See more. A good mother takes holdays with her child. How to use mother in a sentence. A good mother does not count the hours she spends with her child . That way, you're not raising brats. When you say no, mean it. And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. Genesis 3:20 says, "The man called his wife's name Eve, because she was the mother of all living." In the Old Testament, 'em is translated Good parents come in all forms (and shapes, sizes, genders, colors, abilities, sexual orientations, you name it) — as do kids, of course. There are no days off, and they must be able to remain calm under any circumstances. Who goes for days without 'doing' their hair. A good mother does not have a routine, her time is dedicated to her child, a child demands 24 hours attention. Gives up the 2am partying for the 2am feedings. However, in very simple words I can say that a good mother is the one for whom her child is her world. A good mother will cry, when her child is hurt or in pain. When you bring a new life into the world, they should be your top priority, and know it. Who goes for a day without a shower. Learning that discipline is a good thing -- gentle non violent discipline. A good mother is a mother (either blood or not) that will be there for their kids no matter what or how old. What are synonyms for good-mother? It is difficult to define a good mother in a few words. How do you use good-mother in a sentence? A good mother should be supportive, patient and consistent. She … Who is there to provide not only financial support but emotional support. A mother's job is no easy task. Gives up the expensive life style to spend on their child. It's a great way to raise up a strong, self-assured, confident person. A good mother does not spend her weekends every week at the pub. In discussing the mother … Each child needs something unique from their parent. There are many qualities which I see in her which makes her the world’s best mother. Definition of a Good Mother. The phrase "the good enough mother" was coined by the British pediatrician and psychoanalyst D. W. Winnicott in his famous book Playing and Reality.. Godmother definition, a woman who serves as sponsor for a child at baptism. a female parent; a woman in authority; specifically : the superior of a religious community of women; an old or elderly woman… What is the meaning of good-mother? 17 Bible Verses about Being A Good Mother. You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. What is the definition of good-mother? Along with these qualities, a mother should love her child unconditionally. Psychology Definition of GOOD ENOUGH MOTHER: a term for the ordinary and devoted mother who provides an adequate and good enough environment for the … Especially with smaller children, patience is a trait that a mother must have. Deuteronomy 6:5-9 ESV / 117 helpful votes Helpful Not Helpful. What should a Christian mother be like according to the Bible? Mother definition is - a female parent. The first mother mentioned in the Bible is, of course, Eve. "Eve" means life or living; "mother" is the Hebrew 'em.