When a marital home is chosen, the player will receive a miscellaneous quest to meet their spouse there. This one gives you an indirect buff, but having that buff alone can give you access to the ultimate items. The blessings are given to the Dragonborn by praying at the Shrines. The chart below shows the locations of all Trainers in Skyrim. Common-level trainers can train your Skill up until level 50. The Smithing skill tree has a total of 10 perks, requiring a total of 10 perk points to fill. Smithing is the crafting skill for combat, providing the ability to create and improve (or temper) weapons and armor.The higher your skill level, the more you can improve weapons and armor. Some of that customization comes from Skyrim's crafting skills that allow you to make, refine, and enchant gear. Equipping a full set of armor that enhances your smithing skill can let you break the limits of … The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim offers an endless amount of replayability thanks to its flexible character customization and near-endless number of quests. In the Imperial Cult, shrines take the form of altars consecrated to the Nine Divines.The faithful and respectful guests may make offerings and receive blessings at shrines. You only need single enchants on the chest and head piece for Fortify Smithing and Fortify Alchemy respectively. For example if you have x Magicka regeneration rate and both +50%, +70%, you'll end up with x*(120%) so x*(1 + 1.2). 1 + 1,39 = 2,39 So all in all it's 2,39 * 1,33 ^ 3 = 5,62 Now, we'll express the buff in mathematics by adding the percentage to number one. Top 5 Best Skyrim Armor Enchantments Number 5: Fortify Smithing. To gain access to this buff, the Dragonborn must have a spouse and have moved into a home. Smithing Leveling method 1 - iron daggers A great way to level it up early in the game is to head to Whiterun and visit the female blacksmith, Adrianne Avenicci , next to the entrance of Warmaiden's . Meet there to finish the quest. In optimizing a legitimate crafting build this is an intermediary set to the set for the aggregate 116% Fortify Smithing … Nine Divines [edit | edit source]. Zero buff would thus only give the multiplier 1 which does nothing. A complete set of crafting gear is 5 pieces. Cashing In On Your Smithing Skill AFAIK bonus stacking in Skyrim should be additive. Lover's Comfort is a temporary effect that allows all skills to improve 15% faster for 8 hours. 50% + 70% in … And on top of that, you can enchant armor so you can create about three pieces with +33% (hands, necklace, ring) smithing buff. This game should not be like WoW were stacking of % based is usually multiplicative (i.e. However, note that with fully maxed smithing, enchanting items purchased from vendors, and appropriate potions and buffs the player can one shot most enemies anyway. For The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim on the Xbox 360, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Smithing buff question".