The first danger came from the friends of Richard, who plotted prematurely, and were crushed in January 1400. Her body was still exhausted from Kris's attack and a day spent with Hannah and her friends. I thought, if you wouldn't talk, your friends would. He said she deserved the rest and he wanted her to keep in touch with her friends. 7 6 5 ff., is a mixture of Greek traditions with a few oriental elements; here the first king is Medos (the Median empire); his nameless son is succeeded by Cyrus, a blessed ruler, beloved by the gods, who gave peace to all his friends and conquered Lydia, Phrygia, Ionia. When the Democrats, however, declared such language incendiary he tried to explain it away, and by so doing offended his friends without appeasing his opponents. I've still got some friends and these two will get tired of messing around out here in the boonies. The student of English constitutional history will observe the success with which Friends have, by the mere force of passive resistance, obtained, from the legislature and the courts, indulgence for all their scruples and a legal recognition of their customs. The activity of the early Friends was not confined to England or even to the British Isles. Storehouses of food were established at various centres and a system of food-drafts was devised whereby relatives and friends could send relief where it was needed. "I know it would be tough finding a place this close to the weekend," Jeff continued, "but we've got some friends that have a cabin. She was never quite sure how to respond to Martha's candor though the two continued to be best of friends. To make friends definition: If you make friends with someone, you begin a friendship with them. Now that friends, I thought you might let me have a taste of your monkey. to 8 p.m., and Bourne and his friends determined to continue the experiment as a counterblast to the parish wakes of the time, which were little better than local saturnalia. friends. … make friends with - WordReference thesaurus: synonyms, discussion and more. 5. At the bistro where she was a weekend waitress, she saw the same friends meeting up for coffee every Saturday. make example sentences. Formed for mercenary warfare, they proved a perilous instrument in the hands of those who used them, and were hardly less injurious to their friends than to their foes. The insistence on an inward spiritual experience was the great contribution made by Friends ' At the time referred to, and during the Commonwealth, the pulpits of the cathedrals and churches were occupied by Episcopalians of the Richard Baxter type, Presbyterians, Independents and a few Baptists. In 1821 Mr John Scott, the editor of the London Magazine, was killed in a duel, and that periodical passed into the hands of some friends of Hood, who proposed to make him sub-editor. After chatting about common friends she asked, "What can I do for you?". These are friends, and will do you no harm. If you're in a small town, try to negotiate a decent per diem rate; better yet, 28. She had always been a recluse at heart, often declining a social outing with her friends so that she could be alone with a book or her writing. Though he had no friends and no influence, he speedily found an opening. 6. 22. At certain periods this doctrine, pushed to an extreme, has led to a practical undervaluing of the Scriptures, but of late times it has enabled Friends to face fearlessly the conclusions. Examples of Indifferent in a sentence As political aides, we are going door-to-door in hopes of getting indifferent voters to come out to the polls. The people kept the street in which he lay quiet; but medical care, the loving solicitude of friends, and the respect of all the people could not save his life. Her words fueled the sense of dread he'd felt the past two weeks, since he'd lost contact with his closest friends. was their good-night shout as the circle of merry friends broke up for the night. All Free. She was like a sorority girl ready to dish with her friends. She returned to her friends who were waiting for a full report, anxious and hopeful. I take all my other friends to see this king-tree. Maybe Darkyn is still pissed at me for breaking into Hell to rescue our friends a few months ago. asked the little Wizard. ; We are all of us seeking a blessing on our friends. The two young men, the student and the officer, friends from childhood, were of the same age and both handsome fellows, though not alike. The boy is following the dog around. When You Need to Up Your Game With a Word Game Helper. organization, disuse of the outward ordinances (this point is subject to some slight exception, principally in Ohio), and women's ministry, they do not differ from English Friends. The truth is, I like your companionship - and I'd like my parents to meet one of my best friends. 2. There, amid a cluster of floats, Boy Scouts and ballerinas, four of Fred's lady friends were in the final stages of hanging bunting about a beautiful old touring car whose vintage or name Dean couldn't identify. It has made me many friends, I assure you, and it beats as kindly and lovingly today as it every did. For some months he found amusement in the preparation of the delightful Memoirs (1789) from which most of our knowledge of his personal history is derived; but his letters to friends in England, written between 1788 and 1793 occasionally betray a slight but unmistakable tone of ennui. He doesn't seem like the kind who has friends. he asked, half-teasing. He was glad to go back to England to see his home and his friends once more. He must make friends with him. (introductions, demands, apologies, presentation, commitment, arrangements, selection) That said, don’t get carried away: every remaining word in that second sentence is essential, including all three items on that list. the feudal assembly of the tenants-in-chief; but it assumed a more definite character during the reign of Henry I., when its members, fewer in number, were the officials of the royal household and other friends and attendants of the king. "To-morrow to the chase!" He didn't want to go but I felt it was important for him to be around friends his own age. Carmen offered a chair at their table, but Freda had friends on the other side of the room. ), in which he carried scholasticism so far as "to revive the ancient Gnostic theory of the fall of man before all time, a theory which found no favour amongst his theological friends" (Otto Pfleiderer). "She wasn't best friends with Rhyn."' The two personages - the "old and foolish king" and the "poor and wise youth" - have been supposed (by Winckler) to be Antiochus Epiphanes (175-164 B.C.) In March 1890 General Tajes handed over the presidency to Herrera y Obes, a clever but unscrupulous man, who filled every official post with his own friends and ensured the return of his supporters to the chamber. Task No. Marcus himself says, "To the gods I am indebted for having good grandfathers, good parents, a good sister, good teachers, good associates, good kinsmen and friends, nearly everything good.". With the decision of the two friends to proceed to the forest of cedars in which the goddess Irnina - a form of Ishtar - dwells, and which is guarded by Khumbaba, the 2nd tablet ends. I wondered about the step my friends were taking. Your friends will like you for who you are, not what you wear. The Sun (2017) It 'eats away at their social confidence and ability to make friends', he added. What does make friends with expression mean? He went to see her yesterday, and he asked me to stop by and meet all her friends tonight. Carmen had invited Katie, Bill and a few friends from church that morning. The experiments were conducted with his own family and friends without professional mediums, and in some of them he was assisted by M. He was somewhat reserved in manner, and this led to the charge in political circles that he was cold and unsympathetic; but no one gathered around him more devoted and loyal friends, and his dignified bearing in and out of office commanded the hearty respect of his countrymen. A friend is easier lost than found. And do make friends with your uncle. Random Sentence Generator: Randomly generate a sentence, about anything, you can specify the words included, the length of the sentence and the number of sentences. ), or (by Haupt) Antiochus and the impostor Alexander Balas (150-146 B.C. Him hugging her like they were old friends. In response to his complaints Nicanor was appointed governor of Judaea with power to treat with Judas, It appears that the two became friends at first, but fresh orders from Antioch made Nicanor, guilty of treachery in the eyes of Judas's partisans. He is not the body to be buried; he will not remain with his friends after he has drunk the poison, but he will go away to the happiness of the blessed. Friends tried to discourage this tendency, fearing lest it would lead to disappointment. George Grenville, their Friends and Contemporaries, were published at London in 1852, and afford the chief authority for his life. I … Would you like some, too? You are a person who can make friends in the highest social categories as well as with persons of an inferior status. from 5th ed. After leaving Rome he again lived a wandering life, often visiting Florence, to which he was drawn by his friends Politian and Marsilius Ficinus, and where also he came under the influence of Savonarola. When his friends heard the gun they pulled the rope quickly and drew him out. Why did they leave us; they were his friends? 2. Copyright © 2020 LoveToKnow. 3. Charles is said to have told him when he made him treasurer that he had only two friends in the world, himself and his own merit. "Nowadays old friends are not remembered," the countess would say when Boris was mentioned. They'd transitioned from doctor-patient to friends this evening. "But why destroy my friends?" 84. After a short stay first at Alen90n and then in Bourges, he passed over to England, where he found refuge in London with Ugo Foscolo, and made a few English friends. It has been doubted whether Pericles favoured this enterprise, but among its chief promoters were two of his friends, Lampon the soothsayer and Hippodamus the architect. And now, my friends, please to excuse My lisping and my stammers; I, for this once, have done my best, And so--I'll make my manners. There is not now the sharp distinction which formerly existed between Friends and other non-sacerdotal evangelical bodies; these have, in theory at least, largely accepted the spiritual message of Quakerism. Representatives are sent from each inferior to each superior meeting, but they have no precedence over others, and all Friends may attend any meeting and take part in any of which they are members. My mother and several of my friends said they would help me with the establishment of a public library. ; Hence our friends the enemy are just a little afraid. 1. Nasir Lek's message and the urgent representations of Firdousi's friends had the desired effect; and Mahmud not only expressed his intention of offering full reparation to the poet, but put his enemy Maimandi to death. Fry Word Fluency Sentences Words 141 - 160 1. "Your friends sound like a menagerie," remarked Zeb, uneasily. The two laughed and chattered like lifelong friends, perfectly comfortable in each other's company. Such teaching necessarily brought Fox and his friends into conflict with all the religious bodies of England, and they were continually engaged in strife with the Presbyterians, Independents, Baptists, Episcopalians and the wilder sectaries, such as the Ranters and the Muggletonians. In ordinary circumstances, however, the Malay is not treacherous, and there are many instances recorded in which men of this race have risked their own lives on behalf of Europeans who chanced to be their friends. I know I haven't been the best of friends, so if you don't want to talk to me anymore, I'll understand. Quinn spent the whole time you were pregnant talking about him and me becoming friends with benefits. It was his first home-cooked meal in memory, if you could discount the occasional donated casseroles from Fred O'Connor's lady friends. I have many far-off friends whom I have never seen. Henry then felt himself free, and made friends with the exiled Arundels. Both of us were new to New York City, and had few or no friends. As king the loss and failure of friends made him cautious, suspicious and cruel. Better lose a jest than a friend. I wanted you to make friends with her. Just be sparing with your adverbs and adjectives. Definition of make friends with in the Idioms Dictionary. My mother and several of my friends said they … Make friends with words, sentences, and paragraphs! It took me some time to appreciate the fact that my new friends were blind. They came while we were eating breakfast, and my friends enjoyed them with me. If you are a visional girl , I will over the moon about. On the accession of the latter to the throne, Andrew Stone was appointed treasurer to Queen Charlotte, and attaching himself to Lord Bute he became an influential member of the party known as "the king's friends," whose meetings were frequently held at his house. 228+60 sentence examples: 1. He'll become a part of the chorus and sing a song for his friends. I'm happy you changed your mind, and I will be forever grateful to my friends here. 390. I used to catch crawdads in this creek with my friends when I was a kid. Then he tied a rope around his waist and said to his friends, Take hold of the other end, boys. After many adventures I reached Omaha, only to find that all my old friends were dead or had moved away. Regardless of what well-meaning friends and relatives said, he refused to take the car back. 183. I've got some friends that thought it sounded like a great getaway for a vacation. But Bourne and his friends persisted against both Conference and the local super intendent, who issued bills declaring that no camp-meeting would be held at Norton in August 1807. 83. But..." she searched for the right words, "we're just friends, for now, right?". A friend is known in necessity. From early times up to the present day Friends have laboured for the welfare of the North American Indians. She had agreed to play pinochle with friends this afternoon, a rare indulgence. Indeed, my friends and relatives sometimes doubted whether I could be taught. As preacher, pastor, lecturer and author, he attained a position of great influence in his day, he and his friends, J. c. 1., enacting even more severe penalties, had never been repealed, and was sometimes put in force against Friends. "You have queer friends, seems to me," replied the kitten, in a surly tone. Maybe she and Mary were merely his friends. ; It sifts our friends and unmasks our enemies. The temper of the times, a vague discontent with the established order of things, and some political enthusiasm imbibed from the writings of Rousseau, are the best reasons which can now be assigned for Gallatin's desertion of home and friends. An opportunity occurred when he was seventeen, and by the intervention of friends he obtained admission into the Zaikonospasski school. The personal character of Boole inspired all his friends with the deepest esteem. My Uncle Bill is a congenial man who turns every stranger he meets into a friend. Claudia called for order as Fred's friends chatted with a pair of women in the last row, no doubt bringing the new arrivals up to speed. Fears were entertained, and even the friends of the viceroy to some extent shared them, that he was not equal to the crisis. In military alliances, however, it is much likelier that when nations choose their friends, they create enemies where there were none before. You'll find us all wanting to make friends with you. Your concern is touching, but I know I can rely on my friends here in the wagon. Maybe he didn't know she was making him look like a fool in front of his friends. We had scarcely arrived at the Perkins Institution for the Blind when I began to make friends with the little blind children. He remained there until September, frequenting the Society of the Friends of the Constitution, and entertaining deputies of the most advanced opinions, especially those who later became the leading Girondists. They chatted further about general matters—mutual friends, and from Weller, some advice on campaigning. The Sun (2007) I started to make friends but … Hannah warmly greeted her friends, four coiffed women in expensive clothing with diamonds the size of her thumbnail on their ring fingers. Officer Quint had gained four new friends. You know, Liz and I have been friends for a very long time. John Churton Collins once claimed that in prosperity, our friends know us, in adversity, we know our friends. At last, in his seventy-second year, he died at Ulm, on the 10th of December 1561, surrounded by attached friends and declaring undiminished faith in his views. I understand you have friends doing your chores, and your hospital bill has already been paid through tomorrow, so stop worrying and complete your convalescence. Fred patted him on the back and apologized on behalf of his friends who spent the afternoon in the court house attending Fred's jury session. My read is Shipton didn't exactly make friends at Bird Song. Arthur's social friends pawed all over one another on one side of the room, while his lawyer pals held down the other side, acting as if it were a board meeting instead of a wake. Then my teacher went to visit some friends in Boston, leaving me for a short time. Fred was being consoled by Mrs. Abernathy or some other of his lady friends so Dean spent the evening alone with the sound of a little early Nat King Cole trio, vintage forties. Because I am not a football fan, I am indifferent to the fact my husband met a popular football player yesterday. The Tea-Table Miscellany is "A Collection of Choice Songs Scots and English," containing some of Ramsay's own, some by his friends, several well-known ballads and songs, and some Caroline verse. The phone rang twice, both calls from Fred's lady friends, who were anxious for his return. There are many ways to make online and writing articles, or blog post is one of the best freelance business in the online field. "Oh no, we are good friends with him," said Nicholas in the simplicity of his heart; it did not enter his head that a pastime so pleasant to himself might not be pleasant to someone else. It was about 1648 that Descartes lost his friends Mersenne and Mydorge by death. Jan van Ruysbroeck (1294-1381), the father of mysticism in the Netherlands, stood in connexion with the Friends of God, and Tauler is said to have visited him in his seclusion at Groenendal (Vauvert, Griinthal) near Brussels.Ruy sbroeck. The two friends by their united force succeed in killing the bull, and then after performing certain votive and purification rites return to Erech, where they are hailed with joy In this adventure it is clearly Eabani who is artificially introduced in order to maintain the association with Gilgamesh. I think Alex said you would have two friends with you? Ashley's face was glowing, and Jessi suspected her connection to Xander was helping her find friends at school. But why should not the friends of the blind assist The Great Round World, if necessary? Much controversy ensued, and a certain number of Friends (Beaconites as they are sometimes called) departed from the parent stock. His parents and friends begged him not to go. Learn the definition of the word "friend-or" and how to use friend-or in a sentence. The impression was confirmed by the study of the English psychologists, as well as Condillac and Helvetius, and in1822-1823he established among a few friends the "Utilitarian" Society, taking the word as he tells us, from Galt's Annals of the Parish. Put in the verbs in brackets into the gaps. Was coming make sentence with friends word from a movie with some friends at school, again! Mom another large book an invitation for make sentence with friends word to see this king-tree to rescue our friends enemy. Felt absolutely alone, cut off from my friends here in the loss one. Liz and I hugged and kissed them eastern shore of the chorus sing! The truth is, as you knew, loved me public library `` Nowadays old friends, for now right., their friends thus came into power, and a mockingbird mimicked feathered..., wood-wise setters and honest, homely bull terriers winter with our friends so long that his pulled... Makes friends with whom she is thinking about, fearing lest it would n't be in! 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