You may also top-up the card for use. Using public transport as a student to travel around the city will save you money with a concessions card -it carries a 50% discount on cash rates for RapidKL Bus, BRT, LRT, Monorail and MRT services! The existing PTV School Student ID and student pass process is still available if your school doesn’t offer a PTV Approved School Student ID card. This cost-saving card, which is subjected to yearly renewal, costs RM15 and is stored with an initial value of RM9.50. Concession cards are not transferable, so please use the concession card that belongs to you. Which are the institutions qualified under this concession scheme? It is best not to place your concession card on top of another stored value card inside your wallet or any personal carrier. Learn more about fares and transit passes, concession fares, and available payment methods for Compass Card. The transport concession entitlement card proves you’re entitled to concession fares and can also be used as proof of entitlement on public transport in regional/rural NSW. Do note that the minimum top-up amount is $10 and that the maximum stored value of the card is $500. Light rail Once you've received your PTV Tertiary Student ID, you can use a Concession myki. Notes: Concession card registration closed at 4 pm daily This card is issued with RM 5.00 card price and initial stored value of RM 10.00, totalling RM 15.00 which is required upon application and to be borne by the customer. The public transport student concession card entitles you to pay a concession fare instead of the full-price.. To apply. Visit your local go card retailer. In addition, you may top up your card at 7-Eleven and Cheers outlets. Each card is to be used separately. Upon successful application, a payment of $8.10 is required. All NSW TrainLink Intercity services 3. *Postgraduates are not eligible for Diploma Student Concession Card. As of Monday 22 January 2018registered home education students 15 years and older who hold a valid Home Education Unit identification card are also eligible. Concession passengers with an Android phone can use Mobile myki, and select General concession as the fare type. In addition, you may top up your card at 7-Eleven and Cheers outlets. RapidKL’s buses, LRT, Monorail, MRT and Bus Rapid Transit (BRT), apply now for the MyRapid Concession Card. For information or queries on Adult stored value cards. If you live in regional Queensland (outside the go card network) and go on to further study, you can continue to travel on concession fares: carry an approved Queensland student photo identification card, or. Taken against a white background in colour passport-sized, Image must show full face from chin to crown of the head. The PTV Tertiary Student ID costs $9. What should I do? Passport-size photograph (taken within the last 3 months) against a white background; Original NRIC/Passport for Singapore Citizens; Original NRIC/Re-entry Permit for Singapore Permanent Residents; Original Passport and Foreign Student Pass (FIN) for foreign students. A Student Ticket is available to Full Time Students who have a valid Student Concession Card. Victorian Public Transport student concession card. You can use your iUSEpass for all your travel in Melbourne, even if you’re just going out with friends. The administrative fee covers the handling and operating costs. Understand how to transfer between services, when transfers are free, and when an extra charge (AddFare) applies. This payment covers the $5 card cost and $3.10 personalisation fee. * Concession pass is valid for one month, which is similar to all other passes. So we sincerely advise card holders to search thoroughly for the card before making the loss report. And for security reasons, the loss report is irreversible once it is lodged in our system and the card, even if found, would no longer be usable. Approved student identification cards are issued by educational institutions to students enrolled on a full-time basis. Concession passes cannot be overlapped in dates. Students with a disability or enrolled in a Department of Education approved Intensive Language Unit may be eligible for the Student Special Program Pass. Concession Cards Available For Senior Citizens, Students* and Persons with Disabilities. A) Student Concession Card. * Only ONE valid concession pass can be utilised in an individual concession card at any one time. Diploma Student Concession card (if applicable). Please take note that you will have to inform your own school library and the National Library Board (NLB) of the lost concession card to avoid any misuse. The Temporary Card is encoded with $5.00 in travel value to help you make your way to the TransitLink Concession Card Replacement Office for an immediate replacement and to file a deferred refund for the unused period of your Monthly Concession Pass. Concession rate is 40% from adult traveling fare for ETS and Intercity only. Upon the completion of your studies, the Diploma Student Concession Card can be used for another four months. How do the new numbers affect you as a commuter? Don't forget to bring your NRIC / Passport / Re-entry Permit / Foreign Student Pass (FIN) for verification purposes. For more information on basic and premium bus services, click on the respective bus operators below. Pensioner Ticket. Concession holder travel. Buy online. Complete the PTV School Student ID form below: Seniors tickets are available to Senior Card holders (60 years old and over). The PTV School Student ID card costs $9 and is valid until the expiry of the pass. an interstate secondary student identification card. The type of concession or health care card … Students must carry an approved Queensland student photo ID at all times while travelling, or be wearing an official Queensland school uniform. Types of cards. There will also be a $5 card cost (non-refundable) and $3.10 personalisation fee (non-refundable) payable upon the application of Diploma Student Concession card Note : Current students without a concession card can apply for one either through or at any … Year 12 school leavers planning to do further study should hold on to their student ID card to continue to travel on concession fares. It is also valid for mature secondary students aged 19 years and older. A convenience fee may be applicable for each transaction. The amount will be pro-rated and refunded to you within 10 working days. These benefits include: Concession Opal cards, used in conjunction with: a Transport Concession Entitlement Card, or a NSW Companion Card. However, you will be charged adult fares during this period. Refunds for early school leavers can be made at TransitLink's Concession Card Replacement Office. If you would like a proxy to help receive the refund of the card, then they will have to present their own original NRIC / Passport in addition to the above-mentioned items. The Diploma Student Concession card can also be topped-up with a minimum travel value for use on the buses and trains should you decide not to purchase a concession pass. Although no deductions will be made, it is a good habit to cultivate because valid exit processing will ensure that you qualify for valid transfers when the electronic concession pass is not in use. Can I still use the card? Both the card cost and personalisation fee are not refundable. A convenience fee may be applicable for each transaction. SBS Transit, SMRT, SLRT, Tower Transit, Go-Ahead and TransitLink reserve the right to retain any card deemed necessary for investigation. The card must be shown without demand to the bus driver, inspector or other authorised staff of SBS Transit, SMRT, SLRT, Tower Transit, Go-Ahead and TransitLink when requested. Payment at the AVMs and TUMs can be done via NETS while e-Payments such as NETS, credit and debit cards are accepted at the TL Kiosks and GTMs. Transferring and AddFare. Studenten und Schüler erhalten mit der ISIC außerdem mehr als 150.000 Vergünstigungen in über 130 Ländern. Enjoy 50% savings on cash rates for your travels on. Conditions of Issue and Use for Stored Value Cards, Private Education Institution Student Concession Card, Persons with Disabilities Concession Card, Conditions of Issue and Use for Concession Cards, Conditions of Issue and Use for Temporary Cards, Concession Card Replacement Office Locations, e-Payment Top-up at General Ticketing Machines, Workfare Transport Concession Scheme Fares, Persons with Disabilities Concession Scheme Fares, Eligibility Check for PWD / WTCS Applicants, Concession Card Application Status Enquiry, Customer Satisfaction Survey (Customer Service Officers), TransitLink Concession Card Replacement Office. Call 13 12 30 3. Date of travel either one way or return is not exceed 30 days from date of purchase. Any remaining value will be refunded to you in cash after 10 working days. You can continue to enjoy diploma student concessionary fares and purchase monthly concession passes until you are no longer enrolled in a government or government-aided institution. Yes you can! Is there anything else that I should take note of? All ITE students under the Full-time and Traineeship programmes will be issued with a Student Concession card. Please check the registration date and ensure you carry a valid ID card. Alternatively, you may apply for a replacement of lost concession card online by clicking, Or  you may apply for an immediate replacement at any, You may also get an immediate lost card replacement at the, Original NRIC/Passport for Singapore citizens; or, Original NRIC/Re-entry Permit for Singapore Permanent Residents; or, Original Student Pass (FIN) for foreign students for verification purposes; and, One colour passport-sized photograph that was taken within the last 3 months against a white background; and. Do take note that refund of the Diploma Student Concession card is not allowed while the concession eligibility is in effect. Undergraduate concession pass upfront payment: Monthly rate, a $5 card cost and $3.10 personalisation fee As announced on 30 October 2018, bus and train fares will rise by six cents per trip from Dec 29, when the latest annual revision approved by the Public Transport Council (PTC) kicks in. You can ask us not to have your address or partner’s details printed on your card. Compass Card. She will continue in her current position as Dean, Office of Student Affairs. Please check with your respective institution should your application be unsuccessful. Students who fall outside of these brackets may still be entitled to apply for travel concessions. To receive a concession fare, students must: As of Monday 22 January 2018 registered home education students 15 years and older who hold a valid Home Education Unit identification card are also eligible. Before you buy one of these cards, though, you should do some research. Primary, secondary and home education students can travel in South East Queensland using a go card. The MCPs can be purchased at any TransitLink Ticket Office, TransitLink Kiosk, Add Value Machine and Ticketing Machines in MRT Stations. NSW Senior Secondary Student Concession Card. The go card expiry date will be set to the same expiry date on the student ID. Opal fares. All you need to do is Tap your card or device on the card reader to pay. The administrative fee and the replacement cost will be waived in the event that the electronic data on the technically faulty card cannot be reliably read for any reason whatsoever as determined by TransitLink. Tertiary/post-secondary concession. During the 4-month grace period, you may request an immediate refund (if any) at any TransitLink Ticket Office. Concession rate are offered only for KTM Intercity and ETS trains. You can find information on where to submit your application on the form. Do note that you will have to top-up a minimum $10 travel value to activate the card. It also gives you access to all-night weekend travel on Night Network. Students are not eligible for a concession if they hold: In certain circumstances, students may be eligible for the School Transport Assistance Scheme. Concession fares apply to holders of these South Australian Government approved student ID cards. The concession card also serves as a form of identification. What if I would like to get a refund on my card? You can simply apply for one during the bulk application exercise which is usually conducted every April to May and July to August. You may call NLB's helpdesk at 6332 3255. Your iUSEpass gives you unlimited travel on trains, trams and buses in your institute’s zone. Student Concession Cards must be presented before entering the cinema. - Express and premium bus services like Chinatown Direct, Premium, Nite Owl, NightRider and City Direct are NOT included. With a Concession Opal card you can travel as much as you want on metro, train, bus, ferry and light rail services within the Opal network and you never pay more than $8 a day, $25 a week, or $4.00 on Saturday and Sunday and public holidays. * Basic bus services include trunk and feeder services. Student concession go card. Diploma students enjoy travel concession through the use of Monthly Concession Passes (MCPs). an international or overseas secondary student identification card. Bus and train passes allow for unlimited rides on the respective mode of transport, while hybrid passes allow for unlimited rides on both public buses and trains. You may wish to purchase the $128 Adult Monthly Travel Pass (AMTP) for one month of unlimited basic bus and train rides. Secondary students aged 15 years or older are eligible for a concession fare. SBS Transit | SMRT | Tower Transit | Go-Ahead. Students who are sponsored by or receiving an allowance from an organisation will also be eligible for Diploma Student Concession Card. All you have to do is visit any TransitLink Ticket Office to top up your card. Secondary student identification cards for students in: Home Education Unit ID cards are valid for 12 months from the date of registration. I've just completed my studies. A/P Leong Ching will be appointed as Vice Provost (Student Life) from 1 January 2021. Instead, a receipt will be issued by the Customer Service Officer at the TransitLink Ticket Office and the refund (if any) can be collected after five working days at any of our TransitLink Ticket Office. You will need to purchase an Adult Stored Value Card for daily commuting. Our counter at Pasar Seni Bus Hub opens from Monday to Saturday (9am-4pm). Learn more about fares and transit passes, concession fares, and available payment methods for Compass Card. If you are a full-time matriculated diploma student* from a government or government-aided tertiary institution, you are eligible to apply for a Diploma Student Concession Card to travel on buses, MRT and LRT. Make sure you've completed all enrolment steps first, including uploading a photo for your ID card. #Ask Me Anything. The charges for replacement of a lost, damaged or defective Diploma Student Concession Card are: The card cost and personalisation fee are the actual cost of the card medium and its production. Do note that the minimum top-up amount is $5 and that the maximum stored value of the card is $500. Students will receive their cards from their respective institutions after their application is processed. Note : Current students without a concession card can apply for one either through or any TransitLink Ticket Office. The eligibility period is determined by the respective institution. Oh no, I've lost my card! Do take note that the Temporary Card is valid for only 10 days. * Unused concession pass is non-refundable. Concession fares apply only for full time students. Legal proceedings may be taken against any person who misuses the card, allows any misuse of the card, or breaches any of the Terms & Conditions, for the use of the Diploma Student Concession card. For subsequent reload, passengers may do so at all RapidKL BRT, LRT, Monorail, MRT station, TNG SPOT and any TNG Reload Point. There are 3 ways to get your card replaced. Highlights . To update expired green concession go cards students must present a valid student ID along with their expired go card at selected retailers to update. Similar to the undergraduate concession pass, it grants unlimited travel on basic bus and train services. ConcessionsWA is an easy-to-use online resource where you can search by category, concession card type or people group to find details on more than 100 rebates, concessions and subsidy schemes provided by the Government of Western Australia. Outside Zone 1+2, which covers all of metropolitan Melbourne be applicable for each transaction students and! Made up to 7 days in advance from your travel in Melbourne, even if you student concession card price after! Of registration is 40 % from Adult traveling fare for ETS and Intercity Current position as Dean Office. Association herausgegeben und ist der einzige weltweit anerkannte Nachweis des Studierendenstatus holders ( 60 years old and )! Provost ( Student Life ) from 1 January 2021 % … Myrapid card... Pre-Selected ATU amount will be refunded to you in cash after 10 working days white background in colour passport-sized Image... Is there anything else that I should take note that refund of the Current year card for daily.! 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