1 or Vdd or HIGH state 0000000016 00000 n 0000004740 00000 n Leakage is mainly due to the scaling of CMOS. NMOS is built on a p-type substrate with n-type source and drain diffused on it. In microprocessors, logic circuits often operate on signal inputs that only switch states at known times relative to a periodic signal called a clock. Download PDF Package. When both pullup and pulldown networks are conducting for a small duration and there is a direct path b/w VDD to VSS. popular logic for implementing different designs is CMOS logic. b) Both n-MOSFET and p-MOSFET turns ON simultaneously for input ‘0’ and turns OFF simultaneously for input ‘1’ PDF. An advantage of ECL circuits compared to CMOS circuits is that they generate less noise on the power supply lines so that requirements on the power supply are less stringent. xref c) 0000010532 00000 n Power dissipation only occurs during switching and is very low. Similarly, when a low voltage is applied to the gate, NMOS will not conduct. Premium PDF Package. There are static and dynamic (switch mode) power losses occurs in CMOS circuit, in which static power is more important for sleep mode (no operation mode), leakage reduction improves the efficiency of the circuit, thereby saving a significant amount of energy. d) Short to ground Thus, the term adiabatic logic is used in low-power VLSI circuits which implements reversible logic. View Answer, 4. dissipation. a) The output is L only when both inputs are also L. The output is L only when both inputs are also L. I hope to see depletion-based CMOS devices implemented soon so experience can be gained with them. Download Full PDF Package. b) 0 or ground or LOW state Being voltage-controlled rather than current-controlled devices, IGFETs tend to allow very simple circuit designs. Otherwise the switching circuit above looks like … In CMOS logic circuit, the switching operation occurs because: A CMOS NAND gate is shown in Fig. 0000002083 00000 n trailer c) %%EOF %PDF-1.4 %���� 0000004040 00000 n 0000002955 00000 n Unlike many other advanced logic families, AHC does not have the drawbacks that come with higher speed, e.g., higher signal noise and power consumption. 8. View Answer, 3. 13.21. When both nMOS and pMOS transistors of CMOS logic gates are ON, the output is: In the case of single-bit switching, NSW in equation 4 is 1. Notice there are 2 kinds of switches, one SPST which closes in response to HI, and another which opens. View Answer, 11. b) PDF. 0000002224 00000 n c) N-MOSFET transistor turns ON, and p-MOSFET transistor turns OFF for input ‘1’ and N-MOS transistor turns OFF, and p-MOS transistor turns ON for input ‘0’ d) None of the mentioned View Answer, 7. View Answer, 6. 0000007848 00000 n 1) What is latch up? c) Pull down network 196 0 obj<> endobj c) b) When one gate switches, it induces some back EMF in the other gates, which limits the rate at which the output current switches between logic states. d) b) Pull up network The CMOS logic circuit for NOR gate is: x�b```f``����� ����x�b�,��{˼:���bu ��E��6��I�K1�m�z�YB�]:�@yǵ�#S�X\��:ϐτ�ⱆ���=�z%�Vc�� � �Qa1�F�m@ ��p�H��. INTRODUCTION Power minimization is one of the primary concerns in today VLSI design methodologies because of two main reasons one is the long battery operating life requirement of mobile and portable Dynamic power includes a short circuit power component. III.A.4 Frequency Limitations on Digital Circuits. NMOS are considered to be faster than PMOS, since the carriers in NMOS, which are electrons, travel twice as fast as the holes. switch-level circuits also has been raised due to the prevalence of the CMOS technology (see, e.g.,[4-1]),withstuck-onfaultsonfullycomplemen-tary gates still relatively untouched[1 1] Methodshave been proposed towards realizing reliable checkersin CMOScircuits. It is best to build a circuit using just one logic family, but if necessary the different families may be mixed providing the power supply is suitable for all of them. DD = 0 in CMOS: ideally only current during switching action • leakage currents cause I DD > 0, define quiescentleakage current, I DDQ (due largely to leakage at substrate junctions) –P DC = I DDQ V DD •Pdyn, power required to switch the state of a gate – charge transferred during transition, Qe = Cout VDD 3.3 TTL logic the limiting value is the LOW fanout. In NMOS, the majority carriers are electrons. As a result, the simplified model of a CMOS circuit … In figure 4 the maximum current dissipation for our CMOS inverter is less than 130uA. The truth table which accurately explains the operation of CMOS not gate is: Power dissipation versus frequency for ECL and CMOS circuits is sketched in Figure 2.23. When a high voltage is applied to the gate, the NMOS will conduct. Ifthecheckers are realized using only CMOSdominogates, then The CMOS gate circuit of NOT gate is: A short summary of this paper. For example mixing 4000 and 74HC requires the power supply to be in the range 3 to 6V. a) 1 This upside down connection of a P-channel enhancement mode MOSFET switch allows us to connect it in series with a N-channel enhancement mode MOSFET to produce a complementary or CMOS switching device as shown across a dual supply. Most of the power consumed by CMOS gates is due to displacement currents drawn during state-transitions for charging and discharging wire and device capacitances. Power dissipation in CMOS transistors occurs mainly because of the device switching operations. INTRODUCTIONVLSI systems-on-chip (SoCs) use CMOS digital-logic circuits because they consume very low power, have high packing density and are easy to design. c) Crowbarred or Contention(X) startxref or. b) 0 V d) None of the mentioned Nor gate is: a ) b ) c ) d ) View Answer, 4 here is set. Dissipation only occurs during switching and is very low is: a ) b ) c ) ). Another which opens for a small duration and there is a direct path b/w to... Which implements reversible logic closes in response to HI, and another opens. Current as shown in fig a static state are conducting for a small duration and there is direct. Vice versa other than the resistances of the gates themselves ) b c... In figure 4 the maximum current dissipation for our CMOS inverter is less than 130uA maximum current dissipation our... 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