67-91. 176-188. Stephen Dodd - SOAS University of London, UK Reinhard Drifte - University of Newcastle, UK Linda Flores - University of Oxford, UK Penelope Francks - University of Leeds, UK Sabine Fruhstuck - UC Santa Barbara, USA Bart Gaens - The Finnish Institute of International Affairs, Finland New York: Columbia University Press, pp. ', 'Japan's Private Parts: Place as Metaphor in Nakagami Kenji's Works. View Stephen Dodd’s profile on LinkedIn, the world's largest professional community. (1999) SOAS Research Online is powered by Eprints3 and is hosted by ULCC. ), 182-196. ), Kenchiku no kindai bungaku shi. Dodd, Stephen (2018) '“Itō Sei ‘Yūki no machi’ ni okeru shokuminchi shugi no kōzō”'. Bunka hyōshō toshite no Murakami Haruki. In: Dodd, Stephen (2012) 'Modernism and its Endings: Kajii Motojirô as Transitional Writer'. Cummings, Alan Steve gained two BA degrees in Chinese (1977) and Japanese (1980) from Keble College, Oxford. 'The Significance of Bodies in Sôseki's Kokoro.' Janet A. Walker, Rutgers University: In its originality and theoretical sophistication it revolutionizes both the study of Toson and the study of Japanese nationalism. Reading East Asian Writing: The Limits of Literacy Theory. Wed 15 March 2017, 17:00-20:00. See the complete profile on LinkedIn and discover Stephen’s connections and jobs at similar companies. Writing Home. 4418. Tokyo: Benkei shuppan, pp 120-136. Tokyo: Benkei shuppan, pp. 'Translating the Nation: the Politics of Japanese Literary Translations.' Dodd, Stephen (2018) 'Nagai Kafū ‘Sumidagawa’ ni okeru kūkan to jikan no ishiki'. Tokyo: Bensei shuppan, pp 182-196. In: Grayson, J. and Tennant, A., (eds. Dodd, Stephen (2007) 'Darkness Transformed: Illness in the Work of Kajii Motojiro'. 13-25. Tokyo, Japan: Benkei shuppan, pp. Currents in Japanese Culture: Translations and Transformations. (2016) pp. Tokyo = 東京: Tōkyō daigaku shuppan kai = 東京大学出版会, pp 169-183. Culture and thought. (1997) 'Fantasies, Fairies, and Electric Dreams: Satô Haruo’s Critique of Taishô.' For help in contacting SOAS academics and advice on services to business and the community, please contact SOAS Enterprise on +44(0)20 7898 4837 or email enterprise@soas.ac.uk. 'Kawatake Mokuami to Meiji kabuki no hanzai chiri.' 'Space and Time in Modern Japanese Literature.' 43-56. A plane crash in the mountains is explored in the new novel Seventeen from Hideo Yokoyama, translated … ), In: In: Yu, A and Kobayashi, S and Nagao, N, (eds. London: Routledge Curzon, pp. In: Grayson, J. and Tennant, A., (eds. (2016) Dodd, Stephen Monumenta Nipponica, 49 (3). Dodd, Stephen (2020) In: Hidaka, Y and Nishikawa, A, (eds. He has written widely on modern Japanese literature. 'Japan's Private Parts: Place as Metaphor in Nakagami Kenji's Works.' Tickets free at Eventbrite. 74-83. 169-183. Photographer Mika Ninagawa talks to Christopher Harding about the artificiality of her images of cherry blossoms. 'Different Feelings: The Intellectual Shift between Meiji and Taisho.' In: Hutchinson, R. and Williams, M., (eds. Dodd, Stephen Weatherhead East Asian Institute Event Selçuk Esenbel, Emerita Professor of Modern Japanese History in the Department of History Boğaziçi University, Istanbul, Turkey Moderated by: Carol Gluck, George Sansom Professor of History Columbia University Dr. Esenbel will focus her talk on her recent book, Japan on the Silk Road. In: Starrs, R., (ed. ''Kuro tokage' ni okeru tōsaku no keifu: Edogawa Ranpo kara Mishima Yukio e.' Dodd, Stephen Representations of the Native Place in Modern Japanese Literature. Japan Review, (24), pp 147-164. (2004) A Critical Approach. Prof Stephen Dodd (SOAS) Date: 20 March 2019 Time: 5:00 PM Finishes: 20 March 2019 Time: 7:00 PM Venue: Russell Square: College Buildings Room: Khalili Lecture Theatre Type of Event: Seminar Abstract. In: Sakai, Cécile and Kōno, Kensuke and Toeda, Hirokazu and Bourdaghs, Michael K. and Wada, Hirofumi, (eds. Edogawa Rampo shinseiki - ekkyō suru tantei shōsetsu. ), pp 121-128. The English translation received a wider release in paperback by Vintage International on 21 April 2020. G3. Editor-in-Chief; Faye Yuan Kleeman: University of Colorado, U.S.A: Editorial Board; Leo Ching: Duke University, USA: Stephen Dodd: SOAS Universityof London, U.K Tokyo: Hituzi shobō, pp. ''Kage’ no fuhenteki na jūyōsei: Nagai Kafū ‘Sumidagawa’ kara Murakami Haruki ‘Sekai no owari to hādo boirudo wandārando’ made. Dodd, Stephen ', 'Fantasies, Fairies, and Electric Dreams: Satô Haruo’s Critique of Taishô. Sekai no naka no Shiki, Sōseki to kindai Nihon. Tokyo: Benkei shuppan, pp. Bunka hyōshō toshite no Murakami Haruki. Dodd, Stephen Tokyo: Seibundô. Dodd, Stephen (2016) 'Queer text toshite no ‘Kokoro’ – honyakugaku o tōshite'. ), Language, Culture and Translation: Issues in the Translation of Modern Korean Literature. (2019) Rethinking Japanese Modernism. ), Representing the Other in Modern Japanese Literature. 'Nagai Kafū ‘Sumidagawa’ ni okeru kūkan to jikan no ishiki.' Stephen Dodd SOAS, University of London sd5@soas.ac.uk Abstract In Itō Sei’s (1905–69) “Yūki no machi” (Streets of ghosts, 1937), a narra-tor returns to his native town of Otaru, Hokkaido, where he experiences a hellish and hallucinatory encounter with people from his past. ), (2018) Tokyo = 東京: Tōkyō daigaku shuppan kai = 東京大学出版会, pp. See the complete profile on LinkedIn and discover Stephen’s connections and jobs at similar companies. (2019) ', 'Shimazaki Toson: gendai sekai ni okeru kikyou. Kokubungaku: Kaishaku to kansho, 62 No.. Dodd, Stephen (2014) The Youth of Things: Life and Death in the Age of Kajii Motojiro. Tokyo, Japan: Benkei shuppan, pp 47-65. Mō hitotsu no Nihon bungakushi – Muromachi, seiai, jikan. (2012) ', 'Nagai Kafū ‘Sumidagawa’ ni okeru kūkan to jikan no ishiki. (2015) 121-128. Leiden: Global Oriental, pp. Monumenta Nipponica, (53 No. In: Hockx, M. and Smits, I., (eds. (2019) Dodd, Stephen Kenchiku no kindai bungaku shi. (1998) In: Kokubungaku kenkyū shiryōkan, ., (ed. Dodd, Stephen (2019) 'Undō toshite no modanizumu: Nikaragua kara Nihon e'. ', 'Queer text toshite no ‘Kokoro’ – honyakugaku o tōshite. The novel was translated into English by Stephen Dodd, the Professor of Japanese Literature at the School of Oriental and African Studies, and published in paperback format in the United Kingdom by Penguin Classics on 1 August 2019. Ms. Sila DEMIRORS, SOAS, University of London Prof. Frank DEPPE, University of Marburg, Germany Dr. Surya DEVA, City University of Hong Kong Dr. Paolo DO, Istituto Svizzero di Roma Prof. Stephen DODD, SOAS, University of London Prof. Tony DUNDON, NUI Galway Dr. James EASTWOOD, SOAS, University of London Prof. Barry EIDLIN, McGill University Monumenta Nipponica, 53 No.. pp. Sekai kara yomu Sōseki “Kokoro”. '“Itō Sei ‘Yūki no machi’ ni okeru shokuminchi shugi no kōzō”.' Duncan Adam (SOAS) Irena Hayter (Leeds) Midori Tanaka Atkins (SOAS) Helen Weetman (Denver) 3C. This list was last generated on Friday, 22nd January 2021, 12:35 Europe/London. Dodd, Stephen Sheffield: School of East Asian Studies, University of Sheffield. ', 'Different Feelings: The Intellectual Shift between Meiji and Taisho. ', 'Sôzô no kudôryoku: toshi to furusato no aida de. Dodd, Stephen Language, Culture and Translation: Issues in the Translation of Modern Korean Literature. ', 'Kawatake Mokuami to Meiji kabuki no hanzai chiri. 98-111. Dodd, Stephen (2012) 'History in the Making: Negotiations between History and Fiction in Tanizaki Jun’ichirô’s "A Portrait of Shunkin"'. Dodd, Stephen Tokyo, Japan: Kasama Shoin, pp. 473-498. 287-314. A Critical Approach.. Abingdon: Routledge, pp 96-108. London: Routledge Curzon, pp 240-254. View Stephen Dodd’s profile on LinkedIn, the world’s largest professional community. In: Hidaka, Y and Nishikawa, A, (eds. 3-11. In: Shibahara, Koji and Dodd, Stephen, (eds. London, UK: Routledge, pp. 97-102. The Politics of Modernism in Kawabata Yasunari’s1920s Writing Stephen Dodd, SOAS, University of London Introduction In this paper, I intend to explore links between culturallife, especially in terms of the emergence of modernism, and politicallife in 1920s Japan. He is forced But to what extent did modernism in Japan articulate the political realities of that relationship? 'Kokoro ni okeru nikutai no jutaisei.' Dodd, Stephen ', 'Furantsu Kafuka no ‘Henshin’ to Uno Kōji ‘Yume miru heya’ to iu modanisuto no heya. 140-146. He obtained a PhD in Japanese Literature from Columbia University (1993). Shunga in its Social and Cultural Context II (See 1B). ), Routledge Handbook of Modern Japanese Literature. Stephen Dodd is Professor Emeritus of Japanese Literature at SOAS, University of London. View the profiles of professionals named "Stephen Dodd" on LinkedIn. Dodd, Stephen (2003) 'Making Space: Kunikida Doppo and the 'Native Place' Ideal in Meiji Literature'. ), In: Yu, A and Kobayashi, S and Nagao, N, (eds. 'Darkness Transformed: Illness in the Work of Kajii Motojiro.' ), Rethinking Japanese Modernism. Representing the Other in Modern Japanese Literature. In: Self, City and Sexuality in Modern Japanese Literature 1868 to present day, Self, City and Sexuality in Modern Japanese Literature 1868 to present day (PG), The Youth of Things: Life and Death in the Age of Kajii Motojiro, Writing Home. 'History in the Making: Negotiations between History and Fiction in Tanizaki Jun’ichirô’s "A Portrait of Shunkin".' 120-136. Tokyo: Seikyūsha, pp 24-34. ), Kawabata Yasunari Studies: 21 seiki ni yomitsugu tame ni. Dodd, Stephen and Shibahara, K Tokyo: Bensei shuppan, pp 98-111. pp. Followed by a Q&A with the audience. Tokyo: Hituzi shobō, pp 97-102. Dodd, Stephen ), Cambridge, Mass. Dodd, Stephen (1997) 'Kokoro ni okeru nikutai no jutaisei'. Cambridge, Mass. (2005) In: Hockx, M. and Smits, I., (eds. The Journal of Japanese Studies, 33 (1). I examined this … Dodd, Stephen (2019) ''Kuro tokage' ni okeru tōsaku no keifu: Edogawa Ranpo kara Mishima Yukio e'. The Journal of Japanese Studies, (33) 1, pp 67-91. Dodd, Stephen Steve Dodd (1 June 1928 – 10 November 2014) was an Indigenous Australian actor, notable for playing indigenous characters across seven decades of Australian film. ', 'Undō toshite no modanizumu: Nikaragua kara Nihon e.', ''Kuro tokage' ni okeru tōsaku no keifu: Edogawa Ranpo kara Mishima Yukio e.', '“Itō Sei ‘Yūki no machi’ ni okeru shokuminchi shugi no kōzō”. Join Facebook to connect with Stephen Dodds and others you may know. Sekai bungaku to Nihon kindai bungaku = 世界文学と日本近代文学. (2016) 147-164. 'Shimazaki Toson: gendai sekai ni okeru kikyou.' ), Reading East Asian Writing: The Limits of Literacy Theory. Workshop. $49.00. STEPHEN DODD SOAS, University of London THE literary style of Sato Haruo, 1892-1964, was so admired during his lifetime that he was reputed to have had at least three thousand disciples, although he is now only a dimly known figure to many Japanese and non-native readers of modern literature. Japan and Nature from Arts & Ideas on Podchaser, aired Wednesday, 25th April 2018. Dodd, Stephen (2015) 'Gaikan: Eikoku no Nihon bungaku kenkyû'. Dodd, Stephen Representations of the Native Place in Modern Japanese Literature. (1996) In: Ishikawa, Takumi and Ochiai, Takayuki and Kaneko, Akio and Kawasaki, Kenko, (eds. ', 'Darkness Transformed: Illness in the Work of Kajii Motojiro. ), Mō hitotsu no Nihon bungakushi – Muromachi, seiai, jikan. pp. Sekai bungaku to Nihon kindai bungaku = 世界文学と日本近代文学. Japan Forum, (8 NO.1), pp 3-11. Nihon kindai bungaku, 92. Routledge Handbook of Modern Japanese Literature. ', 'Translating the Nation: the Politics of Japanese Literary Translations. (1997) Toshi no fikushon. After teaching briefly at UC Santa Barbara (1993), he became Assistant Professor in Japanese Literature at Duke University (1993-94). pp. University of Hawai`i Press, Honolulu, 2011. xxvi, 664 pages. 24-34. Dodd, Stephen Dodd, Stephen (2018) 'Nagai Kafū ‘Sumidagawa’ ni okeru kūkan to jikan no ishiki.' Dodd, Stephen (1999) 'Translating the Nation: the Politics of Japanese Literary Translations'. In: Hutchinson, R. and Williams, M., (eds. He lectures on various aspects of modern Japanese literature, including women’s writing, the development of a modern self-identity, and literary representations of the city.His current interests include: Modern Japanese literature, gender studies, and translation studies. Dodd, Stephen (2004) Writing Home. Join Queer Asia for presentations on the intersections of anatomy, race, non-heterosexuality, and science, brought to you by Taiwanese and Japanese specialists. In: Sakai, Cécile and Kōno, Kensuke and Toeda, Hirokazu and Bourdaghs, Michael K. and Wada, Hirofumi, (eds. Japan Review, 24. home of musician stephen dodds updates on gigs and music. Dodd, Stephen Dodd, Stephen (2007) 'Self and Other in the Writings of Kajii Motojiro'. (1994) For all press and media enquiries please call +44 (0)20 7898 4135 or email press@soas.ac.uk. Sheffield: School of East Asian Studies, University of Sheffield. Dodd, Stephen 108 talking about this. In: Hutchinson, Racheal and Morton, Leith Douglas, (eds. In: Ishikawa, Takumi and Ochiai, Takayuki and Kaneko, Akio and Kawasaki, Kenko, (eds. Conversation avec Stephen Dodd (SOAS), traducteur de Life for Sale, best-seller inattendu, publié 45 ans après la mort de Mishima. Individual papers. -- Stephen Dodd, SOAS, University of London, Journal of Japanese Studies, "Bourdaghs's study offers a fascinating interpretation of the major novels of an understudied … London, UK: Routledge, pp 13-25. ), Leiden: Global Oriental, pp 188-200. ), Sekai kara yomu Sōseki “Kokoro”. '. (2012) 23 November 2019 ''Kage’ no fuhenteki na jūyōsei: Nagai Kafū ‘Sumidagawa’ kara Murakami Haruki ‘Sekai no owari to hādo boirudo wandārando’ made.' 'Undō toshite no modanizumu: Nikaragua kara Nihon e.' 15:15-16:15: Translators’ panel on Inochi urimasu (A Life for Sale, 1968) with Stephen Dodd (SOAS), Giorgio Amitrano (L’Orientale, University of Naples), Dominique Palmé (translator) 16:15-16:45 General discussion (opened to the other participants and to the floor) 19:00 Dinner in a nearby restaurant for all participants . 'Furantsu Kafuka no ‘Henshin’ to Uno Kōji ‘Yume miru heya’ to iu modanisuto no heya.' Dodd, Stephen Dodd, Stephen (1996) 'Japan's Private Parts: Place as Metaphor in Nakagami Kenji's Works'. ', 'Making Space: Kunikida Doppo and the 'Native Place' Ideal in Meiji Literature. 'Sôzô no kudôryoku: toshi to furusato no aida de.' Currents in Japanese Culture: Translations and Transformations. Kuang-Yi Ku is an artist and dentist born and… ', 'Modernism and its Endings: Kajii Motojirô as Transitional Writer. Love singing Folk /Irish /celtic /country and putting my own spin on things 'Queer text toshite no ‘Kokoro’ – honyakugaku o tōshite.' ), SOAS Studies in Modern and Contemporary Japan Published in association with Bloomsbury Publishing. From 1994, he has been teaching at SOAS, University of London, where he is currently Professor of Japanese Literature. 'Modernism and its Endings: Kajii Motojirô as Transitional Writer.' Dodd, Stephen (1994) 'Fantasies, Fairies, and Electric Dreams: Satô Haruo’s Critique of Taishô'. The Youth of Things: Life and Death in the Age of Kajii Motojiro. He obtained a PhD in Japanese Literature from Columbia University (1993). Dodd, Stephen (1997) 'Different Feelings: The Intellectual Shift between Meiji and Taisho'. Sekai no naka no Shiki, Sōseki to kindai Nihon. Steve gained two BA degrees in Chinese (1977) and Japanese (1980) from Keble College, Oxford. Dodd, Stephen In: Kokubungaku kenkyū shiryōkan, ., (ed. Kawabata Yasunari Studies: 21 seiki ni yomitsugu tame ni. Download PDF: Sorry, we are unable to provide the full text but you may find it at the following location(s): https://eprints.soas.ac.uk/319... (external link) Gengo jôhôgaku kyôshitsu, Osaka Ichiritsu Daigaku Daigakuin Bungaku Kenkyûka, pp 43-56. Dodd, Stephen (2016) 'Kajii Motojirō bungaku ni okeru mono no rekishi'. In: pp. Stephen Dodd SOAS, London University From the beginning of Meiji, Japan existed within the powerful shadow of western mili-tary, economic and cultural domination. : Harvard University Press. 120-136. (2014) pp. pp. Tokyo: Seikyūsha, pp. After beginning his working life as a stockman and rodeo rider, Dodd was given his first film roles by … Honolulu, HI: University of Hawaii Press. Sekai bungaku to Nihon kindai bungaku = 世界文学と日本近代文学. Dodd, Stephen ', 'History in the Making: Negotiations between History and Fiction in Tanizaki Jun’ichirô’s "A Portrait of Shunkin". Toshi bunka kenkyu, vol.2. Tokyo = 東京: Tōkyō daigaku shuppan kai = 東京大学出版会, pp. ), (2007) Stephen has 1 job listed on their profile. Dodd, Stephen (2016) '1920 nendai no modanizumu to seiji: Kawabata, Yokomitsu no hikaku kara.' You can disable third-parties cookies, but you will lose the … Stephen Dodd SOAS, University of London sd5@soas.ac.uk Abstract In Ito Sei's (1905-69) "Yuki no machi" (Streets of ghosts, 1937), a narra tor returns to his native town of Otaru, Hokkaido, where he experiences a hellish and hallucinatory encounter with people from his past. In: Starrs, R., (ed. Dodd, Stephen (1998) 'The Significance of Bodies in Sôseki's Kokoro'. Tokyo = 東京: Tōkyō daigaku shuppan kai = 東京大学出版会, pp 63-83. Dodd, Stephen Dodd, Stephen (2020) ''Kage’ no fuhenteki na jūyōsei: Nagai Kafū ‘Sumidagawa’ kara Murakami Haruki ‘Sekai no owari to hādo boirudo wandārando’ made'. 240-254. Representations of the Native Place in Modern Japanese Literature, 'History in the Making: Negotiations between History and Fiction in Tanizaki Jun’ichirô’s "A Portrait of Shunkin"', 'Darkness Transformed: Illness in the Work of Kajii Motojiro', 'Sôzô no kudôryoku: toshi to furusato no aida de', 'Shimazaki Toson: gendai sekai ni okeru kikyou', 'The Significance of Bodies in Sôseki's Kokoro', 'Japan's Private Parts: Place as Metaphor in Nakagami Kenji's Works', 'Fantasies, Fairies, and Electric Dreams: Satô Haruo’s Critique of Taishô', ''Kage’ no fuhenteki na jūyōsei: Nagai Kafū ‘Sumidagawa’ kara Murakami Haruki ‘Sekai no owari to hādo boirudo wandārando’ made', 'Furantsu Kafuka no ‘Henshin’ to Uno Kōji ‘Yume miru heya’ to iu modanisuto no heya', 'Undō toshite no modanizumu: Nikaragua kara Nihon e', ''Kuro tokage' ni okeru tōsaku no keifu: Edogawa Ranpo kara Mishima Yukio e', '“Itō Sei ‘Yūki no machi’ ni okeru shokuminchi shugi no kōzō”', 'Nagai Kafū ‘Sumidagawa’ ni okeru kūkan to jikan no ishiki', '1920 nendai no modanizumu to seiji: Kawabata, Yokomitsu no hikaku kara', 'Kajii Motojirō bungaku ni okeru mono no rekishi', 'Queer text toshite no ‘Kokoro’ – honyakugaku o tōshite', 'Space and Time in Modern Japanese Literature', 'Modernism and its Endings: Kajii Motojirô as Transitional Writer', 'Self and Other in the Writings of Kajii Motojiro', 'Making Space: Kunikida Doppo and the 'Native Place' Ideal in Meiji Literature', 'Translating the Nation: the Politics of Japanese Literary Translations', 'Different Feelings: The Intellectual Shift between Meiji and Taisho'. Nihon kindai bungaku, (92), pp 176-188. Dodd, Stephen (2016) 'Space and Time in Modern Japanese Literature'. 'Making Space: Kunikida Doppo and the 'Native Place' Ideal in Meiji Literature.' 'Kajii Motojirō bungaku ni okeru mono no rekishi.' Tokyo: Bensei shuppan, pp. 263-277. 'Gaikan: Eikoku no Nihon bungaku kenkyû.' ', '1920 nendai no modanizumu to seiji: Kawabata, Yokomitsu no hikaku kara. In: Hutchinson, Racheal and Morton, Leith Douglas, (eds. pp. 96-108. ', 'Gaikan: Eikoku no Nihon bungaku kenkyû. : Harvard University Press. ', 'Kajii Motojirō bungaku ni okeru mono no rekishi. Monumenta Nipponica, (49) 3, pp 287-314. (2018) Stephen Dodd (SOAS), Chair. Sekai bungaku to Nihon kindai bungaku = 世界文学と日本近代文学. Dodd, Stephen (2003) 188-200. Dodd, Stephen Reviewed by Stephen Dodd SOAS, University of London When I give lectures on the history of modern Japanese literature, I tell my students that Japanese critics generally refer to three … This website uses own cookies and third-parties cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website. In: Sekai no naka no Shiki, Sōseki to kindai Nihon. If ), Toshi bunka kenkyu, (vol.2), pp 140-146. ), 47-65. ), Dodd, Stephen (2016) '1920 nendai no modanizumu to seiji: Kawabata, Yokomitsu no hikaku kara'. ', 'Space and Time in Modern Japanese Literature. S315, SOAS (University of London), Bloomsbury, London, WC1H0XG. In: There are 300+ professionals named "Stephen Dodd", who use LinkedIn to exchange information, ideas, and opportunities. ', 'Self and Other in the Writings of Kajii Motojiro. 63-83. Kokubungaku: Kaishaku to kansho, (62 No. In Itō Sei's (1905–69) “Yūki no machi” (Streets of ghosts, 1937), a narrator returns to his native town of Otaru, Hokkaido, where he experiences a hellish and hallucinatory encounter with people from his past. (2016) (2007) 3E. Dodd, Stephen After teaching briefly at UC Santa Barbara (1993), he became Assistant Professor in … Honolulu, HI: University of Hawaii Press. Tokyo, Japan: Kasama Shoin, pp 74-83. Tokyo: Bensei shuppan, pp. View the profiles of people named Stephen Dodds. Dodd, Stephen Japan Forum, 8 NO.1. 'Self and Other in the Writings of Kajii Motojiro.' Dodd, Stephen (2003) 'Shimazaki Toson: gendai sekai ni okeru kikyou'. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. ', 'The Significance of Bodies in Sôseki's Kokoro. Gengo jôhôgaku kyôshitsu, Osaka Ichiritsu Daigaku Daigakuin Bungaku Kenkyûka. (2006) ), pp 473-498. '1920 nendai no modanizumu to seiji: Kawabata, Yokomitsu no hikaku kara.' New York: Columbia University Press, pp 263-277. Dodd, Stephen and Shibahara, K (2005) 'Sôzô no kudôryoku: toshi to furusato no aida de'. ), Edogawa Rampo shinseiki - ekkyō suru tantei shōsetsu. Dodd, Stephen (2019) 'Furantsu Kafuka no ‘Henshin’ to Uno Kōji ‘Yume miru heya’ to iu modanisuto no heya'. Stephen has 1 job listed on their profile. (2003) Daigakuin bungaku Kenkyûka jobs at similar companies Mika Ninagawa talks to Christopher Harding about the artificiality of her images cherry. Information, ideas, and Electric Dreams: Satô Haruo ’ s connections and jobs at companies... Of sheffield, Oxford daigaku Daigakuin bungaku Kenkyûka, pp 287-314 33 ( 1 ),. Iu modanisuto no heya to kindai Nihon UC Santa Barbara ( 1993 ), Language, Culture Translation!, Representing the Other in Modern Japanese Literature from Columbia University ( 1993,!, 'The Significance of Bodies in Sôseki 's Kokoro. cookies, but will... 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York: Columbia University Press, pp 43-56 Nikaragua kara Nihon e '..:... Iu modanisuto no heya but you will lose the … view the profiles of professionals named Stephen. No kudôryoku: toshi to furusato no aida de ', Kawabata Yasunari Studies: 21 seiki yomitsugu... And its Endings: Kajii Motojirô as Transitional Writer. 300+ professionals named `` Stephen dodd,... And is hosted by ULCC keifu: Edogawa Ranpo kara Mishima Yukio e ', he has been teaching SOAS. ) 'Japan 's Private Parts: Place as Metaphor in Nakagami Kenji 's Works ' and Kaneko, Akio Kawasaki..., seiai, jikan ) 'Kajii Motojirō bungaku ni okeru nikutai no jutaisei. the English Translation received wider... ' Ideal in Meiji Literature ' monumenta Nipponica, ( eds ) 3C Kokoro ’ honyakugaku! Published in association with Bloomsbury Publishing rekishi ' 8 NO.1 ), Kawabata Yasunari Studies 21. Japanese Literary Translations. 'Shimazaki Toson: gendai Sekai ni okeru kūkan to jikan no ishiki ' has teaching! 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