This article should have answered the question, “Which side does the tassel go on before you graduate and after?” Now you are prepared to shine during graduation and wear your graduation regalia with honor, pride, and thanks for all that you have accomplished. The only exception is for those who have doctoral degrees; their tassel is gold. 0 1. Favourite answer. However extremely tall people can do with the rayon tassels as they are almost as nice and not generally visible if one is over 6' … Move tassels from right to left in a traditional ceremony. After all, you’ve made it this far, and we don’t think you want your entire collegiate life to be remembered as the guy who fell on stage at graduation or didn’t know the proper placement of your graduation tassel. Lv 5. For master’s and Ph.D.students, tassels are not required to be moved at all. Which side does the tassel on the hat go? Master’s degree recipients start with their tassel on the left side, and leave it there throughout the entire ceremony. Which side should the tassel be draped? Similarly one may ask, what side does the tassel go on for high school graduation? What Side Does The Tassel Go On Before You Graduate & After? It is sometimes called "turning of the tassel." For purposes of uniformity and celebration, it has become a tradition for graduating students to enter the ceremony with the tassel on the right side of the cap changing it to the left either at the point they receive the degree, or as a group after all degrees have been awarded. The American tradition of moving the tassel on graduation caps from the right side to the left side during the commencement ceremony signifies the recognition of earning a degree. Tassels are placed in the center of a mortarboard, which is a cap that gains its name because it resembles the tool brick layers used to hold mortar. The tassel may be adorned with a charm in the shape of the digits of the year. When you are told to do so, grab your tassels and flip them over the cap to the left side. Tassels are worn on the right side of the cap before the ceremony and are then moved from the right side to the left after receiving a diploma or when directed to do so by the graduation speaker. The tassel color for Arts and Sciences is white. If you’re receiving a graduate degree, your tassel remains on the left side … What does the tassel on a graduation cap mean? 13 Answers. Click to see full answer Hereof, what side does the tassel go on for graduation pictures? read more Origins of the most commonly found mortarboard in the United States can be traced to a patent that was filed by an. chevron_right. This is also true for doctorate recipients. If your school allows these, and you are eligible for more than one tassel, just choose one. Typically, the entire graduating class does this in unison. The tassel is worn on the right side before the degree is conferred. Traditionally tassels are worn on the right side and moved to the left during a special portion of the ceremony for high school graduates. How to … The direction is written inside the cap with a description given by the company from which you have purchased the cap. Contact us or call (954) 698-0000 to find out how to make your order today. We are the leading manufacturer of not only tassels but also graduation cords, graduation stoles, and graduation caps. The Tassel goes on the Right side of the mortar board until you receive your diploma, then you put it on the Left. What side does the tassel go on when you graduate from high school? While there is no long-standing official tradition for placement of the tassel, many schools have adopted a practice of asking candidates to start the graduation ceremony with their tassels on the front right side of the cap until the degrees are conferred, at which point tassels are moved to the left front side of the cap. Although this tradition is more common in universities, some high schools may allow special tassels. As far as tassels go, you have the choice of the metallic bullion tassel or the rayon tassel. To save you the stress and extra time, we’ll be the first to tell you that a grad tassel is mandatory, and that you should arrive at the ceremony with it on the right side of your grad cap. In most traditional graduation ceremonies, all students begin with their tassel on the right side of the cap. Related Articles. This article should have answered the question, “Which side does the tassel go on before you graduate and after?” Now you are prepared to shine during graduation and wear your graduation regalia with honor, pride, and thanks for all that you have accomplished. As a courtesy, professional photographs will be taken of each graduate and mailed to his/her permanent address approximately two weeks after graduation. Copyright © 2021 Tassel Depot, 3251 SW 13th Drive, Deerfield Beach, FL 33442 USA. Tassels are worn on the right side of the cap before the ceremony and are then moved from the right side to the left after receiving a diploma or when directed to do so by the graduation speaker. For College Master Degree: For a college master degree, tassels are worn on the left side of the cap before, during and after graduating.