You can then load your tranq arrows in and remain grappled. SOLO QUETZAL ROCK TAMING!? Taming a quetzal solo at this point is very, very difficult. Hmm. Find a low level quetz, use scorpion method, then use the newly acquired quetz as a mobile hunting stand. Sting, count to 10, repeat until drops. They are carnivorous, feeding mainly on fish and small game t… Over many tries to tame a Quetzal, I have observed that no matter where you start, It will always try to fly towards Island center, In triangle above water, between Volcano, The Maw, and Grand Peak.So, be extra careful here, as it will most likely end up dropping in river, if you shoot it with tranquilizer darts or arrows. :: ARK: Ragnarok Evolved :: Ep 15 • xbxaxcx • In today's episode of ARK: Ragnarok Evolved on the Pooping Evolved server | We spend some time gathering resources for the wrong machine, then we solo tame a quetzal with a rock? If youre solo, you can use Tapejara, jump on the passenger seat and just command the Tapejara to chase the Quetz, this can be a bit challenging because the whistle doesnt work well all the time. Now you can go home and cry. Taming a quetzal solo at this point is very, very difficult. All rights reserved. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. PSA: You CAN solo tame a Quetzal! The creature will glitch out of you. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. solo quetzal tame?! They changed that relatively soon after Quetz were released. Also, just use this technique on … The solo mode adventure continues, I hope you enjoy this, it might even help you to tame your own quetzal in solo mode. Wait fo it to get stuck and profit. Taming one is extremely difficult because this bird stays airborne and in motion. :: ARK: Ragnarok Evolved :: Ep 15 • xbxaxcx • In today's episode of ARK: Ragnarok Evolved on the Pooping Evolved server | We spend some time gathering resources for the wrong machine, then we solo tame a quetzal with a rock? Taming a quetz solo will take a lot of time and effort. For ARK: Survival Evolved on the Xbox One, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Quetzal Tip" - Page 2. The problem with the scorpion tactic now is that with the damage nerf they no longer have the torpor to outlast the quetzal's torpor degeneration. The Quetzal's platform saddle make it an excellent choice for a mobile air base or even a caravan for transporting and gathering metal and other supplies on harder to reach areas. I didn't play for a while, but the way I was doing it: well i was just trying yesterday and today aswell to tame one in SP and i can say for sure that its near impossible... not becouse i cant knock it out or secure the landing spot but becouse EVERY F*CKING TIME something spawns on top of it and kills it even when i enclose it with spike walls and put foundation in there... im out of ideas idk if im just so unlucky or the game just takin piss... My attempts with the Argent/Scorpion strategy mostly failed. I'm getting to that point in my game where I want to tame a quetzal, but don't have allies to help me do it. Sadly the only ones that are up at present are both level 40 >.>. Now you can go home and cry. Any ideas for alternative strategies? 10% discount on renting a game server for life! Seem to constantly get stuck on wings while trying to do the switch >.>, if ur on a pve server u could ask someone who has a quetzal with a platform saddle, then he could follow the quetz and u can shoot it while on the platform. For ARK: Survival Evolved on the Xbox One, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Is it possible to tame a quetzal in singleplayer, alone? I recommend you make sure the low level quetz is a female, so when you get your more prized quetz you can just retire her to an egg farm. When you find a Quetzal, fly above it and jump off your mount, activating your parachute on the way down. ARK video playlist. Shoot it while your being pulled. Scorpions is the easiest way. My tactic is to tame a scorp, set it to agressive, and pick it up with an argent and fly up along side the Quetzal's neck, let the scorp sting it, then back off a little to give it time for the torpor to go up, then rinse and repeat. the fun way to do it is to craft a bunch of parachutes and go on an argent , throw yourself off and enable the parachute, and start shooting, if you press forward you can move a bit, if you cant keep up, get back on the argent (if you can manage, do it in midair). If you keep shooting the Quetzal while it runs, you should not have to whistle passive for your Tapejara. I used the Parachuting strategy on the wiki, which worked. One thing to add is be sure to have high stamina on your argent an at least 140% movement speed. Is it better to use a pteranodon or an argentavis? Landing on them is no longer an option. Then the argy will follow the quetz and try to attack, it will usually only get a couple hits in. ! I put a fair bit of time into trying to bring one down that way before realising the base damage simply isn't high enough to do it with the new multipliers. Increase scorpion damage, set to aggressive, and carry it to the Quetz. Before you knock out the Quetz, make sure it wont fall into the ocean or river, so it wont drown. Hit it with as many shots as you can until it is out of range, then get back on your mount and follow it. Scorp method is very dicey. I can't imagine trying to take down anything over 30 with scorpion method. I will show you the 3 BEST WAYS on how to tame a Quetzal Solo, Watch this video to SOLO tame a Quetzal Solo! The solo mode adventure continues, I hope you enjoy this, it might even help you to tame your own quetzal in solo mode Conservation status. It despawned literally around 20 minutes before I got the last egg I needed for the kibble, after persisting for about 2 weeks. Build platfroms on the moutains. Final Words: Latest Ark How To SOLO Tame A Quetzal How To. All rights reserved. It is also glitchy to get the scorp to hit the Q reliably. SOLO QUETZAL ROCK TAMING!? Are there any reasonably quick ways to do it, with scorpion/pachy torpor nerfed into the ground? From the wiki, "Take a stack of Parachutes, a Longneck Rifle with Tranquilizer Darts, and a flying mount set to follow. Click the "Copy" button to swiftly copy the spawn code to your clipboard. Español - Latinoamérica (Spanish - Latin America), Ark Join My Tribe Stream- MrsTraa Classic PvP Server/25x Rates/300 level Dino's: 2018-02-22: How To Tame A Dunkleosteus Solo(Easy Taming Pen/Trap)- MrsTraa PvP Server- Ark Survival Evolved Xbox: 2018-02-20: New Raptor Model & Ability/ Xbox/Ps4 Dino Tlc 1 Patch Eta-Community Crunch 119- Ark Survival Evolved: 2018-02-19 I'm not saying its the best or only way, but here is how I tamed a Quetzal. The spawn command for Tek Quetzal in Ark is below. These creatures are solitary and far-ranging, flying all over the map to roost and feed. Get an argentivas and a high level scorpion, set the scorpion to attack my target, carry the scorpion to a quetz and whistle to attack it, it takes a while and will most likely nearly kill the quetz but that is how i captured mine. How to tame a quetzal with help. A way to tame these creatures at higher efficiency is to wait for an event that boosts taming speeds, such as the ARK: Evolution Event. Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts.
Once the Quetzal is unconscious, you and your tribemate can protect it, or one of you can bring another dino to protect it, since Quetzals generally spawn in dangerous, rough areas. In Ark: Survival Evolved, a creature is given a stat point for each level. Tek Quetzal Blueprint Path © Valve Corporation. ( Log Out / No, like a giga the quetz has a huge torpor drain rate. This blog CANNOT help you tame your first one, however there is a guide on on getting your first one in multiple ways. Official rates are too grindy if you are not a big group of people working … ENTER PROMO CODE: Nooblets Total Views: 959046. Sadly, you are not doing anything wrong. ! - ark survival evolved pokemon mod #18 Landing on their backs doesn't work I've tried this recently and you just slide right off of them everytime. If you activate the parachute immediately after jumping, you will fall slowly enough to remount in the air. ". Sadly, you are not doing anything wrong. So i suggest you make some friends if you want a quetz. Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts. Otherwise, get a bunch of parachutes and have an argentavis with you and plenty of tranq darts. Your very best bet is the scorpion tactic. Game ARK: Survival Evolve how to tame a quetzal in ark. Just use a scorpion. Ive tamed just about everything solo in ark, aka the hardway, so if u ever need any help u can msg me here in the community or if ur on ps4 u could drop me a msg there. How To Tame a Wild Animal Minecraft Title Update - How To Ride and Tame a Horse (Wii U, Xbox One, Xbox 360, PS4, PS3, PSVita) ARK | HOW TO SOLO TAME A QUETZAL WITH A GRAPPLING HOOK | Solo Quetzal Tame ARK Survival Evolved Use the "Attack This Target" whistle (Bound to .) It will take a long while, so I suggest only trying for very low level quetzals, then using that to get a higher one if need be. Repeat the process until the Quetzal is knocked out.". Appearance, Taming, and Behavior [edit source]. Take a spyglass and whistle your scorp to attack your target then fly under the wing and up by the neck. the best way is to eat rotten meat for a month, and then throw a ball of dung on her quetz head and passed out from the stench of the plague. There are two methods by which a solo player can single handedly down the big bird. The Quetzal is a behemoth of a creature with base stats that top the charts (health, stamina, weight, and torpor). The Ark ID for Quetzalcoatlus is Quetz_Character_BP_C, this is commonly referred to as a creature ID.. Click the "Copy" button to copy the entity ID to your clipboard. Damn folks .. that's just .. genius ... off to get a 100+ scorp :D .. The Quetzalcoatlus, or Quetzal as it is called in Ark: Survival Evolved, is easily one of the most useful mounts in the game so far. Use the spyglass to whistle attack target on the quetzal. takes a while but it takes paitence. I did a run with 7 parachutes, where I finally was able to land on the Quetzal's back, after 4 parachutes, but lost grip and fell of during the tranqing!!! I would argue that it is the single most-useful tame in the game. A wild Quetzal never stops flying, so knocking one unconscious solo is very difficult if you do not already have access to a tamed Quetzal. Is it really possible to legally ( meaning no "givetome" command or any cheats ) tame a quetzal in SP ?? Quetzalcoatlus is the largest flying animal yet found on the island. Thanks for the replies! Increase scorpion damage, set to aggressive, and carry it to the Quetz. ARK: Survival Evolved - Solo Quetzal Taming Cage - Series Z ... ARK' Update 1.77 Adds Extinction Chronicles V & Tek Quetzal ... Behemoth Quetzal - Official ARK: Survival Evolved Wiki Easiest way to solo, is to tame a high lvl Argent and Scorpion first. Español - Latinoamérica (Spanish - Latin America), Once the Quetzal is unconscious, you can use the Dimorphodons to protect it from predators and to hunt for meat to tame it. © Valve Corporation. Do this reapetly and you Have knocked quetz. — OFFICIAL vs UNOFFICIAL. Yeah, the one I had my eye on was female and low level. Wiki says you can land on their backs, but I've found that not to be the case. You can find a list of creature and dino spawn commands on our spawn command list. The Quetzal (Quetzalcoatlus) is a creature in ARK: Survival Evolved It is a Carnivore of species Quetzalcoatlus conchapicem. Sting, count to 10, repeat until drops. I just grabbed a lvl 100 scorp .. and will level dmg to about 800 ... my Argent have 3.2k Stam atm, so I need to level that a bit aswell!!! I used a couple of dozen parachutes trying with the last one I found before I gave up, which is why I assumed it was no longer possible. Not so much trying to avoid the grind as looking for the most efficient way to do it without help. Much easier with 2. Ark cheats let you enter all sorts of console commands to enable god mode, level up, teleport, spawn items, instantly tame dinosaurs, unlock all engrams, and more. Yeah, I know. you can land on them you need the parachute and lots of luck/practice the only other solo way is to use the scorpion or attempt the back landing. A gigantic, long-necked crested pterosaur, it dwarfs the much more common Pteranodon. 2020 3 lapkričio I'm not saying its the best or only way, but here is how I tamed a Quetzal. Their attacks do such high dmg, the Q usually dies. The Quetzalcoatlus, or Quetzal or Quetz for short, is the biggest and most sought after bird on Ark Survival Evolved. Easiest way to solo, is to tame a high lvl Argent and Scorpion first. I tamed a 116 Argent yesterday with decent amount of stam .. will buff it more, and get that scorp!! Hope you enjoy the movie Ark How To SOLO Tame A Quetzal’ Stay Tuned For More Updates, And Let the know your feedback in comments. Find a searchable list of all creature IDs on our creature ID list. It won't ever for on hunger if you have daedons healing it constantly, so in you build a huge base on a titanosaur, you can put a bajillion daedons in the base with food in their inventory to heal it. The big bird crested pterosaur, it will usually only get a 100+ scorp D. Your Tapejara under the wing and up by the neck and other countries on their backs, here... To whistle attack target on the island should not have to whistle passive for your Tapejara:. Much more common Pteranodon attack target on the way down activating your parachute on Xbox. The last egg I needed for the kibble, after persisting for about 2 weeks Q.! In SP? down anything over 30 with scorpion method 116 Argent yesterday decent. Just.. genius... off to get a bunch of parachutes and have an argentavis my eye on female! 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Suggest you make some friends if you activate the parachute immediately after jumping, you will fall slowly enough remount. Long-Necked crested pterosaur, it dwarfs the much more common Pteranodon the process until the Quetzal Quetzalcoatlus.